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Keration PC | PodCast

Giovanni Correddu

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Ascolta la lettura dei libri di Giovanni Correddu, non solo la sua Musica! Soon you will be able to listen to the reading of Giovanni Correddu’s books, not just his music! Bientôt, vous pourrez écouter la lecture des livres de Giovanni Correddu, pas seulement sa musique! Keration Podcast App
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Hello Remarkable Woman, have you ever been silenced by shame? Have you ever believed that you’re not enough? Do you believe that you're unworthy of love or belonging? Are these beliefs holding you back in your personal or professional life? If this sounds like you, then you’re in the right place. Speak Shame with me, Dr Connie Kerali, - medical doctor, life coach & survivor of sexual violence - is a collection of expert insights on how to rediscover your self-worth, as well as inspiring conv ...
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Think is a daily, topic-driven interview and call-in program hosted by Krys Boyd covering a wide variety of topics ranging from history, politics, current events, science, technology and emerging trends to food and wine, travel, adventure, and entertainment.
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This podcast contains: - RADIO SHOWS that feature Kerani's music; - KALEIDOSCOPE - Catch up with Kerani's New Age radioshow on OWMR; - MUSINGS - Join Kerani as she interviews renowned new age artists!
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You can find all the mixes that were uploaded here on my Mixcloud profile !!! I’m an enthusiastic music collector, Dj & Selector, based somewhere between India, Italy, Turkey. KeraRadio project started on 2015 when i partially move to South India and It represent my entire music culture. Sets are moving smoothly between Funk, African, Jazz, Latin, Disco & Electronic Music, creating great ambients and fresh dancefloor.
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Podcast Keramat

Bhakti Adi Chandra

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Podcast Keramat bukanlah channel podcast yang berisi cerita horor. Ini adalah celotehan anak rantau yang suka berbagi saja. Keramat memiliki filososi yang berangkat dari sebuah akronim. Kepo rame-rame malam Jum'at. Email gue jika lo punya opini atau masukan buat gue atau DM ke IG @bhaktiadichandra Support this podcast:
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The Keratoconus Center

