Podcast by Fondren Church
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Animé par Olivier Brett et Frédéric Lord, Au Fond des Filets est un balado 100% CF Montréal et soccer.
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Pep Nogu obre "La fonda" amb la millor gastronomia i les millors receptes catalanes.
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Podcast by Igreja Fonte
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O Compilado é o podcast para te atualizar sobre o mundo da tecnologia e programação com as notícias mais quentes selecionadas pelo casal de programadores Gabriel Fróes e Vanessa Weber. Eles são os programadores por trás do Código Fonte TV no YouTube (+30 milhões de views). Com mais de 25 anos dedicados a um relacionamento sério com os códigos, o casal descomplica esse mundo tão vasto de forma descontraída e com aquele humor que só os nerds e os CDFs tem! 🤓 🏆 Com apenas 5 meses, Compilado ati ...
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A podcast dedicated to Tasmanian news, politics and business from Font PR. Join Brad Stansfield, Becher Townshend and Win News' Alex Johnston to get up to date on everything that's happening in Tassie, and take an in-depth look at the biggest issues of the day.
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In deze podcastserie spreekt host Erdinç Saçan met experts uit het onderwijs, onderzoek en bedrijfsleven over de grote vragen die artificial intelligence met zich mee brengt. AI, ook wel kunstmatige intelligentie, is de transformatieve techniek die verandert hoe we werken, leven en zelfs denken. Wat betekent dat voor onze samenleving? En belangrijker, wat betekent dat voor onszelf.
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Pastores Jean Carlos y Elizabeth Fontanez, ministros del evangelio por mas de 2 décadas. Fundadores del Ministerio, Pastores, Profetas, Predicadores, Conferencistas y Autores del Libro, El Dios de Segunda Oportunidad. Este podcast esta dedicado a la enseñanza de la escritura con el propósito de edificar y discipular a toda persona con una enseñanza pura del reino de Dios.
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Mensagens e estudos ensinados na Igreja Batista Fonte São Paulo
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VBG de Fontein in Emmeloord wordt door alles gevormd door mensen die elkaar willen ontmoeten, die er voor elkaar willen zijn, en samen God willen ontmoeten en ook hun geloof willen uitdragen in de praktijk van hun dagelijks leven. We zijn een gemeente waar ruimte is voor mensen die op zoek zijn naar antwoorden op levensvragen. Is het geloof voor jou nog een doolhof van vraagtekens, maar zou je wel eens naar een kerk willen gaan, of heb je gewoon behoefte aan een goed gesprek, dan ben je van ...
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Découvrez les merveilleuses histoires racontées par Elodie Fondacci sur les plus belles musiques classiques. Pour enchanter les enfants et ceux qui le sont restés… Pour ne rater aucun épisode d'Histoires en musique, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Welcome to Fontana Unlocked – the ultimate podcast for Fontana enthusiasts, or anyone curious about local government. Hosted by the dynamic duo, Ray Ebert, Fontana's Deputy City Manager for Administrative Services, and Monique Carter, the city's Marketing and Communications Manager, this podcast is your passport to all things Fontana! Get ready for a wild ride as we dive deep into the inner workings of the City of Fontana. Our show is like a lively chat with friends – open, honest, and sprin ...
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Learn all about investing in real estate in Fontana, California with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Fontana plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Fontana).
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In this quick episode of The Digital Design Hub - Discord Geeks, we dive into the basics and advanced tips for styling fonts on Discord. Learn how to use simple Markdown formatting like bold, italics, and strikethroughs, as well as explore fun ways to generate custom fonts for your server. Whether you’re a Discord newbie or a pro looking to spice up your text, this episode has everything you need to make your messages stand out. Tune in and give your Discord server a stylish upgrade!
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Hear unfiltered and unapologetic insights and opinions about politics, news, society, and culture on ‘World Ablaze with George Fontes’. Not much is off limits as we take on the subjects that affect our lives in America and around the world. Available on your favorite podcast platforms! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/world-ablaze-with-george-fontes--6276072/support.
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Chanson, rap, rock, pop... Bertrand Dicale met l'info en musique et revisite notre patrimoine musical. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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echtgeld.tv – das sind fundierte Investmentideen, die professionell, authentisch vorgestellt und vor allem mit Beteiligung der Live-Zuschauer auch real umgesetzt werden. Dabei kommt “echtes Geld” zum Einsatz und nicht das x-te Musterdepot. Euch begrüßen hier die Kapitalmarktexperten Tobias Kramer und Christian W. Röhl. Beide stellen Euch, begleitet von interessanten Gästen, regelmäßig neue Aktien, Investments und weitere spannenden Finanzthemen vor, über deren echtgeld-Einsatz grundsätzlich ...
