When Newell Normand talks…everybody listens.
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Get ready to explore some of the world’s most perplexing health conditions with Dr. Normanie Ricks!
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Norman Chad is “Gambling Mad.” One part Jim Cramer from “Mad Money” and one part Howard Beale from “Network,” Chad maniacally and masterfully surveys gambling, sports and America, and personal crises.
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Eric Van Allen and Kenneth Shepard come together for a multi-part video game retrospective podcast. Normandy FM does episodic analysis of video games, starting with Bioware's Mass Effect series, going on to discuss other genres and studios. Tune in to the discussion and join in by playing along with us! Mass Effect | 51 Eps. Dragon Age | 47 Eps. Jade Empire | 5 Eps. The Last of Us | 16 Eps. Final Fantasy X | 23 Eps. Cyberpunk 2077 | 15 Eps. Nier | Ongoing Twitter: Normandy FM: @normandyfmsho ...
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La rédaction de France Bleu Normandie (Calvados et Orne) reçoit un invité à la une de l'actualité pour lui soumettre les questions que vous vous posez. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Lake Norman Baptist Church weekly sermon messages. Christ-Centered Teaching, Freedom to Worship, Real Community.
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Les journaux de la rédaction de France Bleu Normandie (Caen et Orne) Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Le jardinier de France Bleu Normandie distille ses conseils et répond à toutes vos questions. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Nono et Moumoune vous font découvrir un mot à travers leurs histoires. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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L'émission qui vous donne des bonnes idées de sortie pour votre week-end en Normandie. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Nos experts répondent à vos questions sur vos animaux.. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Chaque week-end, Xavier Luzuy partage avec vous sa passion de pêcheur. Il vous donne ses trucs et astuces pour réussir votre pêche en eau douce. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Welcome to "We Are Lake Norman," the podcast that's as irresistible as a sunny day by the lake! Join your host Ryan Webber as we dive headfirst into the heart of North Carolina's vibrant Lake Norman region, where we'll be reeling in the most captivating stories from some truly legendary locals. We're serving up a delicious slice of Lake Norman's history, culture, and unique experiences. Whether you're a seasoned local or just dipping your toes into the community, our podcast promises to deli ...
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Le journal de 18h de la rédaction de France Bleu Normandie (Caen et Orne) Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Le journal de 8h de la rédaction de France Bleu Normandie (Caen et Orne) Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Le journal de 9h de la rédaction de France Bleu Normandie (Caen et Orne) Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Le journal de 7h de la rédaction de France Bleu Normandie (Caen et Orne) Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Le coup de cœur des libraires de l'Eure et de la Seine Maritime. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Podcast by Norman
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All about Psychology!
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This is the first podcast I ever made hope yall like it
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Against All odds
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Norman Finkelstein's Official Podcast. Full video episodes on https://normanfinkelstein.substack.com.
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Mindfulness, awareness and shenanigans.
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Welcome to Norman Hamilton, where amazing things happen.
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諾曼共和國是一個全新的網路廣播節目 讓我們以人文藝術和科技作為主題每個禮拜邀請不一樣特別來賓 我的節目分享他們的故事 這是我們共和國廣播節目的預告 希望大家可以訂閱我們的 節目 Republic of Norman it's a new Chines podcast! talks about art, culture and our life.
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Welcome to West Church LKN! A message from Rev. Dr. Andrea Smith: West is a group of people that worship together, online or at Lake Norman High School, Mooresville, NC. 9 AM online service on Sundays, 10 AM in-person. If you come to West on a Sunday morning, you’ll find folks dressed in shorts and tee-shirts or athletic apparel, some coming straight from their soccer game. In winter, a pair of jeans and sweatshirt is common. At West, “all” means all people are welcome, and we actually live ...
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Mon Village Normand FB Normandie (Rouen) Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Unscripted, RAW conversations with Business Leaders and Marketing Pro's.
