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In Joshua 1, God encourages Joshua three times with the phrase “be strong and courageous” - what did that mean for Joshua…and what does it mean for you today? Be strong and courageous for… Purpose - to advance the Kingdom of God, to inherit what God has for you Be strong and very courageous, being careful to do… Path - do not turn to the right or t…
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I was up at Sky Ranch recently and had the opportunity to watch students take a “step of faith” off a 30 foot tree - harnessed up so that they wouldn’t fall - but still a pretty brave step to take…and it got me thinking that this physical picture of a step of faith is a good metaphor for our spiritual step of faith that each of us must decide to ta…
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Getting ready for a puberty talk to 5th grade boys, the CHANGES that happen in our bodies got me to thinking about the PURPOSE for those changes - what is God preparing our bodies for… Work Women Worship World Wonder/Wisdom Walk with me on this journey that looks at how creative God is at preparing us for the work that He has created for us to do (…
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Guest: Dr. David Cobbs, PhD, is a Clinical Neuropsychologist in Dallas, TX This is the second part of a meaningful and practical conversation with Dr. David Cobbs - he begins by sharing about the “mechanisms” that he’s put in place to draw closer to others and to God - some call these the “spiritual disciplines.” You need to put these practices in …
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Guest: Dr. David Cobbs, PhD, is a Clinical Neuropsychologist in Dallas, TX Loved hearing the story of David’s spiritual journey - how the power of POSITIVE peer pressure can help push you toward good things and keep you from bad things! David really started to grow in his spiritual life in high school - the younger you can get on the path of right …
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Guest: Robert Christian Guys, if this message is meaningful to you and you’d like to email Robert Christian directly, you can reach him at Words of wisdom and encouragement from Robert: You are qualified God is a good father God wants the best for you God will discipline you You are created to glorify Him You do that through o…
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Judges 3:31 reads, “After him was Shamgar the son of Anath, who killed 600 of the Philistines with an ox goad, and he also saved Israel.” What is the life lesson we can take from the story of Shamgar: Shamgar used what he had. Shamgar used what he had exceedingly well. Shamgar used what he had for a purpose greater than himself. What do you have th…
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Guys, consider these three areas of blessing that you can provide for those in need: Presence - the importance of the “ministry of presence” Prayer - pray for people in need, let them know that you prayed for them! Practical - don’t just ask what you can do, look for practical, common sense ways that you can help out! T4M guys - just a reminder tha…
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I took this word from the title of a book by Puritan author John Owen - Spiritual-Mindedness. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6 (For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.) Taking control of your thought-life - valuable life skill for e…
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Guest: Kylen Perry, pastor at Watermark Church, Dallas, TX Every man is made, but are you reactive (responding to life’s situations) or proactive (learning, listening, seeking to grow and mature)? Discipleship is a proactive relationship where individuals share what they are learning in terms of their spiritual life with others. Resource recommenda…
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Psalm 111 and Psalm 112 are parallel passages to make a point. Psalm 111 talks about how great our God is - and Psalm 112 talks about the greatness of man…whose God is great. Psalm 112 talks about what should be truly important in the life of a godly man - his family…and his “home life” - wealth and riches are in his house… What are the character q…
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If I had to summarize Gladiator II, it would be the line from Proverbs 22:1 which tells us that a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches! The “good name” of Marcus Aurelius and Maximus is passed on to an inspires the life and efforts of Lucius - who sees how the pursuit of money and power ends up in corruption and deceit - and in the en…
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As I reflect on things going on in my world, I’m thankful for a God who knows when to step in…and when to step back. And I’m thankful for my wife who balances our family and provides a wonderful counter perspective that helps me navigate better. T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) ministry and you can make do…
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This is the description of David recorded in 1 Samuel 16:18: Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence, and the Lord is with him. Part 2 examines the first three qualities: Prudent in speech - do you use your words well, do you weigh t…
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This is the description of David recorded in 1 Samuel 16:18: Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence, and the Lord is with him. Part 1 examines the first three qualities: Skillful in playing - David practiced, worked hard, didn’t qui…
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Guest: Gabe Boyd This is a throwback episode looking at one of the episodes that Gabe and I recorded talking about some important elements of what it means to be a man - this is the statement that we created to summarize those elements: Men speak truth, serve others, love deeply, endure joyfully, and humbly walk with the Lord. The concept of servin…
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Primary vs. General Election The Primary Election is your opportunity to select the best candidate within your party to represent your party in the General Election The General Election is your opportunity to select the best candidate over the other party’s candidate to put those particular principles into action What if you don’t want to “align” w…
