A three minute inspritational Torah thought on an aliya of the parsha with Rav Reuven Taragin of Yeshivat Hakotel. It is available on his facebook page, on whatsapp (https://chat.whatsapp.com/BVxP1RJFujVEtMDkTpWWjL) and as a podcast (see apps below).
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Yitro: The Good and The Bad
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Beshalach- Shirah For EVERYTHING
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Chayei Sarah- Appreciating Life From Death
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May It Be For The Good! A Pre Election (Non-Political) Message
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Noach- The Sins of Two Generations
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True Simcha- What We Should Aim For on Sukkot (178)
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How Straight is Beautiful (2:27)
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Why Malchiyot (Not Mentioned by the Torah) Are So Prominent on Rosh Hashana (1:134)
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Nitzavim/Selichot- Taking A Stance (1:133)
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1:132- Ki Tavo- Why To Be Happy
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Ki Teitzeh- Thinking Long Term (1:131)
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Shoftim- Being Like The Tree of the Field (1:130)
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Re'eh- Child of God- A Christian or Jewish Notion? (1:129)
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Eikev- What To Fear (1:128)
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Va'etchanan/Nachamu- How We Find Nachamah (1:127)
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Devarim- What We Need To Hear (1:126)
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Masei- The Uniqueness of Our Journey (1:125)
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Matot- Just Saying (1:124)
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Pinchas- Feeling What He Feels (1:123)
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Balak- What We See (1:122- Overview)
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Chukat- The Importance of Maximizing Opportunities (1:122)
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Korach- Either Up or Down (1:121- Overview)
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Shelach- The Implications of Low Self Esteem (1:120- Overview)
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Bahalotcha- Needing Newness (1:119- Overview)
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Naso: Rising Up (2:118)
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Bamidbar- How We Count (2:117- Overview)
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Bechukotai: As Long As We Follow (2:116- Overview)
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Bahar- Where It All Comes From (2:115- Overview)
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Emor- What The Parsha is Saying (1:114)
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Kedoshim- Living A Life Worth Living (2:113- Overview)
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Acharei Mot- Learning From Death To Value Life (2:112)
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Metzora- The Roots of Lashon Hara (2:111)
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Tazria- Our Highs and Lows (2:110- Overview)
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Shemini- Our Wings To Fly (2:109- Personal Growth) (In memory of Rav Chaim Kanievsky)
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Shemini- Aftermath of the Fall (2:108- Overview) (In memory of Rav Chaim Kanievsky Ztvk"l)
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Tzav- The Fire (2:107- Personal Growth)
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Tzav- The Korbanot and Inaguration of Parshat Tzav (2:106- Overview)
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Vayikra: Wanting To Do (2:105)
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Vayikra- Real Relationships (2:104)
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The Message of Korbanot (2:103- Overview)
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Pekuday- Our Metal (2:102- Overview)
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Vayakhel- When We Are All Together (2:101- Overview)
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Ki Tisa- What We Should Learn From Chet Ha'egel (2:100- Personal Growth)
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Ki Tisa- Why Didn't They Just Appoint Aharon To Replace Moshe? (2:99- Overview)
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Tetzaveh- Constancy, Consistency, and Continuum- How We Build and Sustain a Kesher With Hashem (2:98)
Tetzaveh- Constancy, Consistency, and Continuum- How We Build and Sustain a Kesher With Hashem (2:98)
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Tetzaveh- From Presence to All Present (2:97- Overview)
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Teruma- The Inside (Marriage and Family- 96)
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Teruma- For Heaven's Sake (2:95- Personal Growth)
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Teruma: The Relevance of the Parshiyot Hamishkan (2:94- Overview)
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Mishpatim- Failure in Perspective (2:93- Marriage)
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