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Daily log for the next 365 days of life, business, and the things I’ve come to know. Cover art photo provided by Adam Frazier on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@galaxiez9
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Normandie nature sur France Bleu Normandie. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Why do they advertise cigarettes so much in the black community. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jacquline-norman/support
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Lars Brownworth, author of "Lost to the West" and creator of the "12 Byzantine Rulers" podcast presents "Norman Centuries", a podcast on the Normans. While popular Norman history focuses on the regions of France and England, Norman Centuries covers the lesser known Italian Normans as well. Visit us at http://NormanCenturies.com/
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Normand Lester recueille et analyse une somme phénoménale d'informations pour vous présenter cette série d'enquête et d'investigation. Saison 2 Partie 2 : Espionnage russe au Canada : d’une guerre froid à l’autre Partie 1 : L’énigme du docteur Bull et de ses supers canons. Un scientifique génial, qui a fait carrière ici au Québec, est assassiné à Bruxelles alors que des pièces destinées à la construction en Irak du plus gros canon de l'histoire sont saisies dans un port brumeux du nord de l' ...
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Histoire, patrimoine, livres, monuments, pour redécouvrir la Normandie ! Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Podcast éco friendly à déguster avec une bolée de cidre 🍺Par ici, on rencontre des Normands inspirants qui font briller notre région, par leur savoir faire où leur art.L'accessibilité aux personnes en situation de handicap et au cœur de la ligne éditoriale !Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Le meilleur du sport en Basse-Normandie à suivre ce week-end, c'est l'Agenda Sports signé Sylvain Letouzé.
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Le meilleur du sport en Haute-Normandie à suivre ce week-end, c'est l'Agenda Sports signé Sylvain Letouzé.
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Toute l’actualité du web en Normandie : les blogs, les sites internet de notre région ou qui en parlent. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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An off-the-cuff stream of Functional Programming ideas, skills, patterns, and news from Functional Programming expert Eric Normand of LispCast. Formerly known as Thoughts on Functional Programming.
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Welcome to the weekly Podcast from Dr. Norman Thomas. Drs. Norman and Debbie Thomas are the senior pastors of New Life Church International in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Discover more about them at www.normanthomas.org
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We at StayLakeNorman are giving you access to the best in class in our area. Discover where to eat, what to drink, and how to play in Lake Norman to have the ultimate Lake Norman Experience.
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Chaque jour, du lundi au vendredi les responsables des offices de tourisme de l'Orne et du Calvados vous donnent rendez-vous pour vous faire découvrir les principales manifestations à ne pas manquer. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Un p'tit coin d'Paradis en Normandie pour découvrir ou redécouvrir des lieux insolites, particuliers, chargés d'histoire. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Offres d'emploi et interview des acteurs de l'emploi en Normandie. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Les radios d'infos du CRIJ Haute-Normandie donnent des actu chaque semaine, des infos pratiques ou encore parlent de la vie des campus.
