A recovering serial entrepreneur who unconsciously became a serial spiritual entrepreneur and still working on unwinding the complexities of life. I share stores and insights on life experiences with business, coaching, personal development, plant medicine and more that have helped me to transform my own life through deepening my own self awareness and self inquiry (struggles, failures, triumphs, synchronicities, overcoming adversity and more). This podcast channel is also an archive of the ...
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In this episode I share about my most recent trip to rythmia to drink plant medicine and all of the insights. You wont want to miss this one. To learn more about breathwork visit www.elementalrhythm.com Connect with me on IG @elementalgio
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I got he most unexpected gift that turned out to be the best thing I could ask for that almost ruined Christmas. And a few other things....
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This week reflecting on this continued craziness we find ourselves in the midst of, how to stay open and some tips on the difference between discipline and devotion and a really cool conversation I had with chat gpt.
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In this episode I go a bit deeper as I continue to integrate my experience in the last episode from a recent plant medicine journey that helped me to uncover what was really holding me back. Its not about getting what you want its really about who you need to become to recieve it and more!
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In this episode I share about a recet trip to Rythmia and a recent rejection that I thought was a manifestation ended up showing me exactly what I needed to actually move past a deeper blockage I couldn't see.
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This week I share a bit about my experience at Mancamp, some takeaways and some things I learned.
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Insights from ceremony, more synchronicities, and some awesome takeaways from the archangel event and more
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Just giving an update on the summer and some ideas on solutions emerginging from the unconscious that we cant see yet. On a micro and macro level.
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Giocast 40 - Staying grounded in chaotic times, cyrpto synchronicity and the teaching of Tao de Ching
In this episode I share some recent experiences and insights about synchronicity, crytpo, the tao de ching and some other cool expereinces since the last episode.
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In this episode I share a recent trip to costa rica and conecting with some good friends and learning a lot about the tricks our mind plays on us to control us and shifting into the heart and the transformations that come along with it. Its not easy but worth it!
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In this episode I share a recent dream I had that was an amazing metaphor for being caught in the middle, not sure whether to move forward or back and how growth is always uncomfortable. Follow along on IG @elementalgio
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I share a bit about a recent trip to Panama and attending a beautiful music festival called Reactor Venao, decriminalization of psychedelics and more.
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Is it one and the same? Is thee some overlap between them. Do you need to be religious to be spiritual and vice versa...
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Trying out a new diet, stepping into the new energy of spring and trying a new carnivore diet for the first time. Follow me on instagram @elementalgio
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During my recent trip to Costa Rica there were a lot of weird synchronicities including some repeating numbers and a return of the Pleidians...sort of.. Check it out. Follow along on IG @elementalgio
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Giocast 33 - Diving deeper into Integrity - Self love, Forgiveness, Sacrifice and Selflessness
In this episode I continue my journey into a deeper understanding of integrity. Mother ayahuasca helped me to see that Seld love and forgiveness was a key component along with Selflessness and Sacrifice. Follow along on Instagram @elementalgio
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On this episode I share about a recent trip to Rythmia Life Advancement center and some of the lessons in my ayahuasca journeys as I dive deeper into understanding the essence of integrity. Connect on IG @elementalgio
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What happens when you get clarity on what needs to be done but your fears are holding you back from integrating the new found awareness into your everyday life?
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Night two from my recent trip to Rythmia in Costa Rica. We dive a little deeper into exploring the roots of fear, and some breakthroughs I had that may relate to you!Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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Night one of my recent week at Rythmia I started to really look at the root of fear within me. Where it comes from and how to transform it...to be continued.Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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What is freedom?Freedom is the only worthy goal in life. It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control. Circumstances don't make the man, they only reveal him to himself. - EpictetusDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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You might want listen to this one...Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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A short story and some Q & A. As i sit down with Derek he asks me a few questions.Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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A recap of my summerdaze experience kept this one short..hope you enjoy it!Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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In this episode I share in a vulnerable way that I struggle sometimes too. Which is hard to admit but within in struggle as you step into the shadows there is always a gift. I hope you enjoy. Check out our free new release on our website www.elementalrhythm.com/nessi-gomesDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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In this episode I reflect a bit on the last year since i started putting these out and speak a bit about dharma and finding your elemental rhythm.Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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In this podcast I talk about leaving Costa Rica for now and the importance of acceptance, trust intention and creation.Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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Giocast 21 - Another Incredible week at Rythmia, Losing myself in love, Healing the past and more
In this track I share my most recent journey to Rythmia Life Advancement Center and the incredible experiences and life lessons learned, you wont want to miss this one. I also give a bit of a glimpse into my past and some of the crazy stories and how the medicine closed the loop and brought me full circle.…
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Some random thoughts about life.. I hope you enjoy and please connect on IG @elementalgio and if you enjoyed this episode please leave a review! -GioDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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It's been a wild week for me of seeing the contrast of beauty and challenge through different plant medicines and deep insights I'm excited to share with you. Hope you enjoy it! Connect with me on IG @elementalgioDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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In this short episode I share a bit about the amazing experience we had at Envision Festival, The Breath Source App Launch, Music, Abundance and more. Stay Connected and check me out on IG @elementalgioDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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In this episode I talk about some travel in Costa Rica, The difference of expressing vs impressing, smart cities being yourself and more. Also here is a private link to one of our live recording sessions we will be using to make some breathwork experiences.https://on.soundcloud.com/bN5BHDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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A week after an amazing experience at Rythmia I share some insights on what I learned from the medicine. Also give some updates on some new projects and what I think is going on in the world. Connect with me on IG @elementalgioDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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Just getting back into the flow and taking some time to reflect on the last couple months before my next week here at Rythmia.Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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Giocast 14. - What Is Spirituality, Eclipse Season, Ayahuasca Part 2 And Conscious Parenting.
