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show episodes
Monthly Microsoft 365, Teams and Copilot updates for end users, trainers and anyone who needs to keep up with changes affecting end users. These hand-picked highlights are mainly from the admin centre, Microsoft 365 Roadmap (I call these ‘ones to watch’) and Microsoft blogs…thank you to the Microsoft product teams for the information, updates and images they share. I aim to deliver my versions in plain English, in a simplified format and with end-users in mind.
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Talk Microsoft 365

Talk Microsoft 365

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Talk Microsoft 365 ist eine (Video-) / Podcast-Reihe von Michael Plettner und Thorsten Pickhan, die auch als Podcast erscheint und aktuelle Themen aus dem Bereich Microsoft 365 behandelt.
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Andrew Connell, through Voitanos®, his newsletter, and YouTube Channel, helps you be the best Microsoft 365 & Azure full stack developer. This podcast includes exclusive podcast episodes as well as the audio from videos published in our YouTube channel and articles published on our site, delivered straight to your favorite podcasting app!
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In diesem Podcast bekommst du einfach und vor allem direkt umsetzbare Tipps für dein Unternehmen und dein Team, wenn du mit Microsoft 365 in der Cloud produktiv sein willst. Es geht aber nicht nur darum, wie du die Tipps aus der Praxis selber umsetzt, sondern auch darum, wie du den Wechsel zur Arbeit in der Cloud effizient angehen kannst. Das Ganze in kleinen und schmackhaften Happen. Quasi: Wissen on the go!
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The Intrazone is a show about the Microsoft 365 intelligent intranet, taking you into the building blocks of your Microsoft 365 intranet. It's about how SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, Yammer and more fit into your everyday work life – with the goal being to share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork throughout your organization.
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Sync Up is your one-stop shop for all things OneDrive. Join hosts, Stephen Rice and Arvind Mishra, as they shed light on how OneDrive connects you to all of your files in Microsoft and enables you to share and work together from anywhere, and any device! Hear from experts behind the design and development of OneDrive, as well as customers and Microsoft MVPs! Each episode will give you news and announcements, tips and best practices for your OneDrive experience, and some fun and humor!
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Willkommen bei "YourCopilot" – dem Podcast, der hilft, die Künstliche Intelligenz in der Microsoft 365 Welt zu verstehen und produktiv anzuwenden. Der Podcast richtet sich an Anwender, Führungskräfte und Entscheider – kurz, an jeden, der Microsoft Copilot sinnvoll und produktiv in die tägliche Arbeit integrieren möchte. Dabei ist es egal, ob ihr neu in der Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz seid oder bereits Erfahrungen gesammelt habt. Das Motto „Themen, Trends, Tipps, Tricks, Talk“ zeigt, was ...
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M365 Voice is a weekly podcast dedicated to share information with the community about the Microsoft 365 platform that includes Office 365, Windows 10 and EMS. Our podcasts will be 20 minutes each and will cover new features, updates, best practices and other ideas about the platform. We will also host guests from the community and from different Microsoft Product Group members.
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We understand that seamless user adoption of Office 365, Microsoft Teams and SharePoint can prove tricky, with many hurdles to jump before your whole organisation is fully onboard. That’s why we’re creating a series of podcasts focusing on real-life user adoption stories, with schools, academies and businesses just like yours.
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Weekly interviews with Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP). In these episode, MVPs will share their thoughts on any recent changes to Microsoft 365, Office 365, Dynamics 365, Azure, etc. and the impact IT leadership should be aware of, as well as sharing some best practices around total cost of ownership and maturity within your organization. Tuesday at 7:00 AM EST - new episodes released Hosted by Neil McDonnell of SV Mac Pack, Inc. - a Veteran-Owned, HUBZone Certified firm speciali ...
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Wir sind Antje Lamartine und Thomy Gölles oder Adoption & Technik. In diesem Podcast wollen wir unsere Erfahrungen aus zusammen gezählt über 20 Jahren mit Microsoft 365, Office 365 und den Vorgänger Technologien weiter geben. Von Microsoft Teams über SharePoint bis zu PowerApps, Whiteboard und all den anderen Services aus der Suite. Treu unserem Namen wollen wir dabei immer die Blickwinkel Adoption und Technik vereinen.
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MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 have expanded throughout in recent years. But the MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Customer Service Phone Number, sometimes the users face some Customernical issues with it. If you are facing problems with your MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 or MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 account, then fret not! You can establish contact with the expert team of MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 by dialing up the MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Customer Service Phone Number +1 866-688-9269 US/CA and let them solve your issues easily!
