This installment I come bearing gifts of tips to help you,!? Special Mother's Day shout out and a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!Di MR. SMITH
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It really does take a village to raise a child.....I got some tips to help build your tribeDi MR. SMITH
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Give yourself some credit, you've done a great job!! Pat yourself on the back, Barry Horowitz does....Di MR. SMITH
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DEPRESSION ANXIETY AND STRESS...OH MY! Another holiday season and you just cant fix your feelings!Di MR. SMITH
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So you're having a what?! AAAUUUGGHHH!Di MR. SMITH
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Parenting during this pandemic is rough....but yet, my daughter teaching me some things about her.....Di MR. SMITH
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This time I take you through the other side of the holidays no one ever really expands on. Let's talk about the sad and depressed during the holidays. and what are some thing you can do to get over it all and enjoy yourself!Di MR. SMITH
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