We help you find what you want to watch in this age of too-much-TV. Episodic reviews, industry trends discussions, recommendations, and so much more. Hosted by Diego (@dreyesbo), Sarah (@BigDamnTVGeek), and Laura (@leleana).
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#19 - Series Finale
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1:38:18It's a series finale about series finales! Laura, Sarah and Diego gather together one last time to discuss their favorite series finale tropes, and notable series finales.They do so by following two time-tested series finales tropes: returning characters (welcome back, Sarah!) and going long (it's a 90 minute episode!).SPOILERS for all series final…
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Laura and Diego get right into discussing the summer's unexpected TV sensation, Stranger Things. Then they delve deep into the first two, excellent, episodes of You're the Worst. Plus, Peak TV Trophies!Di Peak TV Podcast
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