The Walt Disney Family Museum is a center for art, animation, and inspiration. Located in the historic Presidio, a national park in San Francisco, California, the museum celebrates the remarkable life of Walt Disney by telling his story, celebrating his legacy, and examining his influence on the world of entertainment. Ten years ago, we were founded in 2009 by Walt Disney’s daughter, Diane Disney Miller, who wanted to share the story of her father with the world. Now, we are hosting a year-l ...
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As a family we have been going to Disney World for over 20 years and we have learned a thing or two along the way. Join our family podcast as we get together for weekly and monthly recaps on Disney do's and don'ts, our favorite attractions, best and worst Disney family vacations, Disney Insiders, Disney Vacation Club, Disney Movies, and more. What is a Disney itinerary? Who needs one of those? How do you book the restaurant or accommodations at Cinderellas castle? Support us on Patreon: htt ...
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VEr Link || The Disney Family Singalong *Pelicula Completa -google Drive 2020 HD
CINE HD VER_ The Disney Family Singalong pelicula gratis [Repelis] Espanol 2020 | VER PELICULA 👉👉 👉👉👉👉👉👉 DESCARGAR 👉👉
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1 – Family Travel Podcast - Disney, Universal, Cruises, All Inclusive, Travel News & Rev Disney Podcast - Hosts: Lisa, Steve, Sharpie, Caitlyn & Debbie – Family Travel Podcast - Disney, Universal, Cruises, All Inclusive, Travel News & Rev
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Mouse Ears in Paradise - Family Travel to Disneyland, Walt Disney World, and Everywhere!
Becky and Dave
Follow along with Becky and Dave as they go on travel adventures, sharing their experiences, lessons learned, and tips! We love Disneyland, Disney World, Disney Cruises, tropical destinations, local theme parks, and any other adventure we can find. With 3 kids, sometimes staying home is adventure enough!
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Finding Christ in Modern Media | Family Movies, LDS, Disney Movies, Christian Movies, Movie Reviews, Relationship with God
Valerie Beus - Christian & Latter-day Saint & Disney fan
***TOP 3% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST*** Wanting to come closer to Christ? Do you wish you could learn gospel principles while also enjoying your favorite movies? In this podcast we will be discussing eternal truths that we can find in modern tv and film. My mission is to help you not only see God in the scriptures and Sunday school, but in places we don’t expect--like during family movie night! If you’re ready to change your focus and start seeing Christ in The Lion King, Harry Potter, and Blue ...
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Traveling to Disney World with kids is tough, and magical, all at the same time. There's nothing like seeing your children's passion come to life right in front of your eyes. We are Nick, Zoleanne, Christian, Claire and Carter - a family passionate about awesome vacations in Walt Disney World! Join us as we discuss tips for first time travelers, what it is really like to stay at a Disney World resort, theme park strategy, dining experiences and more! We are not experts and no Disney trip is ...
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Join Chris and Bri as they share what's new at The Walt Disney Family Museum and share more about the recent announcement honoring Disneyland's 70th anniversary.Di The Walt Disney Family Museum
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Trip report on our 5-Night trip aboard the Disney Fantasy! This year’s cruise took us to Nassau, Castaway Cay, and Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point! It was our first time on Disney Fantasy and visiting Lookout Cay. We’ll discuss if it was Lookout Yeah or Lookout Meh!? Come along with us as we set sail on the high seas! — Email us at: mousearsinparad…
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30 - FREAKY FRIDAY (2003): Struggling to Connect with One of Your Kids? How to Grow or Repair a Broken Relationship
Longing for healthy family relationships? Is there someone you wish you could repair your connection with? In today's episode we discuss one of my favorite movies from my teenage years... FREAKY FRIDAY! And how we see this mother-daughter duo grow and repair their relationship through "walking a mile in each other's shoes"--Literally! If you are se…
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Our top money saving tips to save you some hard earned cash on our Disney World VacationDi Lisa, Steve, Sharpie, Caitlyn, & Debbie
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29 - THE GOOFY MOVIE: "I2I" | The SECRET to World Peace?? How to Respond When Someone Disagrees with You (Music Monday)
Do you ever feel uncomfortable whenever someone shares a differing political opinion? Have you maybe been tempted to remove or unfollow friends on social media because you don't like seeing their opinionated posts? WHAT IF the answer to these problems was actually given to us back in 1995 from a pretty silly-- dare I say, GOOFY movie... In today's …
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In this month's Collections Clash, Chris and Bri face off with their favorite objects that represent love in The Walt Disney Family Museum galleries. ❤️ Visit our Instagram stories to cast your vote on your favorite objects. The Walt Disney Family Museum
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28 - BLUEY: Are You Constantly Battling with Comparison?? Surprising Lessons from this FAVORITE Kids Show!