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MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 have expanded throughout in recent years. But the MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Customer support Phone Number, sometimes the users face some Customer issues with it. If you are facing problems with your MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 or MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 account, then fret not! You can establish contact with the expert team of MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 by dialing up the MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Customer support Phone Number +1 866-688-9269 US/CA and let them solve your issues easily!
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MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 have expanded throughout in recent years. But the MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Tech Support Phone Number, sometimes the users face some technical issues with it. If you are facing problems with your MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 or MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 account, then fret not! You can establish contact with the expert team of MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 by dialing up the MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Tech Support Phone Number +1 866-760-7833 US/CA and let them solve your issues easily! read less
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📲MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 📲+1800(821)2090 Helpline Number📲 KLKKR24x7 📲MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 HELPLINE 📲+18008212090📲Contact Number📲 KLKKR 📲MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 TECHNICAL 📲+18008212090📲Support Contact Number📲 KLLLR calling about an issue with your MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 TECH support support phone number TV care, the representative will transfer you to the TV MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 TECH support support phone number team. No matter what issue you are calling about, the MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 TECH support a ...
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MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Customer Support +44(808-178-2987)Phone’ Number What Is The MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Customer Support Phone’ Number? What Is The MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Customer Support Phone’ Number? Assuming you are referring to AT&T/MICROSOFT OFFICE 365, the customer Support number is How to Contact MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Customer Support Phone’ Number MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 is a leading provider of telecommunications and internet Supports. They offer a wide range of products and Supports to th ...
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MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Technical Support 1 (866‒688‒9269) Phone’ Number What Is The MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Technical Support Phone’ Number?What Is The SBC Global Technical Support Phone’ Number?Assuming you are referring to AT&T/MICROSOFT OFFICE 365, the customer service number isHow to Contact SBC Global Technical Support Phone’ NumberSBC Global is a leading provider of telecommunications and internet services. They offer a wide range of products and services to their customers, including techn ...
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Number, Helpdesk Number, Technical support phone Number, Technical support Number, Login Issue, Technical support phone Number MICROSOFT OFFICE 365(800)-747-2725ProtonMail, helpline Number, toll free Number, Customer care Number, Technical support Number, Helpdesk Number, Technical support phone Number, Technical support phone Number, Login Issue, Technical support phone Number l Outlook Technical support Number, (800)-747-2725ProtonMail, helpline phone Number, toll free Number, Customer car ...
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MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Support phone Number, 1866‒688‒9269 MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Technical Support phone number helpline phone Number, toll free Number, technical care Number, technical support Number, Helpdesk Number, Technical Support phone Number, Tech Support Number, Login Issue, Technical Support phone Number l MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Support phone Number, 1866‒688‒9269 MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 Technical Support phone number helpline Number, toll free Number, technical care Number, technical supp ...
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MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 PRINTER Support phone Number, 44808‒178‒2987 MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 PRINTER Technical Support phone number helpline phone Number, toll free Number, technical care Number, technical support Number, Helpdesk Number, Technical Support phone Number, Technical Support Number, Login Issue, Technical Support phone Number l MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 PRINTER Support phone Number, 44808‒178‒2987 MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 PRINTER Technical Support phone number helpline Number, toll free Number ...
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show series
