Col 3:1-10TPT Spiritual Formation - the process of being “conformed” to the image of Christ within the community of Christ and the trajectory of Christ for the sake of others! We are “conformed” We don’t form ourselves, we receive who we are from God & what we are becoming comes from God! Conformed -(to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord) THEREFORE The believer is daily being conformed into the image of Christ. DID YOU KNOW? You can flush your thought with truth! Verse 8 in the mirror study bible says it this way “But now, because you realize that you co-died and were co-raised together with Christ, you can flush your thoughts with truth! Permanently puth these things behind you: things such as violent outbursts of rage, depression, all manner of wickedness, slander and every form of irregular conversation” *The lifelong association you have with sin is broken; the dominion of the character of God is revealed again in ordinary life. *In other words we should be reminded of God’s character by what we see & experience on the day to day! (Romans 1:19&20 Paul said the invisible attributes of God is found in the all that He has created visible!!) One tool that can help us with being reminded of God’s character through our everyday life experiences are “liturgies” A Liturgy is a repetitive pattern of worship.With the goal being that the pattern draws us into worship and conforms us into the image of the one who we worship. VERY IMPORTANT: THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE A WORKS-BASED LEGALISTIC ENDEAVOR, IT’S A GRACE BASED BEAUTIFUL ONE! A GOD THING BECOMES LEGALISTIC WHEN YOU FOCUS ON THE METHOD AND LOSE SIGHT OF THE SAVIOR! WE MUST CHOOSE TO SEE THE CHARACTER OF GOD REVEALED IN ORDINARY LIFE!…