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Exhibitions are a tool, not the result. Art should open up for a democratic dialog and rethink the ‘ordinary’ exhibition practises. Martha Rosler: “art make difference to a social movement only when it is made in cognizance of those movements.” . Exhibition making can be a model of resistance, a tool and not the result.
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Fabio de Sa e Silva

Ogni mese
This is a podcast of the Project on Autocratic Legalism (PAL). PAL seeks to understand how law can be used to further, as well as to resist autocratic forces that have been on the rise around the globe. The project involves scholars from multiple countries and disciplines. PAL participants are currently conducting research on autocratic legalism in Brazil, India, and South Africa. Learn more about our project at In this podcast, we will share some of the conceptual d ...
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show series
Hur viktigt är biodrivmedel för att vi ska nå våra klimatmål? Och varför kan vi inte elektrifiera hela fordonsflottan istället? Vi träffade Helen Lindblom, sakkunnig klimat- och energifrågor på Trafikverket, för att prata om hur avgörande biodrivmedel är för att Sverige ska kunna nå klimatmålen.Di Maria Moustakakis
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Today, Fabio talks to Sindiso MnisiWeeks. Sindiso is Associate Professor in Legal Studies and Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Adjunct Associate Professor in Public Law at the University of Cape Town (UCT). She is currently finishing a monograph titled “Alter-Native Constitutionalism: Common-ing ‘Common’ Law, Transfo…
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Today, Fabio talks to Dee Smythe (UCT honorary), Michelle Leroux (UCT and Wits), and Dennis Davis (UCT Emeritus). Fabio and his guests focus mostly on the piece that the latter wrote for the PAL project, titled “What Future for Constitutional Democracy in South Africa?,” which was published in 2022, in VRÜ/World Comparative Law. That piece argues t…
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I kraft av omställning från fossil till förnybar produktion planerar vi att årligen producera uppemot 600 000 kubikmeter förnybart flygbränsle 2027 – vilket idag skulle motsvara ungefär hälften av det flygbränsle som varje år säljs i Sverige. Vi träffade Henrik Råberg, Chef Nya Möjligheter på Preem, för att höra mer om arbetet längs vägen.…
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Today, Fabio talks to Konrad Sartorius, Caleb Wisinger, and David Taitano – three students in the Masters of International Affairs program at the University of Oklahoma. Konrad and Caleb attended a course on Autocratic Legalism taught by Fabio. With David, they built on what they learned with Fabio to develop a project for another course, which the…
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Preem investerar stort i att utöka produktionen av förnybara drivmedel, men hur ser efterfrågan och prisbilden ut för dessa produkter? Hur mycket förnybara drivmedel produceras på Preems raffinaderier och varför säljs produkterna utomlands? Preems omställning kräver en stor efterfrågeökning i förnybara råvaror - hur jobbar vi för att hitta rätt råv…
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Today Fabio talks to Deepa Das Acevedo (Emory University Law School), Mohsin A. Bhat (Queen Mary University of London School of Law), and Mayur Suresh (SOAS School of Law). The conversation hinges mostly around the piece the guests wrote to the PAL project, titled “Authoritarianism in Indian State, Law, and Society" and published in 2022 in the Wor…
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De närmaste åren kommer antalet laddbara bilar öka enormt och behovet av publika laddstationer följer givetvis den utvecklingen. Vi bidrar genom en storskalig utrullning av laddstationer för både elbilar och tung trafik.En övergång till förnybara flytande drivmedel ger störst effekt här och nu om vi tittar på hur dagens fordonsflotta ser ut, men fr…
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Today, Fabio talks to Raquel Pimenta. Raquel is a law professor at the FGV Law School in São Paulo, which has been the primary site of PAL research in Brazil. Their team, which Raquel helped lead, has just produced a forthcoming edited book on Bolsonaro’s rule and its relationship with the law, which comprises 13 chapters and involved 22 contributo…
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PALcast host, Fabio de Sa e Silva, explains what he and his guests will be discussing during season 3 of PALcast. His primary focus will be on the papers published by PAL collaborators in a special issue of the World Comparative Law journal, released in early 2023. This special issue includes in-depth studies on Brazil, India, South Africa, Hungary…