For Episode 8 of the Guardians of M365 Governance monthly webcast, Ragnar Heil (@ragnarh), Joy Apple (@JoyOfSharePoint) and I were sorry that our planned guest, Sharon Weaver, was unable to join us this month for health reasons, but we’ll be sure to add her back into the schedule soon. While we did not get to hear Sharon’s perspective as a Core Tea…
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WATCH ▶️ Watch this episode on YouTube ********** EPISODE DESCRIPTION Learn what I found while picking apart the latest SharePoint Framework (SPFx) release, v1.20. There's not much in this release, but enough worth covering. Get any links, images, and resources mentioned in this episode in the associated article and YouTube video. If you enjoyed th…
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Heute geht es um die Buchung von Sitzplätzen, Räumen & Ressourcen im Unternehmen. Chris Bieri von Seatti ist zu Gast bei uns und stellt uns einmal die App vor. Was kann sie, für wen ist diese interessant und wie kann es den Alltag im Unternehmen erleichtern? Shownotes Microsoft PlacesSeattiSeatti: Übersicht | LinkedInSeatti ( • Instagram…
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September 2024 brought a few nice updates and some key disclosures—SharePoint Brand center, Copilot in OneDrive (GA), Copilot in SharePoint: Text web part, Microsoft 365 Copilot: Wave 2 news, Bing Generative Search news, Microsoft Delve retirement, Microsoft AI Tour Live updates, completion of the Microsoft Loop Learning Series, and more. Read this…
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(Disclaimer: erstellt mit Chat GPT) Hallo liebe Community! 😊 Michael und Thorsten begrüßen euch zur besonderen Episode – wir sind LIVE auf der M365 Summit und haben sogar Publikum dabei! 👏👏👏 Außerdem zu Gast: Christoph, unser Loop-Spezialist und Träger der roten Kappe . 💬 Themen der Folge: • 🌀 Schleifen, Schleifen, Schleifen – Christoph erzählt von…
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Welcome to our ninth roundup of 2024. We look back at what was announced, released and delayed across Microsoft 365 and Copilot in September. 00:42 Copilot 01:30 Forms 02:20 OneDrive 03:03 SharePoint 04:00 Teams 10:55 Around Microsoft 365 and star of the month 📩 Sign up to be the first to hear about updates: Get ‘What’s new in Microsoft 365 and Tea…
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In this episode of the Sync Up Podcast, hosts Stephen Rice and Arvind Mishra dive into the design of Copilot in OneDrive with special guest Ben Truelove, a veteran designer at Microsoft. Ben shares insights from his 27-year journey at Microsoft, including how the team designed and iterated to deliver the best Copilot experience to our customers. Tu…
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Mein Higlhights des Microsoft 365 Copilot Wave 2 Events : Copilot Pages: Diese Funktion adressiert das Problem der Speicherung und gemeinsamen Nutzung von Ergebnissen aus dem Biz Chat. Sie ermöglicht das Erstellen von Seiten in einer SharePoint-Bibliothek, die Loop-Komponenten enthalten und mit anderen geteilt werden können, um die Zusammenarbeit z…
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Neuer Monat, neue Updates! Unsere Microsoft Evergreen Folge im September ist am Start. Es gibt wieder vieles zu entdecken und neues zu berichten. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören! Shownotes OneNote’s new Sticky Notes feature for Windows receives update - Microsoft Community HubIntroducing Drag and Drop to Reorder Items in Microsoft Lists - Microsoft Communit…
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(Disclaimer: erstellt mit Chat GPT) Hallo liebe Community! 😊 In dieser Episode haben sich Michael und Thorsten was ganz Besonderes gegönnt: neue Mikrofonarme! 🎤 Aber der echte Clou ist, dass sie live und in Farbe auf dem M365 Summit zusammen podcasten – wie cool ist das denn? 😎 💼 SysAdmin Day Leipzig wurde auch erwähnt – also Kalender raus, Leute! …
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Time to get Loop'y. This episode is your Microsoft Loop 101 audio course. It's a mix of foundational insights and a full 80-minutes of Q&A from an AMA four Loop product makers: Patrick Gan, Manon Knoertzer, Derek Liddell, and Dan Costenaro. They take and answer a ton of audience questions during a recent ask Microsoft anything, AMA. They covered to…
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Heute widmen wir uns dem Thema der Zusammenarbeit in Listen, Bibliotheken & Dokumenten in SharePoint bzw. der Microsoft 365 Welt. Welche Vorteile hat das Co-Authoring, welche Herausforderungen gibt es und wie wichtig sind die Metadaten dabei? Markus liefert euch heute die Antworten. Shwonotes Zuweisen von Aufgaben in freigegebenen Listen - Microsof…
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Wir feiern Microsoft Teams! Als unsere zentrale Anlaufstelle für die Zusammenarbeit ist es für uns nicht mehr wegzudenken. Wie auch du darin arbeiten kannst, was es alles bietet und welche Besprechungsvarianten es gibt erfährst du heute in nuboRadio. Shownotes Teilnehmen an einer Versammlung in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft-SupportWelche Kanaltypen g…
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(Disclaimer: erstellt mit Chat GPT) Hallo liebe Community! 😊 In dieser Episode von Talk Microsoft 365 ist das Chaos vorprogrammiert – sei es durch den Straßenverkehr 🚗, technische Pannen oder das allgegenwärtige Thema “Moments of Lackfass” (was das wohl bedeutet?) 🤯. Michael und Thorsten geben uns eine humorvolle Reise durch die neuesten Herausford…
