Andy Smithson, LCSW from TRU Parenting inspires and helps parents, not only improve kids' behavior, but build powerful cycles of continuous growth and happiness in themselves, with their children and in their families as a whole through the TRU principles of Teaching, Relationship and Upgrading Yourself: All in 15 minutes or less. As a husband, father of 4 kids, counselor and blogger, Andy knows how busy parenting life can be and seeks to deliver inspiring stories and practical tips that wil ...
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Overwhelmed with having the kids home full time for the summer? Try these 6 steps to help the whole family have an awesome summer.Di Andy Smithson
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Learn specific techniques to help your preschool age child learn self control.Di Andy Smithson
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Learn 10 daily practices that parents often think they don't have time for that will actually increase your productivity and magically add hours to your day.Di Andy Smithson
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Do you want to increase your child's cooperation and make everyone in the home a little happier? Add a little playfulness to your interactions with your kids.Di Andy Smithson
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Want more peace, cooperation, listening and happiness in your home. Learn to apply some specific acts of playfulness to help your children be happier and more cooperative.Di Andy Smithson
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Learn 7 ways to make family mealtimes better at your house.Di Andy Smithson
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Learn 6 sure fire ways to stop arguing with your kids. You'll learn things to say today to shut down the arguments and encourage cooperation and communication.Di Andy Smithson
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Every day our relationships are growing or diminishing. In this episode we talk about 7 things people do to sabotage their relationships, sometimes without even knowing it.Di Andy Smithson
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How can you and your husband deal with a miscarriage and move forward with your family? Find 4 concepts that will help you move past the grief and find joy in your family again.Di Andy Smithson
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Today's podcast addresses the difficult issue of child abuse and how parents can recognize the signs of abuse and stop the cycles of abuse from continuing.Di Andy Smithson
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Today is TRU Parenting's first guest interview with Amanda from She offers 5 ways to calm down and stop yelling at your kids.Di Andy Smithson
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Do you ever feel like life and parenting is overwhelming? Is it hard to stay positive and patient through it all? Here are 7 ways to help to remain positive and patient even when the kids and everything around you are crazy.Di Andy Smithson
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I share a review of David A Christensen's Book "Parenting Principles: 31 Teachings to Raise Children in Righteousness."Di Andy Smithson
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Is addiction affecting your parenting? What you can do: admit you have a problem, tell someone, seek help, never give up. Psychotherapy & 12 step program.Di Andy Smithson
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5 Ways you can help a new mother with postpartum depression.Di Andy Smithson
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Help child cope with death of a loved one, loss, adversity. Emotional wounds take time and care to heal. Understand stages of grief. Hug & cry with themDi Andy Smithson
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These non-parenting books have truly positively changed my parenting and my life. They can do the same for you.Di Andy Smithson
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30 Things I've Learned About Parenting From Real Life, since having 5 children of my own.Di Andy Smithson
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A good nights sleep can change you and your child's life. Learn 6 tips for improving your child's sleep so they can be happier all day.Di Andy Smithson
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Learn about the 1970-80's Alcoholism Research that will help you parent smarter. Understanding our children's stages of change can help us make better parenting decisions and motivate our kids to change successfully.Di Andy Smithson
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Being present and mindful with our kids can be hard when we can't seem to let go of the past. In today's episode you'll learn some practical skills to help you let go and be a better parent.Di Andy Smithson
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Exercise, workout, and connect with your kids at the same time.Di Andy Smithson
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I used to be afraid of pregnancy and childbirth like so many others are. I no longer fear childbirth. Listen to my journey from fear to peace.Di Andy Smithson
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When I can calm their cries, when they begin to help themselves, These are just a few parenting moments when you know you are doing rightDi Andy Smithson
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Set productive, effective goals and learn 4 fun activities to help teach your kids to set effective goals. Let's give them the tools they need to reach their dreams.Di Andy Smithson
