Welcome to The world of Ghetto Theology with your Ghettotheologist Blackgunn from Houston,Tx where my topics have no range and my words are here to inspire you and open your mind to expansion....💣💣💣💣🙉🙈🙊 #Ghettotheologist tune in and leave a message....✌
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You can't dislike a lifestyle and pick whats okay and what is not.
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When you lose self control you lose sight of life and your goals.
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We must always keep our eyes on the prize of life at all times.
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War is a game many like to play and many don't understand the rules until it's too late.
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Your either lost or found spiritually.
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This is a spoken word piece called " #Ncredible " inspired by the brand itself and owned @NickCannon
In life it's a must we all be " Ncredible "
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We must understand our women are beautiful and never let them for get that....
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People forget GOD is watching and your success and failure will be rewarded or punished according to how you live.
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Why do we love is the question we ask ourselves.
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This Poem Is Called " The Real "85" #85percenters of The 85 South Show and the supporters 85 South
This is poetry and imna fan of the 85 South Show and created this poem in reference to the brand and fans of the show.... The Real 85
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They say " Black Don't Crack " and I'm here to tell you " Black Do Crack " and we can stop it...🤝🏿
We must understand Black does Crack under pressure and lack of care and we must learn to care for ourselves.....
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Many are afraid of death and fail to realize to kill is to live from food to our mental health and the key is self survival especially of self
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The Black Community Can Be Racist And Be Misguided By Controlled Racism In America #WakeUp ✊🏿
We can sometimes fail to see when we are our own worse enemy.
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In life either your lower self or higher self will prevail to tell the story of your life ....💯💯🛑
We all have free will it's up to us to make the choices the will eventually decide our Fate in life ..... #Positivevibes #Podcaster
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Understand guns are not the problem it's young black males who are careless to human life... 🔥🤞🏿
We must do better and grow in oder to see green pastures and better living conditions in the #BlackCommunity
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The narrative is incorrect #GeorgeFloyd is not on trail #DerekChauvin is in a corrupt America 🙏🏿
To continue to place George Floyd on trail as if he was the Aggressor is wrong and shows how courupt the system is in America ....Derek Chauvin is on trail
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This Episode Is About The Love Of Black Men In Today's Society Or Should I Say Lack Of Love 💔💔✊🏿
In a society already against us we make it bad by being against each other And failing to realize we are each other's keepers.
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We all deal with death differently and it's expected.Don't judge how someone else is grieving ✊🏿💯
Find way to heal that benefits you and not the eyes of the people.
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BlackMen are not overly aggressive it' the environment and society we live thats Racist and hateful
Black men are the target of a society that wants to paint a negative picture of our character and thats the deception of lies and misguided cultures of the past that create the hate many have for the Afro - Community ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
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#JojoSiwa has made a choice to be free and for many homes it cost her because of her influence... 💯
We are in times where influence means everything and sometimes it can be dangerous for entertainers especially when you and miss guided.
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Cheating hurts on both ends especially when you except it and pray everything will be okay... #Truth
We all want love and affection until it either breaks us Mentality and spiritually where we no longer love ourselves.... 💯💯💔👌🏾🥃
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The #BrooklynNets are good on paper,yet together is a hot mess as a team after trading key players.
James Harden doesn't make the nets great because if he doesn't go for 30 or more they will never win.
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How Would White America feel of they were the ones enslaved and shot down for no reason 🤷🏿♂️✊🏿
It's time White America hear the the truth,yet they will never understand because being called a cracker and etc doesn't effect then as being called nigger and treated harsh because of the color of your skin.
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To many people are giving head and spoiling the Privilege and mystic behind one the most pleasurable parts of intimacy..... #Ghettotheologist #PositiveVibes
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Many have got so caught up in being woke and fail to realize that being conscious a daily lifestyle of learning and grow in order to be a beacon of life to the masses,yet more importantly yourself.... #PositiveVibes
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We forget we make the world great when we are great individually and that way the vibes in society are better as a whole amongst us as human beings .... #PositiveVibes #Ghettotheologist
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How we must apply pressure to create protest for our everyday life and the struggle withi the system
Being aware and alive is key to becoming create of even more successful.
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Let not the energy die down and voices or actions to be heard #GeorgeFloyd #AlkebulanLivesMatter
George Floyd set the stage for change and revolution and we must not let the flames die down and as we see in Atlanta the stage has been set.The question is who is willing to follow.... #PositiveVibes #Ghettotheologist
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How The Black Community Is The Biggest Threat To Forgo Change In White America #BlackWallStreet
We must become one in order to show our dominance and unity thru true #BlackPower and #BlackUnity .
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Why Is Ok For Women To Be Sexual Partners in a society where men who have partners are frowned upon?
We live in Society where men who live an alternative lifestyle catch more flack then women.Yet they both living a life of conscience sin willing.
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We must become like our racist oppressors if we want true success and freedom in this racist society
We can't keep trying to show mercy when none is given to us and we can't keep saying love wins when none is shown to us in anyway.
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We must not continue to blame the oppressor for the actions we commit that destroy our communities.
There was a time where whites kept us down and fast forward and we are the reason we can't rise as a nation of people today.
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So many parents are becoming friends to their children and by doing so the mental production needed is not their to give their children growth.
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Kobe Bryant's death is one that will never sit well with the world and it's effect on us as humans.
Yesterday we lost a legend and the #NBA and life for Lakers fans and abroad will never be the same again.... #Mambamentality
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It's Time To Rise Up From Niggas To GODS and Get back to the evolution of the revolution....#PTTP
We have down in the dirt to long and can't seem to get our feet out the mud and it's time to let go and grab hold of change.
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The Blood of Christ did not redeem the children of GOD.You still must face judgement... #Christian
We have been taught many things in life and most where a lie passed down thru generation after generation.... #PositiveVibes #Ghettotheologist
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Molestation is a silent killer of society that has ruined many people's lives.
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If We Want To Make " America Great Again " lets get back to being neighborly Americans and stand up
We must get back to the root of what being an American means and stop being a divided society hiding behind the traditions of our cultures. #PositiveVibes #Ghettotheologist
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Why do black women choose cheating men and say all men are dogs ?? #BlackMenDontCheat not real 1s 💯
We must break the stigma and false reality that black men cheat.
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We must do better and quit using the so -called white man as an excuse to overlook the very issues we face within our communitiee. #PositiveVibes #Ghettotheologist
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Stay woke and stay aware Americans and don't let your judgement change your vote if we get an election.
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Don't get caught up in the hype of celebration and lose yourself in the moment.
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We as men must not go thru life with the baggage we picked up thru life experiences and learn to heal those wounds before they kill us mentally and spiritually.
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It's not wise to live a life of failure because you refuse to take it one day at a time.
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We must be mature men in order to be there for the women that love us.
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There are 3 types of Gay Men inside the black community and str8 men need to educate themselves.
A lot of confusion can be avoided if people to the time to learn each other instead of hate each other and the lifesytles of.... #PositiveVibes #Ghettotheologist
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We as men mist think bigger and become wiser when dealing with our women and being content with letting our sexual essence damage women by not truly loving them but lusting off their bodies... #PositiveVibes #Ghettotheologist
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Many people have sex and misunderstand making love in today's society...💯
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Recently Eminem and Nick Cannon been going at and is it a marketing scheme or pure truth.
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