Learn about the differences between Alzheimer's and dementia, and how Alzheimer's disease progresses. We talk about why catching the disease early can make a big difference. Dr. Sharon Cohen and Dr. Yaakov Stern walk us through the stages of Alzheimer's disease, from when there are no symptoms to when memory issues start to show. They explain the stages of Alzheimer’s and how it develops over time. We also hear from Kelly, who explains her personal experiences and concerns about developing Alzheimer’s, and what she does about it. For links to resources and information covered in this series, visit our website at HealthUnmuted.com/resources What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit healthunmuted.com/feedback to let us know! Rethinking Alzheimer’s Disease was made possible with support from Eisai Inc. [00:00:00] Introduction [00:03:10] What's the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia? [00:07:04] When does Alzheimer’s begin to develop? [00:09:08] What is Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)? [00:10:36] What is subjective cognitive decline? [00:11:59] What is preclinical Alzheimer's disease? [00:13:13] Why is it important to detect Alzheimer’s disease early? Disclaimer: The content provided in this podcast is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by this podcast or its guests is solely at your own risk. ©2024 Mission Based Media Ltd • April 2024 • AD-M2059…
Justin Rhodes is an entrepreneur, film producer, author, food- growing crazy chicken lady health nut, and family man homesteading in western North Carolina. He’s best know for his popular YouTube Channel “Justin Rhodes” (nearly 1 million subscribers) where he’s taught and inspired MILLIONS to grow their own food and improve family relationships. This show is about the journey behind his business, health, family and food growing adventures.
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Bee-keeping Expert: Kaylee Richardson, the Honeystead
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1:39:36Addressing the bee myths. Learn Natural bee-keeping in our new class with Kaylee on Abundance Plus: https://www.abundanceplus.com
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Nick Freitas: How Voting Works, the Power Trap, Poverty, and Parenting Hacks
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2:41:38@Nickjfreitas , Virginia State politician, influencer, and homesteader.
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Garden Expert: The Fastest Way to Plan Your Garden
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1:50:49Paul Dysinger, founder of Garden Planning Software, Seedtime joins us to talk about gardening techniques, his vegetarian (and faith) lifestyle, and business expertise. Plan your garden 7x faster like we did, with Seedtime - https://bit.ly/4aalCSf
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Master Gardner | JM Fortier on the Adventure of Market Farming
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Expert on Growing Joy | Erin Benzakein
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1:55:30Erin Benzakein of Floret on Flower power, overcoming debt, making movies, and sharing our creations. Watch her newest film in the Abundance Film Fest: https://www.abundantpermaculture.com/filmfest
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Curtis Stone: Finding The Perfect Homestead Property
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1:40:41The Canadian Offgrid Homesteader Shares the 11 Scales of Permanence on how to find the perfect homestead. Watch Three Sixty Five, the film about living off the land for a year (in the A+ Film fest): https://www.abundantpermaculture.com/filmfest Sign up for Curtis' "Find the Perfect Homestead Property" and get the Homestead Directory Free (ON SALE) …
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Joel Salatin on Breaking Out of Conventionality, Community Building, Alternate Food Systems, and More
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2:47:29Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm joins Justin to discuss a myriad of topics.
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Justin and Rebekah talk with Pete Kanaris of GreenDreamsTV and his wife to discuss their edible landscaping and nursery business in Florida. website: https://www.greendreamsfl.com
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Nathan Barry on Entrepreneurship, Business, and More
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2:19:25Creator of ConvertKit - Nathan Barry - joins Justin to discuss an array of topics.
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John Mahshie on The Veterans Healing Farm
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1:51:38The VFH exists to serve veterans by offering workshops on innovative farming techniques and foster a thriving micro-community of veterans and civilians who build deep friendships and cultivate emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Additionally, we support our nation's veterans by growing and donating high-quality fruits, vegetables, and flower…
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Homesteading Family's Josh Thomas on Perspective and Attitude
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2:40:09Josh Thomas of Homesteading Family joins Justin to discuss perspective and attitude towards life, work, money, relationships, and more. School of Traditional Skills Summit: https://bit.ly/SchoolOfTraditionalSkills
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Homestead Ladies Takeover
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1:41:40Rebekah hosts Jess Sowards, Lorraine Contreras, Meg Hollar, Kelly Brotherton, and Brianna (Bri from Scratch) for an all-ladies podcast.
