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Damn That Television!

Matt & Jon

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What was once a college cable access show is now a grown up podcast (which in a way is this generation's cable access). Join Matt, Jon and a host of others as they go over what they've been watching, listening to and reading.
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It Was a Thing on TV: An Anthology on Forgotten Television

Mike Klauss, Chico Alexander, and Greg Diener

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Partially an oral history of obscure TV shows, partially an oral version of MST3K, and partially a thorough episode guide, It Was a Thing on TV is an anthology podcast about obscure, forgotten, and odd TV shows, commercials, televised events, and almost anyone and anything else that was on television. For the most part, the subjects we cover are from the United States and Canada. We’re just three guys with a love for television. New episodes are generally every Monday and Thursday, sometimes ...
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A Very Brady Podcast is a celebration of classic iconic tv shows like, The Brady Bunch, Gilligan's Island or Full House. Join hosts, Tach Van Sickle and Jimmy Klein as they hilariously breakdown these shows one episode at a time in this hilarious re-watch podcast. "A 12 year old mind... is a terrible thing to waste." -Tach and Jimmy
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Chatz: A Television Podcast

Magellan and Allen

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Every week, hosts Allen and Magellan watch and review two episodes of a cult classic TV show with a focus on comedy and criticism, like a fun book club with friends! Feel free to jump into any season and watch along with us!
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"The" bass fishing talk show, the Stray Casts Outdoor Cartoon Television Podcast is right here! Stray Casts Outdoor Cartoon Television is a weekly live event, broadcasting Wednesdays at 7 pm central via our YouTube channel of the same name, Facebook Live, or via Our host Pat Renwick, and producer Andy Ellenberger bring in bass fishing pros, from the freshest pro anglers to industry legends, for weekly chats, offering bass angling insights, tips, and the latest dish in the ...
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Welcome to the Party Pal is the mind-bending film and television podcast you didn’t know you needed. Hosted by Mitch Lucas (filmmaker) and Michael Shields (writer/editor), WTTPP is a celebration of the art of cinema and filmmaking, where movies and television shows are meticulously dissected and analyzed to evaluate their grandeur (or, conversely when necessary, lament their shortcomings). Guests will include the filmmakers and industry insiders that craft the works of art that inhabit the c ...
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Ray’s Rants back to the 1960s 1970s 1950s in the UK Great Britain. Entertaining and fun. British music scene, Jimi Hendrix The Rolling Stones. The English pubs and clubs, Watney’s Red Barrel beer, Babycham, Cherry B the night life. The cars, the workplace, television and pirate radio. England. Schools back in the early days. 60s fashion and clothes, flairs and miniskirts. London, Caroline, Luxembourg. Mini cars skirts. Holiday in caravan, Butlin’s
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The Television Podcastulacra

Robby Mettetal & J. Walker

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The Television Podcastulacra is a weekly conversation about television, in which an English major (Robby) and an amateur audio engineer (J.) discuss television. New episodes are (generally) recorded Tuesday nights, and are (generally) posted Wednesdays.
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Appointment Television

Margaret H. Willison, Kathryn VanArendonk, and Andrew Cunningham

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Appointment Television is a podcast about the TV you want to make time for. Every Thursday Margaret, Kathryn, and Andrew will revisit old shows, discover new ones, and debate everything from highbrow dramas to episodes of The Bachelor.
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The Televisionaries

The Age and Sydney Morning Herald

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From the top TV critics at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, an entertaining and informative weekly podcast about the shows you need to be watching - and the ones to skip.
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21st Century Television

