Programa de debate sobre a realidade futebolística dos 3 grandes clubes de futebol portugueses. Com apresentação de Hugo Gilberto.
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Join Jason (Producer), Ethan (VP of Games), and a rotating cast of guests from Atari and their development partners for the latest in Atari news, deep-dive developer interviews, and plenty of banter in between.
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Depois do sucesso do podcast Sai a Jogar (é verdade, tivemos muitos pedidos para o regresso), o zerozero lançou o Ataque Rápido, um podcast de duração curta, mas intensa, de postura descontraída, mas séria, que aborda o futebol nacional e internacional com uma visão muito característica. Com várias rubricas diferentes e o sempre inevitável Minuto CR, os jornalistas do zerozero Ricardo Lestre e Luís Rocha Rodrigues conversam sobre os temas mais relevantes do desporto-rei. E todas as semanas t ...
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Eat. Sleep. LYNX. Repeat.
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We cover Atari news, reviews, and a special feature each show for the Atari 8-bit line of computers (400/800/XL/XE/XEGS)
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: jon atack, along with his son sam, present a series of educational podcasts on how to spot, avoid, and overcome unethical manipulation of all kinds - from destructive cults and abusive relationships, to advertising, groupthink, bullying and more. join us in our hope to create a world where people are taught from ...
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ATA is a professional association founded to advance the translation and interpreting professions and foster the professional development of individual translators and interpreters.
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tidak ingin jadi menarik. Tetapi ingin membuat orang tertarik.
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Disfruta conmigo de Linux y del Open Source. Aquí encontrarás como sacarle el máximo partido a tu entorno de escritorio Linux, hasta como montar un servidor web, un WordPress, un proxy inverso, una base de datos o cualquier otro servicio que puedas imaginar. Y todo ello, lo puedes montar en una Raspberry Pi, en un VPS, en tu propio ordenador o en cualquier servidor. Vamos, cualquier cosa que quieras hacer con Linux, seguro, seguro, que la encontrarás aquí.
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The 2600 Game By Game Podcast will delve into the history, gameplay, and personal stories of every game made for the Atari 2600.
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Pillole di Podcast sui videogiochi, il retrogaming, il retrocomputing e sulle novità del momento ma, potete scommetterci, in qualche modo riguarderà ATARI, AMIGA e tutto il mondo retroludico degli anni '80/'90 >>><<
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Welcome to Daniel Atamanyuk, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Atakan Uzunallı podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Gezer , görür , tespit eder , paylaşırım!
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The Spanish Language Division (SPD) is the American Translators Association (ATA)’s largest division. With over 4,000 members around the world, we help the world to connect in Spanish.The aim of this PODCAST is to help you move forward, evolve and improve your business and your lifestyle as a language professional.Throughout these episodes, the members of the ATA Spanish Division and special guests will share ideas and actionable strategies for greater motivation, creativity, communication a ...
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Podcast oficial do canal Ataque Crítico
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What i am learning in Math 2 Honors
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ATAmusic podcast je český audioseriál pro muzikanty. Jeho náplní jsou zejména rozhovory s osobnostmi, tipy pro seberozvoj a muzikantské lekce. Žánrově se zaměřuje na bluegrass, country a folk, ale občas zabrousí i do vod jazzu, klasické hudby, rocku nebo blues. Všechny díly & info – YouTube – Dobrovolný příspěvek –
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This podcast features productivity software for the Atari 8 bit home computers. Some 16 bit (Atari ST), and portable (Atari Portfolio) thrown in too! And Antic Magazine coverage.
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Ecotourism & things to do in the Atacama
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Welcome to the null podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Of human action and the extended order
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A collective that strives to unearth and share the transcendental nature of the groove, melody and swing; the roots of the music we love so much.
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ataradyo; Türkiye ve dunyada olup bitenler, ekonomi, demokrasi ve ozgurlukler, siyaset ve insanlar hakkında yayın yapar. yaptığımız işlere maddi anlamda destek olmak isteyenleri adresi uzerindeki hesabimiza bekliyoruz. reklam ve diğer konularda ise twitter üzerindeki @ataradyo1923 adresinden bize ulaşabilirsiniz. Ebedi ve ezeli yol göstericimiz ulu önder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün fikirleri ve gösterdiği hedefe ulaşmak için yaptığımız çalışmalara sizler de ...