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The Fit Farmer: Mike and Lacie Dickson on Family, Faith, Race, and More
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1:45:04Mike and Lacie Dickson - "The Fit Farmer" on YouTube - join Justin and Rebekah to share their story.
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Tara from Slowdown Farmstead on the real Canada, slowing down and eating copious amounts of meat.
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1:51:22Tara from Slowdown Farmstead on the real Canada, slowing down and eating copious amounts of meat.
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Author James Rebanks (UK) and wife Helen on opting out of big ag, accepting oneself and growing sideways
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1:47:08James the Author of Pastoral Song and the Shepherds Life and Helen an upcoming author of the Farmers Wife.
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Dr. Ken Berry & Dr. Libert on the Carnivore Diet (Top Concerns)
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1:00:44Dr. Berry who leans into the carnivore diet and Dr. Libert who's an advocate for a plant based diet help Justin navigate how the diet may play a role in addressing chronic illness.
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The Pork Evangelist - Pork Rhyne
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1:37:29Pork Rhyne is “The Pork Evangelist,” an international livestock educator and farm marketing coach. He has been featured in Homesteaders of America, ABC's Localish, and PBS's Resilient Agriculture. Pork Rhyne has trained over 5,000 full-time farmers and homesteaders in scaling profitable farm enterprises by helping them overcome their fears of prici…
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Couples Therapy - Premium Member Webinar
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1:28:55Justin and Rebekah host a special edition of their Premium Member Webinar on Abundance Plus where couple join them to discuss their domestic struggles as it relates to homesteading. Watch the video version and/or learn about becoming a member at abudanceplus.com
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Jill and Christian Winger - Old-fasion On Purpose
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2:30:55Jill and Christian Winger join Rebekah and Justin to talk about faith, homesteading, rebranding, and more.
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Brandon Sheard Master Meatsmith on Befriending Animals You’re Gonna Kill and Eat
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1:20:47Brandon Sheard of Farmstead Meatsmith joins Justin to discuss livestock harvest, how he became a butcher, and spirituality in the discipline of husbandry/butchery. Farmsteadmeatsmith.com
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Rory Feek on Writing for Blake Shelton, the Grammys, His Down Syndrome Daughter, Losing His Wife, Christianity and His Lesbian Daughter
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1:12:46This podcast is the audio from the video podcast on Abundance Plus. Check out the video version here: https://bit.ly/abundance-plus Country music singer/songwriter Rory Feek joins Justin Rhodes for a deep discussion about writing for Blake Shelton, the Grammys, his down syndrome daughter, losing his wife, Christianity and his lesbian daughter.…
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Holistic Hilda on the Critical Health Hacks to Rule them All
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1:10:16Video podcast from Abundance Plus: bit.ly/abundance-plus @Holistic Hilda from the Wise Traditions podcasts interviews a plethora of health experts. Now she shares all the most important health hacks to rule them all. Catch me on her show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wise-traditions/id1072618042?i=1000546775269 For more video podcasts…
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The following is the audio from a bonus video in the Joel Salatin Masterclass series for Polyface Micro on Abundance Plus. Joel and Justin have a one-on-one conversation about involving children on the homestead. If you are an Abundance Plus member or thinking about becoming one, go check out the video version of this podcast along with the other a…
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Justin draws inspiration and wisdom from Danny Goldberg's book on Kurt Cobain, Serving the Servant: Remembering Kurt Cobain. Video Justin referenced: https://youtu.be/FnxCpMbRY08
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Jessica and Jeremiah Sowards on Dog Poop, Tattoos, Hard Times, Youtube Success, Vulnerably and Ugly Comments
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1:15:03Wilder Still creators Jessica and Jeremiah Sowards of Roots and Refuge Farm (and the popular YouTube channel by the same name) join Justin and Rebekah to discuss vulnerability and other challenges with YouTube and farming.