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Perspective God’s at work, you can’t see everything… Stop comparing yourself to others We are too often the heroes of our own story… Prayer Ongoing conversation with God - help me see what you want me to see…and learn… People Have a proper perspective of others - use the word “friend” sparingly! Take the focus off yourself - be a blessing to others…
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Jeremiah 12:5 “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan? The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness: The Path to True Christian Joy - Tim Keller Learn to celebrate the victories of others - their victory isn’t your defeat……
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Everything physical is a picture of something spiritual… Genesis 1:26-27 Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. In the creation of physical life, there is one who initiates, gives…and one who receives… In the creation of spiritual l…
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Guest: Parker Panetti Daniel 1:8 - Daniel resolved not to defile himself. What areas of your life do you need to resolve to do and NOT do to be the man that God has called you to be? Find some godly men and ask to spend time with them, ask them what things they would recommend you do to improve your position in life. Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost …
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What is the goal of the conversation - to win the argument or engage with the person? Biggest suggestion - learn to ask more questions instead of presenting more information Matt 10 - be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves 1 Chronicles 12:32 - “understand the times” like the men of Issachar Psalm 119:130 - The unfolding of your words give lig…
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Lessons from my own experience and God’s Word: You don’t work for the pleasure of man, but for the will of God - Colossians 3:23 Don’t miss what God wants to do with your work - 1 Samuel 16 Hard work is a blessing when done to advance the kingdom - Joshua 14 (story of Caleb). Leadership matters - Phil. 2:3-4 (Do nothing out of selfish ambition or c…
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Guests: Mike Thornberry, Stephen Bryan, Aaron Ulmer, and Chris Housewright We recorded this podcast to use for our parent podcast at the school, which also has a video element, so if you’d like to watch this podcast, check out the PCA YouTube page. The Forge is the latest movie from the incredible Christian movie producers the Kendrick Brothers (Al…
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Guests: Gabe Boyd and Mike Thornberry Chapter 7 Stand Up to the Bullies If you want to change the world…don’t back down from the sharks. Chapter 8 Rise to the Occasion If you want to change the world…be your very best in the darkest moments. No matter how dark it gets, you must complete the mission. Mission above the man - Jim Eliot - he is no fool…
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Guests: Gabe Boyd and Mike Thornberry Chapter 4 Life’s Not Fair - Drive On! If you want to change the world…get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward… Dan - we live in a fallen world, sin has corrupted everything, we should expect unfairness… Jesus was the only perfect person - and look how the world treated him - unfairly…we should exp…
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Guests: Gabe Boyd and Mike Thornberry Chapter 1 Start Your Day with a Task Completed Make your bed - physical Time with the Lord - spiritual Gabe - we live in a chaotic and undisciplined world…this is one thing I can control. Making my bed correctly was not going to be an opportunity for praise. It was expected of me. Don’t look for the praise of m…
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Looking at the story of David, Nabal, and Abigail in 1 Samuel 25 This is the question I want each of us to wrestle with - why are we doing what we’re doing? What is our true motivation behind our decisions? Good friends - a community of individuals who can challenge you to think about your decisions - is such a blessing - build that community!!! Th…
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Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart; wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalm 27:14 Feel stuck in a place, job, relationship? In a difficult situation? What’s the plan? Wait on the Lord. “On the Lord” is the most important part of that encouragement - not your plan, but His. Wait - trust, obey, listen, learn. Wait doesn…
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Things I know now that I wish I had known then… 1. Importance of godly mentors 2. Importance of reading - you will draw from the books that you’ve read years later… 3. You learn more from failing than succeeding - so try new things… 4. Understand the power of commitment 5. People matter T4M guys - just a reminder that Training4Manhood is a non-prof…
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Best part of a new project - demo day Bible calls this sanctification - to set apart, make holy - consecrate (with force to make sacred) Tear up the carpeting NO going back! You see all the EXTRA work that you didn’t know you had before… It’s Worth it! I want to be a better man, a better husband, a better dad, a better employer/ee, a better friend,…
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Guest: Michael Lee Stallard I was first introduced to Mike Stallard as the author of Fired Up or Burned Out: How to Reignite Your Team’s Passion, Creativity, and Productivity. He then turned his passion and research to the power of connectivity and wrote Connection Culture: The Competitive Advantage of Shared Identity, Empathy, and Understanding at…
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Abide in Christ - Andrew Murray Vine - plant that is only for the fruit How can you tell the vine that has the most fruit? It hangs the lowest - humility is the key… Self-assessment Be quick to listen Not listen quickly…then move on… If you want a different song, stop playing the same notes Change is hard, but there are times when it’s necessary… T…
