An outlet to talk about Magic: the Gathering and Commander
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Final Fantasy and Avatar, the last airbender are two favorites and the lands deck is complete and nasty LINKS
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Four decks in the brackets. Grixis Demons, Boros Artifacts, Mono White Aggro, And Izzet Wiznerds LINKS
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A deep dive into the new bracket system that WOTC is trying outLINKS
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Super empty prerelease and putting goblins back together LINKS
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Just looking at cards in AetherdriftLINKS
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TikTok ban blues and a truly morphing deckLINKS
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Rebuilding goblins and building assassinsLINKS
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Commander's Forge Episode 193 A Look At 2024 And A Talk About A Format Battle Box And A Rakdos Showstopper
Touched on favorite set of the year, favorite decks of the year, a format called pendragon and a rakdos spellslinger deck LINKS
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Just how I'm feeling with how magic is moving forward and talking about a balloon man LINKS
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After you brew are you done? Or do you continue? LINKS
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The perils of a brewing mind and Rakdos orcs LINKS
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A quick talk about secret lair, universe beyond, and Musk followed by one of the lest boros equipment decks still in boros LINKS
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A quick talk about foundations and looking at a charming deck LINKS
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Looking to build cats and a new gate deck LINKS
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A thought about a universe beyond and Foundations LINKS
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Spongebob could open the flood gates, a change to how combat works, and Caesar brings the party LINKS
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Looking at how similar decks can be brewed differently and Boros humans LINKS
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Commander's Forge Episode 183 The Future of Commander Format And A New Try At Boros Equipment
My thought about WOTC taking command of the commander format and another try at Boros equipment LINKS
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We as a community need to be better and some soldiers LINKS
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Duskmourn was a fun sealed environment and a possible new Boros deck LINKS
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Seriously not much going on recently and a Boros Sunforger arcade deck LINKS
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Just another notch in the "that toaster bath looks better and better" kind of weekend also what I think will be a fun "hey lets get a quick game" deck LINKS
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Had a great day and then talking about some dargons LINKS
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Life is blah but we continue on. A look at version 1 of the party deck LINKS
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The belt has been tight for a while but put some oozes together LINKS
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I reworked a deck and wasn't happy with it so now we return to form LINKS
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I'm still here and a deck rework LINKS
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Just thinking about birds and a value machine LINKS
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A quick look at all of the legends in the Assassin's Creed set LINKS
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Just looking at some assassin's creed cards LINKS
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Through tech problems I finally got my top 10 mh3 cards out and talk about a human kindred deck LINKS
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Taking a step back really sucks and a different take on Boros equipment, shrug? LINKS
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Looking at modern horizons 3. Nothing more LINKS
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First look at modern horizons 3 and toying with a new angel deck LINKS
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Two games with friends and my head space feels better than it has in months and I finally put that boros artifact deck together LINKS
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Looking at specifically the goblin secret lair and my thoughts on secret lair in general and a look at some esper dungeons LINKS
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In a deck building slump and revisiting wiznerds LINKS
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My thoughts on the thunder junction commanders and a look at a league deck that I'm probably gunna build out LINKS
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Found my music again, thunder junction prerelease, and hail caesar LINKS
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Like it says just lookin at thunder junction LINKS
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Sometimes it just feels like controversy after controversy either way looking at a new mono black build I'm workin on Links
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Just a quick look at some planechase cards and talking about a voltron deck LINKS
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Just a look at the face and backup commanders from the fallout decks If you would to help me replace my broken chair check out my LINKS
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Computer crashed but let's talk about a deck to keep moving forward LINKS
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Looking at the Sheldon secret lair and a good old fashioned boros deck LINKS
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Commander's Forge Episode 155 Thoughts About Secret Lair, MKM, MagicCon, And Spirits Possibly
A look at secret lair and a talk about Karlov manor and Chicago then a look at a deck I'm building LINKS
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My first glance at the previews for murders at Karlov Manor and a very quick update about me LINKS
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A quick look at updates to my league decks and legends matter and stuff LINKS
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Where have I been? Busy, and a version 2 look at Ojer Axonil LINKS
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Just a quick update about how I've been feeling and a deck I literally threw together in a fever dream LINKS
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