Thirdmill's mission is to equip church leaders in their own lands and languages by creating a multimedia seminary curriculum and distributing it throughout the world for free.
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Thirdmill was launched in 1997 to create multimedia curriculum for Christian leaders everywhere. We produce our curriculum in graphic-driven videos, audio, and text, along with study guides and other additional materials. We produce our curriculum is produced in English, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and partner ministries translate it into many others. Our website offers curriculum in over 20 languages. Our curriculum currently reaches millions of church leaders. If you enjoy the audio ...
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When theologians speak of God’s simplicity, they have in mind that God’s essence is not a composite; it’s not divided.
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The Bible consistently speaks of God’s own personal goodness as the absolute standard by which all ethical issues are to be evaluated. God’s law is right and good because it comes from God, who himself is right and good. Because he is righteous, everything he does and everything he expresses — including his laws for us — manifests his goodness.…
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All four gospels are unified by the theme of the kingdom of God. But the Gospel of Matthew is the only book in the Bible that uses the phrase “kingdom of heaven.”
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It’s generally obvious to most people that actions can properly be considered right and wrong. The Bible teaches Christians to conform every aspect of our lives and beings to God's moral standards. So, Christian ethics must address not only behavior, but also emotions, orientations, predilections, inclinations, preferences, thoughts, imaginations, …
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To introduce our approach to the proper standard, we’ll touch on three aspects of God’s revelation.
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All good works must be done with the proper goal in mind. If our works are to please God, immediate goals like caring for our families, honoring our parents, going to church, and the like, must be part of a bigger picture.
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Although some theologians treat the Ten Commandments as if they were just another portion of the Mosaic law, the Bible indicates that the Ten Commandments have a special primacy over Scripture’s other commandments.
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When we say that Scripture is “clear,” we don’t mean that everything in the Bible is easy to understand, or that everything in the Bible is stated plainly and directly. Instead, we mean that the Bible is not obscure. It’s not filled with hidden meanings that can only be discovered through mysterious means, or through special spiritual gifting, or b…
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“Imputation” simply means “assignment” or “reckoning.” But when we speak about the imputation of our sin to Jesus on the cross, we’re referring to the act in which God assigned the guilt of sinners to the person of Jesus.
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Jesus performed more miracles than any other prophet in Israel’s history. The New Testament mentions at least 35 specific miracles, and the Gospel of John indicates that he performed innumerable miracles beyond these.
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Interpreting the Bible is like having a dialog with the most authoritative figure we can imagine, God himself. It’s a dialog because it involves a type of conversational “give and take” between readers and the Scriptures. On the reader’s side of the dialog, we all come to the Bible with many questions, preconceptions, cultural backgrounds, and pers…
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For centuries, objectivism has greatly influenced the interpretation of the Bible. Scholars have believed that they can interpret Scripture impartially, and that they can know its meaning with relative certainty.
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Subjectivism has influenced both critical biblical studies and evangelical biblical studies. In general, we can say that subjectivists recognize that human beings and the world, and especially matters of faith, are often too complex to be discerned by scientific rationalism.
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When Christians talk about God creating the world, our minds normally go to the person of God the Father. But Scripture teaches that the Son was at the Father’s side during creation, and that the Father created the world by or through him.
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The Son’s motive for redeeming sinners was complex and can be described in a variety of ways. But one of the most well-known words Scripture uses to describe the Son’s motive in redemption is “love” — love for God, love for creation and love for human beings.
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When Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptized, John objected because Jesus was already righteous. But Jesus responded by saying that it wasn’t enough for him to be personally sinless; he also had to fulfill all the necessary righteous works that had been appointed to him.
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The visible church includes everyone who is regularly part of the gathered church, regardless of the condition of their hearts. There are several different ways people can be counted as part of the visible church.
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Like images of false gods and of kings in the ancient Near East, images of the true God are intended to reflect his character wherever they appear. And God’s character is utterly pure, holy and righteous.
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Humanity was so central to God’s kingdom purposes, that our rebellion brought a curse on the entire universe. We’ve constantly rebelled against God’s will, so that his kingdom on earth has failed to display his perfect glory as its benevolent King and Creator.
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Many Christians tend to think of Abraham merely as an example of faith and trust in God. This is an important theme in Abraham’s life, and it is highlighted in several New Testament passages. But we must never overlook the fact that God commanded Abraham to be obedient, to give him his loyal service.…
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Systematicians have to establish theological facts, and to do this they often use theological propositions.