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Year 12 Accounting and Finance ATAR content based on SCSA Syllabus.
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Podcast pra falar sobre o esporte que mais amamos, o futebol!
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ઇન્ટરનેટના દરિયામાં ડૂબકી. A plunge in the sea of internet, hosted by Nizil Shah. આપના પ્રતિભાવ વોઇસ મેસેજ સ્વરૂપે મોકલો:
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Podcast by ATAR Notes
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We tackle all modern topics: health, politics, sports, music, history, relationships, sex, etc and most especially my family's Njia Uhuru Kipura, the only full scale modernized Kipura ( miscalled "Capoeira") in the world.
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Noticias Ataca la Radio con Dj Min #Rock
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Welcome to the new podcast series! Each week, Atakan will talk about variety of topics. It might be sports, literature, daily chatting or politics. Atakan wants to hear your topic ideas and suggestions or the things you like or dislike about the podcast series. To contact, my email adress:
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Escucha este podcast y muchos más en o en las apps de iVoox para iOS, Android o Windows Phone.
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Just another site
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This is a podcast all about life & the stories that life creates.
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Retratos posapocalípticos de la cultura pop. Con Clemente Cancela y Luciano Banchero. Marte Ataca es una serie original de Posta.
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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Selamat datang di Podcast aku. Podcast ini menyajikan apa yang saya pikirkan mengenai dunia hiburan. Share jika kalian senang dengan Podcast yang aku buat. Instagram @fany.ah Shodaqoh Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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Horia Totu si Vali Porcisteanu despre curse si alte chestii cotidiene
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Kajian Islam Singkat
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Podcast OR OR membahas fenomena adikodrati dengan bahasa campuran jawa-indo dibumbui humor garing anak kuliahan
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Brindamos nuestra experiencia y testimonio con el Trading, lo que tienes que saber antes de incursionar en este mundo, para que tu experiencia sea la más gratificante
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ATA Digital is a project of Asia Theological Association.The podcast features conversations with academicians, scholars, and practitioners from the Asian context, talking about their work. These conversations try to connect seemingly esoteric topics to the everyday lives of people in Asia and seek to allow audiences to connect with the person behind the writing and work.
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The podcast exploring the games and the history of one of Atari's most ambitious home gaming platforms, The Atari 5200 Supersystem.
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Información de los cementerios ecológicos para su concientizacion en Mexico Cover art photo provided by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash:
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A retrospective of the Atari 8-bit home computer systems, the magazines that covered them, and a somewhat chronological review of games as they arrived on the platform.
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Nightly occurrences, as they happened, at Artists' Television Access in San Francisco.
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#logseq versus #obsidian dos excelentes herramientas para la gestión del conocimiento con importantes diferencias entre ambas pero con sincronización No estaba del todo conforme con Obsidian por lo que te comentaré a lo largo de este episodio. Pero, antes de nada, quiero decirte que Obsidian es una herramienta excelente. Pero, como todo en esta vid…
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T6, Ep.16 - Bruno Andrade: «Sempre tive um fascínio pelo campeonato português»
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Jornalista e comentador desportivo, Bruno Andrade veio para Portugal em 2015 pelo seu fascínio pelo futebol português. Com passado n´A Bola, Canal 11 e atualmente no Mais Futebol e CNN Portugal, veio ao nosso Podcast para nos dar uma fotografia da evolução do futebol português, do jornalismo que se faz por cá, e comentar alguns dos temas mais forte…
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Programa de debate sobre a realidade futebolística dos 3 grandes clubes de futebol portugueses, com apresentação de Manuel Fernandes Silva.Com Miguel Guedes, João Gobern e Nuno Gonçalves.
