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There is a profound and foundational truth we need to grasp as believers in Jesus Christ: When we were saved, something radical happened. We were not just given the way to heaven, no, we were made new. There’s just something about the risen life. In our previous message, we learned that we need to: Seek the things above with all your heart. Slay th…
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“If ye then be risen with Christ.” What a staggering reality! Paul is not offering us a suggestion here—he is declaring a truth that changes everything. If you are in Christ, if you’ve truly been born again, you are not who you used to be. You have been raised to new life! This is not just some metaphorical language or spiritual sentiment. You have…
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We live in a time when hunger for many things dominates the world—hunger for power, influence, wealth, and pleasure. Yet, Jesus calls His people to hunger and thirst for something far greater: righteousness. What does this mean, and how does it apply not just to our personal lives but also to the broader life of our nation? To hunger and thirst for…
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In Matthew 5:5, we encounter one of the most counter-cultural statements Jesus ever made: "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Think about that for a moment. Jesus, standing on that hillside, surrounded by the crowds, looking into the eyes of a people oppressed by the might of Rome, spoke these words: "Blessed are the meek." No…
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Revelation 16:8-16 is a vision of unrelenting judgment—vials of wrath poured out from heaven, scorching heat, suffocating darkness, and the assembling of armies for the final battle. This is not a distant, metaphorical warning. This is the real end of the world, and the horror we read about is not confined to paper—it is coming. The sun, which once…
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As we enter this passage in Revelation 16, the question that should echo in our hearts is this: “Are you ready to face the wrath of God?” And if you are not ready, what is holding you back from running to Christ today? Let’s pray for eyes to see and hearts to respond as we walk through this solemn and urgent text together. In our passage, we see a …
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In Matthew 5:4, Jesus, in part, speaks to these very experiences: "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." But what does it mean to mourn in the way Jesus speaks of? This is not just any mourning; it is a righteous mourning, a mourning that flows from the heart of God Himself. Jesus promises comfort to those who mourn in this way…
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Pause with me for a moment and consider the staggering truth that confronts us. The God whom we worship is not a distant deity, confined to the lofty heavens, removed from the turmoil of this world. He is not a God who merely watches from afar, unconcerned with the pain and suffering of His creation. No, our God is both omnipresent and immanent. He…
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Link to notes talked about in this episode: Faith Foundations Imagine a vast, invisible world teeming with spiritual beings – most of which are, thankfully, ministering spirits. These spirits are ancient, they are powerful, and they are purposeful. They were all created by God before the foundation of the world. These beings, known as angels, move …
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As we delve into this text, I want you to feel the weight of what is at stake. This is not just an ancient prophecy; it is a divine warning and a call to worship. God’s justice is not to be trifled with, but neither is His grace. He offers you a way of escape, through the blood of the Lamb. But that offer has an expiration date. The question before…
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With Matthew 5:4, there are so many different ways and angles you can look at this text. Originally, we were going to have a message on mourning and meekness, and then, the more I wrestled with this text, the more I thought about it and prayed over it, I realized we need to spend just some time on the mourning aspect maybe even a couple of messages…
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John sees "one like unto the Son of man" sitting on a white cloud, wearing a golden crown and holding a sharp sickle (Revelation 14:14). This imagery of “one like unto the Son of Man” signifies the authority of this figure to carry out this harvesting. Notice verses 15-16, “another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that …
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The Sermon on the Mount is widely recognized as the heart of the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth. Although almost 2000 years have passed since Jesus uttered these words, they remain as relevant today as when the Savior's lips first breathed them. One author described the Sermon on the Mount this way: “After nineteen hundred years the Sermon on the Mo…
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The attributes of God are not that of which He is composed. The fact that God is God should indicate to us that God is not composed of anything, He is not a sum of His attributes. Anything that is composed of different parts, or attributes of its nature, had to be composed by something greater than the composition. If God, the Almighty Father, had …
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The Bible speaks often of angels, and yet their true nature, purpose, and activities are subjects shrouded in both wonder and misconception. Today, we will journey through the Scriptures to explore the characteristics of these extraordinary beings, who serve as messengers, warriors, and ministers of God's divine will. Imagine with me for a moment a…
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First, we observe Jesus teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom. His message was one of repentance, hope, and the imminent arrival of God's Kingdom. Unlike the scribes and Pharisees, Jesus preached with authority and clarity, captivating the hearts and minds of His listeners. This was not just a proclamation; it was an invitation to enter …
