This is live, love, and grow through the Word with pastor Jamie Holocker just an encouraging word from the Lord to brighten your day and enlighten people about the Word of God. Cover art photo provided by Aaron Burden on Unsplash:
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(Mr.O) Spoken Word. Inspiration For The Youth That Is Inside Of U. So Live This Life! Or B A Tree
Mr. O
Live your life or come back as a fruit tree and watch me eat because the thing is if you don't do the greater good that is in you. The creater going to send you back as a fruit tree and let everyone else eat your fruit, so they may go on their journey . And then you may ask! Why am I a tree. It's because you full of fruit and life but you letting it wast. So why not give it a way.
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In Matthew 23:13-31 Jesus directs His attention to the Hypocrites. "Woe to You" He declares 8x. Join with me to see what it is Jesus has to say concerning Hypocrisy.
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The question that is upon the hearts of many believers..."what is the Will of God for my life? " will be discussed in this episode. Hoping to bring enlightenment, by opening up the scriptures, to reveal to each of us "the Will of God for our lives".
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It is seen throughout scripture, that, in the middle of the normal, the routine, men & women just being faithful & humble, that God Divinely interrupts....and BAM!!!, things are never the same.
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The scriptures showing us the importance of The Secret Place of God... ...its concealing, covering & protecting properties. We are encouraged to abide, to dwell, to Sit down there... in The Secret Place.
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Salvation is not just about a prayer we repeated.. Salvation dying Daily, picking up our cross, laying down our lives for others.. Phil 2:12
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Looking @ Luke's gosple chapter 9 verse 10- . Seeing the unfolding of some very relative events in the ministry of Jesus over 2000 yrs ago.
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Knowing the importance of Our spiritual building. Upon what we build and with what we build. Matt 7:24-27/1 Cor.3:11-13
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Paul's reminds us in the book of Ephesians of the Blessings, Favor, Power & Strength that are for those "IN" Christ.
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Mary Magdalene in John 20: @ the tomb of Christ.
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a deeper look into 2 Cor.3:1-18
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A walk through the grounds of the Sower found in Matt.13
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Not just sometimes. not just in some things. Not just in some ways. But Wholly. Entirely consecrated to the Lord & His Will. 2 kings 17:24-41
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Luke 12:48. A look at Membership involving responsibilities... to receive the benefits, & the perks, one must also receive the responsibilities, & requirements.
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Exploring 1 Cor.15:36 .... Something has to die so that there may be Life, & productivity.
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Looking into Neh.8:8-10.
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Romans 12:1- our reasonable service
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The spirit man needs to inhale the Word of God order to Exhale the Word of God. Heb. 4:12
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Purpose, direction, endeavors, passions etc.... all experience a Shift upon Salvation.
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Wrong side, wrong foot...its not another cup of Joe you need... it's An encouraging Word.
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Ps.133:1 finding goodness and pleasantness because of UNITY.
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A crucial Moment. .a look @ Moses being asked to delegate.
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A look at 1 Chr.13:2-13. Seeing through the lens of Pro.14:12.
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Our God is known for using the foolish things to confound the wise.
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Being Instant (available, productive, fruitful) in every season.
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God has sway over all things. This episode will take a look into the depths of that Power.
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It's sure, steadfast, inerrant, quick & powerful... His Word!!
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Living, Loving & Growing through this Truth...Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Life: no man comes to the Father, but by Me. John 14:6
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Exploring the wisdom of Solomon...or lack thereof...1 Kings 10:24; 11:1-12
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God appears to Solomon in a dream at the beginning of Solomons reign. And God asks him a which Solomons answer would change his Life for ever.
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The Love the Father has for us and the Love the Father expects from us.
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Pulling back the covers off enablement: the effects of enabling & being enabled.
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We are called not just for filling the "Jesus" cheering section but we are called to be Followers of Jesus.
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A root of envy bears the fruit of discontent, Fear, murderous intentions...therefore this seed...this root ..must be dealt with.
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A look into two relationships of David. Looking at 1st Sam.18:1-11
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A closer look at 1st Sam.13:9-15. As we go through the Word I pray we see the need for us to be a people who are in Passionate pursuit of The Heart of God.
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Meeting and learning about pastor Jamie Holocker's personal Christian life and ideals.
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It's more important then food to eat.
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Grain go hard • Live this life, because you don't you come back as a fruit tree. So watch me eat
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Grain go hard • Live this life, because you don't you come back as a fruit tree. So watch me eat
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