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Biraz da hayatın keyifli yönüne bakalım diye açtığım "Komedi" kategorisindeki Arka Fon Hikayeleri Podcast kanalım, kendimi tanıdıkça benimle birlikte dönüşmeye başladı. Keşfettikçe daha da merak uyandıran bu dönüşüm yolculuğu Arka Fon Hikayeleri’nin de artık ana konusu oldu. Meğer yoldaymışız her birimiz. Ve hepimiz birin parçasıymışız. Yani o kızdığın aslında senmişsin… Gülüp geçtiğin de. Farkındalıkmış en büyük hediye. Tüm duyguları elmasa dönüştürme gücüymüş asıl güç. Hoş geldin Simyacı! ...
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Le sentenze di Riccardo Trevisani sui temi calcistici più caldi del momento. Insieme a lui Giuseppe Pastore, Fernando Siani e Andrea Consales danno vita a questo nuovo format di Cronache di spogliatoio.
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Les llegendes i els mites que envolten la nostra terra, explicats amb rigor i proximitat, són els protagonistes del programa cada diumenge vespre de 23h a 00h a IB3 Ràdio amb Chema Font. Ens podeu trobar al Facebook, al Twitter (@fontdemisteris), al correu electrònic: fontdemisteris@ib3radio.com o també a la nostra pàgina web: www.fontdemisteris.com. També esperam els vostres missatges al nostre Whatsapp i Telegram: 659 16 69 52.
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À propos de la Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation. Depuis 1997, la Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation investit dans l'infrastructure dont les chercheurs et chercheuses ont besoin pour voir grand, innover et repousser les limites du savoir. Grâce à des installations et de l'équipement de recherche de pointe, les universités, collèges, hôpitaux de recherche et organismes de recherche à but non lucratif du Canada peuvent mener des travaux de recherche de haut calibre. Ces établissements ...
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My favorite's from Hip-Hop to House in a continuous mix.
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Sports in particular Boxing
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A test...
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Le nouveau podcast qui reçoit, écoute, et fait découvrir ces femmes qui jour après jour, sur Terre, font l'espace. qui sont-elles, quel est leur parcours, les difficultés qu'elles rencontrent, quel est ce lien qui les unit au spatial? C'est ce qu'elles nous racontent. Les épisodes de Elles font l'Espace sont enregistrées en présence des invitées au Studio La Réserve, à Paris. La réalisation et la musique originale est assurée et signée par Jan Pham Huu Tri, Cyril Nobilet et François Bonnet L ...
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Los sonidos de la Semana Santa fontaniega recogidos por los micrófonos de FuentesActualidad.com y con la narración de José Muñoz
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What is happening in the Real world not what the Communist Liberal Media Feeds us, Conservative Real Talk
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A Young, Christian girl who wants to show you her point of view. Proverbs 31:30
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Dave Fontaine is the lead singer of the Canadian pop band Sleep the Season, formed in 2005 in Welland, Ontario. The second album Don’t make a move was released on September 4, 2006 and contained 13 songs. Four Songs was released on February 11, 2008 and was their first independent release. Address: 97 Coventry Rd, Welland, ON L3B 5B5, Canada, Welland Gmail:davefontaine.net@gmail.com Phone:+1.9053784647 Web: https://davefontaine.net/ Social: https://www.facebook.com/davefontaine.net https://g ...
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Dans le podcast Principes Fondamentaux, Alexandre Penot discute avec des experts, des passionnés et des professionnels qui nous expliquent ce qui est vraiment important dans leur domaine. Si tu veux savoir sur quoi t'appuyer pour faire les bons choix et ne plus être perdu, tu es au bon endroit ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Fondations, le podcast qui déconstruit l'immobilier. Interviews par Mathieu Chantalat co-fondateur de Smartloc (www.smartloc.fr/)
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The Margaret Fontana Media podcast launched in 2017. Episodes feature media expert, Margaret Fontana covering topics from film, media, marketing, public relations, production, business and more. She features guests from the film, advertising, business, and media industries. Visit MargaretFontanaMedia.com to learn more and listen to the full library of episodes. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/margaretfontana/support
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By Justin Fontanini D.O.M, A.P
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FondaMental Talk un rendez-vous dédié à la Santé Mentale. Dépression, anxiété, burn-out, bipolarité, schizophrénie… Des maladies mal comprises et encore tabous en France. Alors pour en parler, nous recevrons chaque mois un psychiatre ou un chercheur. Avec le soutien de la Fondation FondaMental, l’objectif est bien d’informer sur ces maladies et de déstigmatiser les patients. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Pra quem não sabe de onde veio e não faz ideia pra onde vai.