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The following is the audio from a bonus video in the Joel Salatin Masterclass series for Polyface Micro on Abundance Plus. Joel and Justin go for a car ride and have a discussion on marriage and family. Abundance Plus Video Version: https://abundanceplus.com/programs/car-ride-a5de3c Sign up for Abundance Plus: https://bit.ly/abundance-plus…
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Chronic Illness Video on Abundance Plus - https://bit.ly/3oLUeDJ Today’s show the audio from a video Justin made for Abundance Plus as an extra for his tv show - Rooted - which deals with Chronic Illness. The video was filmed by Ben Roberts who makes the Rooted shows so it is beautifully shot on two cameras. There is really nice broll that I added …
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Justin discusses the future direction of this podcast as well as JL Collins' book, The Simple Path to Wealth.
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Cows & Hope
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1:21:40This is the audio version of the October 2021 Abundance Plus premium member webinar where Justin and Rebekah discuss all things cows and more.
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The podcast today is about the marketing ideas around launching the pilot episode of Discovering Home which features Martin Johnson Off-Grid Living, the popular YouTube channel about a family building a debt-free homestead from scratch in north Idaho. Martin and his wife Julie joined Justin on a Zoom call to go over these ideas for the launch. Ther…
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I continue the talk on what becoming a man means to me.
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While at Might Man camp with my sons, I was reflecting on what it really means to be a man. I was reminded of when Rebekah once told me, "Justin, be a man. Do the right thing." Somehow my wife knew what it means to be a man...doing the right thing.
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Justin wraps up the talk about the 10 marketing ideas for Abundance Plus by going over the ideas he is trying and challenging those ideas.
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Justin goes over his list of marketing ideas for Abundance Plus and gets in-depth on some of them.
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What is the best part of the LEGO experience? Building the legos, not playing with them afterward. Just like LEGOs, reaching a goal has the same feeling you get when you snap on the last LEGO brick in the set; what's next? The destination is the journey.
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"When it comes to ideas, it's more efficient to test 10 bad ones than it is spending 10 days trying to come up with something perfect." - Marc Randolph
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Justin provides an update on the launch of Abundance Plus before continuing the journey through the book "That Will Never Work" written by the founder of Netflix.
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Justin is trying to get work done while he is down with Salmonella poisoning. Justin and Rebekah discuss his symptoms and the family struggle while Justin is trying to recover. Streaming News Program - https://bit.ly/breaking-points
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Justin continues to draw inspiration from the "That Will Never Work" book (written by the founder of Netflix) to guide him through the creation and launch of Abundance+, Justin's new online streaming network. Justin gets business idea pitches frequently for Abundance+ but the ideas are meaningless unless there is a way to implement them and test th…
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Rebekah (and baby Henry) joins Justin to discuss the behind the scenes efforts to launch Abundance Plus as Justin draws inspiration from the "That Will Never Work" book written by the founder of Netflix.
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In an attempt to make this podcast NOT all about business, Justin discusses his health, personal care, and diet. He also talks about how he and his wife support one another through their health trials.
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Justin continues his exploration into "That Will Never Work" by Marc Randolph. Justin picks up in chapter 7 where Marc writes about finding employees and giving them problems to solve. Justin relates that to his experience raising his children on the farm.
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There's no use in sitting around whining and complaining. Deal with your anxiety by getting to work! Learn to delegate and outsource. Use Kickstarter as a way to validate your business idea. Justin talks about these topics and more inspired by reading "This Will Never Work" by the Netflix founder.
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Justin continues his dive into the book written by Netflix founder, "That Will Never Work". Justin discusses chapter four of the book and shares his own experiences with having to wear more than one hat while starting a business and having an audience for marketing. Justin mentions the resources he used to learn more about marketing and business.…
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Justin is reading "That Will Never Work" by Netflix founder Marc Randolph. Justin gleans business principles from the book and applies them to his own business. He discusses his future vision for Abundance Plus. That Will Never Work book Pen Justin Likes Moleskin notebook
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