21st Century Television

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21st Century Television is a newsmagazine style and provides education about the latest topics, trends and issues in a variety of industries. 21st Century Television features On-Location field footage illustrating business strategies and technology in their application along with commentary from leading corporate executives and industry experts.
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FIFISION Everything Television. That's the vision! Join content creator Ophir (Fifi) Bar. Together & with some awesome guests every now and then, we will enter the world of Television! From specific series suggestions to talking about the multitude of streaming services out there. We'll discuss series & shows from different points of view. Talking about the creative process, the artistic aspects, subcontext, the acting, the audience and much more! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spo ...
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El presidente y candidato a la Presidencia de Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, afirma que tienen energía suficiente para evitar los recortes de luz en 2025 y 2026. A pesar de ello, el país todavía no diversifica sus fuentes energéticas y los embalses siguen dando el 70% de la energía, en medio de su vulnerabilidad ante la falta de lluvia en los meses más sec…
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GROSSE POINTE GARDEN SOCIETY — “Pilot” Episode — Pictured: Melissa Fumero as Birdie — (Photo by: Steve Swisher/NBC) 2024 NBCUniversal Media, LLC NBC is cultivating a darkly comedic drama that’s sure to dig its roots deep into your must-watch list. Imagine Desperate Housewives colliding with Big Little Lies, then add a sprinkle of something wickedly…
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In this episode of Welcome To The Party Pal hosts Michael Shields and Douglas Grant break down American Primeval, the American Western miniseries created and written by Mark L. Smith and directed by Peter Berg. Starring Taylor Kitsch and Betty Gilpin, the series is set in 1857 during the Utah War and examines the fight to gain control of the Americ…
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In a podcast first, we found a premise so flimsy that it almost broke the three of us...and this was deemed as okay to air during the family hour (and later on TGIF) on ABC?! This was a vehicle for the Smolletts, six kids in all, including that one. The less said about this train wreck, the better.Di Mike Klauss, Chico Alexander, and Greg Diener
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Central Indiana is carving its path as the Silicon Valley of the Midwest. On this week’s episode, we explore the major strides being made at IU Indianapolis, which recently earned an R1 research designation from the Carnegie Foundation. IU President Pam Whitten shares how this achievement will elevate Indiana’s tech scene and transform the 16 Tech …
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0:00- Intro, Lesbian Hell, and Fever Dreams 3:20- Adventures in the Sin Trade I discussion begins 40:15- Adventures in the Sin Trade II discussion begins 1:08:25- Chatzums Magellan's newsletter Bluesky Twitch Chatzums Email: Our main podcast feed art was done by Camilla Franklin, whose work can be found at https://camillafranklin…
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Tach & Jimmy look back and hilariously dissect S:3/E:24 To Serve Man of THE TWILIGHT ZONE! So, check it out! BUY ME A COFFEE! MAKE A DONATION HERE: Use our Amazon Affiliate Link here: Get your Gilligan’s Island DVD box set here: A VERY BRADY PO…
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On this episode Matt and Jon discuss Companion & Harley Quinn, while Jon caught up on A Complete Unknown and The Wild Robot, while continuing his way through The Defenders and Daredevil season three as well as Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, plus he read Red Rabbit by Alex Grecian, while Matt caught up on A Man on the Inside and is nearing t…
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In this week's episode David, John and Kyle react to the nominations for the 97th Academy Awards including all the big surprises and snubs (2:00). We also discuss which films and actors are the current frontrunners to win big at the Oscars in March! We also discuss the first two episodes of Severance season two (28:45) and all of Squid Game season …
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Estados Unidos, bajo la Administración de Donald Trump, ha decidido imponer aranceles adicionales a importaciones de metales como el acero y el aluminio, medida que se hará efectiva el 12 de marzo; esto afectará a productos clave como piezas para la fabricación de chips y componentes aeronáuticos, además de otros 120 productos. Sin embargo, la medi…
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La crisis económica en Cuba impacta cada vez más los bolsillos de los ciudadanos. Día a día, a los cubanos el dinero les alcanza para menos productos y apenas logran subsistir. La situación se ha agudizado con las nuevas sanciones por parte de Estados Unidos. Ahora muchos ven amenazada la ayuda que les envían sus familiares desde el exterior, pues …
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Donald Trump regresó a la Casa Blanca hace un mes y desde el inicio de su Administración, ha anunciado una serie de reformas radicales, algunas de las cuales no ha podido materializar por la intervención de la Justicia estadounidense. Asimismo, se ha retirado de organizaciones internacionales, ha generado tensiones con sus vecinos en el ámbito geop…
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El canciller de Lituania, Kestutis Budrys, habló con France 24 sobre la nueva era a la que se enfrentan Europa y la OTAN, ante el regreso de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca. El ministro de Exteriores de Lituania, país que junto con Letonia y Estonia son antiguos estados soviéticos y comparten frontera terrestre con Rusia, insistió en impulsar una "di…
