The only capoeira podcast formed by natural selection. No idea is safe. Teaching advice, training tips, concepts, instruments, and Brazil news.
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We'd like to offer some congrats to a great friend and mentor, the newly-minted Mestre, Mago.Di Only The Strongest
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Varal presents an interesting/dumb thought experiment to the other two hosts, who, with minimal ridicule, manage to entertain the idea. Plus an important annoucement about the near future of the podcast.Di Only The Strongest
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We're delighted to welcome Kung Fu to the OTS mic today. He joins us from England at an ungodly hour to talk about how he got into capoeira, why he started his podcast, and how he'll continue with capoeira no matter what, even though osteoarthritis might limit his time in the roda. His podcast: The Life Capoeira…
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Hint: there's no clear answer. There's not even a clear answer on what the criteria should be. Instas of some of the people we mentioned: @simbastyle @harel_cenoura @noa.r.harari @estrelinha_tom @sapir_alegria @mestrejamaika @senzaladunga @mestragatabrava @mestre_amen_batuque @david_atl_bocao @m_cabecao_miami @danamamanmv @mtigresasdc…
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M. Amen's The Freedom Project: Azul fills us in on her recent, reinvigorating trip to a batizado in Texas. She talks about the importance of good music, the painful condescension of playing down to beginners, and why are there so many fewer female professors than male?…
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We discuss a joooooosee post from the subreddit about how capoeira should update itself. Bonzinho thinks the post misses the point entirely, Varal waffles in his usual manner, and Azul thinks we should punch more people in the face. Plus, the debut of a new segment: hot takes! The post:…
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We're delighted to be back!Di Only The Strongest
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Your wild capoeira stores here. Only The Strongest
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A look back on 2023 and a look ahead to 2024. Did we make good on our past resolutions? What's in store for the coming year?Di Only The Strongest
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We got weird shirts, unicorn mugs, awkward sayings, and the perfect gift for alienating a teen girl from her dad. Plus our unanimous best and worst capoeira-themed gifts of this year.Di Only The Strongest
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Prompted by a listener's email, we discuss emergency protocols when someone takes a meia lua to the noggin. Azul's interview on The Life Capoeira podcast Only The Strongest
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Join us as we muddle our way through whether we, as capoeiristas, have an obligation to be political activists. That's right, we're talking about Israel and Palestine, and we're just as lost, confused, and upset as you.Di Only The Strongest
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A (not so) spooky Halloween episode where we talk about what it takes to make a good Haunted Roda.Di Only The Strongest
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Take our quick survey! How can we best prepare ourselves for the violence in capoeira? How do we control our emotions instead of losing our cool?Di Only The Strongest
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Actually, The Caxixi Goes To The Left Of The Salad Fork, M'Lord - The Pros And Cons Of Etiquette
Etiquette in capoeira is like gravity - you can't see it but it rules everything. Use three berimbaus. Don't cross the instruments when you volta ao mundo. When you volta, make a completed circle. Wait to play by crouching down. Wait to play by standing up. Don't buy the game during a chorus. Only the buy the game during a chorus, never a verse.…
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Video here We battle about whether two capoeiristas who are way better than any of us are actually any good. Bonzinho says yes, Azul says maybe, and Varal says no because he can only speak from a place of deep envy.Di Only The Strongest
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Our recap of a very special batizado.Di Only The Strongest
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Good friend of the podcast Fome joins us to talk about returning to capoeira after a decade away. He tells us that it's hard, it's ridiculous, it smells bad, and it's wonderful to be back.Di Only The Strongest
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A mailbag episode. We talk about some great emails we got recently, especially one from a listener who's decided not to host batizados anymore. Bonus - a meal that would save you after 3 months in the Sahara.Di Only The Strongest
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Today we don our mining helmets, switch on our headlamps, and dig through the book Capoeira and Candomblé: Conformity and Resistance through Afro-Brazilian Experience by Floyd Merrell. There's some great stuff in here about the similarities between the two Afro-Brazilian philosophies and their history, but it does take some backbreaking labor to ge…
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The big one fifty! Some nice informal capoeira talk to fill out what we think are the best practices for capoeira. What side should your cord go on? What's the best dish at a churrasca? When training, should you go man bun or long hair don't care? Tuck your shirt or let it fly loose?Di Only The Strongest
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Azul has some important revelations about hand strikes in capoeira, which brings us to a nice discussion contrasting old school and new school types of capoeira. We got stuff for you on motivation, energy, rule-following, loyalty, special snowflakes, and boogers.Di Only The Strongest
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Video of Alex and Cobra Mansa Here How to Watch a Roda. A famous mestre who happens to be very old plays a less-famous Insta star who happens to be pretty young, and it is a delight to watch. There's a lot to dig into -- the stages of evolution of the game, the give and take, the theater, and Cobra Mansa's total command of capoeira.…
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Bonzinho fed a couple capoeira-related prompts into ChatGPT and got some interesting things back. We go through some "common complaints about capoeira" as defined by the AI to see if they're legit.Di Only The Strongest
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Azul and Bonzinho hosted Mestre Silvinho for a workshop and they fill us in on how it went. And Bonzinho has been doing a lot of flipping and thinking, which thoughts he wants to share. Azul and Varal respond with a nice chorus of "I told you so."Di Only The Strongest
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A guide to which acrobatics are worth your time to try and learn. Some moves look great but they take way too much work to achieve. And some moves can be pretty easy, but they're undignified. Where's the sweet spot between the work required and the result? Hint: steer clear of armada dupla.Di Only The Strongest
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When did you start to find your groove in capoeira? How do you keep your wrists healthy? What are the best ways to develop vision in your game? The internet asked and, unsolicited, we answered.Di Only The Strongest