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Tuto photoshopEnlever le fond d'une image
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We talk about it all
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Bij Fontys hogescholen werken meer dan 4.000 onderwijs professionals. Die mensen staan elke dag klaar om meer dan 40.000 studenten op te leiden voor de wereld van morgen. Dat opleiden doen de Fontys docenten samen met bedrijfsopleiders uit het bedrijfsleven. Deze podcast serie is enerzijds bedoeld om de studenten en docenten van Fontys hogescholen te leren kennen. Anderszijds staan vooral stil bij 'de mens achter' de studenten en docenten van Fontys hogescholen. Deze podcast serie is een ini ...
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Welcome to Airrion Fontenots podcast we’re amazing stuff can happen.
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Welcome to the Rich Fontaine podcast, where we have a Successful Conversation about how to become successful and what success means to you
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In this podcast I set it up as an interview between me and my mom where she asked me a series of questions and I answered thoroughly.
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Intégrale des Fables de La Fontaine, lues par la troupe de la Comédie-Française. Collection dirigée par Christian Gonon.
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Interviews, Artikel und Recherchen aus der Redaktion des Magazins diefontäne.
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Leon Fontaine lives his life with passion and purpose. With over 30 years in leadership, he is sought-after worldwide as a consultant in business growth, leadership and management.
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Podcast serie van het 'Programma Hybride Leeromgevingen' van Fontys Hogescholen. Hierin werken onderwijsprofessionals van verschillende Fontys instituten en opleidingen samen. Gespreksleider is drs. Ronald Scheer. Ronald is docent Mechatronica bij Fontys hogeschool voor Engineering in Eindhoven. De podcast serie wordt gemaakt namens het Programma Hybride Leeromgevingen, een initiatief van Dienst Onderwijs & Onderzoek van Fontys hogescholen. Programma Hybride Leeromgevingen De samenwerking me ...
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Saint Charles, 4 fountains
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Fontys ICT is an international innovation institute located in the heart of the Brainport and Midpoint region, focusing on ICT, part of the Fontys University of Applied Sciences. With colleagues and students from all around the world, Internationalization is in our DNA. Cross-border collaboration and a global population give shape to our development. In this podcast, we share stories, adventures and experiences from our community. Because these experiences are what makes us who we are!
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Kimi yerin manzarası seni çeker, orada bulunmak iyi gelir, kimi yerler çok popülerdir, gözde mekanlardır ama sen bir an önce kaçmak, uzaklaşmak istersin sebebini bilmeden oradan ayrıldığın anda içine bir huzur gelir. Bu bazen kendi evin, aile fertlerinden birinin bir odası, bir şehir ve hatta ülke için de geçerli olabilir. Peki mekan enerjileri var…
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EP16 - Annie Larouche: Roses FC, jour marquant aux Alouettes & conseil familial
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Dans ce seizième épisode, Olivier reçoit Annie Larouche, présidente des Roses de Montréal. Ils discutent de son parcours, son implication au sein de la nouvelle formation montréalaise, les ambitions du club, la montée en popularité du soccer féminin et bien plus!Di La Commission Athlétique
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Les plantes oblidades
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Aquesta tardor s una tardor prolfica de plantes i bolets als boscos de Catalunya. La pluja n's la responsable. Anem fins a Igualada a aprendre quines sn les plantes que estan ms de moda i quines sn les ms oblidades, per que sn bonssimes per a la salut o la cuina. Tamb ens acostem fins al restaurant Nobu perqu l'especialista en gastronomia japonesa …
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Venciendo Obstaculos
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Send us a text Todos en algún momento confrontamos obstaculos en la vida. Algunos tenemos la valentía de confrontar y otros preferimos quedar en silencio. Recuerda, Dios quiere que vivas en victoria! Support the showDi JC & Elizabeth Fontanez
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Ep.56 - DISASTRO Roma, la bellezza di Inter-Napoli, lo SFOGO di Conte e la FAVOLA Fiorentina-Kean
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Scarica Revolut gratis per ricevere un bonus di benvenuto di €20*: https://get.revolut.com/z4lF/fontana *Si applicano condizioni minime per l’ottenimento del bonus —————————————————— Fontana di Trevi torna a teatro! Clicca qui per i biglietti: · https://www.ticketone.it/artist/fontana-di-trevi/Di Cronache di spogliatoio