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Vad krävs för att gå från en traditionell bensinstation till en modern energistation och samtidigt vara en viktig del av resan mot en grönare och tryggare framtid längs med de svenska vägarna? Och vilka verktyg kan branschen nu använda när reduktionsplikten kraftigt sänks? I det sjunde avsnittet av PreemPodden träffar Preems Maria Moustakakis Drivk…
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Vilken potential har talloljan som drivmedel och vad är viktigt att tänka på när man köper in råvaran? Och behövs råvaran när fordonsflottan elektrifieras i allt snabbare takt? I PreemPodden möter Preems Maria Moustakakis Sunpines VD David Öquist och pratar om framtidens drivmedel och hur ett företag uppe i norr lyckats bygga en företagskultur som …
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Hur ser Preems råvarumix ut idag och hur kan den se ut framöver? Vad krävs för att en förnybar råvara ska kunna användas som drivmedel och vilka marknader köper Preem in sina råvaror ifrån? Och vilken är Preems största utmaning när det kommer till att lyckas ställa om hela sin värdekedja från fossil till klimatneutral. Räcker råvarorna för att lyck…
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Vilka pågående utvecklingsprojekt drivs på raffinaderiet i Göteborg? Hur kan vi på Preem nyttja cirkulära råvaror som exempelvis uttjänta däck och plastavfall. Kan ett raffinaderi verkligen bidra till att vi på Preem når våra klimatmål och vad krävs i så fall av vår produktion för att lyckas. I årets sista avsnitt av PreemPodden möter du möjliggöra…
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I det här avsnittet pratar vi om hur den politiska spelplanen ser ut och hur Preem förhåller sig till den? Och vad menar vi när vi pratar om en bättre resa? Bättre än vaddå? I det tredje avsnittet av PreemPodden möter du Preems möjliggörare Roger Björkbacka, Public Affairs Manager och Ulrica Bååthe, Head of Brand and Strategic Marketing.…
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Today, Fabio talks about the accomplishments of season 2 and what he had to leave for season 3. He also announces a short break and shares information about this call for paper through which PAL is recruiting collaborators for its next phase: If you want to work with us, take a look at the cal…
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In the last two episodes of this season, Fabio interviews two students who were engaged with PAL, and the themes we are exploring through the Project. Today he talks to Sofia Rolim, a Master's Student at FGV Law School in São Paulo, Brazil, one of the main institutions behind the PAL project. At FGV, Sofia took a seminar on autocratic legalism, led…
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In the last two episodes of this season, Fabio interviews two students who were engaged with PAL, and the themes we are exploring through the Project. Today he talks to Ryleigh Horst, his former undergraduate student at the University of Oklahoma. Ryleigh did extensive studies about democracy and current trends of democratic backsliding and also st…
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I det här avsnittet pratar vi om hur det är att jobba på ett raffinaderi, vilka olika utvecklingsprojekt som pågår och varför dessa projekt är så viktiga? Hur fungerar ett miljötillstånd och kan ett raffinaderi verkligen bidra till att vi når vårt klimatmål? Lyssna på det andra avsnittet av PreemPodden med Sofia Lagerkvist, Preems produktionschef p…
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Today, Fabio talks to David Trubek, Voss-Bascom Professor of Law and Dean of International Studies Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Senior Global Fellow at FGV Direito SP, the FGV Law School in Sao Paulo. David really needs no introduction to most PALcast listeners; he is a true icon in law and society and law and development stu…
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Today, Fabio talks to Michael McCann, a professor at the University of Washington and former president of the Law and Society Association. Michael is known for his studies on legal mobilization and recently published an essay (with Filiz Kahraman) arguing that “the distinction between liberal and illiberal, or authoritarian legal orders is misleadi…
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Är Preem branschledande inom hållbarhet och vad har Preem för vision framåt? Vad krävs för att vara klimatneutrala i hela värdekedjan redan 2035 och kommer Preem att lyckas? Vad menar vi med att vi gör resan till en bättre framtid möjlig och vilken strategi ligger bakom? Det och vilket företag Preem är år 2035 besvarar Preems vd och koncernchef Mag…