Do you keep comparing yourself to other moms or people around you? Or maybe you feel like you just keep failing when others seem to thrive? In today's episode we discuss from one of my favorite Bluey episodes how we can run our OWN race and not be distracted by what others are doing. If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian…
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Booking the Best Disney World ToursDi Lisa, Steve, Sharpie, Caitlyn, & Debbie
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27 - TANGLED: "I See the Light" | Where is My Focus? How to Get Out of the Fog and Receive Spiritual Clarity (Music Monday)
Struggling to find clarity or direction? Wondering what truly helps us to see? In today's episode we discuss how we can see what REALLY matters when we look to Christ! If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to priorities, looking to God, and gaining clarity/focus for our lives, be sure to listen! For all…
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Join Chris and Bri as they globetrot into Walt Disney's reception around the world. 🗺️ Roam through some of their favorite international awards on display at The Walt Disney Family Museum, the most famous Disneyland visitor that never was, and Walt's 1935 European trip.Di The Walt Disney Family Museum
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Struggling to carry the weight of everyone's needs on your shoulders? Do you feel you have to "be perfect" in order to be loved? Or maybe forgotten, like everyone else seems more naturally "gifted" than you? In today's episode we discuss three sisters who struggled with these same exact insecurities... and what we can do to help combat them! If you…
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25 - THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME: "God Help the Outcast" | Does God Know ME... or Hear MY Prayers? (Music Monday)
Wondering how you can have more meaningful prayers? In today's episode we discuss how we can learn from Esmeralda's simple, selfless prayer... and what I WISH I could tell her about her true relationship with God! If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to prayer, be sure to listen! For all my faith-fille…
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24 - THE LITTLE MERMAID: Struggling with Your Teen? You're Not the First! Lessons from this Fairytale Classic
Are you worried that Ariel's example may have a NEGATIVE effect on your kids? Do you maybe have a rebellious child of your own? In today's episode we discuss how we can actually learn some POSITIVE lessons from this Disney classic fairytale, and how we can share them with our children. Lessons such as natural consequences, sacrificial love, parenti…
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What are the best off property hotels close to Disney World?Di Lisa, Steve, Sharpie, Caitlyn, & Debbie
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Is God calling out to you? Do you sometimes hesitate when the Spirit gives you impressions to act? In today's episode we discuss how we may be ignoring God's voice and inspiration, and what the benefits are to acting on those promptings. If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families, be sure to listen! For all my faith-…
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EP15 - DCL Dine and Play, Valentine’s Day with Disney, and Taking your children out of school
This week we discuss the announcement of Disney Cruise Line bringing the Dine and Play back to late dining! Will we change our plans for our upcoming cruise? We also talk about how you can bring some Disney to your Valentine’s Day festivities at home. People often wonder if taking your children out of school for a vacation is a good idea, and there…
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Does the weight you carry sometimes seem too heavy to bear? Or have you ever wondered if what you do even really matters? In today's episode we discuss how God is aware of each of us in our individual struggles, and how He will help to lighten our loads. (Is it cheating to discuss THE CHOSEN for our episode, since it is pretty obvious to see Christ…
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Disney Park and Cruise Line NewsDi Lisa, Steve, Sharpie, Caitlyn, & Debbie
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21 - ZOOTOPIA: "Try Everything" | Afraid of Failure? How Repentance Allows Us to Let Go of Fear (Music Monday)
Do you struggle with perfectionism? Or are you having difficulty forgiving yourself for your mistakes?... And does that sometimes keep you from wanting to try again? In today's episode we discuss the blessing of being able to learn from our past mistakes, give them to God, and then let them go... aka REPENTANCE. What a beautiful gift that Jesus Chr…
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In this month's Collections Clash, Chris and Bri face off with their favorite wintertime objects in The Walt Disney Family Museum galleries. ❄️ Visit our Instagram stories to cast your vote on your favorite objects. The Walt Disney Family Museum
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Wondering what to do, or maybe what NOT to do, when it comes to parenting? Would you like a stronger relationship with YOUR Heavenly Father? In today's episode we discuss different parenting styles we see from the hit tv show Gilmore Girls--specifically looking at how Lorelei vs her parents have tackled the sometimes daunting responsibility of pare…
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Join Chris and Bri as they share what's new at The Walt Disney Family Museum and take a closer look at Disney Legend and director Wolfgang "Woolie" Reitherman.Di The Walt Disney Family Museum
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Romantic Ideas - We have you covered for Valentines Day at DisneyDi Lisa, Steve, Sharpie, Caitlyn, & Debbie
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What can break down barriers and transform people?... Love and Kindness! In today's episode we discuss how one character's continual kindness and pursuit help to change the selfish Emperor Kuzco. If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons on love and kindness for Christian families, be sure to listen! For all my faith-filled, movie fans (e…
