Good Seeds Host Samuel Andrews plants seeds of Spiritual Growth in your life.
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It is only by the Grace that Jesus is that we can lead a Godly life of accomplishments.
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Read -2 Corinthians 12:8-9 Remember when you are weak Christ is strong!
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Author of How To Find A Good Mentor “ How to know which mentor candidates to avoid” Samuel Andrews gives this message based on Proverbs 3:3-6
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Philippians 4:5-9 Colossians 3:1 Make room for the new Blessings God wants to give you! Good Seeds with Samuel Andrews Author of How To Find A Good Mentor “How to know which mentor candidates to run from!” Only available on Kindle Readers!
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Who are you comparing your yourself too? What would you give an exchange for your soul?
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Do you just pray to God for his blessings?
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The Value of Gods Word
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Its time more than ever to get back to Gods words found only in the Bible.
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Is your focus on Christ or politics ? Are you fighting God saving you ?
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Can you be despised ? Are you addicted to approval?
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Host Samuel --Did you know that what you put in your spirit matters?
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Good Seeds host Samuel Andrews leads you in the right direction.
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A little advice for positivity.
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Forgiving the hard to forgive.
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The Added Power of John 3:16- Why don't you believe that you are loved?
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