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What if the next big political scandal involved a person in a bear suit? Join me, Norman Chad, for a laugh-out-loud exploration of quirky news stories and political shenanigans on this episode of "Gambling Mad." We kick off with a tale of mistaken identity involving a supposed bear sighting that was, in fact, just a clever costume. From there, we t…
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In this episode of We Are Lake Norman, I sit down with Shawn Shrader, the owner of The Kilted Buffalo, a unique combination of barbershop and neighborhood pub that has been a local favorite since 2010. Shawn shares his journey from running restaurants to opening The Kilted Buffalo and reveals the creative, community-first approach that has helped h…
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Di Andrea Smith
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Dr. Tony Hampton is one of only just over 3,000 board certified obesity medicine specialists in the United States. He has a Master's in nutrition and functional medicine. He is passionate about removing barriers to health and equipping patients and his colleagues with the education and resources they need for success. He has authored the book: Fix …
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durée : 00:03:57 - Journal de 12h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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Le Grand Agenda Du Week-End
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durée : 01:45:34 - Le grand Agenda Du Week-End FB Normandie (Rouen)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:05:08 - Journal de 10h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:51:37 - France Bleu Au JardinDi France Bleu
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durée : 00:06:55 - Journal de 9h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:06:55 - Journal de 9h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:02:41 - Le Livre du Week-EndDi France Bleu
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durée : 00:07:02 - Journal de 8h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:07:02 - Journal de 8h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:03:04 - Eau DouceDi France Bleu
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durée : 00:06:39 - Journal de 7h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:06:39 - Journal de 7h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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New Orleans Sports Foundation's Super Bowl Kickoff & Honor's Luncheon (Full Show: 11/22/2024)
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On today's show, Newell Normand and Mike Hoss is broadcasting LIVE at the GNOSF's Super Bowl kickoff & Honor's Luncheon.Newell and Mike speak with:Mark Romig, New Orleans and Company & Super Bowl LIX PR Committee, Abby Jones, Director of Sales & Marketing at ASM Global,Mike Sawaya, President & CEO of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Tommy Cv…
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Newell Normand and Mike Hoss are broadcasting LIVE at the Caesar's Superdome for the New Orleans Sports Foundation's Super Bowl Kickoff & Honor's Luncheon. This hour, Newell and Mike speak with Walt Leger, President & CEO of New Orleans & Company, and Leah Brown, who's with Chevron and a part of Super Bowl LIX Host Committee.…
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Leah Brown, who's with Chevron and a part of Super Bowl LIX Host Committee, joins Newell and Mike Hoss at the Caesar's Superdome for the New Orleans Sports Foundation's Super Bowl Kickoff & Honor's Luncheon and explains what it takes to be an Ambassador to New Orleans.
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Walt Leger, President & CEO of New Orleans & Company, joins Newell and Mike Hoss at the Caesar's Superdome for the New Orleans Sports Foundation's Super Bowl Kickoff & Honor's Luncheon
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The NFL is "Inspriring Change" with local community organizations that support positive causes
Newell Normand and Mike Hoss are broadcasting LIVE at the Caesar's Superdome for the New Orleans Sports Foundation's Super Bowl Kickoff & Honor's Luncheon. This hour, Newell and Mike speak with Mike Sawaya, President & CEO of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, and Tommy Cvitanovich, who sits on the Board of Commissioners for the Louisiana Stad…
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The NFL is using its platform to support positive community organizations across the country.
Anna Isaacson, Senior Vice President of Social Responsibility for the NFL, joins Newell and Mike Hoss at the Caesar's Superdome for the New Orleans Sports Foundation's Super Bowl Kickoff & Honor's Luncheon and talks about how the NFL is taking initiatives to partner with community organizations supporting positive causes across the nation.…
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Mike Sawaya, President & CEO of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, joins Newell and Mike Hoss at the Caesar's Superdome for the New Orleans Sports Foundation's Super Bowl Kickoff & Honor's Luncheon and talk about the renovations taking place at the convention center, including developments along the River District.…
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Newell Normand and Mike Hoss are broadcasting LIVE at the Caesar's Superdome for the New Orleans Sports Foundation's Super Bowl Kickoff & Honor's Luncheon. This hour, Newell and Mike speak with Mark Romig, New Orleans and Company & Super Bowl LIX PR Committee, and Abby Jones, Director of Sales & Marketing at ASM Global.…
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durée : 00:05:03 - Journal de 18h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:05:03 - Journal de 18h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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Abby Jones, Director of Sales & Marketing at ASM Global, joins Newell and Mike Hoss at the Caesar's Superdome for the New Orleans Sports Foundation's Super Bowl kickoff & Honor's Luncheon and talks about how the Taylor Swift Eras Tour served as great preparation for hosting Super Bowl LIX.
