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English ESL

Don La Bonte

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Free 40 hour self directed, progressive video lesson plan with multiple reviews to help develop English conversation skills emphasizing common conversation patterns.
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Exploring threats to global stability from Ukraine to China to the Middle East with host Gavin Esler – former BBC News presenter, Washington correspondent and host of Newsnight – plus Ukraine-based war reporter Oz Katerji and independent conflict analyst Emma Beals. This Is Not A Drill dives deep into the dangers, corruption, conflicts, disinformation, rivalries and ruthless realpolitik that are making our world ever more dangerous. Support This Is Not A Drill on Patreon from just £3 per mon ...
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The ESL Teaching Podcast

Ieva Grauslys, ESL/ELL teaching

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Welcome to The ESL Teaching Podcast, a place for K-12 teachers of English learners who are looking for simple and easy-to-implement ways to engage their students and for inspiration and empowerment in their day-to-day teaching. Whether you need a boost of confidence in reaching ESL/ELL newcomers, students in mixed proficiency level classes, or clarity in how to help them access content in the mainstream classrooms, this podcast will quickly become your go-to spot for inspiration and support. ...
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The podcast for everybody who wants to improve their English, practice their English, or just learn more English. (Contact Ben with questions about English or suggestions or comments:
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Real English conversations for ESL listening practice. Each episode, your hosts introduce a new topic of conversation for upper intermediate and advanced English learners to practice their listening skills and learn new vocabulary. Throughout the conversation, there are also opportunities to learn about American culture. You'll benefit from just listening to these authentic conversations, but to get the most out of this podcast, be sure to download the show notes for each episode. There you ...
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Already having a personal development podcast, Arsenio takes to the ESL world to get as much material as he can to his thousands of academic studying listeners around the world. My goal is to get every accent in the world on my podcast, so for those of you who are listening around the world, dare to ask me in my email down below how to come on for a conversation with me!Early Access: iBT Reading Course: https://arseniosesl ...
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The DIESOL Podcast | EdTech in ESL

Brent Warner & Ixchell Reyes

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The DIESOL Podcast covers EdTech in the field of English as a Second or Other Language. The show helps teachers consider best practices for their English Learning students and how to integrate technology into the classroom to help students where they are. DIESOL: Developing Innovation in English as a Second or Other Language
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ESL talk

ESL Talk Podcast

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A podcast for English teachers by English teachers. If you are a teacher, content creator, or educator, or are thinking about teaching ESL/English, this is the podcast for you! In each episode, our hosts and their guests will provide strategies, techniques, advice, and skills to help you improve as a teacher and to be more effective both inside and outside the classroom. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @esltalkpodcast, visit our website or you can send us an email to esltalkpodc ...
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Learn English now with a proven method that's fast, effective, and enjoyable. Speak English with will improve your English listening and speaking faster than any other approach. These daily and cultural English lessons are brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan, former professors of applied linguistics and education. Join more than 15 million people in 189 countries who have learned English with Want to improve your English even faster? Become an Unlimit ...
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Un podcast de viajes de un eslovaco que encanta locuras y América Latina. Soy un loco muy bueno de Eslovaquia (aunque todo el mundo lo confunde con Eslovenia) y cada año vivo en un país diferente porque este estilo de vida me encanta y así es como quiero pasar mi vida. También creo que el mundo debería conocer mi español especial y por eso estoy empezando un podcast "loco eslovaco" sobre cómo empezar una nueva vida en otro país. Hago el podcast porque me gustaría ayudar a todos lo que necesi ...
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ESL Aloud

Sherman Rosen

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Each podcast is a lesson for people who are learning English as a second language. Users listen to and repeat groups of sentences that are related in one way or another.
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ESL journal