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Santa Claus is a symbol & tradition. Santa represents kindness & love as he gives anonymously. He does his "alms" in secret; so do we as we become Santa.Di Andy Smithson
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4 proactive ways to train yourself to think first & have greater emotionally fitness. Think first, Feel, then Act (TFA) rather than, Feel, Act, Think (FAT)Di Andy Smithson
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Teach your child. Show them by example what they need to know; tell them positively; work and play with them; allow them to learn by their experienceDi Andy Smithson
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Learn 4 essential things your infant needs to learn in their first couple years of life and why they are so important.Di Andy Smithson
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Why don't my kids listen? Emotions, nagging speak louder than words. Respect that they are "busy". They don't want to be controlled, or overwhelmed.Di Andy Smithson
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TRU Parenting Audio Ep 51 7 Ways To Fill This Holiday Seasopn With Less Stress And More Awesome
Do the stresses of the holidays turn us into a Scrooge? Fill holidays with joy, laughter & love. Simplify, be grateful, live within your budget, say noDi Andy Smithson
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Plan a family adventure for greater family togetherness, confidence, courage & satisfaction. Improve communication as you play and relax. Kindness follows.Di Andy Smithson
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Potty training tips. My child won't pee or poop on the potty. How can I motivate him? Look for physical, mental and emotional readiness and interest.Di Andy Smithson
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Parenting has its ups and downs. Learn how "TRU" can help you truly enjoy parenting no matter what gets thrown your way.Di Andy Smithson
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Reading is one of the most valuable activities parents can share with their kids. Here is a list of 25 fun Halloween books to enjoy with your kidsDi Andy Smithson
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Yell Less Love More Book Review including tips to stop yelling Put reminders, know your triggers, practice relaxation, meditation, & deep breathingDi Andy Smithson
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Child is teased, called fat, bullied. Self-esteem and worth develops over time. Give compliments, optimism, love & play with your child. Seek help if neededDi Andy Smithson
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7 positive parenting practices that improve influence with our children. Read, talk, play & pray with them. Give verbal and physical affection. See interactions become more enjoyableDi Andy Smithson
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Laugh at the silly things your kids do and the things you thought you'd never say to anyone. "Please don't sit on his head" & "Don't lick the sidewalk"Di Andy Smithson
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When kids seem to lack motivation, could it be lack of ability? When they say "I can't", they're not usually being lazy...they just need tools & directionDi Andy Smithson
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Hard to get the kids ready and in the car all at once? 6 attitudes & tips to help: Prepare ahead of time, slow down, be realistic about their abilitiesDi Andy Smithson
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A parent calming tool you always have with you. Learn the benefits of conscious, deep, slow & regulated breathing to trigger relaxation and stress reductionDi Andy Smithson
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Your child says he hates school. Re-ignite his educational fire: Give him freedom to explore, set his own goals & reach them with purpose for what he's learning.Di Andy Smithson
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3 things that contribute to parental frustration (Unmet expectations, real or perceived inability to control, limiting beliefs), and how to manage them.Di Andy Smithson
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TRU Parenting Audio Ep 37 5 Common Marriage Troubles After Kids And How To Work Through Them
Kids bring new stress and challenges to a marriage. This article identified 5 common troubles couples with kids face and ways to work through them together.Di Andy Smithson
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The skill in the podcast is the most effective skill I have taught parents to learn to turn off our negative automatic reactions and respond more mindfully and effectively with their kids.Di Andy Smithson
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If we're honest, most guys have some fears going into fatherhood. This article shares 5 fears Dad's to be often experience and ways to overcome the fear.Di Andy Smithson
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No one enjoys tantrums but they are part of parenting and part of our children growing up. Gian perspective and practical solutions to stop them and prevent them in the future.Di Andy Smithson
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What do you do when your kids sneak or steal food and treats? This article shares practical ways to stop the sneaking now and change the ongoing cycles.Di Andy Smithson
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Back to School time can bring a whole new list of problems to address as a parent. This article gives some practical ways to have the best year yet.Di Andy Smithson
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