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Știrile zilei. Pe scurt, de la Recorder

Știrile zilei. Pe scurt, de la Recorder

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Cele mai importante știri ale zilei, selecționate de Recorder și grupate într-un newsletter audio. De luni până vineri. Vă puteți abona aici și la newsletterul nostru săptămânal, în varianta text: Sau puteți să-l citiți direct pe site-ul Recorder:
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People Magic: How to Build a $1M Community

Mighty Networks & Pod People

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What if it was easy to create a $1M digital business you could be proud of? The path lies in creating people magic. Gina Bianchini, founder and CEO of Mighty Networks, has helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs, brands, and creators grow incredible businesses that put people first and generate millions in profit. Now she’s bringing the secrets of the most successful communities directly to you. In this series, Gina will show you how to build a community so valuable you can charge for it and so wel ...
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Fringe by PeopleForward Network

PeopleForward Network

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Fringe by PeopleForward Network is a collection of content to educate and inspire you on your leadership journey. Leadership and team development, talent acquisition, DEIB, well-being, the future of work and beyond - Fringe has content to support you on your development journey.
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Punctul pe știri, un podcast cu Magda Grădinaru, marca Rock FM. Suntem asaltați de știri, informații și dezinformații din toate părțile. E greu de găsit o cheie de interpretare a tuturor în actualitatea agitată la care suntem martori și din care facem parte. Jurnalista Magda Grădinaru și invitații ei vor încerca să pună evenimentele în context, să pună întrebările de care avem nevoie și să formuleze răspunsuri posibile. Un dialog inteligent, relaxat și necesar.
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Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff

Cool Zone Media and iHeartPodcasts

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As long as there’s been oppression, there’ve been people fighting it. This weekly podcast dives into history to drag up the wildest rebels, the most beautiful revolts, and all the people who long to be—and fight to be—free. It explores complex stories of resistance that offer lessons and inspiration for us today, focusing on the ensemble casts that make up each act of history. That is to say, this podcast focuses on Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff.
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Other People’s Lives

Other People’s Lives

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Each week, hosts Joe Santagato and Greg Dybec have an anonymous phone call with a stranger they found on the Internet. You never know what topics will be discussed and what stories will be shared.
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People I (Mostly) Admire

Freakonomics Radio + Stitcher

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Freakonomics co-author Steve Levitt tracks down other high achievers for surprising, revealing conversations about their lives and obsessions. Join Levitt as he goes through the most interesting midlife crisis you’ve ever heard — and learn how a renegade sheriff is transforming Chicago's jail, how a biologist is finding the secrets of evolution in the Arctic tundra, and how a trivia champion memorized 160,000 flashcards. To get every show in the Freakonomics Radio Network without ads and a m ...
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Pod Save the People

Crooked Media

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Organizer and activist DeRay Mckesson explores news, culture, social justice, and politics with analysis from Kaya Henderson, De’Ara Balenger, and Myles Johnson. Then he sits down for deep conversations with experts, influencers, and diverse local and national leaders. New episodes every Tuesday.
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Smart People Podcast

Smart People Industries

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Smart People Podcast is a biweekly, interview-based podcast that features today's most well respected thought leaders engaging in authentic, insightful conversation for the benefit of the listener. The host, Chris Stemp, and his co-host/producer Jon Rojas, utilize their insatiable curiosity and relatable charm to provoke their guests into giving the interview of a lifetime. Every single guest has achieved a high level of recognition within their arena and in doing so has collected a wealth o ...
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1 phone call. 1 hour. No names. No holds barred. Thats the premise behind Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People, hosted by comedian Chris Gethard (the Chris Gethard Show, Broad City, This American Life, and one of Time Outs 10 best comedians of 2015). Every week, Chris opens the phone line to one anonymous caller, and he cant hang up first, no matter what. From shocking confessions and family secrets to philosophical discussions and shameless self-promotion, anything can and will happen! T ...
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The PE Geek Podcast

Jarrod Robinson

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The PE Geek Podcast is the number one destination for anyone interested in utilising technologies within their Physical Education classroom. The Podcast explores current tools, trends and classroom proven ideas.
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PeopleOps podcast

Ir Zatloukalová (izatlouk)