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Paul faced a serious challenge to his longstanding belief when Jesus came but didn't bring creation to its climactic end as Israel had expected. How did Paul come to his understanding of eschatology?
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In a world where there were many false prophets, it was very important for Israelites to be able to distinguish true prophets of God from false prophets. For this reason, the Old Testament laid out several qualifications for true prophets of God.
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The Apostles’ Creed mentions the divinity of Jesus in these words: “I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.” Christians have always intended words like “Christ,” “Son of God,” and “Lord” to indicate Jesus’ divinity.
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Throughout history, a distinction has consistently been drawn between reliable historians and unreliable historians, between reliable sources and unreliable sources. The question for us is: Did the authors of the four gospels write reliable or unreliable records of Jesus’ life?
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In many respects, the greatest strength of a life orientation in theology is that it enables us to fulfill important biblical values.
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The Bible shows us that to be wise is to ponder what is true and to formulate sets of coherent beliefs out of those rational enquiries. In this video we examine the pros and cons of academics approaches to theology.
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Christians began to adopt the term “theology” not long after the time of the New Testament, and it’s become a regular term in our Christian vocabulary today. Of course, throughout the millennia, we’ve understood what it means in different ways.
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Join us for part one of our topic video series Views on the Millennium. In today's video we'll be answering the question 'What Is Historic Premillennialism?' Thirdmill does not endorse any particular view on the Millennium.
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Part four of our topic video series: Views on the Millennium. Thirdmill does not endorse any particular view on the Millennium.
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Part two of our topic video series: Views on the Millennium. Thirdmill does not endorse any particular view on the Millennium.
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Part three of our topic video series: Views on the Millennium Thirdmill does not endorse any particular view on the Millennium.
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If there's one portion of the Old Testament that troubles most modern Christians more than any other, it has to be the chapters of the book of Joshua that describe Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land. We wonder how the loving, merciful God we know in Christ could have tolerated Israel’s attempt to destroy the inhabitants of Canaan.…
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God appointed Adam and Eve to rule over creation on his behalf. And he commanded them to increase the human race in order to spread its rule over the whole earth. This was humanity’s royal obligation.
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“Hermeneutics” is a common word in theological and biblical studies, but we don’t use it often in our daily lives. What does it really mean?
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There are times in history when God acts and speaks more dramatically than at other times. And as a result, revelation in biblical history rises and falls, even as it moves forward toward its final destiny.
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From our modern standards, we expect trustworthy historical accounts to be comprehensive, precise and objective. However, Old Testament authors often wrote according to their didactic purposes, and not by our modern sensibilities.
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As a work of divine grace, forgiveness involves all three persons of the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
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The Bible is long, and memorizing all of God's instructions for his people is difficult. This is why teachers in the Bible sought to find which of God's Biblical instructions should be prioritized.
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Because prophecy was fundamentally a tool God used to motivate his people to obey his covenant, it was also fundamentally conditional. In other words, the prophecies about Israel’s restoration were conditioned upon Israel’s repentance and renewed covenant obedience.
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We’ll consider the basic idea of God by looking at what theologians often call the “singularity” of God, the fact that the God of the Bible is the one and only true God.
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God established feasts to give Israel regular ways to enjoy the blessings of his presence, and the gospel of John made clear how Jesus fulfilled the significance of these feasts.
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When we look at Scripture, it quickly becomes clear that the Bible often speaks of God revealing himself in his actions as well as words. Both word and act revelation are important for us to understand what God teaches us.
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We can be confident that what Old Testament poets told their readers about the past, present and future was true. But they often described history in ways that were something other than straightforward. And for this reason, to know what poets actually intended to communicate about objective historical facts, we have to understand the literary conve…
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Many religions and philosophies teach that the material universe is amoral, that is, neither good nor evil. Others actually say that the world is evil. Is creation inherently good?
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Although the Bible was written for us, it is not written directly to us. What are the significant similarities and differences between the church in Acts and the contemporary church?
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We often think of the activities of Angels and Demons in terms of our personal, individual lives, but Scripture occasionally talks about spiritual battles.
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Three main guides help reveal the significance of a text in Scripture: the writer of the text, the document itself, and the original audience for whom the text was written. In order for us to interpret the Bible responsibly, it’s very important for us to understand each of these guides.
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From time to time, evangelicals use the expression sensus plenior, meaning the “full sense” of Scripture. How do we define the "full value" of a Biblical text?
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