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show episodes
The weekly show for small business founders is on the air. Tune in for inspiration, motivation, procrastination and a shot of energy. You'll get the news you missed, some creativity and the positivity needed to charge up the entrepreneurial hill for another day. Pat Miller, the Idea Coach, hosts the show. He's a small business community builder dedicated to uniting small business owners on their shared journey. In addition to this show, he hosts in-person events and the Small Business Owners ...
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Digital Course Creator Podcast

Dr. Moira Hanna | Coaching Hive LLC

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Are you ready to get your digital course out into the world but need help with the details and to-dos? Immerse yourself in the world of digital course creation with 'The Digital Course Creator Podcast,' expertly guided by Dr. Moira, a seasoned psychology professor and course creation expert. Each episode will address the multifaceted aspects of creating, developing, and refining online digital courses. We cover many topics, including crafting compelling content, implementing effective teachi ...
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show series
You are an expert in what you do, so why would you buy courses that are related to your course topic? There are 3 reasons you should be buying online courses as a Digital Course Creator. The reality is that we all have our own perspectives, our own perspectives, and our own preferences, but our students might benefit from a wider range of approache…
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Should you include bonuses with your digital or online course? So often we get the advice that bonuses should be even better than your course, they should make people buy your course just to get the bonus, and they should overcome objections. But do they really help? Yes and no. But the real question is should you include them for your online cours…
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What is one thing that you didn’t necessarily think about when you decided to become an entrepreneur, when you decided that you’d like to have a digital course? What is one thing that you rarely hear people talking about out in the open? Money and the debt that being an entrepreneur can bring with it. That debt adds up fast, but still it is somethi…
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I've noticed a trend in course creation groups: asking for instructions on how to do a tech task. Sure you pay to be in these groups, they are filled with people who are on the same pathway you are, creating, launching, and serving a digital course, but the big, important questions can sometimes get buried under the smaller, simpler questions that …
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The best way to build demand for your online course is with weekly content, or is it? So often we are told that we need to build an audience so that when we launch a course, there will be eager buyers ready with their credit cards. To build an audience the direction often given is to create weekly content. Why then, after creating and sharing weekl…
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When is the right time to launch your digital course? Is it in the summer, the fall, January 1, or April 28? This is a reasonable question. You put so much effort into the creation of a truly fantastic and meaningful course that the last thing you want is to scuttle your efforts with a poorly chosen course launch date. Why, then, if this is somethi…
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What is your business making? Should you be measuring your revenue or your profit when launching the online course you painstakingly created? A lot of times you’ll see people talking about how they had a 5 figure launch or a 6 figure launch, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s frustrating because when someone lists a number, you don’t know …
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Course creation is a marathon not a sprint. Course creation is a long game. We can apply any number of inspirational quotes or mantras to our digital course creation business, but that isn’t going to keep you warm at night. The reality is that knowing course creation and the subsequent success will take time doesn’t protect us from the challenges t…
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“State of running a business with considerable initiative and risk”. That is the definition of entrepreneurship ( This definition is accurate. You have to show initiative, you have to assume the risk of creating something new, finding an audience who wants to purchase what you’ve created, and then deliver on what you’ve promised. Wh…
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You have carefully planned out your digital course. You’ve mapped out the modules, the outcomes, the examples, and the resources. Which leaves you with the actual recording of your online course. All too often this is where the dramatic music that you hear in horror films starts to play because course creators want their course to have an impact. B…
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Today’s topic is a little controversial and completely practical all in one nice serving. So what makes today’s topic practical? We all want our students and clients to finish the digital course that we have painstakingly created, assembled, and sold. We want them to succeed and eventually become a case study for our business in addition to experie…
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Welcome to Small Business Mornings! I'm your host, Pat Miller, the founder of the Small Business Owners Community (SBOC). Today, we need to discuss a critical new financial report that small business owners must file by the end of the year, or you could face fines of $500 a day and even jail time. Have you filed your FinCEN report yet? No one seems…
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What makes the most sense for your business? Building a One-to-One Coaching Offer, a Group Program, or a Digital Course? This is probably something that you’ve been wondering and have seen suggestions telling you why each one of these is THE way to go. But which one makes the most sense for you? After all, our businesses are not a one size fits all…
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Welcome to Small Business Mornings! I'm your host, Pat Miller, the founder of the Small Business Owners Community. Today, we're diving into the latest study suggesting that some small business owners need to act fast to stay ahead of the digital competition. We’ll be talking marketing with Lisa Raebel from Rebel Girl Marketing, sharing three big ch…