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cyber security and thought reform with Dustin Rozario Steinhagen, PhD
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As a member of Dustin's PhD committee, Jon became familiar with his research into public awareness of psychological manipulation. Dustin describes the motivation for his work and the survey he used to estimate public understanding of manipulation. This breakthrough research will hopefully encourage other graduate students to work in this vastly und…
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Nick Kennedy, SIO2PC and the ATR File Format Nick Kennedy is the creator of SIO2PC, the hardware and software combination that allowed Atari 8-bit computer users to use a PC as a peripheral. In 1989, this was unprecedented, a new way to connect the little Atari to the bigger world, to the (relatively) massive storage and speed of a computer running…
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Ep.143 - THE BOOZE OF MONKEY ISLAND intervista a Bean Adventure Agency
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Come il seme di un'avventura grafica amatissima è riuscita a germogliare in THE BOOZE OF MONKEY ISLAND, e di ciò che è accaduto intorno #beanadventureagency #monkeyisland #lucasarts #videogiochi Il sito di BEAN ADVENTURE AGENCY SCARICA THE BOOZE OF MONKEY ISLAND Se desiderate supportarmi: https://ko-fi.c…
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T6, Ep.15 - Clássicos: reviravolta épica, amasso doloroso
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Neste episódio fizemos o rescaldo do Braga x Sporting e do SLBenfica x FC Porto, num fim de semana de emoções fortes, com 11 golos nos jogos entre os favoritos do campeonato.
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rustpad es un estupendo servicio #selfhosted para alojar en tu #vps o en un servidor #linux con #docker y que te permite editar un documento entre varios Esta última semana asistí a un curso muy interesante sobre Kibana. En el curso se utilizó una herramienta que desconocía por completo y que era, ni mas ni menos, que un editor colaborativo. Una he…
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magical thinking with Hoyt Richards
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Hoyt shares his experience as a long term member of a group with a base in astrology. He was recruited at age 16. He studied at Princeton University and became internationally successful but stayed in the group for 20 years. Why do we accept conspiracy theories and magical ideas? To what extent do limitations in perception and interpretation inhibi…
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After a one-episode break, we're now back to Digital Eclipse content with the impending release of Tetris Forever. Joining this week are DE's Chris Kohler, editorial director, and Jason Cirillo, lead designer and programmer of Tetris Timewarp, an original title included in Tetris Forever. We cover a lot of ground in this one, from our first experie…
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Rick Reaser, Current Notes Magazine's 8-bit Editor Rick Reaser was the 8-bit Editor of Current Notes Magazine, a popular magazine dedicated to the Atari computers. He began in 1992, and wrote a column called 8-Bit Tidbits. Rick used his Atari 8-bit computer exclusively through his college years and for programming for grad school. He was also presi…
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Como montar tu propio resolutor de #DNS y un proxy inverso como #Traefik con certificados autofirmados para tener todos tus servicios a tu alcance Cuando me di cuenta de que necesitaba, a priori, al menos una decena de servicios para el stack multimedia, me entró una enorme pereza de forma casi instantánea. No por el hecho de tener que levantar tod…
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T6, EP.14 - Análise da novela de Ruben Amorim no Manchester United
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Ruben Amorim terminou a sua ligação ao Sporting, seduzido por um projeto há muito sonhado. A novela foi curta, mas teve bons episódios que debatemos nesta edição: desde a gestão do caso por Amorim e Varandas, o legado que deixa no Sporting, o projeto que vai agarrar e o sucessor João Pereira.
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sincronizar #obisidian en #linux y #android utilizando #webdav #couchdb o #minio para poder trabajar en cualquier dispositivo y en movilidad Llevo prácticamente tres mese utilizando Obsidian como gestor de documentos, pero lo cierto es que todavía tengo que realizar determinados ajustes para encontrarme todo lo cómodo que me gustaría. Algunos ajust…
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Dr Ethan Russo has been involved in cannabis research for many years. He dispels some of the myths and talks about recent breakthroughs in the treatment of anxiety and dementia. Dr Russo focuses on current research into limonene and cannabigerol. A fascinating conversation with a true expert.Links:Ethan's site: Acute effects …
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Bob Stein, Atari’s Encyclopedia Project Bob Stein worked at Atari Research for 18 months beginning in 1981. He was hired by Alan Kay. He worked almost exclusively on an encyclopedia project, a potential collaboration between Atari and Encyclopaedia Britannica that never went anywhere. I learned about Bob after he uploaded an item called The Atari D…