Ogni mese+
Ahoj, jsem Irča. Vaše průvodkyně ve světe PeopleOps. Víc jak dekádu se pohybuji na technologickém trhu. Svoje roky sbírané know-how o komunikaci a podpoře lidí (nejen v techu), chci sdílet se všemi, kdo nechtějí narážet hlavou do zdi tam, kde už to za ně udělali jiní. Jsem tu pro všechny, kdo chtějí vědět, jak mluvit a pracovat s lidmi v IT, aby to dávalo smysl a přinášelo výsledky. PeopleOps v kontextu, dlouhodobě, s praktickými zkušenostmi. Aby se žádný skvělý specialista, který začal vést ...
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Ciência ao Pé do Ouvido

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)

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Uma produção da Divisão de Divulgação Científica da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), para falar sobre cotidiano e ciência - um único assunto. Nosso WhatsApp: (34) 99948-4655 Siga no X (Twitter): @aopedoouvidopod Acesse: Canal no WhatsApp: Canal no Instagram:
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An intense custody battle turns deadly when Christine Belford’s ex-husband and his family become obsessed with controlling the couple’s three daughters. The family is willing to do anything including stalking, kidnapping, and even murder to get their way. Over eight episodes, host Donnie Wahlberg takes listeners down a dark and twisted journey, exploring how one family’s obsession became a mother’s worst nightmare. With exclusive interviews and audio, the story goes beyond the headlines of t ...
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Taskmaster: The People's Podcast

Avalon Television

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Introducing Taskmaster: The People’s Podcast, hosted by Series 15's beloved Jenny Eclair alongside Taskmaster aficionado, Jack Bernhardt. Each week, Jenny and Jack take a deep dive into the world of Taskmaster, talking to behind-the-scenes guests, superfans and some of the most beloved Taskmaster characters. This is the official fan podcast from the producers of the BAFTA-winning comedy show. If you want to share your Taskmaster obsession, whether it's talking about your favourite task, what ...
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PeopleFirst! with Morag Barrett

Morag Barrett & SkyeTeam

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Welcome to SkyeTeam's People First! In this series, we explore the people side of successful business and careers. We all have a story to share, a leadership journey that we are experiencing. We'll be interviewing authors, business leaders, thought leaders, and people like you to uncover the latest ideas, resources, and tools to help you become more effective at work - and in life. As it turns out, the secret is cultivating winning relationships. Business is personal, and relationships matter!
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Ascultați cele mai recente știri financiare într-un format distractiv și ușor de înțeles. De neratat pentru oricine este interesat de tranzacționare, investiții, piețe, crypto și finanțe. Oferit de platforma globală de investiții multi-activ eToro.
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حرف های معمولی،آدم های معمولی جایی ست به دور از تمام باید ها و حسرت هایی که برای رسیدن به توهم بزرگ انسان برتر در ذهن ما گذاشتند و باعث شد یادمان برود زندگی همین اکنون است
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Peoples Church | Fresno, CA

Peoples Church | Fresno, CA

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Welcome to the weekly podcast of Peoples Church led by Pastor Dale Oquist. Our mission is to help people see God and participate in His redemptive story. To learn more about Peoples Church, visit or download the Peoples Church App (pcfresno).
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Bate Pé

Mafalda Castro e Rui Simões

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Podcast de Mafalda Castro e Rui Simões. O nome da Mafalda veio primeiro porque o Rui é cavalheiro. Um casal à conversa sobre temas pouco relevantes para uns e muito pouco relevantes para outros. Sabemos falar línguas mortas e fazemos uma dourada no forno incrível. Não é um convite. Até já!
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1ª Igreja Presbiteriana em Petrolina-PE

1ª Igreja Presbiteriana em Petrolina-PE

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1ª Igreja Presbiteriana em Petrolina-PE Acolhendo vidas, adorando a Deus e anunciando-O às nações! Somos uma igreja para frequentar, muito mais uma família para pertencer. Rua João Calvino,15-Lot. Eduardo Petrolina/PE Brazil Na descrição de cada podcast você acessa uma lista de livros para você ler em 2024. 1 ipb-pe
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People are the Worst

Bleav, People are the Worst

Ogni settimana
Hosted by twin sisters who love true crime stories with a plot twist or shocking turn of events and hate the people responsible for them. Each week we alternate telling a new case and guarantee at least one “didn’t see that coming” moment per episode
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The People’s Show


Ogni settimana+
Evolving beyond your regular afternoon drive show, The People’s Show will touch on the topics that live at the crossroads of sports and culture. Anchored by Bik Nizzar, The People’s Show will tackle the headlines that impact the diverse communities across Vancouver.
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The People's Recorder

Spark Media, Inc.