Dr. Christopher Scheno

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This is a podcast hosted by Dr. Christopher Scheno, Chief Medical Officer of The Keratoconus Center, that discusses all things that pertain to keratoconus, a disease of the cornea that affects more than 300,000 in the US alone.
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Welcome to Podcast which is a platform for aspirants of Kerala PSC to get access to exam related information and exam preparation coaching In this podcast, we talk about different topics related to the Kerala PSC exam preparations. We also discuss various test prep materials, quiz, model exams which can help you in your preparation. how certain habits can help you achieve success on your exam We do have a Paid Whatsapp Class Only Rs.200 Monthly specially for aspirants of Ke ...
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Kaalavastha can be roughly translated as 'weather' in Malayalam. Monsoons in Kerala bathe the state in verdant splendor. Even as this tropical change is romanticized by Keralites, the monsoon of 2018 brings back painful memories of loss and destruction. With hundreds of lives lost and critical lifelines of the state adversely impacted, the tenacity and perseverance of the people of Kerala refused to bring the state to a halt. Instead, the floods gave an opportunity to pave the way for 'Nava ...
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show series
The quickly shifting political landscape in the Middle East has Iran recalculating its place in the global order. Council on Foreign Relations president emeritus Richard Haass joins host Krys Boyd to discuss Iran after Israel’s crippling blows to the leadership of both Hamas and Hezbollah — and the possibility of inroads for U.S. diplomacy. His art…
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For the conflict-averse among us, just agreeing to something is often the easiest path. Sunita Sah is a trained physician and professor at Cornell University. She joins host Krys Boyd to discuss why it’s so hard to go against the grain in our lives, strategies for putting your foot down and why we should look at defiant teenagers in a new and posit…
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Telehealth is everywhere, and both doctors and patients are adjusting to its ubiquity. Helen Ouyang is an emergency physician and an associate professor at Columbia University, and she joins host Krys Boyd to discuss why she initially objected to telehealth shifts but now believes the tool can further public health objectives – plus, she’ll offers …
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For a brief period, colleges and universities suspended the use of standardized tests; now they’re bringing them back in the name of equality. New York Times senior writer David Leonhardt joins host Krys Boyd to discuss using the SAT and ACT to asses students, why grade inflation and test-prep courses make admissions harder for institutions hoping …
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You may have signed a petition online, but what about actually meeting in-person with your representative to advocate for a public policy change? Sam Daley-Harris founded Results, a citizen lobby committed to creating the political will to end hunger and the worst aspects of poverty. He joins host Krys Boyd to discuss effective strategies for advoc…
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Lo stress è diventato qualcosa di naturale per l’essere umano; infatti, tutti ne soffrono qualche volta. Un po’ di stress può aiutarci nel mantenerci attivi, ma troppo stress può danneggiare sia il corpo che la mente. I segnali fisici dello stress • Mal di testa • Dolore al collo e alle spalle • Mancanza di appetito • Mal di schiena • Torace pesant…
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L’antilope è un animale che ha l’unghia, o zoccolo, divisa in due e che rumina. L’antilope addax (Addax nasomaculatus), che vive nelle regioni desertiche del Nord Africa, è alta circa 1 m alla spalla. Grazie alle sue unghie divise, è equipaggiata per viaggiare agevolmente fra la morbida sabbia del deserto, dove può sopravvivere senza acqua per peri…
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North, South, East and West — the cardinal directions have a surprising history of cultural and social significance. Jerry Brotton, professor of English and history at the University of London, joins host Krys Boyd to discuss how something as simple as a compass has come to define our world — from how “the West” defines political power, what we mea…
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🦅 L’aquila calva può volare a diverse velocità, in base ai seguenti fattori: • Volo normale: Fra i 48 e i 56 km/h quando vola in modo rilassato. • In picchiata: Può raggiungere velocità di oltre 120-160 km/h, soprattutto quando si tuffa per catturare una preda. L’agilità e la velocità in volo rende l’aquila calva un’eccellente cacciatrice e un simb…
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When choosing a charity, the go-to idea is to give to an entity that helps the most people/pets/places, etc. But is that always the right move? New York Times business features writer Emma Goldberg joins host Krys Boyd to discuss hyper-efficiency in philanthropy — attracting donors by promising the most bang for their buck — and why this leaves sma…
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I gatti sono noti per la loro curiosità e per la loro agilità, ma alcuni video virali mostrano reazioni di spavento estremo quando si trovano improvvisamente di fronte a un cetriolo. Questo fenomeno ha suscitato interesse e domande sul motivo di tale comportamento. Percezione del cetriolo come predatore Una delle spiegazioni più accreditate è che i…
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In this episode of Speak Shame, Dr Connie Kerali interviews Nichole Banks, a divorce recovery coach and host of The Nichole Banks Podcast. Nichole shares her powerful journey from enduring two divorces, facing infidelity, and struggling with severe self-doubt, to eventually being incarcerated for embezzlement. After spending time in prison, Nichole…
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Il compositore italiano Ottorino Respighi (1879-1936) è ammiratosoprattutto per i suoi poemi sonori incredibilmente abili e magistralmenteorchestrati: Gli uccelli, I pini di Roma e Le fontane di Roma. Questeaffascinanti opere sono entrate a far parte del repertorio orchestralepopolare. Ma c’è molto di più in Respighi di quanto la maggior parte dell…
