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A Star to Steer Her By

A Star to Steer Her By

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New episodes every Thursday! Podcasts: a frontier that isn't actually very final at all. These are the voyages of the podcast A Star to Steer Her By. Our continuing mission: to watch every single episode of Star Trek (even the dumb ones), to comment on and snark at whatever suits our fancy, to boldly split infinitives that no man has split before. Follow our crew of Chris, Jake, Ames, and Caitlin as we explore the universe of Trek, go on wild tangents, crack wise, and make more fart jokes th ...
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show series
The "Discovery" crew is jumping farther than they've ever gone before in "New Eden". A new Red Signal from the far end of the Beta Quadrant leads them to a colony somehow descended from WW3-era humans. Meanwhile, Tilly makes bad choices with a rock and Owo gets convenient-but-pointless background!Also this week: up yours, Phlox; empathy, in this ec…
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The second season of "Discovery" is underway, and it's bringing Captain Pike along for the ride! In "Brother", mysterious signals have appeared simultaneously throughout the galaxy and it's up to the "Disco" crew and her new commander to figure out what's going on. The trail leads to an unnecessarily action-packed asteroid field and a much more sto…
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Back in the day, streaming "Trek" tried a fun little experiment that actually worked out pretty well! So of course they only did it twice. This week we're looking at the first four "Short Treks", bite-sized bits that go a bit outside the usual realms of the show. This time around we've got a stowaway, two different kinds of rescue, and a rascally c…
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And with that, we come to "Will You Take My Hand?", the season 1 finale of "Discovery"! A daring mission to the Klingon Homeworld, led by the Mirror Georgiou, is suspicious from the off and soon revealed to be another case of Admirals Behaving Badly. Will the Federation give up on its values in the face of its seeming destruction, or will cooler he…
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It's almost the end of the first season of "Discovery"! In "The War Without, The War Within", Starfleet and the Federation are on their back foot. Having the cloak-detecting algorithm may not be enough on its own, so what can our heroes do? How about have a variety of scenes that don't quite add up to a proper episode? Oh. That's what we're going w…
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In "What's Past Is Prologue" everyone really doesn't get that just because someone is identical to a lost loved one doesn't mean you can expect them to BEHAVE like that lost someone. Especially if they're from an alternate universe with diametrically opposite morals! Idiots! Everyone is idiots! And Saru makes a speech.Also this week: the reality of…
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Well great. now we've got Mirror Georgiou to deal with! in "Vaulting Ambition" the mirror universe gets more complicated and more ridiculous in equal measure as Michael has to change plans on the fly. Meanwhile, the season has ANOTHER twist to fling at us!Also this week: Voqler, goofy eyes, and Hoshi Sato![Timestamps: Vaulting Ambition: 00:39; Ensi…
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The "Discovery" crew continues their trek through the Mirror Universe this week with "The Wolf Inside". Can Burnham retain her core beliefs even while going undercover among some of the worst people ever? What will become of Tyler when his secret comes out? And is there any universe where Sarek is a good father?!Also this week: dramatic reenactment…
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Oh man we are SO back! By which I mean back to the Mirror Universe, simultaneously this show's least favorite and favorite place to visit depending on which host you're listening to! In "Despite Yourself" the Discovery crew needs desperately to blend in to figure out if there's a way for them to get out of this land of impossible doppelgangers and …
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Content warning: episode contains depiction of SA and we discuss briefly.After last week's disappointing entry, we're on to something much more interesting with "Into the Forest I Go". It's time for a daring mission onto an enemy ship to protect the weird wisps and maybe win the war! But will it all go wrong when Tyler encounters his torturer?Also …
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We've got three plots this week and somehow almost nothing happens in "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum"! We finally have an away mission and Saru goes a bit nuts, which is certainly very "Trek". Meanwhile, Stamets is feeling the strain of being a living navigational computer. And L'Rell meets Cornwell. Yup.Also this week: belated holiday, The Simpsons, a…
