Bob Stobener , a seasoned leader celebrated for his adept communication skills, has a unique perspective on improving communication as a means to foster understanding and collaboration. Drawing from his creative background in cartooning and strategic advertising at a successful comedy club, Stobener believes that effective communication is essential not only for resolving conflicts but also for enhancing personal and professional growth. He emphasizes the importance of listening and forming genuine connections, demonstrating how these practices can lead to positive outcomes, as seen in his ability to guide team members toward fulfilling career paths. By advocating for open and honest dialogue, Stobener illustrates how strong communication skills can support individual success and organizational excellence across various industries. (00:01:52) Communication Skills: Comedy Club to Corporate Success (00:14:21) Transparent Interactions: The Foundation of Leadership Success (00:14:21) Transformative Impact of Transparent Leadership Communication (00:19:41) Mastering Communication Skills for Multifaceted Success Hosted by Larry Wilson Produced by: Verbal Ninja Productions Producer: R. Scott Edwards Sponsored by: The Wilson Method **Check out NEW upgraded website with FREE offer !! Visit: Link:…
Podcast che vale la pena ascoltare
Weekly messages from Redemption Church of Houston, TX. Radically inclusive hope. For absolutely anyone.
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Text: Luke 4:1-13 Jesus journey towards the cross begins in a familiar place. Jesus shows us what it means to be human in the wastelands and wandering of life.
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Text: Galatians 6:1-18 The mosaic of Christ in the world is made up of a variety of people, cultures, ideas, and identities. But the Church will inevitably look like Jesus.
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Text: Galatians 5:1-26 God's gift does not guarantee us an easy life. It doesn't even guarantee us a happy life. What God's gift does offer us is a beautiful life.
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Guest preacher Rev. Jacob Breeze
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Text: Galatians 4:12-31 How does what Jesus is doing seep into our every day lived experience? Galatian’s uncomfortable allegory opens our eyes to the reality of our life with God, even in this present chaos.
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Text: Galatians 3:19-4:1-11 So much of life is driven by our attempts to grab for ourselves what God freely offers as a gift. So what might happen if we actually accepted it?
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Text: Galatians 3:1-18 God’s plan to undo the fracturing of humanity has always been to create a people marked by faith. This faith is not about being intellectually right but about trusting—entrusting ourselves to the crucified Messiah who is bringing blessing to all the nations of the earth. Includes "A Liturgy for the Ritual of Morning Coffee” f…
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Text: Galatians 2:11-21 If at some point it was made clear to you that the good news didn’t include you, this sermon is for you.
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Text: Galatians 1:1-10 With a new year come new reflections, reminders, resolutions, and often some resolve. In the midst of all that, what is the number one thing to keep in mind?
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We expect God’s glory to be in power and might, but Jesus reveals in His humanity and divinity His glory by being lifted up through suffering and death.
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*Reflection questions below.As we reflect on this past year and pray about the year ahead, we are reminded of the overarching truth that the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it.Reflect: 1. What do you regret from the past year? (Keep the focus on things you wish you would have done differently) May you receive the fo…
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Mary’s Magnificat is a powerful song of revolution and rectification in a broken world. But have we missed the entire point of it?
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Preparing the way of the Lord means acknowledging the darkness without and within. Doing so will mean drawing this one fundamental conclusion…
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John the Baptist is standing in the wilderness, calling us to repent, for the one greater is to come and make all things new. We are then invited into Jesus' salvation and restoration, giving up the old to a life far better than we can ever imagine.
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Ready to hope again? Hope is often something overlooked (or abandoned) in post evangelical churches like ours. But Jesus’ insists that we be a strange people who hope when it seems like we have absolutely no reason for hope. And oddly enough, Jesus uses this truth to ignite our hearts to hope again.
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Sunday after Sunday our gathering culminates in our entering into love itself. Its given to us as a meal.
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The waters of baptism transport us into a new reality, one which stands in opposition to all the so called ways of life promised in the old.
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Jesus invites us in to send us out. But what it is we are meant to be doing is often confused, and in some instances harmful. So what does it mean to live sent?
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When we come to Jesus' table week after week, we are being invited into the very heart of God's reign in the world. We are then invited to be transformed into people who see the world through the lens of God's great love and generosity.
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God’s love is good, but it is not always comfortable. The question we face week in and week out is “what difference will I allow it to make?” Our pattern of worship helps us encounter the love of God that refuses to leave us unchanged.
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The world is brimming with the voice of God at every moment, a God who knows us very deeply. Our pattern of worship can offer us ways of practicing listening for this God who is so near.
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Want the secret to a happy life? Jesus makes it pretty clear. The thing you need most is the simple thing that you’ve been skipping.
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The God who makes all things new transforms us into a radically inclusive community of hope. But what exactly is the work of a community like this? Simply put, to let our hearts be set on fire.
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The Light of the World offers new sight. This new vision changes everything about our present existence.
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Our salvation may be personal but it is never individual. God's redemption of the world and God's transformation of your life will happen around a meal. It turns our that the Kingdom come looks a lot like dinner.
