Reformed Forum supports the church in presenting every person mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28) by providing Reformed theological resources to pastors, scholars, and anyone who desires to grow in their understanding of Scripture and the theology that faithfully summarizes its teachings.
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The American Reformer Podcast’s mission is to promote a vigorous Christian approach to the cultural challenges of our day, rooted in the rich tradition of Protestant social and political thought. Focusing particularly on issues facing American Christians, we will seek to contribute to the reformation of Christian institutions that have become corrupted by false ideologies and practices.
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Reformed Rakes is a historical romance novel podcast steeped in dissipation. Hosted by Beth, Emma, and Chels, this podcast is perfect for every pirate, second son, bluestocking, and viking who wants to hear more about the kissing books we love. We update every other Tuesday.
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The newest audio from Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCGA) on SermonAudio.
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In this episode, Jared Luttjeboer interviews alumnus and pastor Rev. Harold Miller. He takes listeners behind the scenes of one of the church's most quiet yet important ministries: pastoral visitation. Drawing from years of pastoral experience, Miller reveals the deep theological significance of visiting congregants in hospitals, nursing homes, and…
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Worldview Symposium (ft. Simon Kennedy, Stephen Wolfe, Joel Carini, & Benjamin Mabry)
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1:52:54What is “worldview”? What are its uses and abuses? Contributors to our recent worldview symposium, Simon Kennedy, Stephen Wolfe, Joel Carini, & Benjamin Mabry, answer these questions and more in a wide-ranging roundtable discussion. #Worldview #Christianity #Culture #Society #StephenWolfe #SimonKennedy #JoelCarini #BenjaminMabry #AmericanReformer #…
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Pastor walks his children through Westminster Shorter Catechism question 77—especially explaining how God has given each of us an unique set of experiences that place us under obligation to T.H.I.N.K. before we speak. Q77. What is required in the ninth commandment? The ninth commandment requireth the maintaining and promoting of truth between man a…
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What remedy is there for those who are like Adam? Hosea 6:4–7:16 looks forward to the hearing of God's Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord's Day. In these twenty-four verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that our own repenting is so riddled with sin like Adam, that our only hope is another Adam, the last Ada…
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Everything God has done in history, He has done as Christians' covenant GodDi James Hakim
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This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s, Summary of Christian Doctrine. On today’s episode, under the larger section, “The Doctrine of the Last Things,” we a conclude our discussion of chapter XXX, the last chapter “The Resurrection, the Last Judgement, and the Final State.” Participants: Rob McKenzie, Robert Taru…
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This week on Theology Simply Profound, Rob and Bob discuss Louis Berkhof’s little book, Summary of Christian Doctrine. On today’s episode, under the larger section, “The Doctrine of the Last Things,” we a conclude our discussion of chapter XXX, the last chapter “The Resurrection, the Last Judgement, and the Final State.”…
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We begin a new series on Church Fathers. Who were the church fathers and what did they do? What the are three categories of church fathers? Who was Clement of Rome? What can we learn from his life and writings? We discuss these questions and more in this episode 69 of All Things Reformed Podcast.Di All Things Reformed
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How does a man image God? Proverbs 13:1–6 looks forward to the sermon in this week's midweek meeting. In these six verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that one way a man images God is by fruitfulness in words and work.Di James Hakim
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Pastor walks his children through Children's Catechism question 138—especially explaining how the Lord Jesus is, right now, in glory, as our Mediator. Q138. Where is Christ now? In heaven, interceding for sinners.Di James Hakim
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What difference do God's omniscience and omnipresence make? Psalm 139:1–12 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord's Day. In these twelve verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that knowing the God Who knows us and all things, we ought to live conscientiously, humbly, and confidently.…
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This is the eighth lesson in Dr. Daniel Ragusa’s Reformed Academy course, Fullness of Joy: A Biblical Theology of God with Us. This lesson covers the following topics: 0:00 The Son of God Coming in the Fullness of Time 1:44 The Holy Spirit Indwells His People 5:40 The Great Commission 10:43 Sharing in Christ's Anointing Register for this free on-de…
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Sermon on Matthew 5:21–26Di Elder Jon Alligood
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Sermon on Luke 5:27–32Di Elder Joshua DeLong
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Di Ben Habegger
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Di Rev. William Langerak
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Di Rev. Todd Ruddell
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Crucified Followers of Jesus
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1:01:56Following Christ means leaving your Christless self behind, and having an entirely new path/power/pleasure in HimDi James Hakim
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Luke 21: 8-191) The sings of the times - Mistaken views of these signs - Proper use of these signs2) Gospel spreadDi Nathan Voss
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Di Rev. Todd Ruddell
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The first few minutes of the sermon were missed by way of recording. The recorded portion begins shortly after a brief review of the previous sermons in the series. Following was the introductory quotation by the Rev. J.W. Alexander ("Thoughts on Family-Worship," p. 83):"It has been held by some, that the depravity of man, by reason of the fall, do…
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How do believers learn to follow Jesus in the crisis moments in life? By grasping hold of the holiness of God.Di Dr. Derek Rishmawy
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Di Matt Purdy
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Di Scott Autry
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Di Rev. Todd Ruddell
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Di Jim Savastio
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Di Timothy Cook
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Di Rev. Justin Smidstra
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Di Prof. Barry Gritters
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Di Rev. Todd Ruddell
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Crucified Followers of Jesus
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1:01:57Following Christ means leaving your Christless self behind, and having an entirely new path/power/pleasure in Him.Di James Hakim
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Di Dr. Robert J. Burrelli, Jr.
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Di Rick Horist
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Di John Grevious
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Di Nick Smith
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Luke 21:5-71) A challenging text2) Jesus' prophecy3) Matters of interpretation - Four reasons for confusion - An already not yet interpretationDi Nathan Voss
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The unity of the church is based on and distantly reflects the unity of the Godhead.Di Rubén Zartman
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Di Jacob London
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Di Reuel Xavier
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Pastor Joel Saint preaches in Psalm 15, which describes who a righteous person is and what they do.For more about IRBC, visit: Joel Saint
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Di Ben Habegger
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Di Paul Mourreale
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Di Pastor Brandon F Smith
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Di Reuel Xavier
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Di Nick Smith
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Jesus in His compassion provides abundantly for those who come to Him.1. Trust Jesus when the need is great.2. Trust Jesus when your resources are small.3. Trust Jesus when His provision seems impossible.4. Trust Jesus because He always satisfies.Di Jerry Foltz
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Pastor Richard Barcellos, John 13:34-35Di Richard Barcellos
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Di Enroe Andre
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Belgic Confession Article 26Di Jacob London
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