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Taiwán denunció la presencia de 41 barcos y nueve aviones chinos alrededor de la isla. Se trata de la primera actividad militar importante de China ante Taiwán. Este hecho coincide con el paso de una fragata canadiense por el estrecho de Taiwán, que despertó la ira de Beijing. Así es Asia repasa el tema en esta edición con Adrián Foncillas, corresp…
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El presidente Trump considera destinar el 20% de los ahorros generados por DOGE a los contribuyentes y otro 20% para reducir la deuda nacional. Sin embargo, informes cuestionan los USD 55.000 millones en ahorros anunciados, revelando discrepancias significativas.Di FRANCE 24 Español
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El primer mes de la presidencia de Donald Trump ocupa las portadas internacionales. Axxios juega con su lema: El 'megames' MAGA que transforma Estados Unidos. El medio dice que el Estados Unidos que dejó Joe Biden ya no es reconocible, "borrado en cuatro semanas frenéticas". Explica que todo lo ocurrido apenas es el 2% de su mandato de cuatro años.…
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Abrimos esta emisión de Ellas Hoy con la noticia de que el expresidente de Argentina, Alberto Fernández, será juzgado por un caso de violencia de género contra su expareja, Fabiola Yánez. También vamos a Colombia, donde se cumplen tres años desde la despenalización del aborto hasta la semana 24. Un aniversario que llega entre una baraja de logros y…
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Este 19 de febrero se revelaron los datos de las actas de la reunión de la Reserva Federal (Fed, banco central) de enero pasado. Durante el encuentro, los funcionarios del ente emisor alertaron de los riesgos de un alza en la inflación tras registrarse un dato de 3% a nivel interanual en el primer mes del año.…
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PARADISE – “You Asked for Miracles” – Xavier and Robinson set their plans in motion while Sinatra works to preserve the status quo in Paradise. (Disney/Brian Roedel) STERLING K. BROWN The new Hulu series Paradise takes place in Colorado, which is why the production is based in… Los Angeles? Obviously, the production team has its reasons, and it rea…
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En Contexto se traslada a Alemania de cara a los comicios generales del domingo, 23 de febrero, en los que se prevé que la Unión Democristiana, la CDU, gane las elecciones y Friedrich Merz sea el próximo canciller, de acuerdo con las encuestas. Sin embargo, el progreso más notable en el terreno político es el de Alternativa para Alemania (AfD), un …
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Sylvain Itté, embajador de Francia en Colombia, habló con France 24 de las relaciones de Europa y de su país con América Latina, los desafíos en el actual contexto internacional y el panorama que se abre con el mandato de Donald Trump. En esta entrevista. Itté reafirmó la postura francesa de una solución de dos estados para el conflicto israelí-pal…
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CHICAGO FIRE — Pictured: Jocelyn Hudon as Lizzy Novak — (Photo by: Peter Gordon/NBC) 2024 NBCUniversal Media, LLC Jocelyn Hudon, who captivated audiences in a recurring role as paramedic Lyla Novak on NBC’s hit series Chicago Fire, was promoted to series regular this season. Portraying a first responder is a responsibility many actors take seriousl…
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En Revista de Prensa vamos hasta Panamá donde más de 300 migrantes de diferentes nacionalidades fueron deportados de Estados Unidos y llevados hasta Panamá. 'The New York Times' señala que ahora están atrapados en un Hotel. Algunos intentaron suicidarse y otros no tienen sus celulares ni pasaportes. Llevan más de una semana sin poder salir del edif…
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¿Cómo ha logrado la extrema derecha abrirse camino en Alemania? A pesar de ser un país donde apoyar a la ultraderecha es un tabú, Alternativa para Alemania (AfD), el principal partido ultraderechista alemán, ha ganado un peso relevante en los últimos años. En este video les contamos cinco aspectos de cómo la AfD ha ido ganando terreno político.…
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El presidente estadounidense elevó sus amenazas arancelarias y ahora apunta a tres sectores clave que podrían afectar, en mayor medida a la Unión Europea y China, mientras busca “reequilibrar” el comercio global y fomentar la producción nacional.Di FRANCE 24 Español
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Donald Trump amenazó con cortar las ayudas financieras a Egipto y Jordania si se niegan a acoger a los palestinos de la Franja de Gaza. Estos dos países están entre los que más asistencia recibieron de la nación norteamericana en 2023 a nivel mundial. Pero, Washington también tiene intereses estratégicos en mantener buenas relaciones con ellos. Est…
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Riad, la capital de Arabia Saudita, fue el escenario elegido por el secretario de estado estadounidense Marco Rubio y por el canciller ruso, Serguei Lavrov, para retomar relaciones bilaterales y avanzar en una negociación por la paz en Ucrania. Un encuentro que el presidente ucraniano, Volodimir Zelenski, asegura que no le fue anunciado y tras el c…
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La Unión Africana cambió de líderes. Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, ministro de Exteriores de Yibuti, fue elegido nuevo comisario del grupo y el angoleño João Lourenço fue designado presidente. La organización sigue enfrentando críticas por su pasividad ante los múltiples conflictos y crisis en el continente. ¿Qué margen de maniobra tiene este nuevo lidera…
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En vísperas de las elecciones en Alemania, el debate sobre la migración se intensifica. Las campañas centran parte de su discurso en la promesa de aumentar las deportaciones. A los alemanes les preocupa la integración de los recién llegados en medio de la crisis económica. También juega en contra la cuestión de la seguridad y los recientes ataques …