In this episode I talk about the second half of my trip to Rythmia and the deep spiritual lessons I learned. Had to check myself on how I define spirituality, learning conscious parenting and much more. We get to the great trees in a future episode. With Gratitude GioDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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In this episode I share some experiences with Ayahuasca and some insights I received about personal freedom, the mind, plant spirits, trust and surrender.Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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In this episode I talk a bout a few controversial subjects that have been on my mind. I really don’t know the truth but have a lot of questions at wound what we are experiencing right now. How to make sense of it all? Can we collectively let go and come back into alignment? I also talk about inequality and challenges it brings and a little surf con…
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In this episode I'm sitting outside on a rainy sunday morning just sharing some recent thoughts about life, living in Costa Rica, meeting a Mambe elder and more.Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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In this episode we return to costa rica and appreciate the green grass on the other side that also comes with muddy patches at well. I talk about patience, the collective mind, what vs how and much more... follow on IG @elementalgioThanks for listening and would love to connect..Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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In this episode I talk about the what vs why. Also dive a bit into the ego mind, learning lessons on the fly and diving deeper into self awareness. Talk a bit about Biohacking, and just ramble on a bit about a bunch of other cool stuff. Connect with me on IG @elementalgio thanks for listening!Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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On this episode I talk about the magic we experienced at camp summerdaze, the power of community and my favourite book. The way to love by Anthony Demelo. Would love to hear from you let’s connect on IG @elementalgioDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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Getting back from Alaska a few thoughts and reflections about the trip and life in general. What you don’t know you don’t know is where the magic lies.Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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A few insights on returning back to Canada after 9 months in Costa Rica living the Pura Vida lifestyle. Is this back to reality? Or is reality what you make it?Di Giovanni Bartolomeo
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As I prepare to leave Costa Rica after 8 months in paradise I reflect on insights and things I’ve learned and look forward to what comes next in Toronto. Would love to connect if you have questions or insights send me an email breathe@elementalrhythm.com Or connect on IG @elementalgioYou can try the Creative Visioning Process Course for free www.el…
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Another short daily download on coming back from Peru and some of the lessons I learned from nature and San Pedro. Also had some insights about true privilege, about surrendering to life and making your life exciting all the time. Would live to hear your thoughts. With GratitudeGioDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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Some insights from a day sitting with #Huachuma #Sanpedro and visiting the incredible ruins of Macchu Picchu in Peru. You are nature and Nature is you. Follow on Instagram for som picture and reels from the trip @elementalgioLove GioDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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After arriving in the sacred valley about to embark on a 10 day journey to macchu picchu and the jungle to part take in ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies I thought I’d share some thoughts on my trip here, on eating meat again after 13 years and living in Costa Rica. Love GioDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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A few thoughts on my 40th birthdayDi Giovanni Bartolomeo
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Sam Morris is a coach that helps men stop self-sabotage, reconnect with themselves and tap into their potential. In this chat for the Elemental Awakening podcast, he talks about his long-time struggle with addiction as well as the tools he used to heal and overcome his challenges. In his journey, being part of a men's group, and sharing his true se…
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Traveling the Hero's Journey with the help of psychedelics - Podcast with John FolakThe "Visionary Quests" book series author John Folak joins us in this episode of the Elemental Awakening to tell us about his story and the life circumstances that made him go on a "hero's journey" with psychedelics.We touch on bad trips, his integration practice as…
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