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Guests: Harrison Leak and Parker Panetti How do you decide what to do, where to go…what’s that process look like for a young man who is trying to honor the Lord? Great resource: Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God’s Will by Kevin DeYoung Money shouldn’t be the primary motivator for what position you take - there are other things…
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Guests: Dr. Jason Snyder and Dr. Jonathan Teague Excerpts from the conversation: Lie #4: Transgenderism is normal. Scripture does not support transgender ideology/belief/actions as normal, healthy, or to be supported or endorsed. In today’s culture, “love” has been redefined as acceptance and endorsement as I am and you are not allowed to say anyth…
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Happy Memorial Day! The word graduation comes from the concept of “steps” - taking the next step. What is the next step in your life - college, work, marriage, family? What are you doing now to prepare yourself for those next steps? Some good questions to ask yourself on your journey: What has God been teaching you recently? How are you feeding the…
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Guests: Dr. Jason Snyder and Dr. Jonathan Teague Excerpts from the conversation: Lie #2 - Being a spiritual person is kinder than being a Christian. The Gospel doesn’t just make us nicer versions of ourselves. The Gospel gives us a new nature and the power to live for the glory of God. What is your working definition of “good”? If your definition o…
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Genesis 26:25 - Building Altars, Pitching Tents, Digging Wells Five Practical Steps for Building Altars Commitment Building family habits of spiritual consistency…takes commitment to say no to lesser things to advance the more important… Prioritize spiritual things - don’t let select sports, etc. take top place Contentment Beware of the sin of envy…
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Guests: Dr. Jason Snyder and Dr. Jonathan Teague Excerpts from the book: Lie #1: Homosexuality is Normal I lamented male-female relationships that called for a woman’s submission, even if voluntary. My feminist worldview/religion declared any male-female sexual relationship that rejected sameness (the idea that men and women are interchangeable) an…
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Guest: Russ Crosson, chief mission officer and senior partner of Blue Trust, author of Your Life…Well Spent, The Truth About Money Lies, What Makes a Leader Great, and Your Money Made Simple. You can reach Russ at 1-800-987-2987 or via email at Men, it is so important to realize the difference between investing your time,…
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Guests: Dr. Jason Snyder and Dr. Jonathan Teague Some incredible excerpts/statements from Five Lies: This book is for Christian, especially Christian WOMEN. But still a valuable read for guys - which is why we are tackling this book on T4M But some of us believe, as I do, that God’s design for women determines our roles and our priorities. The Chri…
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Guest: Melvin Hunt, man of God, husband, father, coach Melvin uses the “camouflage” of basketball to be able to train young men - for success on the court…and off! Best advice that someone else has given you? Melvin’s daughter Braya reminded her dad to “be you.” In a world that tells you to be someone else, there is rest and comfort in knowing that…
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Guest: Michael Perron, Minister of Life Recovery at Prestonwood Baptist Church Sit down with a piece of paper and write out: What is success? How do you answer that question? Guys, at some point in life, you might make a decision that runs counter to the opinion of your father - which is an important step of growing up - to learn to pursue the acce…
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Guest: Dr. Steven Lytle, PsyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Founding Partner of Sparrow House Counseling Guys, the journey to manhood begins early in life. Moms are great at giving a foundation of unconditional love. Dads are great at giving encouragement to a young boy and calling him upward. Great resource - Fathered by God by John Eldredge - …
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Guest: Nick Henderson Far too many men are lonely and isolated - the value of authentic community is underplayed in our culture today, but is necessary for truth growth and maturity! Guys, we need to move from casual conversations to personal conversations…then next to intentional conversations - don’t settle for casual conversations - casual conve…
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Guest: Nick Henderson Guys, what do you find your identity in - your work, success, family, friends, behaviors, failures? Scripture tells you that “as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:6-7). Faith in Christ be…
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Guest: Ethan Severin What does it mean for a young man to really trust in the Lord? Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. When you trust in God, will that mean that you always get what you want from a good and loving …
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Guest: Tricia Panetti So he built an altar there and called upon the name of the Lord and pitched his tent there. And there Isaac’s servants dug a well. Genesis 26:25 Guys, if you want to be the men that God has designed for you to be - start right now where you are. Start practicing for future relationships with the ones that you have. Start prepa…
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Guest: Tricia Panetti So he built an altar there and called upon the name of the Lord and pitched his tent there. And there Isaac’s servants dug a well. Genesis 26:25 Guys, if biblical manhood was not modeled for you in your home, the ideal for manhood is Jesus Christ and you can know Him and learn from His ways! Consider the qualities that Tricia …
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So he built an altar there and called upon the name of the Lord and pitched his tent there. And there Isaac’s servants dug a well. Genesis 26:25 The Bible starts with a wedding and ends with a wedding - so marriage is important from God’s economy! You need to find someone who is building altars and pitching tents - so you can do that work together …
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