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secrets in plain sight

secrets in plain sight

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Walked in many shoes, different hats, and all in with raw faith and passion for better days to come. Good foods, good tips, no lies about motivation that don’t apply to normal people. We are infinite love, that’s the only truth, everything else is an illusion.
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What is your spiritual path like? Some folks don't think they have one, but we all do. Why is it that one way of going makes someone miserable while others going the same way seem so happy? Religion is like underwear: what works well for one person might be totally inappropriate for someone else. No preaching or "follow my way" here, but a way to find the doors and windows that you might like to peek through in finding your own path. All spiritual paths are welcome here, although some might ...
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When I was first getting serious about the Craft, I felt bewildered by how expensive certain tools can be. And so I asked the people who were teaching me what I should do. They pointed out what gives tools their power, and showed me the real priorities. While some chalices can sell for as much as a small car, my first chalice came for less than a d…
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How do you deal with the results of divination? Whether it is something you've done or something that somebody did for you, how will you use the results? While most of us know better than to risk the family fortune on the advice of the horoscope printed in today's newspaper, Many people do make use of divination. The question is: How do you know th…
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While many will think of “Star Wars” if I mention 'the dark side”, some of us will think in terms of dabblers, wanna-be's and others who get in over their heads when messing with the spiritual. For that reason, much of initial training and a respectable portion of even advanced learning is devotes to knowing where and what the safe boundaries are. …
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So often, I hear people complain that there are so many primer-level books in The Craft, but so few advanced-level books. There are answers to that. I can think of several people I consider to be highly advanced and people I would see for instruction and advice. Ask any of them what they are up to, and they will talk about what they are learning. A…
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Just about everyone can think of something that they used to do and wishes they could do it again. This is just as true in spiritual pursuits as in anything else. I recently realized that I had been away from the Tarot for too long, and wanted to get back into it. My cards and my books had all “disappeared” in the sudden move, and I had to begin ag…
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Prayer has become a subject of much confusion. At one extreme you'll find the devout, including monks and nuns as well as lay people, At the other extreme are the people who only claim to pray and the people who use prayer as an alternative to taking action. Typical examples are the politician offering “thoughts and prayers” to the victims of a maj…
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Meditation is a subject that is much too “large” to do justice in one episode, but I can give you an overview which might help – especially if you are beginning, or feel like you are beginning. There are more meditation techniques and traditions that can be listed here, but there are some basic principles that are just about universal. Mediation is…
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Divination can be a powerful tool, if it is used wisely. To begin with, it is necessary to understand the difference between divination and so-called fortune-telling. Divination is a way to focus your instincts on a question and see what shadows we can see of things which are preparing be. Unlike so-called “fortune telling”, you remain in control a…
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No subject creates more assumptions, presumptions, pronouncements, and avoidance reactions than death. When someone dies, there is usually a funeral which will have any of several possible functions, ranging from mourning someone's death to celebrating someone's life. But when it's your funeral, you might not be there, and we need to focus on what …
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Bullying is an epidemic. It can happen on a kindergarten playground, a workplace, on the internet, or any other place you can imagine. Bullies can be schoolchildren, senior citizen, or anyone else in between. They can be any gender, race, religion or ethnicity. While some think of bullying in terms of fists in the schoolyard, bullying can also be v…
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People make all kinds of comments about religion and religious groups, whether you are talking about a major church, a Hindu ashram, a Wiccan coven, or any other you can list. While much is said about groups which have problems, most of them do not have such problems. Nevertheless, even if the problem is only one percent, how can you recognize that…
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Christmas and New Year's Day are two holidays only a few days apart. In fact, in some traditions, Christmas is celebrated over a long enough period that New Year's Day is actually within the twelve days of Christmas. And Christmas and New Year's Day share thoughts of wishing and resolution. Even if you're mature enough not to believe in Santa Claus…
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When you see a Christian cringe when they hear someone wish them “happy holidays”, the fact is that this time of year has quite a number of holidays. Most of those holidays have religious or spiritual implications, and they are not all Christian or secular. It is the time of the winter solstice, when the sun begins its return. Wiccans and a number …
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One of the most common things people want to do, and actually do, spiritually is to reach out across the bridge to those who have crossed over that bridge through death. No matter what we are taught, it happens. What is more, they reach out to us, and we're not stopping them. The question is not whether it is right or wrong, but being in control, r…
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Where religion or spirituality is concerned, the first thing it needs to do is WORK. People who don't see it working quit trying – either they go through the motions to be socially acceptable, or they simply quit.. The problem is , so many of those who try to tell us of how The Divine (by whatever name) is active in our lives tend to speak of what …
