Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
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St. Paul Lutheran Church of Villa Park, Illinois, welcomes everyone -- we share our sermons with those who cannot attend or who just want to hear it again.
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St. Paul Lutheran Church
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St. Paul Lutheran Church - Reed City, MI
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Attention-grabbing headlines and a parable overflowing with manure provide the backdrop for Jesus’ teaching rooted in divine mercy and judgment. Our response is simple: listen and repent.Di Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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Lent Midweek 2Di Vicar David Krueger
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[Machine transcription] God grant us his grace and peace. Throughout all of Holy Week, our Lord Jesus had been going back and forth between Jerusalem and Bethany, where he lodged in the house of his friend Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha. So in like manner, after that last supper, which became the first Lord’s Supper, he was on his way bac…
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus. Amen. Dear saints, our Lord Jesus has set his face to Jerusalem, and he’s headed that way. He starts in Galilee, and he’s gone down south. But the text in Luke 13, we find him in Perea. That’s the area where John the Baptist was baptizing; that’s on the east side of the Jordan. It’s the area where Elija…
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Second Sunday in LentDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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As humans, it's not always easy keeping promises, but we have a God that keeps God's promises. We have the reassurance that Jesus will embrace us time and time again, longing to gather us all together, as a mother hen gathers her brood.Di Vicar Nicholas Breining
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Lent Midweek 1Di Rev. Ross Davis
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We enter the season of Lent as Jesus enters the wilderness to be tested by the Devil. There is nothing "standard" about this test, which reveals Jesus' commitment to God's will for our sake.Di Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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First Sunday in LentDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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[Machine transcription] Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted by the devil. You may be seated. In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear Saints, we have this most important text today, and especially you children. I want to make sure all the children can see me because …
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Ash WednesdayDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear saints, tonight we enter into the holy season of fasting that we call Lent. And I want us to consider this tonight: what Lent is not. Lent is not pretending like Jesus hasn’t yet died on the cross and risen from the dead. I think there’s a danger that sometimes we think of Lent in this way an…
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The Transfiguration of Our LordDi Rev. Robert E. LeBlanc
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus. Amen. There he was. Standing on that high place with many of the people that he had been sent to serve, gathered below him. The end was drawing near, even though it felt like the next step would be in loneliness. God promised him that he would always be with him. Then there were those moments of encoura…
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When we receive ashes on our foreheads, it helps us remember how precious our time on earth is and to be present with the people in our lives. Most importantly, the ashes remind us of the eternal life awaiting us through Jesus Christ.Di Vicar Nicholas Breining
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Sometimes, like Peter, we want to build a dwelling or walls to fortify keeping things the way they are, but Jesus shows us that we must descend the mountain and be willing to transform and grow in our ministry and lives.Di Vicar Nicholas Breining
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus. Amen. Dear saints, in my reading of things, I think the devil has three generally different tactics for attacking us, three different directions that he tries to get at us. If you could think of your heart like a house, he’s like a thief trying to break into the house, and he first will try the front do…
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Seventh Sunday after EpiphanyDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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The Good News can feel like bad advice, such as Jesus' encouraging us to love our enemies and those who harm us. It doesn't get us ahead in the world, but it is an opportunity to witness the Kingdom of God in the meantime.Di Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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Sixth Sunday after EpiphanyDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus. Amen. Dear saints, our Lord Jesus is going to contrast for us this morning, and this is, in fact, hard work that he’s doing in our hearts. He’s going to contrast for us what the good life is versus what the blessed life is. Now, we all have, in our own minds and hearts and conscience, a picture of the g…
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Jesus comes down from the mountain to be at the same level with the disciples and the gathered crowd, and he expresses his solidarity and blessings for the poor and oppressed with a warning to the rich.Di Vicar Nicholas Breining
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Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus. Amen. Dear Saints, we have two examples in the readings this morning of a terrified conscience, and we want to think about that—what that means also for us. The first is Saint Peter, who was a disciple of Jesus already, but Jesus had released him, and James and John, back to their fishing for a time unt…
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As Jesus calls the first disciples, he invites them to take on more than they can handle, but in community with God and each other, they will be prepared for all that lies ahead.Di Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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[Machine transcription] In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Well, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, maybe you’re thinking deja vu. If you’re thinking that you’ve recently heard today’s gospel lesson, you would be correct. Six weeks ago, the first Sunday after Christmas, we had this exact text with a few verse…
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The Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our LordDi Rev. Ross Davis
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Anna and Simeon teach us how to listen to the Holy Spirit by waiting with patience and dedication for the Lord's will in our lives, and in doing so, a process of refinement occurs, bringing us closer to God and our fellow humans.Di Vicar Nicholas Breining
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St Titus, Pastor and ConfessorDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Jesus reveals his mission statement as he reads from the scroll of Isaiah, words rooted in liberation and justice. Led by the Spirit, the mission we share in Christ’s name remains unchanged in an ever-changing world.Di Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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Second Sunday after EpiphanyDi Rev. Ross Davis
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The Baptism of Our LordDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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The Epiphany of Our LordDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Second Sunday of ChristmasDi Vicar David Krueger
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First Sunday of ChristmasDi Rev. Robert E. LeBlanc
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Christmas DayDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Christmas EveDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Fourth Sunday in AdventDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Third Sunday in AdventDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Advent Midweek 2Di Vicar David Krueger
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Second Sunday in AdventDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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First Sunday in AdventDi Rev. Robert E. LeBlanc
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Thanksgiving EveDi Rev. Ross Davis
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Last Sunday of the Church YearDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Twenty-Sixth Sunday After PentecostDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Twenty-Fifth Sunday after PentecostDi Rev. Ross Davis
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All Saints SundayDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Reformation SundayDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Twenty-second Sunday after PentecostDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Twenty-first Sunday after PentecostDi Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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