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Interview mit Adrian Bombelka Bei all der Zusammenarbeit, die wir täglich haben, darf die Selbstorganisation auf keinen Fall fehlen, denn wenn diese gegeben ist, kann die Zusammenarbeit umso besser funktionieren. Heute zu Gast wieder Adrian Bombelka, der uns einen Einblick in das Thema Selbstorganisation gibt und was es alles Wissenswertes darüber …
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WATCH ▶️ Watch this episode on YouTube ********** EPISODE DESCRIPTION Learn how to transition from Office 365 Connectors to Microsoft Teams Bots for better security, management, and enhanced capabilities in your Teams channels. Get any links, images, and resources mentioned in this episode in the associated article and YouTube video. If you enjoyed…
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Die Themen: Microsoft 365 Copilot: Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen des Microsoft 365 Copilot einschließlich der Integration in OneDrive, SharePoint, Outlook und Microsoft Stream. Veranstaltungen und Ankündigungen: bevorstehende Veranstaltungen und Ankündigungen, darunter der Microsoft 365 Copilot Wave 2 Event und die Microsoft AI Tour 2024. Communit…
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WATCH ▶️ Watch this episode on YouTube ********** EPISODE DESCRIPTION Learn how to validate OAuth tokens generated by Microsoft Entra ID for securing custom apps or APIs - focus on verifying token authenticity and various claims. Get any links, images, and resources mentioned in this episode in the associated article and YouTube video. If you enjoy…
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WATCH ▶️ Watch this episode on YouTube ********** EPISODE DESCRIPTION Learn how to optimize SharePoint Framework web parts using code splitting techniques with Webpack magic comments for improved performance. Get any links, images, and resources mentioned in this episode in the associated article and YouTube video. If you enjoyed this episode, you …
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August 2024 brought a slew of updates and information—Microsoft 365 Backup (GA), SharePoint: A new Start experience, SharePoint: New Banner web part, Stream Playlist card on Viva Connections dashboard, Viva Amplify: Video templates, OneDrive: Annotate PDFs (text boxes), Microsoft Lists: Row reorder, Clipchamp: Image background removal, Microsoft Lo…
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Unser Themenmonat zum Tag der Zusammenarbeit im Septemeber Im September ist wieder der Tag der Zusammenarbeit und was wäre das passender, als den September unter dem Motto: Gemeinsames Arbeiten zu setzen? Deshalb starten wir heute mit dem Thema Gemeinsam arbeiten in SharePoint. Außerdem erwartet dich in diesem Monat noch das Interview mit Adrian Bo…
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In this latest episode, Christian Buckley (@buckleyplanet) and Ragnar Heil (@ragnarh) welcome fellow MVP and new co-host Joy Apple (@joyofsharepoint) to the #GoM365gov team! Join us in this insightful episode, "Governance War Stories from the Field," as we dive into the real-world experiences of managing Microsoft 365 governance. We'll explore both…
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Interview mit Roland Schwarz Endlich wieder eine Excel Episode nur für dich! Roland Schwarz unser Excel Experte ist heute wieder am Start und hat das Thema Excel Diagramme mit gebracht. Welche Arten gibt es, wo werden sie eingesetzt und wie genau funktioniert das? Das alles erfährst du heute in nuboRadio. Shownotes solusis kontakt und portal…
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(Disclaimer: erstellt mit Chat GPT) Hallo liebe Community! 😊 In dieser Episode von Talk Microsoft 365 geht’s heiß her! 🔥 Michael und Thorsten haben sich Verstärkung geholt: René und Daniel von “M365 im Alltag” sind am Start! Direkt von den SysAdmin Days in Leipzig plaudern sie über Microsoft 365, neue Features und die täglichen Herausforderungen im…
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Interview mit Dominik Zumstrull von Olbricht IT Hast du schon mal Daten verloren? Dann weißt du ja wie wichtig und lebensrettend ein Backup sein kann. Heute im Interview Dominik Zumstrull von Olbricht IT über die Notwendigkeit eines Backups, Lösungen von Microsoft und Drittanbietern. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören. Shownotes Willkommen bei Microsoft Inspir…
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Back up your data with confidence. Microsoft 365 Backup offers lightning-fast restorability, ensuring business continuity. On this episode, guest host, Brad Gussin from the SharePoint engineering team, provides an overview of the core offering. You'll then hear an interview with our valued partner, Karinne Bessette from Veeam, about the Veeam Data …
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Auch im August stellen wir dir unsere favorisierten Neuerungen rund um Microsoft 365 vor. Es gibt wieder vieles zu entdecken, das uns den Arbeitsalltag erleichtert. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören. Shownotes Summer updates for SharePoint Premium including Autofill, Graph APIs, promo extensions, and more! - Microsoft Community HubOverview of autofill columns…
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Microsoft 365 Backup is your in-place solution for lightning-fast restorability, ensuring business continuity. On this episode, guest host Brad Gussin from the SharePoint engineering team provides an overview of the core offering. You'll then hear an interview with our valued partner, Brad Kirby from Commvault, about their integration of Commvault …