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One of the first things you need on your spiritual journey is improving your communication with The Divine, regardless of how the name or names you associate with The Divine. Some people may think that they have never communicated with The Divine, while others are considered to be advanced. While beginners usually know that they are beginners, the …
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The fact that I was away from my keyboard and microphone does not mean that I didn't have my eyes open. And, over the past year, one issue seemed most apparent, and it is the same issue which I addressed in my very first podcast: “Why can't we get along?” It's at least as relevant an issue today as it was in April of 2006. Inn fact, for me the ques…
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I've been away for a while, and it has been a difficult journey. But, I am back, and I'm ready to be back. What I went through will certainly contribute to the content of future episodes, but for this one I'm going to talk about the difficult journey itself, so you'll know what happened and you'll have some idea of what happened and what it might c…
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This episode is one for everyone on any path that is spiritual, because it applies to everyone. Simply put, spirit happens. And so, I find something that all can use and many need. To say nothing of it being something that might have been taken from you, perhaps even deliberately. And so you knock on the door. It opens. Do you know that it is opene…
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When you were a little child, your imagination was free, and so was your mind! Do you remember an invisible friend, knowing about something that you had no way of knowing about, or seeing things in a way others did not? Many of us did, and others of us had those memories driven from us by parents, teachers, other kids, or others. And, some of us mi…
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Looking at the people who have become the news lately, I cannot help but wonder whom they really answer to, and why. Most people consider themselves accountable to some person, some deity, or some group - or a combination, depending on what their life is like. But what about those who don't seem to be accountable to anyone? Actually, there is a sim…
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It's that time of year when some people worry if they'll offend others with a seasonal greeting that might hint at a possible religious or ethnic affiliation, and others insist ion feeling offended if such a greeting is not their kind of greeting. And so many of the rest of us are just happy that someone wishes us well, including in their own terms…
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Some questions should not have to be asked! As an example, I have ridden on many busses and have never asked the bus driver if he or she were sober! Some issues should be presumed resolved by the time you're involved. The recent special election in Alabama is an example of questions being asked which should have never needed asking. Standards might…
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There is a secret ingredient to prayer, and it can often make a major difference! It not only helps you to pray, it makes it flow better. And, it helps you to know what you need to do. Unlike the "secret ingredients" mentioned in advertising, which usually prove to be standard components which everyone uses, this one is a genuine "secret in plain s…
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I've spoken about prayer in the last few episodes, and that leaves us with one question. The problem is, the question is so obvious that some don't even see it as a question. Very simply: to whom should you address your prayers? And some other questions would follow. For instance, if what works for me doesn't work for you, or vice versa, does that …
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We've spent a fair amount of time discussing prayer in the last couple of episodes, and not flatteringly in the case of some who seem to mis-use or actually avoid real prayer. It's time to see how prayer can actually be made to work, and work effectively! To begin with, understand that praying for what you need is not greed, but also know that pray…
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With every major tragedy on the news, especially storms and mass shootings, many politicians and others say that the victims have their "thoughts and prayers". I often wonder if their "thoughts and prayers" are a euphemism for doing nothing. But, people who want to do something can transform genuine thoughts and prayers into powerful action! And, i…
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We call ourselves spiritual, and/or magickal, and/or religious. Yet even the best of us is getting too accustomed to the continuing wave of gun violence. Here in the Philadelphia area, part of the routine is to turn on the morning news to learn who got shot last night. And then, there are the mass shootings in which any number from a dozen to sever…
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Most of us understand manners and common courtesy in dealing with our fellow mortals in any number of situations, whether it's in an elementary school classroom, a corporate boardroom, or anywhere ale you can imagine. But what about dealing with The Divine, or The Departed? And what about deities or departed ones who are not your own? And what abou…
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At Samhaintide, the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. Many consider Samhaintide to be the time beginning eight days before and ending eight days after Samhain. It does not mean that the veil is ever impenetrable, but this is when it is easiest for us to reach through to them, and for them to reach through to us. And, they remember us and …
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A Facebook friend of mine has been posting some spectacular photos of sacred sites in the UK where she lives, and I notice that many of them have pre-Christian roots. Yes, they were sacred before they were Christian. What is more, the people in charge of those sites appear to recognize and respect that! In much of the rest of the world, where the o…
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Hate distracts, and sometimes throws us off-schedule. Yet again, someone accused me of hate, when the truth is that I only hate hate. And so, something about a special blessing dating back to our most ancient ancestors and available at your fingertips today will have to be next week. It is a proven fact that hate is wasteful. Even ignoring the acti…
