A global Christian family, following Jesus at the heart of London.
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Revd Helen Cameron - President of the Methodist Conference: ‘Seeing and Living Anew by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Revd Lansford Penn-Timity: 'Living the Beatitude Lifestyle' by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Revd Tony Miles: 'Let Love Be Real' by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Deep places are where we ask those hard questions. We don’t have to go into the deep water, we can stay in the shallows, in the places that feel safe and easy. Where we know where we are, and our feet are firmly on the ground. Jesus invites us to the deep however, he knows that it is when we take the risk of going into the unknown that we can grow.…
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‘We’re called to be loving and to serve others, but it doesn’t mean we always meekly do as we’re told or conform to other kinds of peer pressure. With grace and inner strength, Christians must remain obedient to their calling and to their convictions.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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This truth is our story, and it is our song. That this joy comes from the Lord. It is not tied to our circumstances but to God's unchanging character. It’s a joy that strengthens us in the most challenging times, and here is the Good news no matter what we face, “The joy of the Lord is our strength.”…
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Sermon given during the week of prayer for Christian Unity. ‘There is only one Church! It is vital that, despite our diversity, Christians learn to act as one Church in obedience to the heart’s desire of Christ. AND so that the world may believe!’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Revd Dr Joyce Popoola: ‘New beginnings.’ by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Christians must persist fervently in prayer - they are to keep at it! This isn’t easy.It takes great effort and requires discipline, but once nurtured, it becomes a powerhouse - a key to fruitful Christian living.Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Revd Dr Joyce Popoola: 'I don’t want to go to Prison' by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Sermon given on Remembrance Sunday 2024.‘Love is a verb, which should drive us from our security to help make peace and safety for others. This is our high calling – to put love into action. Just as Jesus did for us.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Deacon Ali McMillan 'Love Changes Everything' by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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'The real effectiveness and deep impact of the Christian gospel on society in England back in the 18th century wasn’t due entirely to Whitefield and Wesley and their friends; in very large measure it was due to the hundreds of ordinary people who gave themselves to “noticing and nurturing” tiny groups of people and helping them to experience and gr…
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When a person turns away from Christ, they take grief, dissatisfaction, and sadness with them. But there is a way to find true joy, and that is to trust and obey God God’s word. When we seek first the kingdom of God all the things money cannot buy shall be credited to our account.Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Sermon given on the 112th Church Anniversary service by Revd Dr Reynaldo F Leão-Neto, General Secretary of the World Methodist Council.Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Deacon Ali McMillan: ‘Living Considerately' by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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'More than ever, the Church now needs dedicated people, willing to practice self-sacrifice, as an indication of their faith in God.'Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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'Back to church Sunday is for everyone to join in our homecoming celebration! For once, we too were lost, but now we all are found. The message of the prodigal son is clear: God’s grace is greater than our mistakes.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Jesus offers to each of us his broken body. We don’t always understand all the pieces, or how they fit together, but if we follow the crumbs from the bread of life then we will be made whole and receive life in all its fullness, and have a path to life everlasting.Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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‘As we start this new Methodist year, I urge you to do business with God, through honest self-evaluation before we throw ourselves into another round of meetings; before me make important decisions; and certainly, before we plan for the future!’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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‘Every day, we face the choice between following Christ or the world, with various influences pulling us in different directions. Our faith requires daily decisions to follow God's call, or go our own way. Remember, God chose you first. Will you choose Him.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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'The human race, now, is still as empty and hungry as it was when Jesus shared our life on earth and when He was moved with a compassion by a hungry crowd – not just hungry for bread and fishes or hungry for knowledge but hungry for wisdom. Jesus is still the best teacher we’ve got!'Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Revd Tony Miles: 'What are you looking for?' by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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'As a church I believe we have pastoral calling, to build the church, a prophetic calling to speak truth to power. And to feed the people in God’s name spiritually and practically and in the power of the Holy Spirit.'Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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‘Learning to eliminate hurry can help us re-discover the life of love, joy, and peace that Jesus wants for us.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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God has promised us his abiding presence on this journey. Even in the storms of life. He has promised us his peace that passes all understanding…. peace the world cannot give. Peace that cannot be purchased on or offline. Most importantly, we have the reward of his promised eternal life.Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Today the invitation from God is to know that it is in our weakness that we are made strong, for it is then that God is at work most powerfully in our lives, for ourselves and for others to see. So, delight in your weakness, boast in it even, for God will use our places of brokenness to shine powerfully in the world.…