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#AlaCartaIB3|No et perdis el programa 13x11 (edició 579) de Font de Misteris! Ja tens disponible un nou capítol de la tretzena temporada per escoltar-lo quan vulguis. En aquesta edició l'eix central han estat els misteris, les llegendes, els miracles i semblants relacionats directament amb el Santuari de Lluc i que no varem contar al programa d'IB3…
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04.08.24 - Ressurreição testemunhada - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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EP15 - Messi moé-ssi! & Mont Rushmore du CF Montréal
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Dans ce quinzième épisode, Olivier et Frédéric reviennent sur l'élimination de Lionel Messi et l'Inter Miami CF aux mains de l'Atlanta United FC, du Mont Rushmore du CF Montréal et du poste de directeur sportif (toujours) vacant chez la formation montréalaise.Di La Commission Athlétique
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De l'Engineering au Leadership spatial, avec Anouk Laborie
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Dans cet épisode, je reçois Anouk Laborie. Anouk est ingénieure de formation, dans ce rôle elle a participé activement à des missions spatiales légendaires comme Gaïa ou encore Sentinel 2. Aujourd'hui elle dirige plus de 600 personnes chez Airbus Defence and Space, et nous raconte avec simplicité et une grande générosité comment on passe de la tech…
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14.07.24 - A caminho do sofrimento - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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07.07.24 - Veredito Rejeitado - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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30.06.24 - Fins e seus meios Parte 2 - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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16.06.24 - Duro golpe - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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23.06.24 - Fins e seus meios - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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21.07.24 - Morte pública - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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28.07.24 - Acaso ou Providência - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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09.06.24 - Circunstâncias sob controle - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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This is a Post 2024 Election Episode. We decided to collaborate, and release this episode on 3 of our shows on the network. You will hear a mix of different styles from each show as we discuss The Trump Effect, Liberals Coping, and the Leftist Meltdowns. We also call out the leftist media and point out that America was never truly behind their grou…
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Bert Boer - onderwijsavond - Geestelijke strijd, Babel versus Jeruzalem
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Bert Boer preekt in deze onderwijsavond over het thema "Babel versus Jeruzalem". Dit is het twede deel in de reeks Geestelijke strijd.Di Vrije Baptistengemeente de Fontein
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Bert Boer preekt over het thema "Bijbels rentmeesterschap" in de reeks over de eerste Korinthe brief n.a.v. 1 Korinthe 4:1,2Di Vrije Baptistengemeente de Fontein
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Novidades do CSS; TikTok investigado no Brasil; IA encontra bug no SQLite; Verificação de segurança com OpenSSF; Rifa do Bing; Bloco de Notas com IA [Compilado #172]
Nesse episódio trouxemos as notícias e novidades do mundo da programação que nos chamaram atenção dos dias 02/11 a 08/11. 📌 Black Friday com até 40% de desconto Depois de experimentar Insider, é impossível voltar atrás. #insiderstore Desbloqueie seu desconto com o cupom CODIGO15 https://codft.me/insider092024 ☕ Que tal um café com desconto? Veroo …
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durée : 00:06:44 - Ces chansons qui font l'actu - par : Bertrand DICALE - Alors qu'on a de soudaines craintes sur les ustensiles de cuisine en plastique noir, constatons qu'il n'y a pas que les océans qui soient pollués : on trouve beaucoup de plastique dans les chansons.Di Bertrand DICALE
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História da igreja – Séculos I ao XV - Lucas Lyra | AULA 06
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Explore a história da Igreja desde o Livro de Atos, conhecendo documentos antigos e livros acadêmicos. Veja o agir de Deus na história, a missão e os propósitos da Igreja, e como essas lições podem impactar a Igreja hoje. Descubra quando surgiu a primeira igreja cristã, quem fazia parte dela, onde se reuniam e como eram os primeiros cultos. Entenda…
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Os últimos dias - Escatologia Bíblica | Renato Carmona - Aula 06