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The People’s Recorder is a podcast about the 1930s Federal Writers’ Project: what it achieved, where it fell short, and what it means for Americans today. Each episode features stories of individual writers, new places, and the project's impact on people's lives. Along the way we hear from historians, novelists, and others who shed light on that experience and unexpected connections to American society today. The People's Recorder recounts a forgotten chapter in our history. Join us on an un ...
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The People Managing People podcast, hosted by David Rice, aims to inspire people leaders, managers, and HR professionals as they build the workplace of the future and develop the talent it needs to thrive. Our guests are innovators and thought leaders exploring topics ranging from technology to performance management, workplace culture and employee experience.
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Joe Marler's Things People Do

Crowd Network

Ogni settimana+
Joe Marler used to hate people, but then he met Tom Fordyce, and a load of ordinary people doing extraordinary things, and a podcast was born that changed his mind forever. It might just change your life too. Because everyone is interesting if you ask the right questions. And this is a show about all the weird and wonderful things people do. Together, Joe and Tom meet astronauts, teachers, marine biologists, cheesemakers, prison guards and everyone in between. Along the way, they’ve learned ...
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We the People

National Constitution Center

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A weekly show of constitutional debate hosted by National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen where listeners can hear the best arguments on all sides of the constitutional issues at the center of American life.
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John Mullins