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Radical Inclusion goes beyond acceptance, it is an invitation into Jesus’ life changing love. The triune God welcomes us into himself by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ into eternal love, His eternal communion. We then as people leading Jesus centered lives are sent out invites to see the world as He does, beautiful, diverse and deeply loved b…
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Why are we a radically inclusive community of hope? We start with God and what God is up to in order to understand who we are and what we should be up to. And the really good news is that the God revealed in Jesus Christ is at work making all things new.
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The Old Testament ends much the same way life happens, in an unremarkable, unresolved waiting. Waiting for life to change, waiting for things to get better, waiting for God to break through, Malachi is the prophet of the Old Testament who leaves us waiting.
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Ever felt like God is absent or at least asleep at the wheel? Yeah me too. But the fever dream that is the book of Zechariah offers us a compelling vision of a God who has not forgotten us, and who is very much up to something in the chaos we call life.
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What does a Jesus centered life look like when the past seems to be better than the present? When the church, or our faith, or even God lets us down? There’s a way forward that is wildly subversive and unexpected.
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Zephaniah offers a grand picture of God's judgement and God's love. In the process we find that the heart of God is to make all things new. Instagram: Youtube: Website:…
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In the face of yet even more “unprecedented times” where is God? And what does hope and victory look like right now? Instagram: Youtube: Website:…
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How do we trust in God’s goodness in times of chaos when evil seems to always win? What does this look like? It involves us letting go and leaving justice up to God. He declares in no uncertain terms that he is not indifferent to evil and the suffering it causes. Even in the midst of declaring that he will bring judgment on evil, he promises to be …
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In a world complicated by endless demands and distractions, what does God truly require of us? Today we'll dive into Micah 6:6-8 and explore the timeless and transformative call to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God." We'll uncover how these basic principles can simplify our spiritual journey and align our lives with God's he…
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The book of Jonah tells us of two groups of people: a practiced, knowledgeable Israelite and outsiders who know nothing of Yahweh. It may surprise us to see that throughout this book, knowledge about God does not lead to communion and encounter with God. Through this, God reveals the tension between knowledge about a system of beliefs and trust in …
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What is God’s idea of justice and how does this square with what Jesus is doing in our lives? The prophet Amos gives us insight into the profound depths of injustice and how the path to justice is not as obscure and unfamiliar as we might think. Instagram: Youtube:…
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How do we make sense of a loving God who also judges and seems to punish people? The prophet Joel helps us reimagine all the contours and nuances of this great and terrible day of judgement known as “The Day of the Lord.” Instagram: Youtube: Website: …
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One of our foundational ideas about God is that He is a reciprocating God, a God of karma. Yet the Book of The Twelve leads with Hosea's depiction of a God who stops at nothing to be with us. Instagram: Youtube: Website:…
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The often-overlooked story of Hagar is a shocking revelation of God. He finds the social outcast in the wilderness and identifies himself with her—transforming her status to become the woman who named God. Whoever and wherever you are, God sees you and comes to find you.
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The love of God offered to the world in Jesus will mean nothing short of dismantling the powers of darkness. What that looks like may surprise us. Instagram: Youtube: Website:
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Does a Jesus centered life mean that wives should submit to their husbands? The answer is surprisingly political, subversive, and down right punk. Instagram: Youtube: Website:
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After a weekend of chaos, we are reminded of our great hope. The Spirit of the living God is here, even in the darkness, renewing all things. Instagram: Youtube: Website: https://www.redemptionhou.comDi Brandon Alred
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Jesus' resurrection does not magically whisk us away to a better place, nor does it magically transform this world. Jesus' invitation into His radically different story might just mean this is the worst timeline. Instagram: Youtube: Website: https://www.redemptionho…
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How does Jesus resurrect our ideas of what it means to be human? It starts and ends with love.Di Brandon Alred
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A Jesus centered life is far more than morality. Jesus invites us to join in His redemptive work in the ways we physically and bodily show up in the world. And this makes all the differenceDi Brandon Alred
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You have an important job to do. Being a church goer with church going friends is fine. But what difference does that make to you or to the world? Jesus invitation is an invitation into a risky, exciting and deeply meaningful way of life. Jesus has given you a vocation.Di Brandon Alred
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Easter Sunday | This Tear-Stained HopeThere really is something beyond the relentless violence and meaninglessness of this reality. Something more robust than the ego defending toxic positivity, or thin optimism. A robust hope exists that all things will be well, and that we are deeply loved.Di Brandon Alred
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Passion Sunday | Ephesians 3:13-3:20Jesus final week offers the central story and pattern of life for Ephesians’ new creation community.Di Brandon Alred
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Why We Can’t Ditch The Church | Ephesians 2:19-3:13We’re not merely rescued by God, not merely included by God, and not merely recreated by God. We are God’s sacrament to a dying worldDi Brandon Alred
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Inclusion is the fruit of the Spirit | Ephesians 2:11-18God’s divine embrace extends to the far off, yes even you. Once we realize this, we also realize that we are called to be an active part of that embrace, seeing, including, and loving the ‘otherDi Brandon Alred
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