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Que es y como crear un stack multimedia con #docker en #linux para gestionar todo tu contenido multimedia de forma completamente automatizada Algo que hace tiempo quería hacer, mas por reto, que por otra cosa es crear un stack multimedia con Docker en Linux. Es algo que he visto y leído en innumerables ocasiones pero que hasta el momento no he teni…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Dopo questa intervista, il sindacato del collezionismo retro dovrebbe revocare la licenza a Giovanni Pecenco per abuso di posizione dominante #collezionismo #sega #atari #videogiochi Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vintage People Network Il canale YouT…
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T6, EP.13 - O nível do Vitória SC e o super-Barcelona
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O Vitória SC tem sido destaque neste início de temporada, sobretudo depois de ter batido o recorde de vitórias consecutivas de uma equipa portuguesa na Europa. Debatemos este plantel vimaranense e o que pode fazer nesta época com várias desafios para o clube. Falámos ainda da semana de sonho do FC Barcelona, com as goleadas ao Bayern e ao Real Madr…
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Como mantener sincronizada la configuración de #termux en #android con la configuración de #linux utilizando un repositorio #git y disponible en #github Tal y como comenté en el anterior episodio del podcast, en el 639, que titulé Pass y GoPass, gestión de contraseñas en Linux y Android, había cometido un error importante a la hora de tratar la con…
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ANTIC Episode 111 - “Is Kay Really Funny, or is it Just a Courtesy Snicker?” In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… We go over the ABBUC Software Contest winners, we cover PRGE, Kay accelerates his interview publishing schedule, and we ask the question: Is Kay really funny, or are Randy’s snickers simply courtesy? You decide … R…
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Porky's by 20th Century Fox
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Welcome back to the show, glad to finally get this out, which is the episode about Porky's from 20th Century Fox. Did you know it's based on a movie? It's true! I do hope you enjoy the episode, and I always appreciate your continued patience with me. I think from now on I will give a feedback due date and let the episode fall where it falls. If I w…
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Approaches to Trump supporters with Jeremy Sherman
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Jeremy is anxious to prevent a dissociation death spiral in our culture. We explore further his approach to Trump supporters and Jon offers some portmanteau words - Jeremy's speciality - including Magavellian, utopiates and fascilitators.Links:Jeremy's videos: "Ruin A Trumpist's Day The Nice Way"and "How to Stage Interventions With Trump Addicts"…
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Nick Kennedy, Atari Morse Code Keyer I was adding a batch of ham radio newsletters to the Internet Archive's Digital Library of Amateur Radio And Communications, and I noticed the word "Atari" on one of the pages. In the September 2019 issue of Solid Copy, the newsletter of The CW Operators Club, Nick Kennedy had written: "Few hams who are both CW …
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Episode 40 - Killing Time: Resurrected w/ Nightdive Studios
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Just in time for Halloween, Nightdive Studios did what it does best. They released a remastered gem from first-person-shooting history that blended spooky shooting with live-action FMV story: Killing Time Remastered. Fortunately, I was able to assemble four guests from the team that worked on the title to speak about it. Joining this pod are Nightd…
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Como gestionar contraseñas en #linux y #android con #pass y #gopass y una aproximación al scripting en linux de la mano de #fishA raíz de la última tragedia acaecida en mi ordenador personal, por un lado, y por el otro, la nueva incorporación de la tablet Android a mi ecosistema de chismes, he estado pensando sobre pass y gopass. Pero no solo sobre…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Venghino siore e siore ad ammirare la pirotecnica caduta dell'impero di Mastertronic e dei videogiochi budget #mastertronic #budget #uk #videogiochi #cassette LA STORIA DI MASTERTRONIC sul canale dei Vintage People Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vinta…
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The social science that supports our work with cults has been questioned in the last decade. We discuss the complaints about Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment, Stanley Milgram's Yale shock machine studies, and Sherif's Robbers Cave Experiment.Note: this was recorded a few days before Dr. Zimbardo passed. He was truly a titan of our field and wi…
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T6, Ep.12 - A proibição de álcool, o tipo de adeptos em Portugal e o melhor onze da liga
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Reaberta recentemente a discussão sobre a legalização da venda de álcool nos estádios, decidimos, por sugestão dos ouvintes, discutir quais as limitações dos adeptos de futebol em Portugal que fazem e não fazem sentido. Elegemos ainda o melhor onze da liga até ao momento.
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#archlinux es una distribución #linux que con #archinstall es realmente sencilla de instalar y muy recomendable para quien quiere una #rolling #release Hace unos días comenté en el grupo de Telegram de atareao con Linux que mi equipo con Arch Linux había muerto, y lo había resucitado. Aunque realmente, no fue una resurrección sino que mas bien fue …
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