Our Sunday morning corporate worship service is the central experience of our life together. A portion of that worship service includes the ministry of the Word through systematic exposition of whole books of the Bible, interspersed with occasional topical expositions. While online sermons are not capable of replacing participation in corporate worship, we believe making these resources available can further enhance our life together in fellowship with God and one another. 066336
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نقرأ كتاب ونعطيك فائدته كاملة تابعنا لكي تقرأ دون أن تقرأ دوباميكافين هو اسم مركب إبتكرته، يجمع بين كلمتين هما (Dupamine) و (Caffeine) الدوبامين: هو هرمون يفرز في الجسد عندما يتم صاحبه إنجاز ما ، ويشعره بالسعادة الكافيين هي المادة التي نحصل عليها عندما نتناول القهوة ومحتوى القناة سيعطيك نشوة هرموننا الخاص - الدوباميكافين - هو فقط لمدمني القهوة والموسيقى والكتاب
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Saturday morning cartoons for adults with hosts, Cartoonist TL. Allen and Comic Envy Comic Book Store owner Darrin Williams. Supa Dupa Show...a keen incite of the Fanboy Culture. Enjoy discussions, reviews, opinions 'bout Comic books, Films, and Industry Mayhem.
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Acest PODCAST este o sămânță de încurajare care va rodii la vremea potrivită pentru fiecare dintre noi. Un TIMP investit în ceea ce contează, în voi, cei din jurul meu. Un NOU ÎNCEPUT al emisiunii “Dupa-amiaza cu David”. O AMINTIRE plăcută și vie a vremurile apuse de la Radio Cireșarii, locul în care mi-am putut investi talanții o vreme. O BINECUVÂNTARE pentru cei care îl vor asculta. Un PARTENER de călătorie pentru cei care sunt mereu pe drum. Un LOC în care poți descoperi noi părți din Dum ...
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John 20:19–21:2 I. A Really Bad Day II. Fighting Hard For Unbelief III. A Faith Worth Fighting ForDi Todd Walker
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John 1:14–18Di Kipp Soncek
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John 1:1–5 I. The Word II. The Life III. The LightDi Nick Conner
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John 6:22–34 I. The Crowd Searches for Jesus After They Ate – 22-26 II. Jesus Engages the Crowd about Food and Life – 27-34Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 6:1–21 I. God Provides For His People – 1-15 II. God Protects His People – 16-21Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 5:30–47 I. Seeing and Hearing the Array of Witnesses to Jesus II. Trusting and Believing the Array of Witnesses to JesusDi Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 5:18–29 I. Jesus Addresses His Relationship with His Father – 18-24 II. Jesus Addresses His Role in Resurrection and Judgment – 25-29Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 5:1–17 I. Jesus Sovereignly Heals a Helpless Man – 1-9a II. Jesus Sovereignly Displays God's Intention for the Sabbath – 9b-17Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 4:43–54Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 4:1–42 I. A (Not So) Simple Request II. Dialogue with the Divine III. From One Conversation to Many ConvertsDi Nick Conner
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John 3:22–36 I. A Conversation with John the Baptist – 22-30 II. A Clarification from John the Apostle – 31-36Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 3:1–21Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 2:12–25 I. Prologue: Geographical Transition – 12 II. Jesus Clears the Temple at Passover – 13-17 III. Jesus Promises to Replace the Temple – 18-22 IV. Epilogue: Faith that Does Not Save – 23-25Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 2:1–11 I. The Setting and Set-up for Jesus' First Sign – 1-5 II. The Symbol-laden Enactment of Jesus' First Sign – 6-11Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 1:35–51Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 1:19–34 I. John Identifies Himself – 19-28 II. John Identifies Jesus – 29-34Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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John 1:1–18Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ephesians 6:10–24 I. Final Charge toward Spiritual Strength, Stability, and Prayer – 10-20 II. Final Greetings toward Peace, Love, Faith, and Grace – 21-24Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ephesians 5:22–6:9 I. Be Filled by the Spirit as Wives and Husbands – 5:22-33 II. Be Filled by the Spirit as Children and Parents – 6:1-4 III. Be Filled by the Spirit as Workers and Bosses – 6:5-9Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ephesians 5:1–21 I. Be Imitators of God & Walk in Love (1-2) II. Vanquish Sexual Immorality & Walk as Children of the Light (3-14) III. Understand the Times & Walk Carefully (15-21)Di Pastor Nick Conner
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Ephesians 4:17–32 I. Put Off the Old Self and Put On the New – 17-24 II. Put Away Falsehood and Be Kind - 25-32Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ephesians 4:1–16 I. Understanding What a Worthy Unity Involves – 1-10 II. Pursuing What a Worthy Unity Requires – 11-16Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ephesians 3:1–21 I. Understanding the Implications of the Mystery – 2-13 II. Praying toward All the Fullness of God – 1, 14-21Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ephesians 2:1–22 I. See God’s Nature Revealed in His Salvation and Receive It – 1-10 II. Recognize the Grand Scope of God’s Salvation and Live It – 11-22Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ephesians 1:15–23Di Kipp Soncek