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The curse and the gift of being a creator is that you probably have a lot of ideas. That is a gift, because you can always create a new offer, adjust an existing lead magnet to better align with client needs, and write those stories that will engage your reader. Sounds great, right? It is, right up until it isn’t. The swirl of ideas also means that…
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I think I should just quit now. That is what the digital course creator wrote in response to a comment on their post. I think I should just quit now. In the post this creator shared their numbers around their email list and conversion rates or sales rate for their course. They wanted some help to figure out how many people would need to be on their…
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What comes first: Lead Magnet or Digital Course? The question of chicken or egg comes up in every possible scenario, including whether you should have a lead magnet before you have your digital course or if you should just jump in with your digital course. Most marketers will tell you that you need to go ahead and create a lead magnet so that you c…
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The digital world is a busy and noisy place, but when we publish our course we still expect people to come flocking. But, we can’t expect someone to find our course without getting out there and raising awareness, helping others to see what impact it will have on their life, and what they have to lose if they don’t make a change. In other words, cr…
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Building a digital course creation business is full of hoops to jump through, obstacles to avoid, and decisions to make. Perfectionism is the single biggest saboteur of the entrepreneurial spirit and biggest indicator of potential failure as a digital course creator. I know that your intention as a digital course creator is to get your course out t…
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In this episode of Small Business Mornings, Pat Miller, founder of the Small Business Owners Community (SBOC), announces the exciting addition of a new co-host, Ivy, powered by ChatGPT. Ivy will assist with news updates, data analysis, and content creation, providing practical insights for small business owners. Pat also shares details about a uniq…
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Have you ever found yourself getting jealous as you read through social media because you want to post on social media that your course launch was a rousing success? You want to shout from the rooftops that you didn’t just get one sale, but you in fact got more than you planned for AND your audience has grown exponentially. You’ve seen the posts th…
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Among the very first bits of advice you get as a digital course creator, or really as a digital entrepreneur, is to hire a virtual assistant before you think you need one. But hiring a Virtual Assistant, or VA, costs money and at the beginning or middle of your journey that might feel like a luxury instead of a necessity. There are books telling yo…
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Welcome to another episode of Small Business Mornings with your host, Pat Miller, founder of the Small Business Owners Community. Today's episode dives into a topic that every entrepreneur grapples with but rarely confronts head-on: risk. Join us as we explore how embracing risk is essential to business growth and personal development. Episode High…
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Creating success as a course creator is tricky, but it is easier when we borrow other’s blueprint and successes. There is absolutely no reason you should have to create the wheel all by yourself. Being a success in business isn’t about being a one person island, it is about creating shortcuts by learning from what others do. Now, you can do it your…
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I don’t know about you, but I’ve made some mistakes as a digital entrepreneur. Some cost a lot of money and others cost me time and energy. Regardless of the cost, I’m going to pull back the curtain today on my 5 biggest mistakes so that you don’t have to make them too! Yes, there are some who might say that we need to make mistakes in order to lea…
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As the founder of the Small Business Owners Community, I’m here to kick off your week with insights that matter to you, no matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey. Today's Lineup: Taylor Swift’s Influence on Business: We're starting with a look at Taylor Swift’s latest album release and her massive influence not just in music but as a …
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You want to have a digital course in your business, but right now you are feeling uncertain whether this is even doable. Maybe you’ve taken courses in the past on how to create a course and felt even more confused and overwhelmed. Or perhaps you’re frustrated with slow or no progress and are feeling nothing but tired and frazzled. The reality is th…
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What's on Today's Show: Tax Day Reflections: It’s that time of the year again – April 15, the due date for federal taxes in the US. While writing those checks to Uncle Sam is nobody’s idea of fun, I find a deep sense of pride in it. It’s a tangible reminder that my business is growing, and that’s worth celebrating. Book Recommendations from the Com…
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You’ve read the Building a StoryBrand book by Donald Miller. You’ve mapped out the 7 parts of the framework, but nothing is changing in your business. People still aren’t finding you. Your email list growth is the same size it has been for three months, the people following you on Facebook and Instagram aren’t your people, and your latest course la…
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If you’ve been on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or really any social media platform at all in the past day you’ve seen countless ads for business coaches. I’ll share with you the exact process I go through when deciding if I need to work with someone 1:1 and in today’s Sixty-Second Solution I’ll share great interview questions you can ask a potentia…
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Have you been working on your course for more than 6 months and haven’t launched yet? Do you wonder how you’ll ever get everything recorded when new module ideas keep popping up? Are you still purchasing solutions and courses to help you get to the point of launch and not making visible progress? The truth is that course creation paralysis happens …
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Nearly the first thing you hear as a digital entrepreneur is the importance of building an email list. You think. Ok. I can ask people for their emails. No problem. What no one tells you is that simply getting someone on your email list in ActiveCampaign, Mailerlite, or Convertkit is not enough. You have to do something with all of those emails and…