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Coincidences may seem like random occurrences to many of us – but not to a mathematician. Sarah Hart is professor of geometry at Gresham College and professor emerita of mathematics at Birkbeck, University of London. She joins host Krys Boyd to discuss why we so often look for coincidences in our lives — and why that’s a mathematically futile endea…
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La maionese è una salsa fredda a base di tuorlo d’uovo e olio, emulsionati fino a ottenere una consistenza cremosa. Le sue origini sono oggetto di dibattito tra Francia e Spagna, con diverse teorie che ne attribuiscono la paternità all’una o all’altra Nazione. Origine francese: la conquista di Mahón Una delle teorie più diffuse collega la nascita d…
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There’s good news: Opioid deaths are down. The caveat: Marginalized communities aren’t seeing the benefits. Maia Szalavitz is a contributing Opinion writer for The New York Times. She joins host Krys Boyd to discuss age and race gaps in opioid death statistics, how naloxone is helping to prevent overdoses, and why people of color aren’t seeing the …
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Il modo di dire “i ruggenti anni Venti” (inglese: “Roaring Twenties”) si riferisce al periodo compreso fra il 1920 e il 1929, caratterizzato da significativi cambiamenti economici, sociali e culturali, soprattutto negli Stati Uniti e in Europa. Questa espressione sottolinea l’energia, l’entusiasmo e la trasformazione che hanno definito quel decenni…
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The conversation about limited government has morphed from looking at ways to reduce bureaucracy to an effort to eliminate large pieces of the government all together. Russell Muirhead is Robert Clements Professor of Democracy and Politics at Dartmouth College, and he joins host Krys Boyd to discuss why non-elected workers in “the administrative st…
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Il Welsh Terrier è una razza canina di taglia media, originaria del Galles, riconosciuta per il suo carattere vivace e per il suo aspetto distintivo. Aspetto fisico Il Welsh Terrier presenta un corpo compatto e robusto, con un’altezza al garrese che non supera i 39 cm e un peso ideale compreso fra 9 e 9,5 kg. Il mantello è duro e resistente, preval…
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It took 3,000 years for our brains to develop to this point — and about 30 for it to get scrambled by screentime. Richard E. Cytowic, professor of neurology at George Washington University, joins host Krys Boyd to discuss how our attention is now pulled in multiple directions, how that affects our neurotransmitters and dopamine levels, and to offer…
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🔔 Mi presento: sono l’influenza 🤧 ‘Il mio nome è Enza, Influenza’. Il virus dell’influenza cambia costantemente, con molti ceppi che superano l’immunità e saltano da una specie all’altra. È presente in tutto il mondo e colpisce circa un miliardo di persone ogni anno. I sintomi includono: 1️⃣ Febbre 2️⃣ Tosse secca 3️⃣ Mal di testa 4️⃣ Dolori muscol…
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Modern life means information is a click away, but often it feels better to keep our heads in the sand. Mark Lilla, professor of the humanities at Columbia University, joins host Krys Boyd to discuss the age-old impulse to shield ourselves from information, why that might save our sanity, and what that means for our deep-seated ideas of innocence. …
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“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” might as well be an American saying; trouble is, it doesn’t always work. Journalist and author Adam Chandler joins host Krys Boyd to discuss the myth of meritocracy, his travels around the country talking with people from all walks of life who have the work ethic but success still eludes them, and what needs to…
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L’apprendimento misto, noto anche come “blended learning”, è un approccio educativo che combina l’insegnamento tradizionale in presenza con attività di apprendimento online. Questo metodo integra le lezioni frontali con l’utilizzo di tecnologie digitali, offrendo un’esperienza formativa più flessibile e personalizzata. Caratteristiche principali de…
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Hypochondria is an illness marked by intense health anxiety over perceived problems — and it’s very real. Joanne Silberner, co-founder of the Association of Healthcare Journalists, joins host Krys Boyd to discuss why it’s taken so long for the mental health community to take hypochondria seriously, the new ways it’s being diagnosed, and the devasta…
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La giraffa (Giraffa camelopardalis) è il più alto mammifero terrestre, con dimensioni che variano in base al sesso e alla sottospecie. Altezza: • Maschi: Possono raggiungere un’altezza massima di 6 metri, con alcuni individui che superano i 5,7 metri. • Femmine: Di solito leggermente più basse, con un’altezza media di circa 4,5 metri. Peso: • Masch…
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It might seem like policy-wonk stuff, but zoning actually shapes the dynamic world around us. Sara C. Bronin, architect, attorney, and policymaker, and professor at Cornell University, joins host Krys Boyd to talk about how code dictates our daily lives from parks, housing, restaurants, and the architecture around us, and why it’s difficult to over…
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L’agricoltura verticale, o vertical farming, è una tecnica innovativa di coltivazione che prevede la produzione di piante su più livelli sovrapposti, spesso in ambienti controllati come edifici o serre appositamente progettate. Questa metodologia mira a ottimizzare l’uso dello spazio, ridurre il consumo di risorse naturali e avvicinare la produzion…
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Una colonia in cui si riproducono i pinguini è comunemente chiamata “colonia riproduttiva” o “colonia di nidificazione”. I pinguini sono uccelli altamente sociali che si riuniscono in grandi gruppi durante la stagione riproduttiva per accoppiarsi, nidificare e allevare i loro piccoli. Secondo la specie e la disponibilità di habitat adatto, queste c…
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Nobody actually enjoys feeling down in the dumps – but there’s a lot we can learn about ourselves when we’re not at our best. This hour, host Krys Boyd talks about how we can find fulfillment in experiencing the bittersweet parts of life, how sensitive people can use their temperament as a strength, and why being positive all the time isn’t actuall…
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