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In Matthew 13, Jesus taught about the "Kingdom of Heaven," where Jesus is King, and those who have surrendered their lives to His rule and reign make up this kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven is both a physical kingdom, because heaven is a real place, and a spiritual kingdom, because it’s about God ruling—not just in a place but in a person—our hearts…
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When the Bible calls us to be 'fruitful,' it means that the qualities, characteristics, and virtues of Jesus should become more and more evident in our lives. But what are some things that hinder that fruitfulness? Jesus explains three things that hinder our fruitfulness in the Parable of the Sower. Join Pastor Blair for our teaching as we learn ab…
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People are either "lost" or "found." That is, we are either estranged from God, or we know Him in a personal relationship through Jesus. In Luke 15, Jesus describes different types of people in their "lost" condition and how we are to help them become "found." Jesus shares three parables that describe people as being like sheep, a coin, or prodigal…
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We begin the "Storyteller" series with one of the most popular and well-known of Jesus' parables: The Good Samaritan. It's a parable that many are familiar with and assume they understand, but in reality, most people don't grasp its full meaning. We need to move beyond the familiar and gain a deeper understanding of what this teaching holds. This p…
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Is simply believing in something enough to give your life to it? What is it that leads a person to give everything—including their life—for what they believe? Is there anything in your life right now that you believe in that you would give your life for? Is belief all it takes to give your life for something, or is there more to it?…
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God intentionally directs our lives, so we should live with intentionality in all that we pursue; our lives have been infused with purpose and meaning. The disciple’s call is to multiply, replicate, and advance through the Gospel for the glory of our God. God’s command to us is to ‘Go’ and make disciples. The word ‘Go’ is an action word, a progress…
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After our introduction to ‘Our Story’ as a local church, we continue in this message by exploring the church as an integral part of God's Story. We hear about why it’s so important for each of us to grow in knowing our King, grow in the Gospel, and grow in our understanding that the church is built on the foundation of Jesus, the cornerstone of our…
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In this fifth and final message from Haggai, Zerubbabel receives a very personal word from the Lord, encouraging him with the news that a day is coming when God's Messianic King will overthrow the kingdoms of the world and establish His reign forever – and Zerubbabel will be used in a mighty way to bring it about. This is incredible encouragement f…
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In our passage from Haggai 1:12-15, the people repent of their ways and start rebuilding the temple. After they heard God speak to them through Haggai, it led the people to fear the Lord, which led to their repentance. There is much in unpack in these four verses from today's message.Di Pastor Murray Lutzer
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In this week's passage, we see Haggai call out the Israelites' misplaced priorities. They have neglected to build the house of the Lord, while they have all built nice homes for themselves. The issue for God was not the temple but the Israelites' hearts towards Him.Di Pastor Murray Lutzer
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The book of Haggai is the story of God’s people who were focused on their own satisfaction and failed to flourish because of it. Their repentance and obedience would result in God’s blessing. This week we begin by laying down a foundation for understanding and applying Haggai to our lives.Di Pastor Blair Allen
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Someone or something has probably shaped your view of God. Either a person or a particular event in your life or the way you were raised has impacted your perception of God. However, that perception may not be true or biblically accurate. In Exodus 34, God Himself gives us seven dominant qualities and one lesser quality of His nature. As we conclud…
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While Moses was away for 40 days receiving instructions from the Lord atop Mt. Sinai, the Israelites were back at camp engaging in wild parties and the worship of a golden calf. They had quickly abandoned the Lord and resorted to their old ways. Although they got out of Egypt, it seems Egypt had never gotten out of the Israelites. What lessons can …
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This week we're looking at Exodus 28-31 to help us understand how God used the priesthood to connect with and to commune with the Israelites. The ultimate way God chose to dwell among His people was not in a Tabernacle built by human hands, but in human flesh when Jesus came and "tabernacled" with us as our High Priest.…
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This week we're looking at the chapters in Exodus where God lays out how the nation of Israel was to worship God. Through the Tabernacle, we see how the different elements that God instructs the Israelites to build are a foreshadowing of their fulfillment made in and through the work of Jesus.Di Mike Rooth
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This week, we continue to look at ‘The Book of the Covenant,’ where God gives instructions to His people on how to treat one another and how to function as a nation with civil laws and rules for worship. We will pay particular attention to Chapter 24, where God confirms His covenant with His people through the pouring out of blood. To our modern ea…
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In this final teaching from the 10 Commandments, Pastor Blair examines the word “covet” and what it means to “desire enviously that which belongs to another.” If covetousness is like a tree, then there are generally five roots that nourish it: envy, jealousy, greed, lust, and discontentment.Di Pastor Blair Allen
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God has established the rights of individuals to possess property and to be stewards (managers) of all that God owns. When people steal, they not only sin against the one who possess the property, but they also sin against the One who loaned it in the first place, namely God. Besides the obvious ‘taking’ of what doesn’t belong to you, have you ever…
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The Ten Commandments aren’t just about what not to do—they also promote love, kindness, and generosity. This includes having a positive view on sex. Christianity, despite what people may think, actually encourages delight and closeness in sex, but within marriage. The idea of sex being a connection between a Christian and Jesus shows us the joy of …
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What is the difference between killing someone and murdering someone? What are the ethical issues facing our society today about death and dying? Take your Bible and join us for this continuing study through the 10 Commandments. The title tells you a little of what we are going to look at together. :)…
