Free 40 hour self directed, progressive video lesson plan with multiple reviews to help develop English conversation skills emphasizing common conversation patterns.
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Exploring threats to global stability from Ukraine to China to the Middle East with host Gavin Esler – former BBC News presenter, Washington correspondent and host of Newsnight – plus Ukraine-based war reporter Oz Katerji and independent conflict analyst Emma Beals. This Is Not A Drill dives deep into the dangers, corruption, conflicts, disinformation, rivalries and ruthless realpolitik that are making our world ever more dangerous. Support This Is Not A Drill on Patreon from just £3 per mon ...
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Welcome to The ESL Teaching Podcast, a place for K-12 teachers of English learners who are looking for simple and easy-to-implement ways to engage their students and for inspiration and empowerment in their day-to-day teaching. Whether you need a boost of confidence in reaching ESL/ELL newcomers, students in mixed proficiency level classes, or clarity in how to help them access content in the mainstream classrooms, this podcast will quickly become your go-to spot for inspiration and support. ...
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The podcast for everybody who wants to improve their English, practice their English, or just learn more English. (Contact Ben with questions about English or suggestions or comments:
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Real English conversations for ESL listening practice. Each episode, your hosts introduce a new topic of conversation for upper intermediate and advanced English learners to practice their listening skills and learn new vocabulary. Throughout the conversation, there are also opportunities to learn about American culture. You'll benefit from just listening to these authentic conversations, but to get the most out of this podcast, be sure to download the show notes for each episode. There you ...
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A podcast for English teachers by English teachers. If you are a teacher, content creator, or educator, or are thinking about teaching ESL/English, this is the podcast for you! In each episode, our hosts and their guests will provide strategies, techniques, advice, and skills to help you improve as a teacher and to be more effective both inside and outside the classroom. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @esltalkpodcast, visit our website or you can send us an email to esltalkpodc ...
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Carol Salva and her guests explore ways to empower language learners and the teachers who teach them. We're not just closing gaps, we're growing leaders.
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Writer and journalist
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اجمل الاناشيد الاسلامية
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Already having a personal development podcast, Arsenio takes to the ESL world to get as much material as he can to his thousands of academic studying listeners around the world. My goal is to get every accent in the world on my podcast, so for those of you who are listening around the world, dare to ask me in my email down below how to come on for a conversation with me!Early Access: iBT Reading Course: https://arseniosesl ...
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تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية
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journey as acurrent ESL student
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enjoy it
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This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)
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In this podcast I open a door for you to worlds full of unique and beautiful stories for when you wanna work, drive, sleep, or do anything else...
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ESL journey
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This is our podcast!
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thank you for your kindness.
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Hi, have a good time
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The DIESOL Podcast covers EdTech in the field of English as a Second or Other Language. The show helps teachers consider best practices for their English Learning students and how to integrate technology into the classroom to help students where they are. DIESOL: Developing Innovation in English as a Second or Other Language
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Learn English now with a proven method that's fast, effective, and enjoyable. Speak English with will improve your English listening and speaking faster than any other approach. These daily and cultural English lessons are brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan, former professors of applied linguistics and education. Join more than 15 million people in 189 countries who have learned English with Want to improve your English even faster? Become an Unlimit ...
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Welcome to the Eslam Salah podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Podcast by Chris Eslami
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Welcome to Eslam Osama El-Gwaily, where amazing things happen.
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Each podcast is a lesson for people who are learning English as a second language. Users listen to and repeat groups of sentences that are related in one way or another.
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Welcome to Marisol's ESL Podcast, where amazing things happen.
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A little experiment to see how works.
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In this podcast you will train your English listening skills. I will talk about random topics, and in my normal speech pace!
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Esl teaching podcast in México and the students Cover art photo provided by Janis Oppliger on Unsplash:
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Discussion of a variety of topics about and related to teaching English.
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Podcast summary for iTunes
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Learning English is my first dream in Canada, because what I am see is the people who educated is has more opportunities in Canada than those people who don’t educated.
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Podcast by ESL Teacher Pop
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Discussion of a variety of topics about and related to teaching English.
