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In this episode of the ForgeCast the ForgeGamers catch up after being silent for a few weeks. We discuss changes mentioned in Kibler’s recent stream the new DCG Hex and respond to some feedback we have gotten for the cast. Card of the Week: Uterran Packmaster
In this episode of the ForgeCast the ForgeGamers discuss the recent PC Beta FAQ and the idea of using the community to beta test new sets. Deck of the Week: Scrapforge Dragons Card of the Week: Vengeful Spirit
In this episode of the ForgeCast Lovercore, Myrridin and I discuss the PC Beta, our new segment Card of the Week featurung Flameblade Champion, card balance and our Grimgaunt Giveaway.
In the episode Lovecore and Nellakcin are joined by Myrridin and Mark to share with us their ideas and views of Solforge from a more casual player's point of view.
In this episode of the ForgeCast we discuss the recent Q&A from Brian Kibler, Justin Gary and The White Tiger of Stoneblade and the community at large.