When award nominated screenwriter Chip Thompson was 14, he was mildly obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, comic books and a whole manner of geeky pop culture. So he decided to write his own series, centering around what it would be like if he and best friend/Co host MC were supernatural, crime fighting ninjas in Tokyo. It was as terrible as it sounds, full of plagerism, clumsy references and out right stealing of ideas mixed with its own unique blend of B Movie horror and superhero plots ...
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Let's see how an AI does breaking down season 2 of TomuarigassenDi How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Ninjas, vampires, zombies.... robots!? What happens when we ask an AI to break down season 1 of Tomuarigassen!Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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It's chapter 2 of Pirate by Fabio! And we're more than concerned about where this is going...Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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WE'RE BACK BABY!!!! And this time around Chip is off the hook as we're no longer reading his teenager ramblings. Instead, we'd like to present our Bargain Basement Audible series where we bring you the best of the worst fiction out there. We begin with Chapter 1 of Pirate written by 90's male model Fabio. Can we expect frolics on the high seas? Or …
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"Is that it? Am I done?" The tragic words of one Doyle from Angel but very fitting for our final ever episode (not that we intend of dying). Join MC and Chip as they take a look back at 5 seasons and a spin off of this weirdly enduring piece of crap from the mind of 14 year old Chip.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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As with season 2 of Chip, we also have the rough notes for the ideas teenage Chip left us for season 5 of Tomuarigassen, so let's try and make sense from them!Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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1:11:14Maybe teenage Chip never finished writing the bloody show but he did leave us a bunch of random notes for what would have happened in season 2 so lets see if we can piece this tosh together.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Teenage Chip may have never finished writing season 4 of Tomuarigassen but he left us some notes for us to follow and that's just what we're going to do!Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Do you love video games? Then you're going to want to subscribe to the 1Up Podcast, coming to all podcasting platforms on the 14th February 2021. Episode 1 is a look back on the all time classic, Bioshock. Come join Bash, Andy, Becky and Chip as they cover everything from space whales to fighting men in nappies.…
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Tomuarigassen S4E24 - 'PRESSURE' Part 2
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1:03:08Join us for the last ever full length episode of Tomuarigassen... In which, MC fights for his life while Gav and Terry go toe to toe with mysterious demon GranacDi How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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MC and Terry are off to fetch the blood of the Soilcap demons, whichwill mystically cure Louise from her coma (somehow) but all does not go to plan. Meanwhile, Jay has a visitor from his past and not a welcome oneDi How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Chip S1E23 - 'END OF SEASON'
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1:12:54We've come to an end of the proper full episodes of Chip sadly/thankfully, depending on how you feel about it, so now we're going to go through the notes teenage Chip left us to see if we can piece together the end of season 1Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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The gang continue to search for numerous things. Mainly for the number for the therapist they're so desperately in need ofDi How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Chip and Kat continue to chase down the bank robbers in Mini Coopers who I have been told to say want nothing to do with this show. Meanwhile, Ridley learns some things about Detective Jack Bently he probably should have known alreadyDi How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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MC is still a bad dad, Louise is still in a coma, Gav is still 15 years old, Terry is still a pub landlord wizard and Jay's story arc is still depressing. Let's see if anything changes in this episode!Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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This isn't the self preservation society but we're going to rip it off anywaysDi How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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It appears the Armour of Fern isn't quite the magical McGuffin the gang were hoping for. And it could have terrible consequences for two of them...Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Jay has returned from his trip back to New York with a certain McGuffin. Meanwhile, there's a terrible B plot about a vampire.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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After Jay's surprise appearance in New York, will he and Chip finally team up once again?Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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A figure from Chip's past has returned to his life but just how will they co-exist...Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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MC and the gang may have found a lead on a way to protect Amy but it may involve the ninja killing a child. So nothing MC would be too fussed about then.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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With numerous bombs having gone off in New York, Chip, Ridley, Kat and Detective Bently are on the search for the perpetrators. All while we try not to make this the most offensive episode to date.