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An ESL student talks about using Canvas in her English course. She believes Canvas is very interesting, engaging and helpful in improving her English. Cover art photo provided by Frank Septillion on Unsplash:
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Un podcast de viajes de un eslovaco que encanta locuras y América Latina. Soy un loco muy bueno de Eslovaquia (aunque todo el mundo lo confunde con Eslovenia) y cada año vivo en un país diferente porque este estilo de vida me encanta y así es como quiero pasar mi vida. También creo que el mundo debería conocer mi español especial y por eso estoy empezando un podcast "loco eslovaco" sobre cómo empezar una nueva vida en otro país. Hago el podcast porque me gustaría ayudar a todos lo que necesi ...
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A mini-podcast meant to help students of English take control of their language learning.
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Podcasts for ESL & EFL Teachers - Lesson ideas, teaching techniques, classroom activities, games, and more
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A podcast for English As Second Language (ESL) learners and lovers from an ESL learner and lover. I hope to share my experiences and lessons to help other's like myself, and in so doing, help spread my love of the beautiful language. Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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A podcast to assist ESL students in their learning of the English language. This podcast provides an opportunity for people to improve listening and pronunciation skills.
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Episode 396 of the Everybody ESL podcast is a mini episode that teaches you an interesting way to use the word “catch.” Send your questions about English and your comments and suggestions to (And let me know if you’d like to record the introduction to a future episode.)Di Ben
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Send us a text Support the show WhatsApp: +66 (Thailand) 06 3359 0002 Emails: ////// Instagram: Second Instagram: Facebook: Youtube:…
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Di Don La Bonte
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Teaching EL newcomers is by far one of the most popular subjects among all teachers at the beginning of the school year, middle of the school year, end of the school year, all the time. So much so that I have created quite a few episodes on what to teach them and how to help them in the regular education classroom. In today's episode, I am revisiti…
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Join the conversation and share your thoughts! In this Coffee Break episode, Donielle and Khrystyna play a fun round of Tell Me Some Things... where they discuss hilarious do’s and don’ts for various situations. Grab your coffee and join the laughs! Show Notes Support the show To get the most out of this podcast, be sure to download the show notes …
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Join us on the latest episode of ESL Talk as we look at the topic of making our classes fun and engaging for young learners, with our special guest Yan Weng, co-founder of the teaching platform FunClass. Yan not only shares why engaging classes are important for young learners but also how the correct tools can help support your learner's progress.…
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Yes, we need to show students what to do to become more fluent. They can make their language acquisition go so much faster. Dr. Carol Salva shares tips for that in the "What to do Right Now" part of this episode. But these ideas fall flat if you are not helping learners reflect on how far they have come, and show them where they could be in a few m…
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Aumentan las discrepancias entre Bratislava y Kiev por el tema del gas, Presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional realiza visita a Eslovaquia
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Recent data from Eurostat show that over 14% of Slovak population lives on the poverty line. In this show, we are going to explore the problem of growing poverty in Slovakia. You are also going to hear from experts: sociologist from SAV Zuzana Kusá and trade unionist, activist and analyst Ján Košč from initiative Pracujúca chudoba.…
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Nachrichten, Tagesthema, Magazin - Wirtschaft und Finanzen: Blick auf das Jahr 2024 und Aussichten für das neue Jahr. Wettbewerb „Unterstütze Deine Branche“: Motivationsvideos können Interesse der jungen Menschen an der Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft erhöhen.
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Rozlúčka s Rádiom_FM - 7 rokov vysielania a viac ako 300 epizód plných tipov pre ekologickejší život. To bola spolupráca Rádia_FM s ekoporadkyňami z organizácie Centrum environmentálnej a etickej výchovy Živica v rubrike čiernalabuť_FM, ktorá týmto vydaním končí.
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1. Словацкий дайджест- обзор главных событий минувшей недели. 2. "Обратная связь"- программа по письмам слушателей.
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Na Slovensku jediný spravodajský blok výlučne z oblasti kultúry a umenia.