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Contact us @ The recent events in our country should draw our hearts and minds to contemplate those three profound and interwoven truths: The sovereignty of God, The depravity of man, And the fragility of life. These truths reveal the grandeur of God's reign, the depths of our fallen state, and the fleeting nature of our…
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The time comes in every Christian's life when we must make a pivotal decision: whom will we serve? Joshua's challenge to the Israelites resonates through the ages and into our very hearts today. He declared in Joshua 24:15, "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers s…
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In this message we turn our attention to Revelation 14:6-8, a passage that serves as a powerful reminder of God’s ultimate sovereignty and justice. As we navigate through this prophetic vision, we are confronted with the reality of divine judgment and the urgency of the gospel message. This section of Scripture, set within the larger context of the…
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The Book of Hebrews has consistently pointed us to the supremacy of Christ. We have seen Jesus Christ exalted above angels, above Moses, and above the Levitical priesthood. To put it simply: Christ is So Much Better! We have been reminded that He is our great High Priest, who has entered once and for all into the holy place, obtaining eternal redem…
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While addressing the relationship between spiritual leaders and their congregations, this passage offers profound insights that are particularly relevant as we consider the role of fathers in our lives and the church's life. This passage calls us to obedience and submission to those who lead us, for they watch over our souls with a sense of divine …
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Welcome, today, we’re discussing a topic that many of us have faced—dealing with people who believe lies about us. We’ll explore how to respond, encourage ourselves in the Lord, and move on with peace and confidence. It’s incredibly disheartening when people believe lies about you, especially when you’ve lived with integrity. Proverbs 12:19 reminds…
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In this message we explore a profound and stirring passage from the book of Hebrews, one that calls us to reflect deeply on our salvation, our sacrifice, and our service to God. Hebrews 13:10-16 provides us with a rich tapestry of theological truths that not only illuminate the path of our redemption but also challenge us to live lives of faithful …
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This message will explore four main points. First, we will delve into the idea of guarding against carnality, as emphasized in verses one through four. Next, we will reflect on the assurance that God gives the increase, beautifully outlined in verses five through seven. We will then examine the concept of God rewarding our efforts, as highlighted i…
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Please like, share, & subscribe to our Podcast to help us get a greater reach with this ministry. Click the link below for the book referenced in the introduction to this message on Revelation 13. Here in Revelation 12 and our passage in the final verses of this ch…
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The Faith Foundations website mentioned in this message has foundational and doctrinal messages (audio and full notes). You can access it at the following link: Faith Foundations for the Church This passage, encapsulated in the single word "Remember," serves as a poignant reminder of our duties, our doctrines, and our devotion to the Almighty. Firs…
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Hannah, a woman of deep devotion to the Lord, exemplifies godly womanhood in her life. Her story teaches us valuable lessons about faith, prayer, dedication, and the power of God to fulfill His promises. Hannah Was a Godly Woman - despite her barrenness, Hannah remained faithful and devoted to the Lord. Her character shines through her actions and …
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One of the points we will be examining in this message is the age of the Earth. The age of the Earth can be a contentious issue, often debated between scientific theories and biblical truths, and often debated among Christians as well. While some propose an ancient earth, the Bible provides a clear timeline of creation, pointing to a relatively you…
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On the sixth day, God crowned His creation with the pinnacle of His handiwork—humanity. In Genesis 1:26, we read, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.' This day was a culmination of divine design, as God fashioned man and woman, distinct from all other creatures, and breathed into them the breath of life. As we meditate …
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In this message we delve into the profound truths of God's Word concerning two contrasting but intimately related aspects of our Christian walk: covetousness and contentment. This emphasizes that our entire lifestyle should be characterized by a lack of covetousness, showing that our behavior and attitudes should align with God's principles of cont…
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It is not uncommon for us to approach God with preconceived notions of how we expect Him to answer our prayers. However, the Scriptures teach us to trust in His wisdom and not impose limitations on His ability to bless us. Proverbs 3:5-6 again says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways …
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As we delve into the Scripture, we are reminded that every word penned in the Bible is breathed out by God, serving as our guide to truth and life. In the beginning, the Almighty set forth the heavens and the earth, crafting each aspect with intentionality and purpose. As we ponder the vastness of creation, we find ourselves confronted with the ult…