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Protests have been a part of our lives almost since the invention of the opinion. But to be effective, the nature of the protest must be expressed in a way that those seeing the protest will understand. The first protest which I personally instigated was intentionally subtle, but those who recognized what was going on needed only a once-sentence ju…
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People talk about "church and state", but there are much more than churches involved. And, it is an issue that has been there since the first existence of organized religion within the borders of a secular state. But, it got more complicated. Complications began when people tried to follow the same religion in different places which had their own h…
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The history of a people can be conspicuous either by its overabundance or its absence. We know only too well how history can be embellished, especially when there are significant characters such as Moses, Jesus, George Washington or Elvis. But then there are those which seem to "disappear," either because an oral tradition never got written down, o…
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From time to time, I've heard of some person being described as "a real one". At the same time, we see people every day who claim to be one thing or another, or act as if they were. Whether you are talking about a security guard who acts as if they were a police officer, an "open carry" advocate dressed and armed as if he or she were a soldier, or …
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For some, history is taught with tales and folklore, sometimes seeming so full of lore, superstition and even fairies that it loses credibility. For others, history is a series of lists of names, places and dates that offer no emotion or feeling. Both leave much to be desired. Whether or not George Washington chopped down his father's cherry tree o…
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In high school, I recall being subjected to lectures on the subject of "secret societies", whatever they were. Apparently, they were deep, dark and deadly. But except for a couple of honoraries and a few church groups, we didn't know who they might be. And no, I get to see tabloids telling about conspiracies ranging from the killing of John Kennedy…
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One of the bigger challenges of any historical expedition, whether in a library or on-site, is the fact that human history is created and recorded by humans. Not only that, but much of history is dominated by the viewpoint of the people who considered themselves to be the winners. You can imagine the surprise that someone of Norse heritage might ha…
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I accepted my own challenge, and have taken on the task of learning what I can about Glastonbury and its legends, beginning with Joseph of Arimathea and expanding toward Arthur. As with any expedition, I have some idea of where I'm going and I have some idea of what I am looking for, but I know to keep my eyes open as doors may open along the way. …
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We're back, after hopefully winning some battles concerning health and hired help. Some aspects of being a "senior citizen" are not fun! And we're starting off this new round with something that everyone can get into! As weapons go, perhaps none is more powerful than truth. Even the worst fanatics get forced to face some truth! And we have an oppor…
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Unless you happen to be a monk or nun living in highly cloistered isolation, dealing with the world can be a real challenge. The divisiveness being created among people for various reasons makes it even more so. And, such challenges in daily life are among the basic reasons for needing religion and spirituality. Regardless of their name, nature or …
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A comedy stunt by comedienne Kathy Griffin brought out a point worth sharing. Many people, including myself, did not like the supposed humor in a skit using what was supposedly the severed head of Donald Trunp. And this is in spite of some of the supposed humor aimed at us. I also could not stomach the fact that Donald Trump invited Ted Nugent to t…
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Like in secular education, your spiritual learning begins with learning a broad and general range of topics. As you grow, you become more focused in certain areas, especially those where you've discovered interest or ability. Eventually, you might become known for particular abilities in certain areas. Everyone has particular talents, and so do you…
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You may have noticed lately the collection of "alternative facts" which some politicians are using in place of actual history. While claims made by politicians about historical figures can muddle up our mundane lives, similar claims can have an even worse effect in our spiritual lives. It can be said that at the heart of any legend is a kernel of t…
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Is something coming? Or is it here? Do we wait for it, do we enjoy it, or do we enjoy what we have and anticipate even more? There is much anticipation in most spiritual traditions, looking forward to what is coming. Or is it already here? Some among the followers of the Norse tradition feel that Ragnarok and Baldur's return have happened, while ot…
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If you see or hear something that others do not, or if you have a significant dream, who are the ones who are communicating with you, and what does it mean? It's a question which most of us have at times in our lives and for some of us, it nags us almost constantly. Following the death of a loved one, a series of very vivid dreams concerning that l…
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What is the difference between your friend who has a vision of a goddess or an angel, and the TV preacher who claims that his god tolls him to tell you to support a particular politician? Quite a lot, probably, beginning with the fact that real visions do not come to support partisan agendas. People can and do see, hear and feel things from the spi…
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Prayer is just possibly the most powerful thing you can do in working with your deities. No matter the name, number, or gender, deities like to receive prayer, and they do respond. Prayer can be corporate, such as in a group. But it can also be alone, sometimes solitary and sometimes even absolutely secret. And, of course, what you pray is between …
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