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Descubra o fascinante estudo da escatologia – as profecias sobre os ‘últimos dias’. Veja como a Palavra de Deus revela o futuro e fortaleça sua fé na esperança inabalável do retorno de Jesus Cristo e a consumação de Seu reino. Entenda o que a Bíblia ensina sobre a morte, as realidades do céu e inferno, ressurreições e juízos divinos. Viva com propó…
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Apocalipse: a conclusão da revelação de Deus | Vlademir Hernandes - Aula 06
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Desfrute da promessa de Jesus de ser bem-aventurado ao ler, ouvir e guardar as palavras desta obra que conclui a revelação de Deus. Constate que, mesmo sendo enigmática e de difícil compreensão, a mensagem do Apocalipse traz esperança e fortalece a Fé dos filhos de Deus que anseiam pelo retorno de Jesus e pela nova realidade que será inaugurada no …
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O aconselhamento bíblico nos desvios e problemas sexuais | Oswaldo Carreiro - Aula 06
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Conheça a teologia e os princípios bíblicos relacionados à sexualidade. Entenda os desvios contemporâneos na área sexual e seus problemas consequentes, e aprenda como lidar com essas questões por meio do aconselhamento bíblico, utilizando orientações e procedimentos baseados nas Escrituras.Di Igreja Fonte
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Abraão: uma referência para o cristão de hoje | Marcelo Feltrin - Aula 06
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Abraão é um exemplo inspirador de fé, obediência e relacionamento com Deus.Ao longo deste curso, estudaremos os principais eventos que moldaram a história de Abraão. Refletiremos como sua caminhada com o Senhor nos ensina, considerando como as situações por ele vividas se aproximam de nossas próprias vidas hoje.Este curso é ideal para todos que des…
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Crucial Moments (When The Plan Isn't Working) | Robert Green by Fondren ChurchDi Fondren Church
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In this quick episode of The Digital Design Hub - Discord Geeks, we dive into the basics and advanced tips for styling fonts on Discord. Learn how to use simple Markdown formatting like bold, italics, and strikethroughs, as well as explore fun ways to generate custom fonts for your server. Whether you’re a Discord newbie or a pro looking to spice u…
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durée : 00:06:59 - Ces chansons qui font l'actu - par : Bertrand DICALE - Nos artistes peuvent aimer ou détester l'Amérique : ils n'en saisissent pas toujours toutes les nuances et toutes les singularités. Mais ils sont facilement fascinés...Di Bertrand DICALE
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egtv #372 Trump gewinnt US-Wahl, Buffett verkauft weiter Apple: Was kommt jetzt auf die Börse zu?
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Trump ist zurück im Weißen Haus! Was bedeutet das für die Wirtschaft? ⭐️ Sponsorhinweis: Diese Sendung wird unterstützt durch Scalable Capital. Mehr zum Scalable Capital Broker-Depot mit Trading-Flatrate, inkl. Möglichkeit zur Kontoeröffnung: https://clickbiz.de/ref/egtv-podcast ⚠️ Disclaimer: Keine Anlageberatung oder -empfehlung. Alle Angaben ohn…
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Secrets of Hiring and Managing a Property Manager
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Learn the secrets to hiring and managing a property manager in Fontana. This class is Module 8 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: A small tweak to your mindset around renting your property that will change all aspects of your property management... for the better... to make it easier, to l…
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História da igreja – Séculos I ao XV - Lucas Lyra | AULA 05
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Explore a história da Igreja desde o Livro de Atos, conhecendo documentos antigos e livros acadêmicos. Veja o agir de Deus na história, a missão e os propósitos da Igreja, e como essas lições podem impactar a Igreja hoje. Descubra quando surgiu a primeira igreja cristã, quem fazia parte dela, onde se reuniam e como eram os primeiros cultos. Entenda…
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La cuina del porc
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La cultura culinria del porc ve de lluny. En parlem en una tertlia que vam fer a la Fira de Sant Lluc d'Olot amb Josep Dolcet, de la Confraria del Gras i el Magre; Jordi Fajula, de l'Hostal del Sol d'Olot, i Josep Colom, del Restaurant l'Hostalet dels Hostalets d'en Bas. Des del Gastrorecup que es va fer a Can Roca d'Esponell parlem de com podem ap…
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#AlaCartaIB3|No et perdis el programa 13x10 (edició 578) de Font de Misteris! Ja tens disponible un nou capítol de la tretzena temporada per escoltar-lo quan vulguis. Aquest programa 578 de Font de Misteris l'hem començat parlant d’un succés, tràgic, i que passar a Alfàbia. Ens hem remuntat l'any 1959 i hem conegut el que va passar a un avió DC3 aq…