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In this episode, we discuss what Becky and Dave are doing to prepare for their upcoming cruise! We will review what Fish Extenders and Pixe Dust are on a cruise. You may not expect sewing and 3D printing to be involved in preparation for a cruise, but it does for us!? Don’t feel pressure, it can look different for each person! — Email us at: mousea…
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Do you find yourself wondering: "Why don't I feel happy?" or "Why don't I feel fulfilled in my life?" If you've ever wondered either of these questions, you are not alone. In today's episode we discuss two potential struggles we may be having and possible solutions. If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons on gratitude for Christian fami…
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We have special guests this week, the MOUSELETS join us to bring you our list of FREE and $25 or less goodies, activities and insider tips that you can do on your net trip to Walt Disney World. Be sure to follow the Mouselets here and also on Social Media: Lisa, Steve, Sharpie, Caitlyn, & Debbie
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Does it ever feel like you are crying out to the Lord, but He isn't answering? Why does it seem like God waits until I am struggling or hurting before coming to me? If you've ever wondered either of these questions, you are not alone. In today's episode we discuss why our prayers often don't seem to receive answers or why they might come in a way w…
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Feel like you're going through yet ANOTHER detour on your life's journey? Wondering why things never seem to go "right"?? In this episode we discuss what happens during those inevitable times when things "don't go according to plan" and how we can try to not only cope, but THRIVE during those detours! For all my faith-filled, movie fans this is an …
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every year we do a Mouse Chat Disney year in review show with all the changes and happenings you may have missed at Disney World, Disneyland and on Disney Cruise LineDi Lisa, Steve, Sharpie, Caitlyn, & Debbie
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Struggling to find joy or meaning in your life? Do you wish you could just have some peace and strength during those hard trials? In this episode we discuss a possible solution to help with these questions by discussing the spiritual connections Christians can find in this Pixar classic, and how we can also use it to share gospel lessons with our k…
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We are back from Maui for the holidays and want to share our adventures! The holidays always provide excitement and unexpected situations, and this trip was no exception. Learn about our tradition of the annual trip to Urgent Care. sigh. Listen, and that will make a lot more sense, and hear more fun stuff! — Email us at: [email protected]…
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Can you *really* find spiritual takeaways from popular TV shows?? Like, SERIOUSLY...?! You may not be an Office fan or watcher, but there are MANY out there in today's world, and I have brought you an episode to show that you truly CAN find gospel lessons that you can apply to your life, if you just look for them! In this episode we discuss the spi…
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You can eat for free at Disney World this summer with this special offer at Pixie Vacations. Disney Free Dining Special Offer Also we tour the new Disney Polynesian Resort Island Tower in this Mouse Chat Disney Podcast.Di Lisa, Steve, Sharpie, Caitlyn, & Debbie
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13 - FINDING NEMO: "Just Keep Trusting... Just Keep Trusting..." How To Increase Our Faith in God and Get Rid of Fear!
What does it LOOK like to have faith? How can we more fully trust in the Lord? In this episode we discuss spiritual connections Christians can make as we are "Finding faith in Christ" while enjoying the beloved Pixar classic "Finding Nemo". For all my faith-filled, movie fans (and especially my Pixar lovers!) this is an episode you won't want to mi…
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Don't feel like you fit the usual "hero" stereotype? Meet one of my favorite heroes from movie history... Samwise Gamgee. The humble hobbit gardener, who showed true friendship, loyalty, bravery, and selfless sacrifice in the face of great danger and evil. And who, in my opinion, was VITAL to save Middle-Earth in the LOTR trilogy. In this episode w…
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11 - PETER PAN (1953): "Faith, Trust... and Pixie Dust" ---> 4 LESSONS About Christ's ATONEMENT
Wondering how to access God's grace and power in your life? Did you know that we can learn about Christ even in a story about a boy who never wanted to grow up?? In this episode we discuss the spiritual connections Christians can learn about the Savior's Atonement and the classic animated Disney movie Peter Pan. For all my faith-filled, movie fans …
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Are you feeling insignificant or forgotten this Christmas season? Or are you maybe wondering what's the best way to use your down time between Christmas and New Years? In today's episode we discuss these two questions and how we can find spiritual lessons from the classic Christmas movie White Christmas. For all my faith-filled, movie fans (especia…
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On this month's WD-FM Museum Musings episode, join Chris and Bri as they share what's new at The Walt Disney Family Museum during the holiday season. Enjoy a special segment where they highlight some interesting gifts throughout the museum galleries.Di The Walt Disney Family Museum
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Disney's new cruise ship, the Disney treasure si setting sail from Port Canaveral and here is what you need to make sure you book for your Disney Treasure Cruise.Di Lisa, Steve, Sharpie, Caitlyn, & Debbie
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Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? Can Santa help us learn something about God? What's the best way to help create personal change in ourselves and others? These questions and more are discussed in today's episode! Are you all snuggled up in your coziest pjs, blankets, and fuzzy socks?? Before you start that movie, give this episode a liste…
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