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Inspired by last week's "Discovery" time loop episode, we're taking a look at 2014's action sci-fi time-loop trip "Edge of Tomorrow". Tom Cruise plays a media relations army man thrust into actual battle and lasts about as long as you'd expect...until some alien magic makes it so he gets to try again. And again. AND AGAIN. Can he save the planet AN…
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Harry Mudd is back and he's out for revenge in "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad"! He's got some inexplicable time magic creating a loop that should allow him to pull off the perfect heist, and a spore-dappled Stamets might be the only person that can throw a wrench into his plans! With a little help from our main character, of course.Also this …
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"Discovery" is expanding the Bad Dad lore; we already knew Sarek wasn't great at the whole father thing, but when his adopted daughter dives into his subconscious in "Lethe", we find out he maybe gives Worf a run for his money. And in the B plot: an inappropriate Doctor/Patient relationship NOT involving Bashir!Also this week: judgy tech, Pokémon (…
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This week's episode, "Choose Your Pain", engages in a time-honored "Trek" tradition: the Captain takes a shuttle somewhere instead of his massive starship and gets captured. Who could've seen that coming? What will be worse for Lorca: Klingon torture or sharing a cell with one Harcourt Fenton Mudd?Also this week: the big F, Tippecanoe, and more mul…
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A bit of a detour from our planned "Discovery" watch as OTOY and The Roddenberry Archive threw everyone a bit of a surprise for "Generations" 30th anniversary. Join us to check out a new short, a continuation of work OTOY has been doing for the past few years. We get a final journey for Captain Kirk, (maybe? depending on how you view it?) through t…
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Brace yourself for the second-longest and probably-goofiest "Trek" title ever as we spend this week looking at "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry". The stakes are higher than ever for the "Discovery" crew to get her spore drive working properly as the Klingons launch an attack on a key Federation dilithium mining facility. Also Landr…
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With that pesky, extra-long introduction out of the way, "Discovery" can start proper with "Context Is for Kings"! Michael's on her way to space jail until she's bailed out by the shady Captain Gabriel Lorca. He's got secret plans that involve a grumpy scientists, we meet a chatty roommate, and conveniently enough some of Burnham's old crew is alon…
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We're picking up right where we left off last week as the "Discovery" premiere wraps up with "Battle at the Binary Stars"! The Klingons have the advantage and Burnham is in the clink. How on earth will anyone survive long enough for there to be a third episode?!Also this week: T'Kuvma's Playhouse, Vulcan superpowers, and series finales![Battle: 03:…
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And we're back! Back to "Trek", back to the (soft rebooted) Prime Universe, but not quite back to normal! It's a new era of TV across the board and between that and introducing a whole new show we somehow ran very long discussing only a single episode of "Discovery," part one of its pilot: "The Vulcan Hello"! Meet Michael Burnham and a whole bunch …
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Happy Halloween, everyone! We decided to take advantage of the fact that the holiday is on a Thursday this year and sat down to watch the low-budget campfest that is "Jason X"! It looks like it cost roughly $12 and starred every Canadian actor that wasn't working on a "Stargate" or other syndicated early-2000s sci-fi series over a weekend off, whic…
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Well. We weren't sure what exactly to expect going into William Shatner's other foray into "Trek" documentary making, "The Captains", but we definitely weren't expecting THIS. Join us as The Shat turns everything into a self-serving therapy session, especially with Patrick Stewart! Gape in horror at the mind-numbing misogyny he spews in front of Ka…
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With JJ off to work on his beloved "Star Wars" and Simon Peg on writing duties, we come to the (as of writing) end of the Kelvin Timeline. They're going out on a high note, though, featuring the best of their outings and one of the better big screen "Trek" experiences overall. With a better understanding of the characters and world, and a really gr…
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So the 2009 reboot actually did pretty well, the Kelvin timeline has been established, time to really go out there and oh never mind it's a lame "Wrath of Khan" rehash. With a white Khan. And an ultra-objectified Carol Marcus. And Kirk and Spock are mad at each other for...reasons? Still a better 9/11 "Trek" than "Enterprise", tho.Also this week: s…