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In this episode Jeremy Thake catches up with Andrew Connell to talk about SharePoint Embedded. Microsoft official pages: SharePoint Embedded Overview | Microsoft Learn SharePoint Embedded – Microsoft Adoption Andrew's deep dive articles: SharePoint Embedded - overview and example scenarios Zero to Hero: Complete Tutorial on Building SharePoint Embe…
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Datenklassifizierung im Unternehmen Sind deine Daten im Unternehmen auch kategorisiert bzw. klassifiziert? Weißt du überhaupt was das ist und warum es im Unternehmen sinnvoll sein könnte? Markus bringt Licht ins Dunkle und hat für dich die wichtigsten Infos zum Thema. Shownotes Einführung in die Datenklassifizierung und den Datenschutz von Microsof…
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(Disclaimer: erstellt mit Chat GPT) Hallo liebe Community! 😊 Es ist wieder soweit – wir heißen euch herzlich willkommen zu einer brandneuen Folge unseres Podcasts Talk Microsoft 365! Wir sind voller Vorfreude, euch auf eine spannende Reise durch die neuesten Updates und Insider-Infos rund um Microsoft 365 mitzunehmen. Themen dieser Folge SysAdmin D…
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As we continue our series on Copilot, we are delighted to hist Michelle Gilbert, Principal Cloud Solution Architect with Copilot at Microsoft. She shared with us her journey and experience with clients, how she approaches Copilot project implementation, adoption and change management, governance, Technical and Security Readiness, and her personal u…
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July 2024 brought some great new offerings—New SharePoint content pane, co-authoring in SharePoint, OneDrive: Additional file types to filter, OneDrive: Updated shared folder experience, new Copilot in Planner (preview), the 2024 release wave 2 plans for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, details about how to enter the Deadpool Xbox giveaway sweepsta…
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In this podcast, we speak with Microsoft’s Anoo Padte – the product leader for Reading Coach – about how artificial intelligence is helping create personalised learning experiences and combat poor reading literacy. Find out more: ----------------------------…
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Wie wichtig sind E-Mail Signaturen? Welche Möglichkeiten zum Erstellen gibt es mit Microsoft und was ist CodeTwo? Wir schauen uns heute dieses Thema an und zeigen dir was für Varianten es gibt und wie du schnell und einfach eine Signatur erstellen kannst. Shownotes Software für E-Mail-Signaturverwaltung in Office 365 | CodeTwoMarkenkonformität mit …
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Curious about how user research shapes OneDrive? In this episode of Sync Up, Stephen Rice, Arvind Mishra, and Rachel Hungerford dive into the world of UX research! Discover how the team gathers insights to improve your OneDrive experience, from Home to Sharing to much more! Research is key to how we learn and evolve the product to meet our users' n…
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Links: PNP prompt Library auf Github Copilot Success Kit Konferenzen Community Discounts Community-Angebote Community Meetups / User Groups Termine Michael Greth…
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WATCH ▶️ Watch this episode on YouTube ********** EPISODE DESCRIPTION Learn about a feature that's been in Microsoft Graph for a very long time. But it's always surprising to me how many people aren't aware of it. Get any links, images, and resources mentioned in this episode in the associated article and YouTube video. If you enjoyed this episode,…
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In this episode Jeremy Thake talks to Joey Glocke about Custom engine copilots in Microsoft 365. Joey was on the show this time last year to talk about Teams AI Library. In this show he talks about how this has evolved with all the announcements from Build 2024. He talks to how these show up in Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 Copilot. He is share…
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Praxisbericht: Copilot in Unternehmen einführen Bereits seit November ist Microsoft Copilot für die Allgemeinheit verfügbar. Mit einigen Schwächen in der Nutzerfreundlichkeit zu Beginn, lässt sich jetzt so langsam Copilot in den Arbeitsalltag integrieren. In der heutigen Folge möchten wir euch nicht wie x andere Personen sagen, wie toll Copilot doc…
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(Disclaimer: erstellt mit Chat GPT) 🎉 Herzlich willkommen zur neuesten Episode von Talk Microsoft 365! 🎉 In dieser Folge: • Elon strikes again! 🐦 Michael und Thorsten sind von X (ehemals Twitter) abgeschnitten. Aber keine Sorge, ihr findet uns auf YouTube und LinkedIn! 📺🔗 • MVP-Glückwünsche! 🎉 Thorsten und Michael sind weiterhin MVPs! Freut euch mi…
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This episode is like a gift to your future work "comms pro" personality. All the heartache of manual copy/pasting into various internal distribution channels will fade away. And what shines through? The ability to communicate like a pro with the broadest reach and impact for your internal news and campaigns - big or small. We talk with Liz Sundet (…
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