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Do we trust in a God who is true, faithful, and just; do we believe in a Creator who’s seeking to redeem what has been made? Do we trust in a loving God whose nature is to rescue from the grip of sinand enable hope and new life through his son, Jesus the saviour of the world?Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Let us trust in the Lord, who commands the winds and the waves, and find our peace in Him, no matter what storms we face.Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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'There is no gospel in which Jesus remains buried in the ground like a dormant seed. Like Jesus rose from the tomb, the kingdom of God will always burst forth, bringing light, laughter and life.'Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Time of commissioning - Alison Bryan & Revd Lansford Penn-Timity by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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The 2024 Healing Conference was held at Methodist Central Hall Westminster on Saturday, 11th May 2024. The keynote speaker was Wes Sutton and we have three talks from Wes and a time of commissioning led by Alison Bryan and Revd Lansford Penn-TimityDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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The 2024 Healing Conference was held at Methodist Central Hall Westminster on Saturday, 11th May 2024. The keynote speaker was Wes Sutton and we have three talks from Wes and a time of commissioning led by Alison Bryan and Revd Lansford Penn-TimityDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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The 2024 Healing Conference was held at Methodist Central Hall Westminster on Saturday, 11th May 2024. The keynote speaker was Wes Sutton and we have three talks from Wes and a time of commissioning led by Alison Bryan and Revd Lansford Penn-TimityDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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“Store up treasure in heaven… be more concerned about how many people you are sharing the good news of Jesus and helping to grow their faith, rather than just growing your savings.”Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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On #TaxJusticeSunday Sarah Edwards from Just Money Movement spoke to our 11am Congregation.Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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'Do we possess the sacrificial love, the courage and the humility, to allow others to stand on our shoulders, so that they can do what God’s calling them to do, and so enable the work of the Kingdom?'Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Deacon Ali McMillan: ‘The Spirit Came’ Pentecost Sunday 2024 by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Interview with Dominic Brain of Christian Aid: Christian Aid Week 24 by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Revd Dr Joyce Popoola: ‘Extraordinary Love’ by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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‘Every person in this world is loved by God unconditionally. Our Maker longs for us to turn towards his love. All who feel drawn to pray, I believe is experiencing the prevenient grace of God and the Holy Spirit is at work.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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‘Does God still bring people together at certain times and for certain purposes? I have no doubt in answering with complete conviction; “Yes, He does”…If Jesus Christ is the vine and we are the branches, then we are in a living and dynamic relationship with Him – and with each other! And it is God makes our relationships fruitful.’…
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‘If this morning you are feeling hopeless about any situation, you are in the right place. Put that situation into God’s hands in prayer. And hear the words of Jesus speaking to you this morning, saying, “trust me,” I am the Good Shepherd, and I am here to make all things new.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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‘If we want society to change, we need to SEE the need; FEEL the need and be MOVED to respond in some way. What’s more, those who we’re moved to help, must be open to receive it.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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The resurrection sometimes feels too good to be true; sometimes fear, doubt, and grief can overwhelm us; sometimes ‘hope’ and ‘promise’ are harder to bear than ‘fear’ and ‘despair’. Yet, if we look into the tomb, there’s nothing there, but if we sincerely look for the Jesus, We WILL find him risen!Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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'We see Jesus – whoever we are and whatever century of history we live in – we see Jesus most clearly when we come close to the cross, which is what we are invited to do as we move on through this Passiontide and into Holy Week.'Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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‘Let us recognise, and never underestimate, the power of love, prayer, nurture, faithfulness, and obedience in parenthood. Not only upon the life of the individual, but upon our families, communities and even the world.’Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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'It is my hope that this passage from the Gospel of John may inspire us to copy Jesus' example of cleansing our temple physically as well as our bodies, the living temple.'Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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'This Lent I pray that we will all choose to walk the path of discipleship, that we will choose to follow Jesus, even knowing that the way won’t be easy. We will have to carry our crosses. But as we walk, we do so with our eyes looking ahead to the cross, and beyond to a tomb that stands empty.'Di Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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Revd Dr Howard Mellor: 'Temptations - then and now!' by Methodist Central Hall, WestminsterDi Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
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