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Well the whole prequel thing wasn't great with "Enterprise", so Paramount went to the next "we're out of ideas" phase: REBOOT! Yes, they've dumped Berman but brought in Abrams to bring his "Star Wars" flavored touch to "Star Trek". Time gets warped, Kirk gets drifted, and everyone gets significantly younger in 2009's "Star Trek"! Also this week: Ke…
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Somehow we've made it: after a little over 8 years and hundreds of episodes we've covered all the "Trek" that aired on broadcast TV from 1966-2005. Before we jump to the next phases of the franchise, we thought we'd take a little time to have a more general discussion about everything that got us here. It's a broad overview where we re-cover the ca…
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"Enterprise" might be over, but she has one last outing...sort of. If its finale was HORRIBLE fanfiction, how about you step right up for some, if we do say so ourselves, much better fanfiction! Yes, your stalwarts are at it again, putting their own unique spins on the "Star Trek" universe with the crew of the NX-01. This time: contests, crossovers…
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Our collective dislike of "Enterprise" is hardly a secret, but even your hosts (and our guest) agree this show deserved a better sendoff than "These Are the Voyages...", or at least a sendoff that was about itself. Rather than simply wrapping things up with the preceding two-parter, the talentless hacks in charge decided to sideline the cast of thi…
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We're in the home stretch and "Enterprise" sure is cranking up the stupid to 11! What's the dumbest twist you could have? The two-parter "Demons" and "Terra Prime" has a good chance of using it. RoboCop himself has dropped into "Trek" to unleash a scheme that really only makes sense if you're already a deranged xenophobe who got his hands on some l…
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It's the moment one of your hosts has been waiting for and the others have been dreading! It's time for the "Enterprise" take on the Mirror Universe in the campy two-parter "In a Mirror, Darkly". Watch as we and a guest struggle to tell the difference between Prime and Mirror Archer and wonder if other people weren't allowed to be evil ENOUGH.Also …
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Oh, boy, time to get some new "Trek" lore! No, not the android kind, the backstory kind! Also I guarantee it's a kind no one sensible wanted, needed, or ended up liking! First up, it takes two terrible episodes to find out why the Klingons are so darn different in TOS with "Affliction" and "Divergence"! After that, brace yourself for what a misogyn…
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Well now the Romulans have gone and done it! In their convoluted attempt to destabilize the region they've just gone and helped lay the groundwork for the eventual United Federation of Planets! Maybe there was a better use for their super psychic powered self-repairing ships than this? Also Trip and T'Pol's relationship takes a decidedly teen drama…
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Everyone's up to something this week, tho motivation is maybe a bit vague. First up: voyeuristic aliens are being really creepy and possessing the crew just so they can watch people die in "Observer Effect". After that, someone has come up with a needlessly elaborate ship to try and start a war between the Andorians and Tellarites in "Babel One".Al…
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Step right up to the bout of the 22nd century as the final showdown between the forces of EVIL face the forces of...ah...Archer and Co in "Kir'Shara"! But don't leave just yet, as in our next round it's man vs their own past hubris in "Daedalus"!Also this week: the 90s S, Chris tries to pull a Jake, and Harry Kim![timestamps: Kir'Shara: 01:14; Daed…
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"Enterprise" woke up one day and realized they'd kinda made the Vulcans sort of a mess. So they've decided to semi retcon it so that it's just one dude in the High Command who's evil and everything else is more like we remember it. Mind melding is fine now, we promise! Also, look, it's T'Pau in a deeply unnecessary appearance! And Surak is here, bu…
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Since there's been some genetic engineering talk on "Enterprise" recently we decided to finally take a look at 1997's "Gattaca". It's the story of a near-futuristic (or alternate present?) dystopia with designer babies and a future determined entirely by one's genes. But Ethan Hawke wants to go to space, dangit, and he'll do whatever it takes, incl…
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"Enterprise" has left infurating war crimes behind and has gone back to the familiar comfort of dull and copying older "Trek". In parts two and three of a story that did NOT need to be a three-parter, the Augments go on a rampage and Soong realizes maybe he did, in fact, do a bad thing by unleashing them on the galaxy. Join us, won't you, for "Cold…