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A segunda carta a Timóteo, mais do que as últimas palavras conhecidas do apóstolo Paulo, é a comovente exortação de um servo de Deus diante de tempos desafiadores. A solidão da prisão, a iminência da morte, as ameaças ao Evangelho e a natureza vacilante de seu amado discípulo são enfrentadas com uma convocação solene: persevere! Embora milhares de …
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“Echt of nep doet er niet toe, als het maar beter is.” AI roept veel vragen bij ons op, maar vaak nog niet de juiste vragen. Bart Wernaart onderzoekt hoe nieuwe technologie ontworpen kan worden in het belang van de gebruiker. In deze podcast spreekt Erdinç Saçan met Bart Wernaart, Lector moral design strategy en Leading Lector CoE Sustainable and C…
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Formation d'Astronautes et Zero Gravity, avec Laura André-Boyet
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Dans cet épisode, je reçois Laura André-Boyet, ingénieure et formatrice d'astronautes pour l'ESA, et instructrice sur les vols Zéro-G de Novespace. On plonge ensemble dans une mine d’anecdotes passionnantes : la joie d’enseigner, les coulisses de la préparation des astronautes, l’expérience des vols paraboliques, le mystère de l’apesanteur... et mê…
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Ep.55 - Atalanta da scudetto? L’esordio di Balotelli e il futuro di Jurić | Fontana di Trevi
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Scendi in campo con Cronache e AIRC e fai un gol per la ricerca sul cancro. Dona anche tu al link: https://www.airc.it/cronache Fontana di Trevi torna a teatro! Clicca qui per i biglietti: · https://www.ticketone.it/artist/fontana-di-trevi/Di Cronache di spogliatoio
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Nossa Salvação | Enraizados - Lucas Fonseca
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Nossa Salvação | Enraizados - Lucas Fonseca by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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Andai no Espírito | Enraizados - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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Da infância à maturidade | Enraizados - Fernando Leite by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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Por que tenho que participar da Igreja | Visão de Futuro 2040 - Wagner Fonseca by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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EP14 - À quoi rêve le CF Montréal?
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Dans ce quatorzième épisode, Olivier et Frédéric réagissent aux rumeurs entourant le possible déménagement d'une formation de l'Est dans la MLS et répondent à la question suivante: À quoi rêve le CF Montréal?Di La Commission Athlétique
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Abraão: uma referência para o cristão de hoje | Ricardo Cota - Aula 05
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Abraão é um exemplo inspirador de fé, obediência e relacionamento com Deus.Ao longo deste curso, estudaremos os principais eventos que moldaram a história de Abraão. Refletiremos como sua caminhada com o Senhor nos ensina, considerando como as situações por ele vividas se aproximam de nossas próprias vidas hoje.Este curso é ideal para todos que des…
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O aconselhamento bíblico nos desvios e problemas sexuais | Oswaldo Carreiro - Aula 05
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Conheça a teologia e os princípios bíblicos relacionados à sexualidade. Entenda os desvios contemporâneos na área sexual e seus problemas consequentes, e aprenda como lidar com essas questões por meio do aconselhamento bíblico, utilizando orientações e procedimentos baseados nas Escrituras.Di Igreja Fonte
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Nossa Nova Identidade | Enraizados - Nathanael Baldez by Igreja FonteDi Igreja Fonte
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Os últimos dias - Escatologia Bíblica | Nathanael Baldez - Aula 05
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Descubra o fascinante estudo da escatologia – as profecias sobre os ‘últimos dias’. Veja como a Palavra de Deus revela o futuro e fortaleça sua fé na esperança inabalável do retorno de Jesus Cristo e a consumação de Seu reino. Entenda o que a Bíblia ensina sobre a morte, as realidades do céu e inferno, ressurreições e juízos divinos. Viva com propó…
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Apocalipse: a conclusão da revelação de Deus | Vlademir Hernandes - Aula 05
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Desfrute da promessa de Jesus de ser bem-aventurado ao ler, ouvir e guardar as palavras desta obra que conclui a revelação de Deus. Constate que, mesmo sendo enigmática e de difícil compreensão, a mensagem do Apocalipse traz esperança e fortalece a Fé dos filhos de Deus que anseiam pelo retorno de Jesus e pela nova realidade que será inaugurada no …
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Bert Boer preekt over het thema "Samen met verlangen op zoek naar leven in de gemeente" in de reeks over de Korinthe brief n.a.v. 1 Korinthe 3Di Vrije Baptistengemeente de Fontein
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