Mi gente bonita este Podcast habla sobre los tratamientos faciales al mismo tiempo que como dos pacientes de la dermatologa Guillen nos relatan su experiencia que vivieron al probarlos. ¡Esperemos les guste!
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Basic Anatomy Facial nerve for Final FRCA revision. Pauses for you to recollect answer before they are given.
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Bem vindos ao Harmonização Podcast, o podcast do mundo da harmonização facial. Nos episódios traremos assuntos relacionados a dermocosmeticos, vitaminas , suplementos anti-oxidantes, skincare, procedimentos anri-aging.
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Dr. Jordan Rihani provides before and after information regarding various procedures at the Facial Plastic Surgery Institute in Fort Worth and Southlake, TX - surgeries include facelift, rhinoplasty, and blepharoplasty
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Interviews with authors of articles from JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery. JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery focuses on advances in reconstructive and aesthetic procedures to improve patients' quality of life, and encourages a deeper understanding of the basic sciences related to facial development and wound healing.
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Facial Recognition Comedy is a group of stand-up comedians who identify as women of Indian, South Asian, or Arab descent. It was founded to dispel the myth that “there can only be one,” as well as to emphasize that “we are not the same person.” In our podcast, FRC founders Fizaa Dosani, Pallavi Gunalan, and Zahra Ali sit down with a new guest each week to probe their unique perspectives, as well as discuss our own history, culture, and challenges as women of color.
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On Saturday 22 January 2000, two men found a small holdall, abandoned on an industrial estate in the north of Sheffield. Upon opening the bag they made a gruesome discovery. A badly decomposed body. Who was this person? Why did they die? Where had the body been stored all of this time? In this collection, you’ll learn alongside the experts who worked to determine the identity of Mr. X. You’ll discover the forensic science techniques that were used to identify the body and understand the circ ...
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Dr. John G. Westine began his long academic journey at the University of Florida where he graduated Summa Cum Laude. After his undergraduate training, he went on to earn his medical degree from the University of Florida's College of Medicine, where he was inducted into the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society.
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Que es el pilates facial por gentileza de Gran Farmacia Andorra la 1a parafarmacia de Andorra con el precio mejor de Andorra. No dude en consultar y visitar Gran Farmacia Andorra en el centro de Andorra ...
Seo & Webs Low Cost
Que es el pilates facial por gentileza de Gran Farmacia Andorra la 1a parafarmacia de Andorra con el precio mejor de Andorra. No dude en consultar y visitar Gran Farmacia Andorra en el centro de Andorra la Vella su farmacia de confianza
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Dr. Jordan Rihani of the Facial Plastic Surgery Institute discusses rhinoplasty post-operative instructions for his patients in this podcast.Di Jordan Rihani, MD
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Dr. Jordan Rihani discusses what to expect following facelift surgery at the Facial Plastic Surgery InstituteDi Jordan Rihani, MD
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No livro Nutrition and Skin, os autores Juergen Lademann, Maxim E. Darvin, and Ulrike Heinrich fazem considerações sobre antioxidantes e pele . Nos estudos os antioxidantes analisados na dieta sistêmica ou aplicação tópica incluíam flavonóides, carotenóides, tocoferóis e vitamina C. Os antioxidantes protegem a pele humana do envelhecimento prematur…
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Basic anatomy of Cerebral blood flow for FRCA with pauses for you to recollect your answers
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Basic coronary blood flow with pauses for you to recollect your answers
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Basic anatomy of coronary circulation with pauses for you to recollect your answers.
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Dr. John G. Westine began his long academic journey at the University of Florida where he graduated Summa Cum Laude. After his undergraduate training, he went on to earn his medical degree from the University of Florida's College of Medicine, where he was inducted into the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society.…
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Basic anatomy of musculocutaneous nerve with pauses for you to recollect your answers
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Basic anatomy of Axillary nerve with pauses for you to recollect your answers
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Basic anatomy of Ulnar nerve with pauses for you to recollect your answers
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Basic anatomy of Median nerve with pauses for you to recollect your answers
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Basic radial nerve anatomy for FRCA with pauses for you to recollect your answers
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Basic anatomy of brachial plexus with pauses for you to recollect your answers.
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Basic anatomy of Coeliac plexus with pauses for you to recollect your answers.
