The Society of St. Pius X is an international priestly society of common life without vows, whose purpose is the priesthood and that which pertains to it. The main goal of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X is to preserve the Catholic faith in its fullness and purity, to teach its truths, and to diffuse its virtues. Authentic spiritual life, the sacraments, and the traditional liturgy are its primary means of bringing this life of grace to souls.
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Country sports, Hunting, Deer Stalking, Environment and equipment discussions, chat and reviews mainly UK but will explore what effects us hunter worldwide
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Jason A. Churchill, Joe Doyle, and Jeremy Booth tackle all things baseball, all year round.
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Šv. Pijaus X kunigų brolija (lotyniškai, Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Pii Decimi, FSSPX) yra tarptautinė Romos Katalikų Bažnyčios kongregacija, kurios svarbiausias tikslas yra ugdyti ir rengti šventus kunigus. Tie kunigai vėliau siunčiami į pasaulį kaip MISIONIERIAI tam, kad skleistų ir stiprintų tradicinį katalikų tikėjimą ir padėtų sieloms šiais sudėtingais ir neramiais laikais, prasidėjusiais Bažnyčioje po Vatikano II Susirinkimo.
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'Thanks to the elevated status of His sacred Humanity, which Our Lady cradles in her arms, Our Lord is King of all creation... Even the Angels owe their beatitude to Our Lord's Humanity, which is the First of all creatures, something that surpasses in holiness and power even that of the highest Angel: Human flesh and blood... that is why the Angels…
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St Anthony's Church Whanganui Centenary Sermon by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains the reality of how God works in preparing us for the Messiah; as shown clearly in the life and faith of Abraham; our father in the faith. This gives us greater hope and joy.Di FSSPX
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"Here lies the essential truth and reality of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception ..." Fr. John BruccianiDi FSSPX
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"We can talk about the eminent dignity of the human race because Our Lord, in His Incarnation, has raised humanity to the rank of the divine." Fr John BruccianiDi FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains what is meant by the teaching of the Immaculate conception, while giving us insight as to its importance and how we can profit from this unique give of God given to Our Lady.Di FSSPX
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Child’s Play - Immaculate Conception | Fr Patrick Kimball | 241208.m4a by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Catholic Church teacher of mankind by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Rushing & Waiting : I Advent | Fr Patrick Kimball | 241201 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Adult Catechism given atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPXDi FSSPX
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Anniversary of the 1974 Declaration - Fr Daniel Themann by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Life & death | Fr Patrick Kimball | 241124.m4a by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Sense of Humor | Fr Patrick Kimball | 241117 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains how it is the Church by creating a shift in the hearts and minds of men, transformed the world giving us true civilization, counter the modern day myths about life and progress.Di FSSPX
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25th Sunday After Pentecost - Fr Marcel Ockerse by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk shows it is the Church that lead the world out of dark times in human history and how in imitating the wisdom of the Church we can make use of that same reality to that in our times today.Di FSSPX
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Adult Catechism given atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPXDi FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains for us the dangers of making peace with a false conscience and how to be aware of this danger and the importance of combating it.Di FSSPX
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Thy Kingdom Come : XXIII Pent | Fr Patrick Kimball | 241027 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Thermal rifle scopes whats their limitations are they safer than digital NV and day glass Catch us on Youtube : Our Websites where we post news and Reviews : email: more about DMNRO's @ Theme 1: Enhancing the Natural Environment - Managing deer for climat…
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Conference 02 - 3 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Conference 03 - 3 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Conference 02 - 1 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Conference 03 - 1 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Conference 02 - 2 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Conference 03 - 2 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Conference 04 - 1 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Conference 04 - 2 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Loneliness : XXII Pent | Fr Patrick Kimball | 241020 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk takes powerful biblical historical realities in order to give us the Catholic perspective on present realities that we are witnessing to help guide us through the present perilous time.Di FSSPX
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Sermon by Fr John Brucciani for the month of the Most Holy RosaryDi FSSPX
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This Sunday was also the feast of St. Edward the Confessor.Di FSSPX
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Antidote to Bitterness : XXI Pent | Fr Patrick Kimball | 241013 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk helps us to see the power of God at work amidst the surrounding madness so that we can clearly have the proper Catholic perspective on what is happening in the present moment in the world.Di FSSPX
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Doing God's Will Our Own Way by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains the theological reality of the angels and its practical application to our daily lives.Di FSSPX
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Sermon on the importance of gratitude for the gifts we receive. By Fr. John Brucciani.Di FSSPX
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Sermon on the patronal feast of the Church of St. Michael Archangel and St. Michael's School, Burghclere. By Fr. John Brucciani.Di FSSPX
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50th Anniversary of the SSPX Sisters - Fr Daniel Themann by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains the wisdom of God in sending us sorrows, sickness and trials as being part of his plan for our transformation in grace and glory.Di FSSPX
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Sermon by Fr. John Brucciani on the 16th Sunday after Pentecost (commemoration of the Nativity of Our LadyDi FSSPX
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Sermon by Fr. John Brucciani on feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary (17th Sunday after Pentecost).Di FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains what it actually means to recognise the work of Christ in our lives and how to make the adequate response to the challenges put before us.Di FSSPX
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Fathers’ Day Sermon by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains to us who Pope St. Pius X was and His importance for us of his insight, courage, wisdom and noble example for us in these these perilous times.Di FSSPX
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Sermon on the horror and absurdity of mortal sin.Di FSSPX
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Trap of Despair: XIV Pent | Fr Patrick Kimball | 240825 by FSSPXDi FSSPX
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'No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.' (Matthew 6:24)Di FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains the difference between worldly sorrow and the supernatural sorrow of the faithful Christian and how important it is to help us grow in grace and holiness.Di FSSPX
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