Im ScreencastHero Podcast bekommst du Tipps & Tricks zu Screencasting und Camtasia.
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Every week you will be treated to a new Drifting Ruby episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails, the popular web development framework. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics are geared toward the intermediate Rails developer, but beginners and experts will get something out of it as well.
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Cryptocurrency & Tools
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Cryptocurrency & Tools
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GoRails is a series of screencasts and guides for all aspects of Ruby on Rails. Learn how to setup your machine, build a Rails application, and deploy it to a server.
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Periodyczne screencasty o interesujących opcjach Mac OS X, nowych programach, sztuczkach i nieznanych możliwościach drzemiących w oprogramowaniu.
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2TV Screencast, es el canal de video tutoriales sobre desarrollo web, wordpress y productividad
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Screencast Sessions is a netcast of screencasts giving you a sneak peak into some of the hottest sites online.
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les Screencast de démonstration logiciels et web de
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Avid Tutorials Podcast: Improve your skills with Avid Media Composer, XPress or Symphony with this weekly podcast! (SD version)
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Avid Tutorials Podcast: Improve your skills with Avid Media Composer, XPress or Symphony with this weekly podcast! (HD version)
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CSE 135 - Server-side Web Applications - LE [A00] [Screencast] - Prof. Papakonstantinou, Yannis [SP15]
Papakonstantinou, Yannis
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Tutorials, tips and tricks on the latest applications and technologies
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Screencast (zapis ekranu) Mój pierwszy Mac jest uzupełnieniem popularnego serwisu z odpowiedziami na pytania użytkowników Maków.
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High quality videos demonstrating development in Ruby, Rails, Groovy, Grails, CSS, HTML, JQuery, and much more...
continue reading es la comunidad especializada en Spring Framework. en donde existe documentacion, se hace difusion y comparte conocimiento.
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Wir zeigen Ihnen in 120 Sekunden die Vorteile von LinguLab. Erstellen Sie ganz einfach verständliche, strukturierte und suchmaschinenoptimierte Texte.
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CSS-Tricks Screencasts is focused on showing you tips, tricks, techniques about web design. Code samples can be extremely helpful, but sometimes it is even more helpful to watch someone as they code. In CSS-Tricks Screencasts will show you real live CSS and HTML code being written and tested right on the screen. Topics will vary but will always center around design and usability.
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Learn how easy it is to apply web interaction using jQuery.
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Le podcast Waluu Cast, est un screencast présenté par les Waluu Twins : Anthony et Benoit. Le but de ces formations vidéos est d'aider les développeurs à terminer leurs applications au travers de tutoriaux sur les logiciels qu'ils sont amenés à utiliser. Anthony, l'ingénieur front-end (HTML/CSS/JS) et l'infographiste de la startup présente, au travers de screencasts Photoshop, Firefox ou Eclipse des formations sur le WebDesign d'application Web ou mobile. Benoit, le développeur et ...
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In this episode we look at processing background jobs in a way that can conditionally send the work to be processed to different queues. This can be very powerful in situations where you need to process the job in different ways or send requests to different APIs.Di Dave Kimura
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In this episode, we'll explore how we can add a "global" music player that will persist across different pages. Our approach will be unobtrusive and implemented in a maintainable way.Di Dave Kimura
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Rails 8 introduces a new expect method for permitting parameters that fixes a few of the issues with require and permit. Let's take a look!Di Chris Oliver
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In this episode, we look at implementing a temporary loader for turbo frame tags to give a visual of data that is loading.Di Dave Kimura
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Ruby 3.4 added 'it' to reference a block parameter with no variable name. Let's check it out!Di Chris Oliver
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Hotwire Spark is a new live reloading tool for Hotwire applications that uses morphing to update the page smoothly.Di Chris Oliver
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In this episode, we look at some precautions we can take with our production environment and setup recurring backups for the database.Di Dave Kimura
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Black Friday is a popular shopping holiday every year. In this lesson, we'll build a Ruby gem to help automate our Black Friday sales each year.Di Chris Oliver
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In this episode, we look at creating an entire infrastructure (proxy, load balancer, app servers, worker servers, database server, and a storage server) on our own hardware use Kamal to provision and deploy our Ruby on Rails application.Di Dave Kimura
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Import maps are great, but how do they work? In this lesson, we'll demystify import maps and see how they integrate with Rails' asset pipeline.Di Chris Oliver
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Rails 8 now ships with multiple databases by default. In this lesson, we'll learn how the configuration works and how to deploy to production with environment variablesDi Chris Oliver
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The Rails authentication generator is an awesome new addition with Rails 8 so let's explore how we can customize it to support user impersonation.Di Chris Oliver
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In this episode we look at deploying a Rails 8 beta application to a Digital Ocean droplet. We'll also look at a scenario of deploying Action Cable broadcasts and another with recurring background jobs.Di Dave Kimura
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Rubocop Rails Omakase is just a starting place and provides a handful of rules.Di Chris Oliver
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Rails 7.2 now warns if any test runs without assertions. It helps make tests that may raise errors more explicit and less prone to mistakes.Di Chris Oliver
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Large forms can be overwhelming to fill out, especially if not all of the fields are required. In this episode, we'll look at creating a stimulus controller to conditionally display fields based on the input of another field.Di Dave Kimura