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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With the December Form seemingly beaten, MC is looking for a way to protect his daughter from the lingering threat of the gardening warlock, TanisDi How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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I'm really annoyed we couldn't time the upload of an episode called Happy New Year with the actual start of a new year! Instead it's being uploaded on the 14th December. Great. Well, enjoy I guess.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Can MC stop the December Form before they use a nuclear bomb to end the entire world? Wait, is this the season finale? It's not? So what's going to happen now? So many question, so few answers. It's time for another episode of Tomuarigassen!Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Does anyone even read these? If you do, tweet us with the phrase "heroic sacrifice" for a special prize! - @howirippedoffDi How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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MC has had enough. He's going after the December Form, alone. However, the DF have their own plans. They're going to end the world.... TONIGHT. And they have ways of keeping the gang busy while they go about their nefarious plans.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Chip, Kat and Ridley are on the hunt for a mysterious pick pocketing gang!Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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After all the fights and struggles and world ending events the gang have been through, is this truly end of it all?Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Are you ready for the thrilling conclusion to the showdown with the most intimidating and terrifying demon ever featured in Tomuarigassen!? No, please don't roll up your fin and hurt us, Bites!!Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Ever wondered what would happen if a powerful wizard was cucked by his wife? You're about to find out. Also the December Form are looking to end the world or something.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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I know, I know, you're all hoping this episode is about a literal pool playing shark. Let's just say we don't think you'll be too disappointed (for a change).Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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With the S.W.A.T now in London and out for revenage, just how will the gang survive against an enemy they have beaten many times and easily before...?Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Here's part 2 of Kill Me Quick. Yes, that's all I want to say because this episode continues to make me terribly uncomfortable.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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The gang have made a lot of enemies in their time and it seems a former foe is set to return at the behest of the December Form.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Are you ready for possibly the worst episode in the entire podcast? Chip has turned into a big fat stalker and it's just not pleasant for anyone involved.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Just how will Gav and Louise survive with the ancient vampire Furia chasing them down!?Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Chip S1E10 - 'ONE IN TWO' Part 2
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1:01:08Chip continues to hunt down the demons hellbent on raising The One. But does he plan to stop them or raise it for himself...Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Since he joined the gang, haven't we always wondered about Gav's backstory and origin? No? Oh... well, we're getting a Gav episode anyway.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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After last weeks cliffhanger, just how will Chip react to news of someone else trying to raise The One. If you ask us, he'll handle it really, really well....Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Now the entire gang has been warned of an impending apocalypse, just how will MC react? And will there be any more singing vampires? God, let's hope not.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Despite numerous warnings not to, Chip continues to interfere in Kat's professional and personal life, all while being completely unemployed himself. Judgemental much!?Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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You know something is good when it's named after a Linkin Park song. MC is on the trail of the mysterious apocalyptic note senders and it's taken him all the way to the Post Office.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Pretty sure if we make any sort of Beatles reference here, we will get sued. I guess I could tell you about the time we met Paul McCartney on a train...Any who, in this episode Chip is on the job hunt so he can finally stop giving away last months rent.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Has MC gone off the deep end? Will we be so unoriginal as to do another evil ninja storyline? Who will win the intense game of Eye Spy in the library? Some of those burning questions may be answered in this episode!Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Turns out, Chip's new best friend might well be half demon. Certainly can't think of another spin off show that's ever had that before..Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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It's been some months since MC became a single parent, but just how is he coping? In supernatural news, it's the grand opening of the Tokyo Memorial B&B while more domestically, the mysterious Sherak is about to go through with his master (plan). We may have got those mixed up...Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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If you've worked out how to pronounce the title of this episode correctly, you get extra ninja points.Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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Ok, so it was totally werewolves...Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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After "accidentally" killing a mugger on the subway, Chip is doing his very best not to let the violent side of him take over. But how will that work when he comes up against vampires, the mafia and a very excited to be fighting vampires and the mafia, Kat?Di How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer
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