Islamic Media Podcast is an independent podcast run by a team of Sunni Muslims who are dedicated to providing the Muslims all around the world with authentic Sunni Islamic knowledge that can be traced back all the way to our Prophet (peace be upon him). We believe the Muslims today are in extreme need for authentic Islamic knowledge to practice their Religion. The ignorance in the Religion is the main reason why the Muslims are going through extremely tough times today. We ask Allah to facil ...
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Welcome to Islamic Media Foundation, where amazing things happen. IMF has assembled media professionals, religion experts, Muslims, and non-Muslims to work in a collaborative effort to present Islam in a straightforward format through news, features, vignettes, and PSAs. Support this podcast:
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Welcome to ILM - Islamic Learning Media - where we feature the lectures of Shaykh Saleem Bhimji and various originally created Audio Books.
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كيف أنجو؟ الشهادة الأولى (من له مثل الدنيا وعشرة أمثالها؟) - الحلقة 3 by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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ماذا قال المشركون لما سمعوا القرآن ؟ - تفسير سورة الأحقاف - الجزء الثالث by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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الدرس الثاني - أشراط الساعة - هل نحن في آخر الزمن by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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ماذا حصل بين سيدنا عمر وكافر في أرض الجابية؟ - الحلقة 3 - القدر by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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أشراط الساعة الدرس الثالث - بعثة النبي - أولى علامات الساعة التي بدأت بالفعل by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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الشهادة الأولى (احفظ معي خمسة أمور) - الحلقة 2 - كيف أنجو؟ by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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أشراط الساعة - بين التحذير والاستعداد 1
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1:00:28أشراط الساعة - بين التحذير والاستعداد 1 by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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ما هي الحواميم السبع؟ - تفسير سورة الأحقاف - الجزء الأول by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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ما هو حال الأصنام يوم القيامة مع المشركين - تفسير سورة الأحقاف - الجزء الثاني by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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هل تعرف معنى الإيمان بالقدر؟ - الحلقة 1 - القدر by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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كلمةٌ جليلةٌ استفاضت بين الأمّة - الحلقة 2 - القدر by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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خالد بن الوليد - من سيفٍ على الإسلام إلى سيف الله المسلول by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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ابدأ من هنا - كيف أنجو؟ الحلقة 1 - by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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استغفرُ الله وأتوبُ اليه مكرره 1000 مره - راحة نفسية كبيرة اتركها شغالة في بيتك
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1:20:46استغفرُ الله وأتوبُ اليه مكرره 1000 مره - راحة نفسية كبيرة اتركها شغالة في بيتك by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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أيها العصاة.. لا تفقدوا الأمل by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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من قال السلام عليكم - معلومات مفيدة جداً by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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من المشاهد العظيمة يوم القيامة by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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Why can’t one ask who created God?! by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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Wahabies are considered by many Muslims to be the biggest threat to Al Islam and Muslims due to their influence and money in the Islamic world. They are also very well supported by major Western governments because their existence weakens the Muslims. Learn about their history and their evil agendas and beliefs.…
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Who Are The Angels in Islam? Learn About The Angels According To Islam by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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The Miracle of Al-Isrā’ and Al-Mi^rājDi Islamic Media Podcast
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دقات قلبي تستجير من الأنينما بين أشواقي وأسراب الحنينحنين قلبي للنبي كُلّي أسرفالشوق في نفسي كحبات المطرفمتى أرى نور الحبيب وقد ظهرطال انتظاري أعِن إلهي من انتظرسنين عمري في هواه عشتهاما بين الحب والحنين قضيتهاومن سبى لُبّي ومن له قلبيطه حبيب اللهباقٍ له حبيهذا الذي ازدانت به الدنيامن روضة في جنة علياليتني أُسقىمن كفه الأنقىونظرة بعدهاأنسي فلا أشقى…
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عجائب معجزة المعراج - مقابلة مع الشيخ محمد علم الدين by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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عجائب معجزة الإسراء - مقابلة مع الشيخ محمد علم الدين by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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قطع المبغضين بحديث: عليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين - حلقة 3 by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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الرد على قول المانعين للمولد: الرسول ما احتفل بالمولد فكيف تحتفلون به - حلقة 2 by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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الرد على قول المانعين للمولد: الرسول ما احتفل بالمولد فكيف تحتفلون به - حلقة 1 by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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جُد لي حبي هادينا إني صبٌّ مشتاقُواروِني ذابَ حنينا قَلبي الظامي التَّواقُ------------------------------------بكَ أصحابٌ نالوا شرفاً وكذا الآلُوعلَوْا وصفا الحالُ وحلاوةَ ذا ذاقوامِنهُمُ الغُرُّ العَشَرَة قومٌ سيرتهُم عَطِرَةأنجُمُ الأمةِ بَرَرَة وَسَناهُم برَّاقُ------------------------------------فالصِّدِّيقُ أبو بكرِ وابنُ الخَطاب …
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يحدثنا الشيخ محمد علم الدين والشيخ أحمد حلمي عن أعمال ليلة النصف من شعبانDi Islamic Media Podcast
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أبو بكر الصديق المثل الصالح لهذه الأمة - Abu Bakr Aš-Šiddiq- A Righteous Example for the Nation