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In this episode, Fabio talks to Swethaa Ballakrishnen, a law professor at UCI with training in sociology and law. Swethaa studies legal globalization and how law and legal institutions create, sustain, and counter different kinds of socio-economic inequalities, drawing from fieldwork in multiple sites. But the interview focuses mostly on the book S…
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Today, Fabio talks to Tom Ginsburg, a professor of international law and political science at the University of Chicago and the author of "How to save a Constitutional democracy" (with Aziz Huq) and the brand-new "Democracies and International Law". Fabio and Tom discuss how modern autocrats use law to consolidate power, how the US has proven vulne…
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Today, Fabio talks to Kim Lane Scheppele, a Professor of Sociology and International Affairs at Princeton University. Kim has a very special place in the PAL project. She was the scholar who popularized the term "autocratic legalism" in law and society studies and, back in 2019, she gave a powerful speech at the annual meeting of the Law and Societ…
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Today, Fabio talks to Helena Alviar, a law professor at Sciences-Po law school, in France, after a prolific career in Colombia. Helena wrote many pieces that are being read in the PAL project, such as a study on the "legal architecture of populisms" and one on "neoliberal economics as authoritarianism". Fabio and Helena discussed these research fin…
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Today, Fabio talks to Bojan Bugaric, a public law professor at the University of Sheffield Law School, in the UK. Mark Tushnet, Bojan just launched a book entitled “Power to the People: Constitutionalism in the Age of Populism”. Fabio and Bojan discuss different kinds of populism, how they may affect law and democracy, and why it is worth investiga…
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Today, Fabio talks to Anthony Pereira, a political scientist who teaches at the King's College, in London. Pereira is the author of Political (In)justice, a book on how Latin American dictatorships used the law to repress political dissidents, which he then labeled authoritarian legality. Fabio and Pereira discussed how these lessons from the past …
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Today, Fabio talks to Rick Abel, an Emeritus Law Professor at UCLA. Rick recently published two books on the United States war on terror, which researchers at the PAL project have found particularly useful. The reason is, in these books, Rick shows how a liberal legal order can quickly be turned into an illiberal one, to fight those who are framed …
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Today, Fabio talks to Oscar Vilhena, a lawyer and political scientist who is the Dean of the FGV Law School in São Paulo, Brazil, which is the main basis for the Brazilian part of the PAL project. This conversation was intended to give readers a hint of what putting PAL research together has been like, but it was inevitable for Fabio and Oscar to e…
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Today, Fabio talks to Javier Corrales, a political science professor at Amherst College. Corrales coined the term autocratic legalism to account for Venezuela's authoritarian turn in the late 20th century. In the episode, Fabio and Corrales unpack this concept and discuss other issues, including the 2020 US elections and how the United States can d…
  continue reading I det här avsnittet diskuterar vi geni-begreppet, dess historiska innebörd och hur det används idag. Vad menar man egentligen? Behövs det ens? Det här avsnittet är mer av en åsikts-rant än vad det var informativt haha! Jag tror vi bara nämnde två titlar: Linda Nochlin – Why have the…
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Lizzie Fitch/Ryan Trecartin Priority Innfield (Fence) 2013 Första favoritkonstnär: varför och vad tycker man om den idag? Hur kommer vi i kontakt med nya konstnärer? hur bestämmer man sig för vilka utställningar som vi går och kollar på?…
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  continue reading Varför har skulptur bara varit marmor och brons? Var går gränsen mellan skulptur och installation? I det tolfte/andra avsnittet av Konstpodden pratar vi om SKULPTUR! Något som har kommit att bli Sofias special-område och något som jag (Denise) har total-ignorerat så fort …
  continue reading Andrea Fraser – Museum Highlights (1989), involved Fraser posing as a Museum tour guide at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1989 under the pseudonym of Jane Castleton. During the performance, Fraser led a tour through the museum describing it in verbose and overly dramatic terms t…
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