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Learning English is my first dream in Canada, because what I am see is the people who educated is has more opportunities in Canada than those people who don’t educated.
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An ESL student talks about using Canvas in her English course. She believes Canvas is very interesting, engaging and helpful in improving her English. Cover art photo provided by Frank Septillion on Unsplash:
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A podcast for English As Second Language (ESL) learners and lovers from an ESL learner and lover. I hope to share my experiences and lessons to help other's like myself, and in so doing, help spread my love of the beautiful language. Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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show series
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As I'm looking back on 2024, there were challenges and opportunities as well as a lot of growth. And as we know, it doesn't happen in a calm and peaceful environment when everyone is content. It happens through storms and sometimes chaos and most of the time through pain, whether big or small. The good thing is, I wouldn't change any of it. Well, m…
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What’s the buzz about BlueSky? Should you join the migration from Twitter? In this episode, Brent and Ixchell explore BlueSky, the emerging social media platform educators are flocking to. Reflecting on Twitter’s past and this promising alternative, they dive into BlueSky’s potential for professional networks and classroom impact. Whether you’re cu…
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Join the conversation and share your thoughts! In today’s episode, Donielle and Khrystyna need a break from the daily news headlines, so we're scouring the interwebs to uncover uplifting and funny news stories. Join us for a lighthearted conversation filled with moments designed to bring a smile to your face. We hope these stories brighten your day…
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Christmas in Slovakia has evolved significantly in recent years. Climate change has made a white Christmas less predictable, and the consumption habits of the modern Western world have lessened the appeal of handmade, locally produced goods. However, there are individuals and communities across the country who are preserving traditions and shifting…
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Počas vianočných sviatkov hrá hudba dôležitú úlohu. Vytvára v nás sviatočnú náladu, prináša láskavú atmosféru a premieňa obyčajný pocit na výnimočný. Hudba má veľkú moc vrátiť nás do čias minulých, navodiť nám emócie naviazané na našu mladosť, rodinu a priateľov. Vráťme sa o pár desiatok rokov späť a pripomeňme si ako vyzerali Vianoce v 80. až 90. …
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Zuzana Knezlová; sviatky hinduizmu na Bali, v Indii a v Nepále - Dnes máme pre vás špeciálny rozhovor, ktorý prichádza v čase, keď u nás vládne vianočná atmosféra. Pre nás sú Vianoce najväčšími sviatkami roka, ktoré trávime s rodinou a oživujeme tradície. Aké sviatky však oslavujú kultúry, ktorým Vianoce nič nehovoria? S dnešnou hostkou Zuzkou Knez…
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Рождественская программа: Беседа с директором Словацкой филармонии Марианом Турнером и арфисткой СФ Катариной Турнеровой. Встреча с супругами-художниками Марией и Даниэлом Биделницей. Интервью с руководителем балетной труппы Словацкого национального театра Ниной Полаковой. Детская рождественская сказка.…
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Špeciálne, vianočné vydanie relácie prezentuje poetickú hudobnú tvorbu z dielne renomovaných umelcov slovenskej a českej hudobnej scény: PAVOL HAMMEL a PRÚDY - Pokoj Vám // VLADIMÍR MIŠÍK & BLUE SHADOWS - Noční obraz // KATARÍNA KOŠČOVÁ, DANIEL ŠPINER - Krehkosť // VLASTA REDL – Pecky téměř všecky // DEŽO URSÍNY, IVAN ŠTRPKA – Modrý vrch…
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Eva Križková: Vlaková koleda / Jednu vec majú Vianoce a vlaky spoločnú. Spájajú ľudí. Autorka fíčru sa vydáva na autentickú cestu vlakom naprieč Slovenskom, na ktorej stretáva rôznych cestujúcich, ich želania a problémy. Anketový záznam nadobúda vo výsledku formu rozhlasového roadmovie, v ktorom sa samotná cesta stáva cieľom a Vianoce rámom pre zrk…
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V poslednej hodine Štedrého dňa je pripravená hudba ľudová – skladby z nášho územia z 18. a 19. storočia, ale aj súčasná, čerpajúca z histórie: Ľudové piesne zo zbierky Andreja Kmeťa, hudba v podaní Solamente naturali z albumu Pastorella, Ivan Hrušovský: Malá vianočná suita, Marián Varga: Vianočná suita a Bartolomej Urbanec: Hviezdnatá noc.…
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Vianočné blues / Zahrá John Sheridan, otec slow blues Charles Brown, zaspieva aj Topsy Chapman, vybral som pre vás aj krásny duet Marie Muldaur a Taj Mahala no a na záver máme pre vás aj hudobný darček v podobe skladby, ktorú na Vianoce spieva celý svet, ale v tejto podobe ste ju možno ešte nepočuli / Urobte si s nami príjemnú vianočnú pohodu pri r…
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Slováci vo Francúzsku O vianočných zvykoch v rodnom Lendaku a v Paríži hovorí Betka dela Bouvrie;Slováci v Luxembursku: Adriana Boysová prežíva sviatky v hlavnom meste krajiny kde žije dvadsať rokov, vianočné oblátky sa naučila piecť až po odchode zo Slovenska; Slováci vo Rakúsku: Chceli žiť v zahraničí, ale zároveń v blízkosti svojich rodín a tak …
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Empezaremos acompanados por dos estudiantes del primer curso del instituto bilingüe de Nové Mesto nad Váhom, que les presentarán las costumbres navidenas de su pueblo. Una proviene de Selec y otra de Trenčianske Stankovce. Seguiremos recibiendo la invitación de las Termas de Piešťany para asistir a un almuerzo de Navidad y entrevistaremos al chef I…
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História v piesni: Prosae pastorales. Zaznie vianočná hudba z nášho územia z 18. storočia. Základným obsahom sú Pastierské spevy – Prosae pastorales, organistu a hudobného skladateľa Edmunda Paschu a skladby Georgiusa Zruneka. V ich hudobných zborníkoch sa zachoval vianočný folklór aj osobitá slovenská ľudová poézia, ktoré už za čias ich vzniku bol…
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1. Словацкие традиции в Щедрый вечер. Как словаки встречают Рождество? Беседа с проф. Марией Добриковой. 3. Курс словацкого языка. 3 урок, посвященный Рождеству.4. Дети поздравляют с наступающим Рождеством. Рождественские песни исполняет детский хор "Про музыка"
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Herečka a speváčka, Yvetta Blanarovičová, narodená 1963 v Bojniciach, žije a pracuje štyridsať rokov v Prahe. V současnosti hostuje v Divadle Broadway v muzikálu Mata Hari, Angelika, Carmen, Kvítek Mandragory a koncertuje s kapelou a s filharmonií. Je zakladateľkou Nadácie La Sophia na podporu talentovaných detí. | Hosť: Yvetta Blanarovičová (hereč…
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