أبو بكر الصديق المثل الصالح لهذه الأمة - Abu Bakr Aš-Šiddiq- A Righteous Example for the Nation by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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آثار الميلاد - الاحتفال بالمولد أمر حسن - 04 by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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04 مقابلة: قطع المبغضين بحديث عليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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03 مقابلة: الرد على قول المانعين للمولد كيف تحتفلون في يوم ثبت أن النبي مات فيه by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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02 مقابلة: الرد على قول المانعين للمولد الرسول ما احتفل بالمولد فكيف تحتفلون به by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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01 مقابلة: رد احتجاج الخصوم بحديث كل محدثة بدعة by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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آثار الميلاد - يوم مولده وقصة رضاعه - بصوت الشيخ الدكتور سمير القاضي 03 by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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آثار الميلاد - أصل النبي - بصوت الشيخ الدكتور سمير القاضي 02 by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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01 آثار الميلاد - بشائر الولادة - بصوت الشيخ الدكتور سمير القاضي by Islamic Media PodcastDi Islamic Media Podcast
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Welcome back to Ramadan Reflections 2024! Today, on the 17th day of Ramadan, we delve into another verse of the Noble Quran, Surah al-Anfal (8), verse 62, shedding light on its significance in the context of divine support and the pivotal role of Imam Ali (peace be upon him).In this verse, Allah assures Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his f…
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In today's episode of Ramadan Reflections, we delve into Quran 83:34, a verse from Surah al-Mutaffifeen, where Allah describes believers laughing at disbelievers on the Day of Judgment. Initially seeming unusual, this verse holds profound significance when understood in context.Join us as we unravel the layers of meaning behind this verse and its r…
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Imam Ali (ع) - Birth of Imam Hasan & Unwavering Compassion - Ramadan Reflections 2024 - Day 15
Today, on the 15th day of Ramadan, we delve into Surah al-Insan (76), verse 8, reflecting on the profound teachings it holds. But first, let's honor the birth of Imam Hasan ibn Ali, the revered second Imam of Shia Islam. Born into the esteemed lineage of the Prophet Muhammad, Imam Hasan's life was marked by wisdom, compassion, and unwavering devoti…
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Dive into Quranic verse 58:12, unveiling a unique obligation set upon Muslims by Allah - a "pay as you go" system for consulting the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Learn the significance of giving charity before seeking his counsel, emphasizing respect and sincerity in private discussions.Explore the historical context behind …
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Delve into the profound teachings of the Quran with us in today's video as we explore Surah al-Baqara (2), verse 208. This verse calls upon believers to submit themselves wholeheartedly to Allah and warns against following the footsteps of Satan. We unravel the essence of true submission to Allah and its relevance to our spiritual journey.Discover …
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Imam Ali (ع) - Who is Better? Those that Serve the Hujjaj or... - Ramadan Reflections 2024 - Day 12
For this instalment of Ramadan Reflections we delve into another profound Quranic verse from Surah al-Tawba (9), verse 19.This verse challenges believers to reflect on the true essence of faith and righteousness, distinguishing between superficial acts of devotion and sincere commitment to Allah's cause. We explore the narrative behind this verse, …
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In today's episode, we delve into verse 22 of Surah al-Zumar (39). This verse highlights the importance of embracing Islam with an open heart, contrasting those receptive to Divine guidance with those whose hearts remain hardened. We explore the metaphorical concept of an 'expanding chest' and its significance in spiritual enlightenment.We delve in…
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Imam Ali (ع) and Sayyida Khadijah (ع) - The Loving Family - Ramadan Reflections 2024 - Day 10
In this episode, we explore Surah al-Furqan (25), verse 74 of the Noble Quran, where Allah responds to believers' heartfelt supplications for righteous spouses and offspring who bring joy and promote piety and virtue.We focus on the life of Umm al-Momineen Khadija bint Khuwaylid (peace be upon her), the beloved wife of Prophet Muhammad (blessings o…
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Imam Ali (ع) - The One that Gives Charity in Many States... - Ramadan Reflections 2024 - Day 9
Welcome back to Ramadan Reflections 2024! On this blessed 9th day of Ramadan, we delve into Surah al-Baqarah (2), verse 274, reflecting on the timeless wisdom it holds.In this verse, Allah extols those who give generously, day and night, in secret and openly. We explore the significance behind these actions, drawing inspiration from the exemplary l…
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Imam Ali (ع) - The One that Sells His Self for the Pleasure of... - Ramadan Reflections 2024 - Day 8
Join us in today's Ramadan Reflection as we delve into the profound verse of the Noble Quran from Surah al-Baqarah (2), verse 207, exploring the concept of self-sacrifice and devotion to seeking the pleasure of Allah. Discover the remarkable story behind the revelation of this verse, reflecting on the unparalleled commitment of Imam Ali (peace be u…
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Imam Ali (ع) - The One that has Profoundly Deep Knowledge - Ramadan Reflections 2024 - Day 7
In this enlightening Ramadan reflection, we delve into the depths of the Quran's verses, focusing on Surah Ale Imran (3), verse 7. Join us as we explore the distinction between explicit and allegorical verses, and the importance of discernment and knowledge in understanding the Quran's deeper meanings. We draw parallels between this verse and the w…
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In this profound Ramadan reflection, we delve into Quran 19:96, exploring the Divine promise of love bestowed upon those who believe and engage in righteous deeds. Join us as we unravel the significance of this verse in relation to the revered figure of Imam Ali (peace be upon him).Surah Maryam (19), verse 96, illuminates the profound bond between …
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