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Formatting Ruby code can be a point of contention because the language is so flexible, but itDi Chris Oliver
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Enqueuing jobs inside of a database transaction is a common mistake that's now handled for you automatically in Rails 7.2Di Chris Oliver
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The new browser guard in Rails 7.2 allows you to gate access to your application if a user is not using a modern browser.Di Chris Oliver
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Installing dependencies to develop and run your Rails applications locally can be a pain.Di Chris Oliver
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Rails 7.2 introduced a new rate limit feature that uses the Rails cache for preventing abuse of routes in your applications.Di Chris Oliver
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In this episode, we will upload a CSV file but need to pass it into a background job. This can prove to be difficult based on the hosting infrastructure so we'll explore some mechanisms to work around them. We'll also look to optimize Solid Queue to handle the large number of jobs.Di Dave Kimura
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Honeybadger's new Insights feature is awesome but required manually editing the yaml file to enable. Let's make a pull request to automate this.Di Chris Oliver
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In this episode, we look at setting up a mechanism to track the changes from an externally developed product. We'll also discuss branching strategies and how to develop your own features on top of Writebook.Di Dave Kimura
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Adding Timeouts to net-ssh with Mike Perham
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1:20:22In this lesson, we'll dive into some code to add timeouts for an issue with net-ssh with the help of Mike PerhamDi Chris Oliver
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In this episode, we tackle the issue of slow-loading dropdowns with a high volume of options by implementing an asynchronous select using the Hotwire Combobox library.Di Dave Kimura
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Sometimes you need user input to be restricted to a certain range or limited like "greater than zero". While you can do this with conditionals, there are some useful tricks to do this better in Ruby.Di Chris Oliver
continue reading released a new feature called Trusted Publishing which allows you to release gems directly from GitHub Actions without requiring 2FA or long-lived API tokens. Let's see how it works!Di Chris Oliver
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Sometimes you write code to get a feature working and stop there. With a little refactoring, you can extract local variables into methods that make testing and extending easier.Di Chris Oliver
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In this episode, we will learn about handling one-time payments with the Pay gem and Stripe embedded checkout. This is a great approach for non-recurring payments and can be implemented very quickly.Di Chris Oliver
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In this video, you'll learn about a feature of IRB, which is the ability to change context into an object.Di Chris Oliver
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Ever wondered how Rails controllers get their functionality? Let's see how we can add translation support to Rails API controllers by looking at the Rails sourceDi Chris Oliver
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Adam McCrea walks through using Phlex to build components for views in your Rails applications. Phlex is a Ruby gem for building fast object-oriented HTML and SVG components using Ruby constructs: methods, keyword arguments and blocks.Di Chris Oliver
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Mission Control Jobs is a UI for ActiveJob in Rails. It was announced at Rails World 2023 and just got released. It currently supports SolidQueue and Resque with more queue adapter support in the future.Di Chris Oliver
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Have models that store the same data but need different functionality? Rails provides Single Table Inheritance in ActiveRecord to solve this problem.Di Chris Oliver
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Notifications in Rails applications are even easier now with the new release of Noticed gem v2. We'll explore how to add notifications to your Rails app in just a few minutes.Di Chris Oliver
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Ruby 3.3.0 was released today and this lesson we're diving into the goodies included in the new version.Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will pick up where we left off in the last part and package up our script into a gem that we can share. Along the way, we'll look at how we can spread responsibility across a few small classes to separate concerns and hopefully make theDi Chris Oliver
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Solid Queue is a database backed queue adapter for ActiveJob in your Rails apps. Instead of requiring an additional service like Redis, jobs are managed in the database itself and it's compatible with PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will be looking at getting a v1 of a Ruby script that will fetch, pull, and push across several repositories and remotes to keep our code up-to-date. Hopefully, it will give you ideas for other areas in your workflow where a simple RubyDi Chris Oliver
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Discover how the new template locals work in Rails 7.1Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will learn what HTML is and why we need to know about it.Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will have a look at the elements used to markup text content in HTML.Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will learn about the basic structure of HTML documents.Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will learn about how to display content in a list and how we can use list elements to create navigational aids for our webpages.Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will lay down our foundational knowledge of forms on the web, knowledge that will be used throughout your career as a web developer.Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will learn about how to display images on our webpages.Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will learn about how to provide better structure to our webpages using more semantic elements from HTML5.Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will step briefly into the world of forms in Rails to see the naming conventions Rails uses to help us get structured data from form submissions in our Rails applications.Di Chris Oliver
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In this lesson, we will explore the button element and some of the lesser known attributes/functionality that can be added to them.Di Chris Oliver
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