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Quarterly planning is upon us and it doesn’t have to take forever. You don’t have to spend weeks creating an elaborate plan for your quarter, because let’s face it. The more elaborate the plan, the more likely it is to fail. Instead, you need a fast way to plan your quarter so that you can get back to serving students, creating new modules, and rev…
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Too many tools, tech options, learning management systems and decisions lead to overwhelm and stuckness as a digital course creator. In Episode 180 I shared with you 3 of my Top 6 tools for creating and selling your digital course and today I’m going to share 3 more to round out our 6 tools. If you didn’t catch Part 1, be sure to go back and listen…
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In this episode we share the launch of the Small Business Owners Community, marking a significant evolution from the previous Idea Collective. Our mission is the same, to be the support system for small business owners facing the inevitable the challenges and helping business owners beat the odds and survive and thrive past 5 years in business. The…
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There are so many choices out there for digital tools and technology when we build our digital course business. It is downright dizzy-ing! All too often, course creators ask me what technology they need because the process of figuring it out is time consuming, overwhelming, and no one has time to compare 20 different tools when we are wearing all o…
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I opened the email, and it said that words are the only difference between a 7 and 8-figure business. My immediate reaction was, “Nope!”. But in reality, words impact our business greatly from social media to email language, website to course content, sales pages to webinar slides. Words are critical when we want to sell digital courses without tho…
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It is frustrating when you have barely finished doing a happy dance over your digital course sale Stripe notifications only to open your email and see course refund requests. Sometimes before the course has even started! How can we live in the excitement and success of the moment if we are dreading the refund requests that we feel are sure to come?…
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It is frustrating when you spend hours, weeks, and even months perfecting your course and the messaging only to hear crickets when you put it all out into the world. All too often we create messaging and course content based on a few conversations with our ideal client. We get those first few sales and then everything comes to a grinding halt. Ther…
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It can be time consuming to edit the videos inside our digital courses trying to make them engaging for our students. Videos are an important part of nearly every digital course these days, but that doesn’t mean that they have to cost a ton of time or money to create and edit. Thank goodness engaging videos aren’t really about our editing skills at…
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You’ve finally decided to create a digital course for your business, but when you look on YouTube or do a Google search about what you need to do, there are endless lists that all say something different. Suddenly adding a course doesn’t seem like a good idea, it feels overwhelming and downright messy. The reality is that a lot of people have put t…
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Getting your students to finish your digital course is tricky. In the post-COVID world, it isn’t enough to have an interesting course idea, catchy sales page, and some video modules. Your course has to be designed to not only help students move through the content, but to skip binging Netflix in favor of your lessons. While this isn’t always easy, …
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AI in digital course creation has many capabilities and many limitations. So many people are saying that you can simply put your digital course idea into an AI generator like ChatGPT with a few parameters and it will write your whole course for you. While that is technically true, you won't end up with a digital course that delivers on the course p…
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As a digital course creator, it is easy to fall into myth traps as you search Google, scroll on Facebook, and even sink into YouTube videos. There are countless "to-good-to-be-true" stories out there that our brains have trouble alerting us to. In today's episode, I'll walk you through 5 myths to keep your eyes open for as a digital course creator …
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From Entrepreneur Mindset to Digital Course Creator Podcast. Find out how I’ll be supporting you, the Digital Course Creator in 2024 with this podcast. We’ll dive into myths, technology, teaching techniques, launching, and more all with the goal of supporting you more fully. Show Resources: Book a Call Join the Waitlist Check out all podcast episod…
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Immerse yourself in the world of course creation with 'The Course Creator Podcast', expertly guided by Dr. Moira, a seasoned psychology professor and course creation expert. Each episode is a journey through the multifaceted aspects of creating, developing, and refining online courses. We cover a wide range of topics including crafting compelling c…
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Planning for your business in 2024 isn't as simple as setting a few goals and then moving forward. You need to make sure that in your planning you are taking into account your previous year, the goals that will move you toward your business vision, the strengths that you'll use and the challenges that you need to plan around. Show Resources: Book a…
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Tired of being told that you need to have all of 2024 figured out before we even hit January? Does it make you feel frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed? What if I told you that a practice of reflection can ease the planning process? In this episode, I’ll walk you through a reflection practice that I use each year in my business. Show Resources: F…
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Using the wrong definition of consistency as an entrepreneur can keep you stuck and your growth nonexistent. The key is to shift your perspective in how you view consistency. In this episode we cover three core ideas around consistency and none of them have to do with a number! Show Resources: Book a Call Join the Waitlist Check out all podcast epi…
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