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Mark Romig, New Orleans and Company & Super Bowl LIX PR Committee, joins Newell and Mike Hoss at the Caesar's Superdome for the New Orleans Sports Foundation's Super Bowl kickoff & Honor's Luncheon and discusses how social media influencers have forced New Orleans to change its strategy of how to tell their story to the world.…
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durée : 00:04:30 - Journal de 12h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:06:15 - Journal de 9h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:06:15 - Journal de 9h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:05:30 - L'invité de la matinale de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:09:47 - Journal de 8h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:09:47 - Journal de 8h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:07:55 - Journal de 7h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:07:55 - Journal de 7h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:06:56 - Journal de 6h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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Gov. Landry's tax plan isn't a "tax cut"; it's a "tax swap" (Full Show: 11/21/2024)
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On today's show, Newell talks about the latest out of Gov. Jeff Landry's special session on tax reform.Newell speaks with:Billy Nungesser, Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana,Chrishelle Stipe, Senior Manager, Health Promotion at the LA Public Health Institute,Rafael Goyeneche, President of the Metropolitan Crime Commission,Melvin Dussel with the Dawn …
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"Come for the beat. Leave the heat:" Bringing guns to public social events. This hour, Newell invites on Melvin Dussel with Dawn Busters Kiwanis Club, Metairie, to to talk about Dawn Busters Kiwanis Annual ...
This hour, Newell invites on Melvin Dussel with Dawn Busters Kiwanis Club, Metairie, to to talk about Dawn Busters Kiwanis Annual Turkey Fry, known as "the world's largest turkey fry," which is taking place on the Wednesday (11/27) before Thanksgiving. Then, Chief Anne Kirkpatrick, NOPD Superintendent, joins the Sheriff to discuss juveniles terrori…
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Chief Anne Kirkpatrick, NOPD Superintendent, joins the Sheriff to discuss juveniles terrorizing schools that led to closures, the deadly Second Line shootings in St. Roch, and urging the public to refrain from bringing guns to social events.
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Melvin Dussel with Dawn Busters Kiwanis Club, Metairie joins Newell to talk about Dawn Busters Kiwanis Annual Turkey Fry, known as "the world's largest turkey fry," which is taking place on the Wednesday (11/27) before Thanksgiving. You can order your turkey online today. All proceeds go to a good cause.…
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This hour, Newell brings on Rafael Goyeneche, President of the Metropolitan Crime Commission, to talk about how Constitutional Carry has impacted gun enforcement, the resignation of the head of the New Orleans District Attorney's Civil Rights Division, Emily Maw, and the recent proliferation of school threats by juveniles.…
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Rafael Goyeneche, President of the Metropolitan Crime Commission, joins the Sheriff to talk about the resignation of the head of the New Orleans District Attorney's Civil Rights Division, Emily Maw.
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Rafael Goyeneche, President of the Metropolitan Crime Commission joins the Sheriff to talk about how Constitutional Carry has impacted gun enforcement.
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durée : 00:06:24 - Journal de 18h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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durée : 00:06:24 - Journal de 18h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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This hour, Newell speaks with Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser about the latest out of Gov. Landry's special tax reform sesssion, Landry's commments about the Mid-Barataria Diversion Project, and the new George Rodrigue exhibit at the Cabildo. Then, Chrishelle Stipe, Senior Manager Health Promotion at the LA Public Health Institute, to talk abou…
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Today is "The Great American Smoke-Out!" Chrishelle Stipe, Senior Manager Health Promotion at the LA Public Health Institute, joins Newell to talk about all the burdens a smoking habit causes to not only physical health but personal lifestyle inconveniences and economic burdens.
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Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser joins Newell to talk about the latest out of Gov. Landry's special tax reform session, Landry's comments about the Mid-Barataria Diversion Project, the "Keep Louisiana Beautiful Regional Litter Summits," and the new George Rodrigue exhibit at the Cabildo.
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durée : 00:04:00 - Journal de 12h de France Bleu Normandie (14,61)Di France Bleu
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