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Ephesians 1:1–14 I. Good News that Reveals the Glory of God – 3-6 II. Three Reasons This Good News Matters to Us – 7-12 A. Redemption from Past Estrangement – 7-8 B. Richness in Present Relationship – 9-10 C. Reward of Future Inheritance – 11-12 III. How We Can Know This Good News Is True – 13-14Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Matthew 28:16–20Di Kipp Soncek
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John 15:1–17 I. The True Vine II. Abiding is … III. Obeying is … IV. Loving is …Di K. Charles Marble
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Mark 1:16–3:16 I. What is Our North Star in Ministry? II. How Did Jesus Make Disciples? III. What is Maturity? IV. Five Secrets to Discipling Believers to Maturity V. The Hidden Gain of MaturityDi Dave Patty
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Philippians 1:12–18 I. Gospel Vision II. No Plan B III. Gospel OptimismDi Steve Leston
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Psalms 87Di Collin Welch
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Selected Texts I. What Is the Church Called by God to Do? II. How Does the Church Best Fulfill This Calling? III. What Is the Church’s Test of Authenticity in This Work?Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 40:1–48:35 I. Restoring God's Presence Among His People – 40:1-46:24 II. Restoring God's Presence in the Land – 47:1-48:35Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 34:1-39:29 I. Restoring God's Role – 34:1-31 II. Restoring God's Land – 35:1-36:15 III. Restoring God's Honor – 36:16-38 IV. Restoring God's People – 37:1-14 V. Restoring God's Covenant – 37:15-28 VI. Restoring God's Supremacy – 38:1-39:29Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 25:1–33:33 I. Judgment of the Nations, especially Tyre and Egypt – 25-32 II. Promised Salvation at the Heart of Judgment – 28:25-26 III. The Fugitive Arrives and the Course Changes – 33Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 24:1–27 I. The Lord's Judgment Begins to Fall – 1-14 II. A Stunningly Vivid Sign to Establish Context – 15-24 III. A Continued Promise of Grace – 25-27Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 20:1–23:49 I. Israel's Sin and the Lord's Response – 20:1-21:32 II. The Lord's Indictment of Jerusalem – 22:1-31 III. Israel's Sin Illustrated One Last Time – 23:1-49Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 15:1–19:14 I. Parables and Proverbs of Judgment and Death II. Reminders and Reassurances of Blessing and LifeDi Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 12:1–14:23 I. Judah's Captivity Symbolized – 12:1-28 II. False Prophets Condemned – 13:1-23 III. Idolatrous Elders Condemned – 14:1-11 IV. Jerusalem Will Not Be Spared – 14:12-23Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Mark 16:1–8Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 8:1–11:25 I. Stunning Expressions of Idolatry and Rebellion II. Breathtaking Responses from God in Judgment III. Glimmers of Good News Beyond All ComprehensionDi Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 4:1–7:27 I. The Destruction of Jerusalem Pictured – 4:1-5:17 II. The Desolation of the Land Proclaimed – 6:1-7:27Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 1:4–3:27 I. A Fresh and Overwhelming Vision of God – 1:4-28 II. A Calling to Proclaim God's Word Courageously – 2:1-3:11 III. Ezekiel Struggles with Fulfilling His Calling – 3:12-15 IV. Ezekiel Receives Specific, Unique Instruction – 3:16-27Di Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Ezekiel 1:1–3Di Dr. Daniel Block
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Revelation 19:6-9 I. Glimpses of the Bride that Have Been True in the Past II. Glimpses of the Bride that Are True in the Present III. Glimpses of the Bride that Will Be True in the FutureDi Dr. L. Daryle Worley
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Philippians 3:17–4:1 Application: I. We strive side by side! II. We light the way for one another! III. We hold hands while we wait! Conclusion IV. There is no citizenship of One! V. Do we really long for our heavenly country?Di Todd Walker, Elder
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1 Timothy 3:14–16 I. What is the truth? II. How is the Church a Pillar and Buttress of the Truth? III. How are we to conduct ourselves in the Church?Di Paul Rupple, Elder
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2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1 I. What is the temple? II. How is the Church the temple? III. So what?Di Wes Karsten
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Nick Conner 1 Peter 5:1–5 I. Resurrecting a Dead Metaphor II. The Responsibility of a Shepherd (vv. 1-4) III. The Response of the Sheep (v. 5a) IV. The Posture in the Pasture (v. 5b) 066336Di Nick Conner
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Lance Hinkle Selected Texts, Ephesians 2:11-22, 1 Timothy 3:14-15 and 5:1-2, Hebrews 3:3-6 and 3:12-14 I. The First Household (Genesis 2:23-25) II. A House Bought By Blood (Ephesians 2:11-13) III. A House United (Ephesians 2:14-19) IV. The Head Of The House (Ephesians 2:20-22) V. Members Of The House (1 Timothy 3:14-15 & 5:1-2) VI. Holding Fast (He…
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