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Peter Janoviček, spisovateľ
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Prekročili sme kritickú hranicu otepľovania
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Miriam Hlaváčková - historikča, archivárka, spoluautorka projektu "Archivárky na cestách"
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Pozdravy jubilantom.
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Do relácie Ars Musica si Ján Dúbravský pozval skladateľa Egona Kráka, ktorého dielo Divina bellezza / Božská krása, vzdávajúce hold Francescovi Petrarcovi v súvislosti s jeho niekoľkonásobným výročím, zaznie v premiére už tento štvrtok 16.1. v podaní Slovenskej filharmónie pod taktovkou Kaspara Zehndera. V nedeľu 19.1. sa vystúpení poľského organ…
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Na Slovensku jediný spravodajský blok výlučne z oblasti kultúry a umenia.
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V rubrike Kultový album si každý týždeň pripomíname dôležité albumy hudobnej histórie, zahraničné aj slovenské, ktoré utvárali náš hudobný svet, a oslavujú okrúhle výročie vydania – 10, 20, 30, aj 40 rokov.
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Posledná polhodina bude vo vysielaní Rádia Devín patriť sláčikovým nástrojom. Do relácie Musica slovaca som zaradila diela dvoch Alexandrov – Sláčikové kvarteto č. 4 Alexandra Moyzesa a Menuetto pre dvojitý sláčikový orchester Alexandra Albrechta.
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V relácii Nová hudba si vypočujeme komorné diela z tvorby študentov Briana Ferneyhough
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Pucovské zlepence
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Veľká rekapitulácia drum&bassového roka 2024 v SIGNAll_FM a výber z toho najlepšieho, čo odznelo v našom vysielaní v rýchlom 2-hodinovom showcase megamixe. Od soulful drum&bassu cez liquid až po deepové bangery. 66 trackov, ktoré sú dôkazom, že minulý rok stál z pohľadu novej hudby jednoznačne za to.…
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Letecké úteky z komunistickej krajiny. | Pripravila: Soňa Gyarfašová.| Historickú reláciu Biele miesta 20. storočia pripravuje Slovenský rozhlas, Rádio Slovensko, SRo1.
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Ako sa postarať o lepšiu budúcnosť? Vysokoškolský pedagóg a psychológ, profesor Miron Zelina, považuje za najdôležitejšiu správnu výchovu detí. Ale vystríha pred takzvaným rozmaznávaním, ktoré v skutočnosti samotným deťom ubližuje. Zdôrazňuje, že rodičia by ich mali viesť k samostatnosti. Akú úlohu môžu mať pri výchove mobilné telefóny či tablety? …
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The new Spirit of Jazz. Nu jazz, nu soul a nu funk. Nové spojenia a netradičné hudobné fúzie. Bootlegy, remixy. Prepojenie starého sveta a nových hudobných postupov v hudbe s DJom Kinetom.
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Osem slovensko-českých skladieb, o ktorých rozhodujete svojimi hlasmi vy. Ego_FM každý týždeň sleduje, čo sa na oboch scénach deje.
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Slovaquie HEBDO. Courrier des auditeurs.
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Rebríček nahrávok slovenských autorov, ktorí zatiaľ nemajú oficiálne vydaný, distribuovaný a predávaný album. Všetky skladby aktuálneho kola vám predstaví Ego_FM. O poradí rozhodujú poslucháči na
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Peter Turčík: Kresťanské patriarcháty 2.časť - Konštantínopol
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Pestrosť slovenských krojov. Gánovské travertíny. Hudobné momentky: Silvia Šarköziová
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motoristický a dopravný magazín
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Eva Borušovičová: Riedky svet
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Sólo pre dvoch. Relácia venovaná japonsko-poľskej speváčke Yumi Ito a poľskému gitaristovi Szymonovi Mikovi, ktorí popri vlastných projektoch pôsobia aj duu a v roku 2021 vydali pozoruhodný album Ekual. Okrem toho si predstavíme aj Mikov sólový akustický projekt Attempts, ktorý nahral počas pandemických mesiacov.…
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Rincón musical.Charlando con los oyentes.
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Ján Golian: Ľudovít Vladimír Rizner. Redaktor na "nezaplatenie"
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