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Basic anatomy Stellate Ganglion for FRCA with pauses for you to recollect your answers.
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Basic anatomy of intercostal nerve with pauses for you to recollect answers.
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Basic anatomy of ankle block for FRCA with pauses for you to recollect your answers
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Basic anatomy sciatic nerve for FRCA with pauses for you to recollect your answers
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Basic anatomy femoral nerve with pauses for you to recollect your answers.
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Basic anatomy of phrenic nerve with appropriate pauses for you to recollect answers
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Basic anatomy trigeminal nerve for Final FRCA
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Anatomy revision Final FRCA. Including pauses for you to recollect answers before they are given.
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Episode 153: When the Pendulum Swings
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1:06:51Zahra and Fizaa talk about getting back into real life, the future of social audio, assimilating into white culture, and more! Who got flashed during their IRL comedy set? Tune in to the Facial Recognition Comedy Podcast on your podcast app, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, SoundCloud, Google Play, iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, or Spreaker to find out!…
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Episode 152: Made in Newark with Ibrahim Khalif
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1:10:06Comedian, friend, and fellow Jersey kid, Ibrahim Khalif joins Zahra to talk about his #1 ranked comedy album, Placebo. Go get it on Apple Music! They talk about paving their own paths when gatekeepers play favorites. Who wins the debate on women vs. men? Tune in to the Facial Recognition Comedy Podcast on your podcast app, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher…
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Episode 151: Petty Online with Yamini Nambimadom
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1:11:25Comedian, actor, writer, and bisexual icon, Yamini Nambimadom joins Pallavi to talk Twitter, the false fear surrounding cancel culture, and how to hold people accountable. We talk about how social media helps us and hurts us and how to separate our personalities from what our parents projected on us. What insecurities do Desi women have to unlearn …
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Bem vindos ao Harmonização Podcast, o podcast do mundo da harmonização facial. Bem vindos ao novo episódio do HARMONIZAÇÃO FACIAL PODCASTHoje trazemos um assunto da área de harmonização facial .Assunto de hojeVITAMINA E no SKINCAREA vitamina E É um dos antioxidantes usados em formulações de cuidados com a pele, sãomoléculas antioxidantes não enzimá…
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Bem vindos ao Harmonização Podcast, o podcast do mundo da harmonização facial. Neste episódio vamos falar brevemente da relação pele e dermocosméticoNa pele mais velha, o colágeno parece irregular e desorganizado, a proporção de Col-3 para Col-1 mostrou aumentar, devido, significativamente,a uma perda de Col-1. O conteúdo geral de colágeno porárea …
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Olis essencials per la salut per Gran Farmacia Andorra setembre 2019 oli Arbre de Té, Lavanda i Llim
Olis essencials per la salut per Gran Farmacia Andorra setembre 2019 oli Arbre de Té, Lavanda i Llimona olis essencials bons per la casa i per la salut que trobareu a Gran Farmàcia Andorra i a Farmacia de les Pistes al Pas de la Casa podeu demanar les informació per WhatsApp +376650050. Redactat per Community Manager Andorra T.+376360387 . Experts …
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Cómo puede ayudarte el psicooncologo frente al cáncer hasta un 70% de personas con cáncer necesitan
Cómo puede ayudarte el psicooncologo frente al cáncer hasta un 70% de personas con cáncer necesitan ayuda. Avances en el cáncer de Mama muy importantes los últimos 10 años. La mayoría de los casos se curan. En la revista Saber Vivir se publicó un artículo muy interesante que vale la pena leer. Nos habla de la importancia del psicooncologo. Este pod…
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Avances en el cáncer de Mama muy importantes los últimos 10 años. La mayoría de los casos se curan
Avances en el cáncer de Mama muy importantes los últimos 10 años. La mayoría de los casos se curan. En la revista Saber Vivir se publicó un artículo muy interesante que vale la pena leer. Nos habla de la importancia del psicooncologo. Este podcast ha sido grabado por gentileza de Gran Farmàcia Andorra Online i Màrqueting de continguts Andorra los e…
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Las Peras don digestivas diuréticas y depurativas por gentileza de Gran Farmacia Andorra Online
Las Peras don digestivas diuréticas y depurativas por gentileza de Gran Farmacia Andorra Online . La pera es ideal para personas que padecen alteraciones del metabolismo de los líquidos y necesitan estimular la diuresus, como en la obesidad, edemas, retención de líquidos, acido urico etc.
