Passing the real estate exam does not have to be so painful. Many people who teach classes to help people pass the real estate exam are great lawyers, real estate brokers or some other type of real estate professional. What they are not is public speakers. They tend to lack focus on the material and bore you to death! My goal is to keep it concise and keep it simple. I talk about what you need to know for the exam and try to be a little bit entertaining in the process. Use promo code PODCAST ...
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Knowing your vocabulary for the real estate exam is one of the main ways you'll be able to pass your exam! In this video we go over the following real estate exam vocab: - Principle of Progression - Federal National Mortgage Association - Functional Obsolescence - Dual Agent - Subject To - Material Fact - Special Warranty Deed - Bundle of Rights - …
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Serious about passing your real estate exam? Sign up with PrepAgent to get more videos, thousands of interactive exam questions with explanations, 5x a week live webinars, and so much more! Discover now:
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Serious about passing your real estate exam? Sign up with PrepAgent to get more videos, thousands of interactive exam questions with explanations, 5x a week live webinars, and so much more! Discover now:
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For more information on how to pass the real estate exam go to
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Listen to how Joe got started in real estate! Get your start in real estate with
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In todays Webinar Joe goes over appraisal.
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Pass the real estate exam with PrepAgent
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For more information on how to pass the real estate exam go to
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You think you understand the difference between real and personal property? It may be trickier than you think. Check out this episode so you did not get tripped up on the exam with this typically simple concept.
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You need to know what appurtenances are to pass your real estate exam.
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find everything you need to pass your real estate exam at
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People often get these terms mixed up. In this episode I try and clarify the differences between them.
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Today I talk about the Government survey system to find land. 25% off with promo code PODCAST on Serious about passing your real estate exam? Sign up with PrepAgent to get more videos, thousands of interactive exam questions with explanations, 5x a week live webinars, and so much more!Follow us on social media:…
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25% off with promo code PODCAST on Serious about passing your real estate exam? Sign up with PrepAgent to get more videos, thousands of interactive exam questions with explanations, 5x a week live webinars, and so much more!Follow us on social media: Join our fre…
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Do you know what a Bargain and Sale Deed is? You should if you want to pass your real estate exam. 25% off with promo code PODCAST on Serious about passing your real estate exam? Sign up with PrepAgent to get more videos, thousands of interactive exam questions with explanations, 5x a week live webinars, and so much more! Follow us on…
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The Real Estate Exam is not relevant! People who say that are never successful, it is a pathetic excuse not to study.
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Today I talk with Maria Nieto about surround yourself with good people. When starting your real estate career make sure you surround yourself with good people to make sure you are successful.
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Today Cynthia and I discuss what broker to work for after you pass your real estate exam.
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Today we go over the basics of Property Ownership to help pass the real estate exam. Premium members of can attend webinars 7 times a week
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For more information to pass your real estate exam be sure to go to
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In this webinar we go over key vocabulary to pass your real estate exam.
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Today we talk about the difference between Deed and Title so you can pass your real estate exam. PromoCode PODCAST for 25% off
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Today we talk about Math so you can pass your real estate exam. PromoCode PODCAST for 25% off
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Serious about passing your real estate exam? Sign up with PrepAgent to get more videos, thousands of interactive exam questions with explanations, 5x a week live webinars, and so much more! Follow us on social media: Join our free private Facebo…
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Today I did a webinar on Contracts to help you pass your real estate exam. These webinars are available 5 days a week for our premium members on
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a life estate explained so you can pass your real estate exam!
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Webinars are available to our premium members
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Here is my interview with Ryan Serhant about improving your real estate career. To pass your exam go to Promo code PODCAST 25% off.
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7 tips you need to listen to so you are ready the night before your real estate exam. To pass your exam go to use promo code PODCAST for 25% off
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Enter Promo Code PODCAST for 25% off on Today we talk about Property Transfer to help you pass your real estate exam!
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In this video, we go over Fair Housing to pass enter promo code PODCAST to receive 25% off on
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Practice & Disclosures Real Estate Exam Webinar. Enter promo code PODCAST for 25% off on
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Promo code PODCAST for 25% off on In this upload we talk about the difference between conventional and unconvetional loans.
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Pass your real estate exam with Use promo code PODCAST for 25% off.
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promo code PODCAST for 25% off on Today we are talking about laws of agency so you can pass your real estate exam.
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promo code PODCAST for 25% OFF on Today we help you get passed the real estate exam by going over some vocabulary
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This Real Estate Exam video is about property ownership. Specifically talking about joint tenancy vs Tenancy in Common. Pass your real estate exam! 25% off with promo code PODCAST
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Today I am talking about Appraisal concepts in the webinar. Check it out! Promo Code PODCAST for 25% off on
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Promo Code PODCAST for 25% off on PrepAgent Today we are reviewing some more vocabulary to pass your real state exam!
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Pass your real estate exam with PrepAgent. Today I talk about what is a wrap around mortgage. Use promocode "podcast" to get 25% OFF.
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Enter podcast for 25.00% off Today we talk about contracts in this real estate exam webinar.
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Today we talk about Property ownership to help you pass your real estate exam! enter promocode podcast for 25% off.
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enter PODCAST for 25% off on when signing up. Pass your real estate exam! Understand Agency relationships as it pertains to your real estate exam.
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enter PODCAST for 25% off on when signing up. Pass your real estate exam! Understand Agency relationships as it pertains to your real estate exam.
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enter PODCAST for 25% off on Pass your real estate exam! Understand Agency relationships as it pertains to your real estate exam.
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Pass your real estate exam! today we discussed Finance as it pertains to your real estate exam. enter PODCAST for 25% off on
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25% off when you enter "podcast" as the promo code on In this webinar Joe discuses practice and disclosure as it relates to your real estate exam.
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