Detailed analysis, honest opinions, and intelligent discussion about the world of politics. Our mission is to facilitate civil conversations and debate among people across the political spectrum.
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We breakdown the numbers and politics behind the 2018 midterm elections and talk about where both parties go from here.
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Our Election 2018 predictions, forecasts, and analysis of what’s going to happen and why on Tuesday Night.
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An up to date deep dive into the latest polls and forecasts as we count down to Election Day. Plus, a look at how President Trump’s immigration rhetoric is affecting the midterms and some very special personal thoughts on the shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue.
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Our take on the string of attempted mail bombings, why everyone’s reaction sucks, and where we go from here.
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A recap of President Trump’s big night in the Lone Star State and why the migrant caravan is a gift to the GOP. Plus, the latest on the polls and predictions for the midterms.
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A deep data dive into the Democrats’ issues with Hispanic voters and how they may impact the midterms. Plus, a look at a crazy week in tabloid politics.
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Hurricane Michael, the latest 2018 polls and predictions, and why Republicans actually could keep the House.
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The Political Abstract breaks down the fall out from Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, why it reminds us of the OJ Simpson trial and the impact on the midterm elections.
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