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Comedian David Lucas joins the ladies to chat about life as a hood nerd, owning a gun, and how becoming a father changed his “fuck boy” mentality. We also discuss polyamory, heart break, David’s exploration of religion, and how his mom was his first manager. Tune in to the Facial Recognition Comedy Podcast on your podcast app, iTunes, Spotify, Stit…
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Competencias y habilidades del vendedor profesional debemos tener una escucha activa. Buena presenci
Competencias y habilidades del vendedor profesional debemos tener una escucha activa. Buena presencia, establecer sintonía con nuestro potencial cliente, lo que se llama establecer una buena empatía, la empatía es clave para un profesional de ventas. Cuando mejor sean las habilidades del vendedor mejores serán los resultados y los incrementos de ve…
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Que es el pilates facial por gentileza de Gran Farmacia Andorra la 1a parafarmacia de Andorra con el
Que es el pilates facial por gentileza de Gran Farmacia Andorra la 1a parafarmacia de Andorra con el precio mejor de Andorra. No dude en consultar y visitar Gran Farmacia Andorra en el centro de Andorra la Vella su farmacia de confianza.
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Interview with Peter Hilger, MD, author of Brassiere Suture Technique in Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty
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La Salicaria es la planta antidiarreica ideal en el tratamiento de infecciones intestinales. Siento
La es la planta antidiarreica idealSalicaria en el tratamiento de infecciones intestinales.
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Interview with Michael J. Reilly, MD, author of Evaluation of Personality Perception in Men Before and After Facial Cosmetic Surgery
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Interview with Ian A. Maher, author of Association of Smoking and Other Factors With the Outcome of Mohs Reconstruction Using Flaps or Grafts
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Characterization of Injury Induced by Routine Surgical Manipulations of Nasal Septal Cartilage
Interview with George Dodge, PhD, author of Characterization of Injury Induced by Routine Surgical Manipulations of Nasal Septal Cartilage
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Episode 56: Beast Mode with Priyanka Wali and Sammy Obeid
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1:12:41Comedians Priyanka Wali and Sammy Obeid join the ladies of FRC to talk about dragon eggs, Priyanka’s appetite for French men, and Sammy’s obsession with Whole Foods. We also discuss using math in comedy, cadavers from the Bodies exhibit, and generational trauma from the Kashmir territorial conflict. Everyone swaps 9/11 stories and we learn surprisi…
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Interview with Bohdan Pomahac, MD, author of The Evolving Clinical Presentation of Acute Rejection in Facial Transplantation
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¡Hola! Amigos espero les guste nuestro Podcast habla sobre los tratamientos faciales al mismo tiempo que dos señoritas nos cuentan su experiencia cuando lo empezaron a utilizar
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¡Hola! Amigos este Podcast habla de tratamientos facilales para la piel contamos con la Dermatologa Guillen y dos señoritas que comentan su experiencia cuando pruevan los tratamientos faciales...
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Episode 47: Goatface Killah with Fahim Anwar
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1:05:33Comedian, actor, seasoned backup dancer, aerospace engineer, and Afghan-American heartthrob Fahim Anwar joins us to humbly share his insight and wisdom for all “the things” he’s accomplished. From the dark ages at the World Famous Comedy Store, to one day opening for his alter ego Lance Canstopolis, Fahim’s stardom is inevitable. We’re rooting for …
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Interview with Sam P. Most, MD, author of Assessment of Persistent and Prolonged Postoperative Opioid Use Among Patients Undergoing Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Interview with Elizabeth Floyd, MD, author of Advances in Face-lift Techniques, 2013-2018: A Systematic Review
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Episode 36: Lying and Life Coaching with Aristotle Athiras
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1:19:59Happy New Year! In this episode of the podcast, comedian and director, @air_stotle joins the ladies of FRC to talk about his sketch and stand-up comedy group @goatfacecomedy, his tendency to date older women, and resolving conflict amongst creatives. He impersonates a Brown Dad to validate and encourage us. Tune in to the first episode of the year …
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Interview with Lisa E. Ishii, MD, MHS, author of Assessment of Casual Observers’ Willingness to Pay for Increased Attractiveness Through Rhinoplasty
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