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Well look at that, July 4th has fallen on our release day this year and it's always fun to take a break from "Enterprise"! So we're finally taking a look at 1996's action-disaster-blockbuster "Independence Day" (aka ID4)! Get those nostalgia goggles off and see if it still holds up when aliens blow up practical effect monuments and only sexy sexy J…
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Season four finally starts proper after last week's bizarre opener. First up, the crew goes "Home" and does a take on TNG's "Family" if it was a slog and had really bad lessons woven into it. After that: it's part one of what will be multiple three-parters in the final season of "Enterprise" as Brent Spiner guest stars as one of his own ancestors t…
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When we last left our heroes there were aliens in WW2 because why not, right? Sure. Fine. So we're picking up that thread and it turns out to be a bunch of Temporal Cold War nonsense in "Storm Front", parts 1 and 2. On the plus side it's also the end of that idiot saga.Also this week: a questionable montage, Machine Gun Reed, and Commander Chakotay…
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Oh God quick finish it up now, now, NOW! It's "Zero Hour" on "Enterprise" as everything is just tied up in a...well, not a neat little bow. Kind of a last-minute convoluted bow? Also somehow everything and nothing happens all at the same time. Then it's topped off by maybe the dumbest cliffhanger ever?Also this week: too long a shorter season, lott…
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One day, the writers of "Enterprise" woke up and remembered they weren't writing Nationalistic Propaganda-fest "24" and actually wrote a couple episodes of "Star Trek," wherein people talk about their problems instead of constantly torturing, murdering, and stealing from innocents! Check out a VERY late course-correction as we approach the end of t…
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We're racing to the finale but we have to have some filler on the way! In "The Forgotten" John is too busy talking to the Xindi to write a letter so he makes Trip do it. After that, endure a crappy rehash of "Children of Time" with "E²".Also this week: a narratively pointless blaze, a narrative device person, and Gul Dukat![timestamps: Forgotten: 0…
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John is only just starting to notice maybe he's up to no good after murdering people in cold blood and then committing piracy. He's still not positive, though. First up, in "Azati Prime" he decides diplomacy is for jerks. Then, in "Damage" he makes a bad choice and we find out T'Pol has secretly also made one but it's only getting mentioned now, ju…
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Bust out the fisheye lens, because it's time to get nuts! First up: it's another rehash of a better episode as Phlox slowly goes mad as he runs the ship while almost everyone else naps in "Doctor's Orders". After that, goo to the face in "Hatchery" turns John into the craziest thing the show can possibly imagine: a responsible Starfleet captain!Als…
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Look, we're running out of ways to say how bad this season is. First up: Archer comes up with a new form of psychological torture in "Stratagem". Then he decides with NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that some dying guy is evil and makes him literally writhe in agony (which isn't okay even if he IS evil, JOHN!) in "Harbinger". Then we talk about someone with…
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For pity's sake, John keeps falling for obvious lies this week on "Enterprise". First up: religious extremists take over the ship way too easily in an attempt to end a moronic war for jerks in "Chosen Realm". After that, Shran is back to totally just altruistically help and NOTHING ELSE in "Proving Ground".Also this week: the dumbest ladder, Sponge…
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We're taking a bit of an "Enterprise" break to discuss one of the foundations of modern cyberpunk and its legacy sequel: "Blade Runner" and "Blade Runner 2049". In a future where it almost never stops raining, artificial human slaves and their complex, ever-shifting relationship with their human creators/oppressors are the crux on which the world t…
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John wants his way and he's gonna get it, and to the devil with ethics and sensible choices! First up: Trip is in a coma and the Cap'n'll do anything, including listening to Phlox, to get his friend back in "Similitude". After that, why take a soldier into the past when you can drag your first officer along because reasons in "Carpenter Street".Als…
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We got time travel and cosplay time travel this week on "Enterprise"! First up, Archer has "Fifty First Dates" syndrome and has to be told daily that Earth done gone kablooey over a decade ago in "Twilight". After that, how did old west humans get onto an alien world in the Delphic Expanse? Find out in "North Star"!Also this week: symbolic stabbing…
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