Welcome to the Living with Hope podcast with Peter Frey, a weekly podcast that digs into God's Word and explores what it means to live with hope in Jesus.
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Peter & Mary discuss Psalm 37 and the joy (and difficulty) of waiting on the Lord.
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A conversation with Peter and Mary Frey on the practice of being present, dwelling in the reality of God's presence and the amazing truths of John 15.
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Peter is joined on the podcast with David Giese, pastor of Village Church of Gurnee, IL for a conversation on Philippians 2:14-18 and why followers of Jesus walk in gratitude rather than grumbling.
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Peter & Mary Frey explore how the gospel leads us to a posture of humility.
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Join Mary and Peter for a conversation on finding contentment in Christ whether in life or in death.
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Peter & Mary Frey continue this study in Philippians as we observe the ways that the gospel shapes our joy and delight in Christ over circumstances.
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Come along on a journey through the book of Philippians with us! We kick off our study this week with a look at Philippians 1:1-11 and the incredible truth that God will finish what he has started!
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A conversation with Peter & Mary around 2 Peter 1:3-8, and the practical reality that we have all we need in Christ.
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Sacrificial love, the sovereignty of God and the symbol of marriage. Peter & Mary reflect on the ways that they have seen the glories of the gospel in and through marriage.
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A Conversation with Peter & Mary Frey about everyday liturgies (rhythms of life that form our hearts and minds) and ways to intentionally grow in this new year!
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Advent is about preparation. It's a season of formative practices that shape our hearts and faith by intentionally meditating on Jesus' coming.
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Angst. Anticipation. Amazement. These are the emotions we sit in during the season of Advent.
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Peter digs into the difference between groaning with hope and grumbling with discontent.
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A conversation with Peter & Mary Frey on recalibrating our hearts by faith in God who is our refuge amidst the chaos of life.
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Digging into Romans 5:1-5, Peter & Mary discuss the difference between optimism, positivity and hope. The hope that we find in the Bible is a redemptive realism that doesn't merely ignore the brokenness and focus on the good but embraces the goodness of God in the midst of brokenness.
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The invitation of Hebrews 4:14-16 is to bring your troubles to Jesus because he tore down the divide between sacred and secular. Mary and Peter explore the depth of confidence found when we boldly approach the throne of grace!
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Exploring the truth of John 16:7, Peter & Mary discuss the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers in Jesus!
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In a world where we are surrounded by uncertainties, what does Christian faith look like? Today's podcast is a throwback to a sermon that Peter preached several years ago on Hebrews 11.
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This week's podcast is an encouraging conversation with Mark Burkholder, pastor of Cedar Creek Community Church in Grafton, WI. We discuss what it means to "pivot" as Christians by shifting our focus amidst a new normal.
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Peter & Mary discuss Mark 10:35-45 as Jesus points us to the reality that the path to greatness in the Kingdom of God is not self-promotion but self-giving love!
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Special guest, David Giese, lead pastor of Village Church in Gurnee, IL, joins Peter on the podcast to discuss the ways in which the hope of Jesus sustains us during seasons of darkness.
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YOUR CALLING & GOD'S FAITHFULNESS | 1 Thessalonians 5:24 | A Conversation with Peter & Mary Frey
Peter & Mary discuss an amazing promise from 1 Thessalonians 5:24 that reminds of of God's faithfulness in the midst of our calling as Christians!
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Peter & Mary walk through Romans 8 and explore what it means to set our minds on the life and peace of the Spirit of God!
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Peter & Mary discuss some practical tools for studying God's Word & walk through a study of Romans 15:13 together as an example. Be encouraged as we turn our conversation to the God of Hope who fills us with all joy and peace in believing! Here's the acronym we talk about for studying the Bible: PREP STUDY P - Pray R - Read E - Evaluate P - Pray S …
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Mary & Peter discuss the benefits of reading and rereading the Word of God & its power to transform our lives in the midst of everyday life!
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As we face the weariness and discouragement of outwardly wasting away, Mary & Peter discuss 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 and the impact that these verses have had in their spiritual journey.
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A continuation of last week's podcast on purpose, Peter & Mary discuss Ephesians 2:10 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 as we think about walking in the purposes of God in whatever he has placed in front of us today!
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When our plans for life are changed by circumstances outside our control, we often struggle with understanding our purpose in life. In this week's conversation, Peter and Mary point to Psalm 57:2 and 1 Corinthians 10:31 to help shift our focus from the things that we do to the posture of our heart by which we do them.…
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This week's conversation with Peter & Mary Frey is centered on what we've been learning personally as we walk with the God of all peace amidst the anxieties of this world. We discuss the book of Habbakuk and Philippians 4:4-9.
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A conversation with Peter & Mary Frey about how their faith in Jesus shapes their purpose for sharing the ups and downs of everyday life on YouTube. At the heart of this conversation is 1 Thessalonians 2:8 - "...We were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us."…
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"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil." 2 CORINTHIANS 5:10
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Mary joins me on the podcast as we discuss what it looks like to walk by faith, not by sight!
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"He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee." 2 Corinthians 5:5
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Worry is allowing the cares of this world to cloud our vision of God's care for us. Trust is allowing God's care for us to color how we see the cares of this world!
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Our future hope is grounded in the reality of sharing in the resurrection life of Jesus!
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As we behold the glory of Jesus, we experience inward renewal and a shift in perspective as we walk through suffering.
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Suffering with hope should lead us to doxology - giving thanksgiving and glory to God!
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THE POWER OF GOD DISPLAYED IN OUR SUFFERING | 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 | Living with Hope Podcast
We have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us! - 2 Corinthians 4:7
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God has shone in our hearts the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus!
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The Christian life is not about advancing how great we are, it is about showing how great Jesus is!
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Apart from Christ, we are blinded by Satan to the light of the gospel, namely the glory of who Jesus is!
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On this Ash Wednesday, we recognize our dependence on God's mercy and His Word as the means of our transformation!
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Because of our glorious hope in Christ, we have boldness to behold the glory of Jesus, and we are changed!
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If the law that led to death was glorious... how much more glorious is the Spirit that leads to life!
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Our confidence and sufficiency does not come from our ability but Christ in us!
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Paul points to his credentials not in a man-made letter but in a spirit-transformed heart.
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Our motivation for ministry is not to be self-serving but Christ exalting!
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Two images of the Christian life are grounded in defeat and sacrifice but point to to victory and life!
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The core of who we are as followers of Jesus is forgiven... and so we also forgive!
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The pastoral heart of Paul's ministry was a position of a co-laboring for joy!
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