Management of Money Impacts Eternity
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Purpose Podcast | Impact Entrepreneurs | Strategy | Execution | Management | System | Ted Sarvata | Rockefeller Habits | Scaling Up
Purpose + Aligned Actions = Impact in the World
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In this series and this particular series I'm dealing with building up treasures in Heaven in Matthew 6, Jesus said, Do not start for yourselves. Treasures on earth where moth and rust destroying, where thieves break in and steal but store for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there your heart will be also. We can see that Jesus's instructions are very clear to us that we should focus on st ...
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Inspired and Intentional Business Podcast - Open Book Management, Business Vision, Employee Engagement, Balancing Profit and Social Impact
Todd Reed, Curator, Creator, and Conspirator Balancing Profit and Social Im
In the United States, according to Gallup, nearly 70% of employees are not engaged in their work. Disengagement negatively affects profitability and productivity. I believe there are 3 ways businesses can improve engagement. One, they inspire with a clear vision. Two, they practice open-book management. Three, they intentionally build collaborative, accountable, strength-focused teams. My intention is to inspire owners considering a new way to run their business and to encourage those curren ...
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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As Christians, we need to focus on building up treasures in heaven rather than treasures on earth.Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Start investing your money and your time and God's work, because often your heart will follow where you invest your money and your time.Di Copland Financial Ministries
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The pursuit of godly characteristics such as righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness will result in rewards in heaven and help you to avoid the love of money.Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Excessive of hard work. Very limited or no time with God each day, little or no involvement in ministry. Giving very little to God's work. And a selfish lifestyle with no desire to give the God's work.Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Make your relationship with Christ your highest priority.Di Copland Financial Ministries
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God will not be manipulated by us, but rather God wants us to give to His work out of our love for him and expect nothing in return, as Jesus talked about in Luke Chapter six.Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Well done, good and faithful servant. You've been faithful with a few things I will put you in charge of many things.Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Di Copland Financial Ministries
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Last week I conducted my drawing for the giveaway of Ari Weinzweig's pamphlet entitled "Bottom Line Change: A Recipe for Effective Organizational Change." My winner appears to be out of pocket and I won't hear from them until later this week. In the meantime, I've been reading the book and listening to the previous episodes to prepare for a big pro…
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This is an interview with Anne Claire Broughton, owner of Broughton Consulting, LLC. In this 2016 interview we talk about ingenuity of all people, transparency, healing, purpose, and Open Book Management vs open book reporting. Go to and Remember to leave comments. Also join the email group. I will be dr…
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Gauri Thergaonkar was the Community Manager for ZingTrain when I recorded this interview. Gauri helped me to set up many of my interviews with the ZCOB team and has since moved to India. [powerpress] I decided it was time to turn the mic to her. In this conversation we cover the following: Grant your team their adulthood Open Book Management The im…
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I'm not going to talk about backs or cars and proper alignment. Instead, in this "Best Of" episode I'm sharing my 2016 talk with George and Mollie. They're employees at Menlo Innovations in Ann Arbor and talk about a variety of subjects. The one that stood out to me was the importance of aligning your policies and practices with your vision and pur…
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James Goebel at the time of this interview was COO and Co-Founder of Menlo Innovations, a software development company based in Ann Arbor Michigan. His topics included: Hope, Processes, and Fear in the Workplace Everybody as Manager Open Salaries Open Interviews and Diversity Remember to go to to leave c…
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BLC or Bottom Line Change. Positive effects of an effective change process: Reduce stress Teaching everyone leadership because there’s a plan to implement Save time on the back-end by spending it on the front Go to the Inspired and Intentional site for this episode to see how you can win a ZingTrain booklet on Bottom Line Change by Ari Weinzweig. I…
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