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What comes to mind when you think of your father or mother? For some, the thought is uplifting. For others, it’s devastating. Yet the Bible says, “Honour your father and mother” and provides no exception clause for those of us who have had horrific experiences at the hands of our parents. So what does it mean to honour them? How do we do this?…
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On Easter Sunday, we celebrate and remember that Jesus triumphed over the grave! He died and is now alive forevermore, holding the keys to Death and Hades (Rev. 1:18). Those who trust in Him need not fear death. Jesus got what He didn’t deserve, namely our sin, and we got what we didn’t deserve, His gift of righteousness.…
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Sin isn’t static. It will always demand more. It’ll always come back with more ferocity and power. It’ll always be there and it’ll always increase. And its ultimate destination is death—a spiritual and moral death, and for those who don’t know the Lord, an eternal death. The most powerful thing we can do to combat sin is to stand on the territory t…
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Justification by faith alone is a life-changing doctrine that changed Martin Luther’s life. This doctrine is the spark that started the Reformation. Luther moved from a life of despair to joy, knowing that we have a borrowed righteousness of Christ that is extended to all who believe. In this message, we look at the book of Romans and the four vers…
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At the heart of the Bible is the message of God's rescue of us. Christianity has good news about what God has done for us. The Gospel means “Good News.” If you were to take the Bible and distill its contents down to one thing, it would be all about God's rescue mission to us. This Easter series called “Rescued” is all about taking some time to real…
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In the 4th Commandment, we’re commanded to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Learning to Sabbath is a very difficult concept for our modern ears because we attach so much value to time and productivity that the idea of resting means no productivity... and no productivity eats away at our perceived value. What Jesus is offering is not an escape…
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In this message, we look at the 3rd Commandment, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain." God’s name expresses His character and His reputation. Anytime you misuse the name of the Lord, you malign, devalue, and dishonour the character and reputation of God. God …
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In this message, we are looking at the second out of ten commands that God gave to Moses. God is very clear how we are not to worship Him through graven images or idols. The context of this command is extremely important to help us understand this command fully. These days in our culture, it rare to see graven images or idols, but Scripture is very…
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The first commandment tells us that we’re to have no other gods but God. He is to be the exclusive object of our worship; the ultimate object of our love and desire. In this message, what we will see is that there isn’t a person here who is capable of dethroning all idols and giving his or her heart to God alone. It’s impossible. But what is imposs…
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In this message, we make sense of God’s Top 10. We lay some groundwork for how we’re to understand and approach the 10 Commandments, and look at some reasons for why we should obey them. In the following weeks, we’ll be unpacking each of the 10 commandments.Di Pastor Blair Allen
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This week we take a closer look at Moses’ father-in-law and his valuable wisdom to Moses in chapter 18. There are so many great principles of leadership to learn in this chapter. Together we’re going to look at three leadership principles and how they impact our lives everyday.Di Pastor Blair Allen
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In this message, we look to Exodus 16 where we find the Israelites continue on their journey through the wilderness, where they face hunger and complain to God once again. God, in His grace, provides them with manna and quail for food. God tests the people to rely on Him everyday for their every need. This story points us forward to a greater bread…
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What we see in Exodus 15 is the response the Israelites had to the deliverance that God gave them from the slavery of the Egyptians. They responded in this celebration of deliverance, with deep emotion, the first song recorded in the Bible. They certainly had much to celebrate! In this message, we examine some biblical truths about worship.…
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We conclude our 'Fear Not' series with a look at the familiar characters of the Shepherds in the Christmas story. Here we see again the angel say “Fear Not.” We believe this story — a very popular portion of the Christmas text — could speak to you in a way that could be a game-changer when it comes to your standing with God.…
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Fear attacks us right where our faith lives and keeps us from stepping into the plans God has for us. This Christmas series will help us overcome fear and transform it into faith and obedience. 'Fear Not' assures us that God will always give us the guidance we need to reject fear. This week's focus is on Mary's encounter with the angel who told her…
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With the tenth and final plague of Passover complete, what does God call His people to next? What does God want to ensure that His people give themselves to first? He calls them to remember. Remember who they were and what He had done. This message delves deep into the question: why? Why does God want us to remember, and what does it birth in us, H…
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This week, we dive into Exodus 12:1-32, examining the 10th and final plague that God poured out on the Egyptians. In this plague, every firstborn son in Egypt will die. The Israelites, in order to be shielded from God’s judgment, will have the first Passover and paint the blood of the lamb over their doorposts. We will explore this and how the firs…
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We continue in Exodus by looking at the three plagues of flies, livestock and boils. Through these plagues, God continues to destroy the false idols and gods in which the Egyptians have placed their security, showing us how God makes a distinction between His chosen people and those who are not.Di Pastor Blair Allen
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As Chapter 7 of Exodus continues, and over the next few chapters, we witness the power of God displayed in the ten plagues. We have observed the face-off; now, we have the God of the Hebrews—the true and living God—in the ring with Pharaoh and the gods of Egyptian people, where God is delivering punch after punch to the very heart of Pharaoh, the E…
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The first 13 verses of Exodus 7 serve as a preview of the plagues. They introduce nearly all the main themes of the next five chapters of this book: the obedience of Moses and Aaron, the counterfeit miracles of Satan and his servants, the superior power of God and his staff, and the perpetual hardening of Pharaoh's heart.…
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