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Exploring the latest trends and topics in company culture, employee experience and engagement. Helping you build great places to work. PeopleSwitch, turning people on, keeping them engaged.
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show series
Vineri, 14 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin Fārā Georgescu, dar cu un vot de dat. Cālin Georgescu e scos din joc, avem însă mulți alți candidați la prezidențiale și mai ales o societate radicalizată. Nu e treaba statului să verifice de ce oamenii votează chiar și când votul e fanatic, dar e treaba României să-și găsească un loc în…
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În doar 50 de zile, politicile și anunturile președintelui american Donald Trump au reușit să starneasca un haos global, punand sub semnul întrebării relații comerciale, diplomatice și militare ce funcționau de zeci de ani. Consecințele încep sa se vada în scaderile prețului acțiunilor de la bursă de care nici Tesla nu a scăpat, dar și în măsurile …
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Í þessu þætti ræðum við hugtakið ofurblóm – einstakt náttúrufyrirbæri sem sýnir okkur hvernig þolinmæði og réttar aðstæður geta leitt til ótrúlegrar umbreytingar. Líkt og fræ í eyðimörkinni, sem blómstra eftir langvarandi þurrka, þá getum við einnig upplifað okkar eigin vaxtartímabil eftir áskoranir og erfiðleika. LOKAÐ ER FYRIR SKRÁNINGU Í LMLP-BI…
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Pela primeira vez na história, um filme brasileiro foi premiado na maior cerimônia de cinema estadunidense e do mundo. No Oscar 2025, “Ainda estou aqui”, do diretor Walter Salles, conquistou o prêmio de Melhor Filme Internacional, além da indicação inédita na categoria geral de Melhor Filme e da presença de Fernanda Torres entre as melhores atrizes…
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Este podcast tem o apoio do Activobank. Já se riram de vocês próprios hoje? Espero que sim porque é bem melhor do que se rirem dos outros. Um riso pode estragar o dia a alguém. Se conduzir não beba. E se jogarem padel não se esqueçam que vão ter de apanhar as bolas todas a meio. Se por outro lado jogarem às cartas no final do dia na praia, não vist…
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In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast, Jarrod Robinson explores the rapid transformation of education through AI, focusing on StudyAI, a powerful AI-driven personal tutor designed to support students in homework, test prep, and self-directed learning. Jarrod discusses the scalability of AI in education, the challenges of traditional learning model…
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Suzanne O'Sullivan is a neurologist who sees many patients with psychosomatic disorders. Their symptoms may be psychological in origin, but their pain is real and physical — and the way we practice medicine, she argues, is making those and other health problems worse. SOURCES: Suzanne O'Sullivan, neurologist and author of The Age of Diagnosis How O…
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Josh Elliott-Wolfe hosts. A pivotal weekend for the Canucks as Silovs likely starts vs. Chicago. Tocchet hopes the Calgary game was a turning point. Myers praises Mancini, but how will the blue line shake out when he returns? Barclay Parneta breaks down the Giants’ playoff push, Burke Hood’s rise, and Ryan Lin’s standout season. Plus, Cooper Kupp s…
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Vineri, 14 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin Viața și pacea pe front: Se vorbește despre planul de pace pentru Ucraina cu politicieni și analiști politici, cu istorici și alți comentatori. Dar cum se aude planul de pace în Ucraina, pe front și în viețile celor care, de trei ani, reinventează curajul? O pace justă, asta vor ucrainen…
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Ever wonder why a routine checkup can leave you more anxious than assured? In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Erika Schwartz—author of Don’t Let Your Doctor Kill You—who’s on a mission to dismantle the fear culture in modern medicine. If you’re tired of endless tests and pill-pushing, get ready for real talk about where to draw the line.Think yo…
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What did comedian Jamali Maddix do before making it as a big time comedian? Well when he wasn't refereeing a paintball match, cold calling about double glazing and labouring... he was at car boot sales. We had the best time ever with Jamali and think you should go and see him on tour: This episode is proudly sponsored by BrewDo…
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Josh Elliott-Wolfe hosts. The Canucks rally for their first comeback win of the season—does this mark real progress? Plus, Elias Pettersson’s clutch moment, Connor Zary’s suspension, and what’s next for Vancouver. In the NFL, Sam Darnold heads to Seattle, Justin Fields to the Jets buzz grows, and Aaron Rodgers to Pittsburgh? Josh and Elan break dow…
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Kate Huddleston, senior legal counsel of litigation at the Campaign Legal Center, and Michael McConnell, Richard and Frances Mallery Professor and director of the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford Law School, join Jeffrey Rosen to debate whether the newly created Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has acted lawfully in firing federal wo…
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Go to and enter code OPL at checkout for 20% off. This episode is sponsored by Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. This week, Joe Santagato and Greg Dybec speak with a woman who knows her husband is actively cheating on her with prostitutes. Her husb…
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Your community and you as a host are unique and amazing but if you’re still coming to community building with the mindset of “content is king” is not unique. Why you think “content is king” is because that’s what you’re being told every time you open your phone or your computer. In today’s episode, Gina breaks down why building an ecosystem for peo…
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Wade Griffin and Taylor Parker lived on a hog farm in rural TX. In 2020, they fell on hard times and were looking to sell some of their livestock when they came across a man online who was in the market for hogs. Scott Robinson lived in Wynnewood, OK which is over 3 hours away and with Taylor being over 9 months pregnant, she opted out of traveling…
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In the debut episode of All the Buried Women, co-hosts Beth Allison Barr and Savannah Locke aim to uncover women’s stories hidden in the Southern Baptist Convention’s archives. The story begins in an unexpected place for a podcast about Southern Baptists: 4th-century Rome with Saint Fabiola. Because Fabiola challenged religious and societal norms, …
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Bik Nizzar previews the high-stakes Canucks-Flames matchup, with both teams needing a win to stay in the playoff race. Quinn Hughes’ likely return is a major boost, but Vancouver must step up across the roster against a well-prepared Calgary team led by players like Blake Coleman and Nazem Kadri. Logan Gordon joins to discuss the Flames’ calm appro…
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Sharing a new show from our friends at Higher Ground. On IMO, Michelle and her big brother Craig Robinson bring their candid perspectives to the everyday questions shaping our lives, relationships and the world around us. Each week, they’re joined by a guest to tackle real questions from real folks just like you offering practical advice, personal …
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Our guest this week is India, a celebrant who turns weddings into something way more personal than just saying "I do." She tells us about the couple who wrote their vows live during the ceremony, a barefoot bride with a penchant for rose petals, and why "ring warming" is a completely innocent tradition... promise! To find out more about India, and …
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Bourgeois educational and cultural institutions generally claim that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact was an alliance between Nazi Germany and Soviet Union in their “shared conquest of Europe”. This is categorically false. The Soviet Union understood the threat of Nazism and Fascism early on and spared no effort in building an anti-fascis…
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Jannik Hansen joins the show to bring some insight on the Canucks best talent not being able to produce at the top of the lineup. He discuses some the fans concerns when it comes to Rick Tocchet's system not lending success to their offensive players. Goaltending is also brought up on whether or not the Canucks can lean on Arturs Silovs down the st…
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Bik Nizzar starts breaking down the tonight's match up against the Montreal Canadiens at Rogers Arena, highlighting some comparables between the two teams before they face off against each other. The show also has a vibe check on the current state of the team after all the news following the weekend. Later, Bik jumps into some NFL news. The views a…
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