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El nuevo Gobierno de EE.UU. ha ampliado la brecha con Europa. En medio de la inquietud por los planes de Donald Trump sobre Ucrania, durante la Conferencia de Múnich, dedicada a temas de seguridad internacional, el vicepresidente estadounidense, J. D. Vance, abrió más dudas sobre la relación al lanzar duras críticas contra las democracias europeas,…
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ST. DENIS MEDICAL — Pictured: Wendi Mclendon Covey as Joyce — (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC) 2024 NBCUniversal Media, LLC Having starred for many years on acclaimed comedies Reno 911! and The Goldbergs, Wendi McLendon-Covey has had plenty of occasions to laugh at work over the course of her career. Now, she’s playing the executive director of the ti…
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El poder de la extrema derecha ha ido en aumento en los últimos años. En Europa estos partidos gobiernan ya, solos o en coalición, algunos de los países de la UE, como Hungría e Italia, y obtuvieron muy buenos resultados en los comicios a la Eurocámara. El fenómeno se ha extendido también a América, especialmente con la vuelta de Donald Trump. En L…
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THE VOICE –Pictured: John Legend — (Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC) 2024 NBCUniversal Media, LLC Twenty-seven seasons in, and The Voice continues to captivate audiences. While the television landscape has drastically evolved since its premiere, this beloved music competition remains a ratings juggernaut. Returning for his ninth season as a coach, John L…
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Tras la invasión a gran escala de Ucrania por parte de Rusia el 24 de febrero de 2022, cientos de miles de ucranianos acudieron a los centros de reclutamiento militar para defender su país. Después de casi tres años de guerra, ese impulso se ha estancado.Di FRANCE 24 Español
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As a belated tribute to Robert Wagner's 85th birthday, this installment covers a show which ran for a short period of time on ABC, and later shown in full on Lifetime. Beyond the regular struggles involving viewership, Lime Street also suffered a tragedy involving one of the cast members before debuting, unrelated to the show itself.…
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Los civiles de la región del Catatumbo, al norte de Colombia y en la frontera con Venezuela, huyen de un nuevo brote de combates entre grupos guerrilleros, que compiten por el control de esta zona estratégicamente importante para el narcotráfico. El 16 de enero, el ELN lanzó un ataque contra combatientes de disidencias de la extinta guerrilla de la…
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LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT — Pictured: Ice T as Sgt. Odafin “Fin” Tutuola — (Photo by: Scott Gries/NBC) 2024 NBCUniversal Media, LLC After 26 impressive seasons, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit shows no signs of slowing down. For over two decades, the show has captivated audiences with its “ripped from the headlines” stories, delivering gr…
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Montana Jordan as Georgie Photo credit: Michael Yarish/2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. When Montana Jordan first appeared on Young Sheldon as Sheldon’s older brother, Georgie, he was just 14 years old. Now, at the age of 21, both he and his character are grown up: He’s reprising the character as one of the stars of the You…
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Steve Harvey’s a big deal nowadays, but even he had humble beginnings. Take this story of Steve as a widower balancing a 90s video store & three boys with the help of his mother-in-law. Entertaining as it was, time slots were not kind for “Me and the Boys”Di Mike Klauss, Chico Alexander, and Greg Diener
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Photo Credit: Warner Bros Take a trip back to the gritty streets of Gotham! This series doesn’t just shout Batman—it dives headfirst into the origins of iconic characters like Bruce Wayne, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman, and even teases the Joker. It’s the ultimate look at how heroes and villains are made. But Gotham isn’t just about comic book lore. A…
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Photograph by Warrick Page/Max Noah Wyle may not be a doctor, but he’s played one on TV. Well, now, he’s actually played two on TV. After starring as Dr. John Carter for 12 of ER’s 15 seasons, he’s now starring as a senior attending physician at Pittsburgh Trauma Medical Hospital in the new series, The Pitt. Of course, medicine is one of those fiel…
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Greg and Dane return for Episode 2 of The Squared Circle Time Machine where they look back at the birth of TNA when it was part of the National Wrestling Alliance back in 2002 with their first weekly Pay-Per-View. Among the topics discussed Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall, Jackie Fargo, Don West, Flying Elvises and a pair of Wrestling Johnson's. But pleas…
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PARADISE – “Wildcat Is Down” – It’s just another day in Paradise until Agent Xavier Collins discovers one of the world’s most powerful individuals has been viciously murdered. Xavier analyzes the crime scene while recalling his complex relationship with the victim. (Disney/Brian Roedel) STERLING K. BROWN For his first starring role on a TV series s…
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THE HUNTING PARTY Pictured: Melissa Roxburgh as Rebecca ‘Bex’ Henderson — (Photo by: David Astorga/NBC) 2024 NBCUniversal Media, LLC The Hunting Party is a new procedural drama that brings different agencies together in search of wanted criminals. Melissa Roxburgh leads the ensemble cast as an FBI Special Agent, and she feels like it’s a role she’s…
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