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Genesis 1:1-3 is not merely the introduction to a sacred text; it is the foundation upon which our understanding of life, purpose, and God Himself rests. Let us draw our hearts near to these eternal truths as we wrap up this message this morning. First, we recognize the omnipotent Creator—"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Not…
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Our text presents us not just with a narrative to admire but with a commission that demands our entire being—our hearts, our minds, and our actions. "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I…
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Now, as we reflect on Resurrection Sunday, let us anchor our hearts and minds in the divine proclamation that forever altered the course of humanity and eternity itself. Hearken unto the words that shattered the chains of death and sin, "He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." “He is not here: for He is…
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Jesus always describes discipleship in this way, as an “either/or” proposition. Either we follow Jesus, or we chase after the world. Either we seek to please Jesus, or we seek the approval of men. Either we serve God, or we serve wealth…you cannot serve both. Joseph and Nicodemus were good men – righteous men even – but until this moment, they were…
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As we reflect on the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, we are confronted with the reality of our own sinfulness and the immense sacrifice that was made for our salvation. In Matthew 27:45-50, we see the darkness that covered the land, the cry of abandonment from Jesus, and His final breath as He gave up His spirit. This scene should not only move…
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Everything hinges on knowing who God is and what He has done for us by His grace in Christ. He has given us great privileges, by speaking to us from Heaven through Jesus’ blood, and by giving us a kingdom that cannot be shaken. He is the great God, whose voice will shake both earth and heaven. He is a consuming fire. So, we have great responsibilit…
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In this message we finish our look at the first beast (the Antichrist) and begin to look at the second beast (the False Prophet). We show how all will come to worship the Beast and the Dragon. We discuss how the main sin that is spoken against concerning the Beast and the Dragon is blaspheming God. We end talking about the False Prophet, how he com…
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In this episode we are looking at the First of the two Beasts of Revelation chapter 13. We examine his background throughout Scripture, as we delve into the first three verses of Revelation chapter 13. We look at his character. We look at how Satan is a great counterfeiter. We look at his possible ethnic identity. We explain the significance of his…
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In this message we look at Enduring Faith. Faith that stays true to the Lord through His enabling. We are not promised an easy life. We are not promised all joy and no sorrow. But we can have God-confidence that will give us the strength we need to trust in Him and live this life by faith.Di Keith M. Seiber
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The only options for a sinner are Christ or Judgment. The only options for those living in willful sin are Christ or Judgment. The only options for every man or women are Christ or Judgment. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Make sure Jesus Christ is your Savior. Choose Christ. The only option beside Christ is to choos…
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In this message we see how the resurrection of Jesus Christ turns tragedy into triumph in the life of those who accept Him as their Savior. We see how Mary Magdelene was the first person Jesus appeared to and how significant that was. We look at how significant it was that Peter and John ran to His empty tomb. We also consider the doubts Thomas had…
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In this Word of Truth podcast, we are looking at same-sex relationships in light of the Bible. God's Word is crystal clear on the subject. But sometimes what is forgotten is that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. We need to have a proper Biblical outlook and attitude regarding this issue. We also cannot compromise on what the Bible teaches…
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This podcast is about Transgenderism and a Christian response. There is no single issue that demands our attention more, right now as Christians, than this issue. This is sin goes against nature and God. Romans chapter 1 makes that abundantly clear. In our approach to this issue, we need to be frank, we need to stand strong, we cannot bend on this …
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We are in John chapter 18 considering Four Witnesses in Darkness. We are looking at the darkness of duty, the darkness of fear and discouragement, the darkness of self-importance, and the darkness of weakness and pragmatism. We look at these darkness's in light of the arrest and trials of Jesus.Di Keith M. Seiber
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This is an important podcast to listen to. We consider the phrase "the days of Noah" and all that means to us today. We look at what was going on in "the days of Noah" and we parallel to what we can see today in our world. The Lord Jesus teaches us what to expect from society and the behavior of the world as we see "that day" approaching. As we see…
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In this episode we examine Matthew 24:26-35. We look at Jesus' teachings here on the end of the Tribulation. We also look at the Parable of the Fig Tree and the Dry Bones of Ezekiel 37 and how they fit together and tell us some of the same things. This is a key episode on understanding the potential timing of the Tribulation and how Israel becoming…
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