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Can other martial artists get capoeira to work for them in a self-defense situation? Some youtubers are asking that question, and we're here to answer (even if we think that's not really the right question to be asking in the first place). Sensei Seth. Kevin Lee.…
continue reading How to Watch a Roda! A listener-submitted video proves difficult to diagnose. Who are these people? Is this game aggressive? Is it okay for a small person to wheelbarrow a big person into an atabaque? The one thing we all agree on is that this game is a blast to watch.…
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We quickly recap an event we all attended, recording in between the actual batizado and dinner. Azul's hair was still wet from the shower, Varal had just hastily brushed his teeth, and Bonzinho was perfectly ready because he opted not to shower since that would wash away the axé.Di Only The Strongest
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Nickname Trauma w/ Desconfiado (Singing for Survival x OTS)
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1:13:01Desconfiado graciously rejoins us today to talk about a problem he has with nicknames, and also the dark secret around his own nickname. Then we move on the conundrum that independent schools find themselves in - it's nice to run things your own way, but you gotta do everything yourself. A larger group gets you perks but not autonomy; what to do?…
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Azul and Bonzinho are back from a great event and live podcast panel. They recap everything for Varal, who listens with increasing jealousy. Art exhibits, rodas, Hollywood. Plus the live podcast discussion alongside two other great capoeira podcasts, linked below. Singing For Survival…
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We retry some things we didn't do so well before. Some talk of how best to train au, and lots of talk about how to keep your au from getting stale.Di Only The Strongest
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A free association of thoughts and feelings about the new year. Capoeira resolutions, regular resolutions, and a morsel of existential angst.Di Only The Strongest
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The podcast For the Love of Language joins us for a special crossover mashup episode. They school us on how to make learning Portuguese easier, how oral history impacts capoeira, and whether it's cool to sing songs that aren't in Portuguese. Stacie and EJ are both linguists, capoeiristas, former students of Azul's, and delightful. Find them here: h…
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For students, the secret strategies by which your teacher tests your loyalty. For teachers, our top tips to ensure that you never sign up another student.Di Only The Strongest
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We talk starting capoeira when you're past your salad days and how to achieve a few age-appropriate acrobatics. Then we move along to discussing what is sacred in capoeira. Everyone's answer is a little bit different, but why does it have to cause so much strife?Di Only The Strongest
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A Banana For Your Banana Tree
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1:00:49Lotta stuff today. Bonzinho creates a handstand protocol for Varal to follow. Azul buys the game and declines to play when injured. Varal learns how to fight even when he doesn't have a tambourine. The Bonz protocol for all you handstanders (rest at least 1 min in between each): 1 min - regular handstands, straight, tuck, split leg 1 min - wrist ro…
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Azul quizzes Bonzinho and Varal about their spiritual beliefs. Do you have to be spiritual to train capoeira? Does training capoeira make you spiritual? Why does Azul remember a handspin in LA in 2012 more clearly than the births of her children? Plus, a quick update on cannibalism.Di Only The Strongest
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Whistling And With Sticks - The Murky Origins Of Capoeira
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1:05:15Varal's book Varal steps up to the lectern to talk about where capoeira comes from, why whistling is gang behavior, and why we can't decide whether capoeira even comes from Brazil.Di Only The Strongest
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The Ghost In Bonzinho's Basement - AMA Episode
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1:06:40Ask Me Anything! You had questions, we have answers.Di Only The Strongest
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Here's the video (not required viewing, but still interesting). We're back! After a refreshing summer break we're ready to bloviate about capoeira once again. Today we're talking competitions and the sort of capoeira they promote. Azul thinks the games lack deception, Boninzho thinks a player's elasticity is impo…
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Find out what capoeira means today, and where it's at re self-respect, money, and gatekeeping. Bonzinho says no more music in capoeira, ever. Varal says there's more Portuguese in capoeira than jiujitsu. Azul respects the shit out of herself, and capoeira, and you too.Di Only The Strongest
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Our guide to the upcoming Brazilian 2022 election. All the madness of a US election but with that Brazilian twist. Fake investigations, real investigations, fake elections, real elections, fake covid, real peacock attacks...the list goes on.Di Only The Strongest
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Our friend and special guest Quebra Nos joins us to air some unpopular opinions. We debate whether teachers matter, if capoeira should have even more subdivisions, whose fault it is when you don't play at the batizado, and whether Bimba's sequences are still relevant.Di Only The Strongest
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All tunes all day today. Azul gives us a crash course on learning to sing and play the instruments (even if you fear and loath the music, like Varal). Then we hash out the top 3 best and worst capoeira songs. Spoiler: stop singing O Sim Sim Sim. Send It with OTS…
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Azul and Bonzinho are opening a studio! Their studio in Parker, CO opens in June 2022. We talk about their hopes and dreams, their lack of affiliation, whether their students will wear cords, their controversial motto, and what the heck is a ronin anyhow. https://ronincapoeira.comDi Only The Strongest
continue reading How To Watch A Roda returns. A dense game that seems to have just about everything. Attacks, counterattacks, playfulness, malicia, fairness, and even a little dash of positive gender dynamics. Help us answer the question all of capoeira youtube is asking: what's her name?…
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To keep the universe in balance, we're complimenting our previous episode about beginners with one about creaky knees and incontinence. We ponder the idea of aging gracefully in capoeira, and try to grow out of the desire to look cool. It's gotta happen sometime, and that time is when Azul waves bye-bye to ponte forever.…
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Everything you need to know to get started in capoeira. How to find classes, what to expect when you show up, how to make friends and destroy enemies, etc. Bonzinho optimistically suggests trying a couple different studios in your area, Azul is confident the community will support you, and Varal is overly concerned with sleazy instructors for some …
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