Meeting real people, listening to life experiences, and connecting with real stories. The Christian Author podcast specializes in bringing creative authors across the world who are shinning their light towards the spread of the Gospel of Christ. We connect you with your favourite authors, and you get to meet new authors on this show.
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Unexpected Moments shares the trials and tribulations that Daisy Paige endured to make her into the person she became. She had to go over speed bumps, jump over hurdles, cross broken bridges, and climb many rocky mountains with God at her side. She suffered emotional, spiritual, and physical pain. Many times, she almost didn’t or didn’t want to mak…
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When Love is Angry: A Memoir From the Other Side of Mental Illness with Ruth and Maurice Griffins
Maurice and Ruth Griffins bared their heart out on the issue of mental illness and how they were able to overcome it with the help of God and intentionality. Interviewing the guest, who happened to be husband and wife coauthoring a book opened my mind to numerous lessons you won't want to miss. I have always wondered if it was possible for a Christ…
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Writing is a spiritual journey for W.C Aldridge In this conversation, I had a discussion with an award-winning black poet, who is also a Christian. Her book "Soul's Journey" focused on staying true to our unique and peculiar journey traveling through forgiveness, love, and the 'isms' in our world. Aldridge's artful organization of My Soul's Journey…
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In this episode, I talked about consistency and Excellence. Do you want to publish your book? Then, consistently show up. Like this episode, subscribe and follow me on socials. Thank you ❤️❤️🎉
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The Sowing Principle is a framework for looking at all that God has blessed you with, all that He is calling you to, and how you can discern if you are moving towards or away from His will for your life. In this episode with Jason Alcott, I asked some questions as regards our thoughts as Christians, and how to discern God's will for our lives thus …
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In this episode, I shared my fears of launching this podcast you are listening to; and how I was able to draw encouragement and hope from God. In eleven minutes or less, you will be done listening. This is a bonus episode, next Saturday, I will be bringing in another exciting interview I had with an amazing author doing great things for God through…
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Tune in and listen to The E.C Hannah's story: How a lawyer became a writer despite her fears. I had a wonderful time discussing with the author who recently published her new book: Hadizat. Hannah's story is filled with inspiring nuggets that edge out intending authors from the realm of perfectionism and inability to launch out because of fear. If …
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In this episode, Cheryl shares with our audience her journey towards overcoming cancer, dealing with COVID, and starting out her business in 2020. This episode is so refreshing, Cherly shares her story about the waiting season, and how God's word is always there to reassure her, even in the dark moments. Are you in the waiting season, then this pod…
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In this episode, Jennifer the author of the book: Counting up to Christmas tells us about her visit to Israel, and how it formed up the title of her book. She also shares with us the reason for Christmas and what Christians can do to make Christmas special despite the COVID-19 restrictions. Jennifer also shares her experience with self-publishing, …
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In this episode with James Iroro, the Author of the Book On Eagle's wings and Diversion shares with us his thoughts and journey to becoming a writer and author. His Book, Diversion cast the limelight on the damaging effect of suicidal thoughts; this podcast is to encourage anyone who is currently feeling down, and it is a lovely time for all our li…
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In this episode, Ella Obans shares her story with managing her emotions, with valuable tips for Christians on managing our emotions and then embracing our personality. We shouldn't let our past hold us down, but know we are in control, as long as the Holy Spirit is our friend. Listen and enjoy this thrilling episode; Ella is the author of the book;…
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In collaboration with the Essence Challenge, 2020, we are privileged to bring to your comfort an interview with Clarence Arute. She speaks openly about the common misconceptions about marriage and sexual purity. Haven written 2 books, Clarence has a lot to share about sexuality, marriage, singlehood, and business management for Christians. What do …
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Join Stephaine Miller in this episode as she shares her own transformative process to becoming a writer. She loves butterflies, and it is of no coincidence, her first book is centred on butterflies; and how it can be likened to growing spiritually as Christians. Are you struggling with your faith in God? Do you struggle with accepting people's comp…
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The Christian Author Podcast brought to you by Kudabo Victory. In this episode, she introduces her listeners to what the podcast is about and what they should expect while connecting with her on every episode.
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