Messages from the Teaching Team at Desiring God.
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Articles from the Teaching Team at Desiring God.
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Messages from the Teaching Team at Desiring God.
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Messages from the ministry of John Piper.
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Media : Audio and Podcasts
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Audio Series from the ministry of John Piper.
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Greg Morse | Young man, do you feel an urgency to be fruitful in ministry? If so, cultivate deep roots. Holiness and happiness in God precede lasting fruitfulness for God.Di Greg Morse
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Chipper churches leave no lasting impression on the world. The greatest gift we have to give is indomitable joy in Jesus in the midst of suffering and sorrow.Di John Piper
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March 2, 2025 Great Grace Acts 4:32-5:11 Jacob Smith preaching, Acts Series: The Acts of the Risen King Jesus Click here to listenDi Taylor Allen
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John Piper | Chipper churches leave no lasting impression on the world. The greatest gift we have to give is indomitable joy in Jesus in the midst of suffering and sorrow.Di John Piper
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Chipper churches leave no lasting impression on the world. The greatest gift we have to give is indomitable joy in Jesus in the midst of suffering and sorrow.Di John Piper
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David Mathis | God made men and women with both obvious and subtle differences — and these are features, not bugs. God delights in his good design, and invites us to do the same.Di David Mathis
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Greg Morse | When King Jesus issued his Great Commission to go, the command was neither easy nor optional. Has your Christianity been too quiet?Di Greg Morse
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February 23, 2025 Cursed Is the Man Who Trusts in Man; Blessed Is the Man Who Trusts in the Lord Jeremiah 16-20 Coty Pinckney preaching, Jeremiah Series: The Word of Life, the Word of Judgment Click here to listenDi Taylor Allen
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David Mathis | What role does your physical body play in the fight for spiritual joy? Sleep, diet, and exercise are friends, not foes, if we use them rightly.Di David Mathis
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However long we serve Christ, we can look back and say, “My King has done me no wrong.” John Piper encourages a friend after four decades in ministry.Di John Piper
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Scott Hubbard | Sometimes, the solution to our spiritual struggles is less spiritual than we thought. God’s world, and not just his word, may hold the remedy we need.Di Scott Hubbard
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In a world where everyone will live forever somewhere, Christians have the best possible news: through Jesus, we escape eternal misery and enter eternal ecstasy.Di John Piper
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February 16, 2025 The Head and Heart of Spirit-led Worship 2 Samuel 6:12–23; Romans 12:11 Wil Hester preaching, Click here to listen (audio incomplete)Di Taylor Allen
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The wrath of God is real, but so is the hope that, in Christ, God has not destined us for wrath but to obtain everlasting salvation.Di John Piper
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Greg Morse | The pastorate is a manly vocation — one that no man should do alone. Pastors need the Spirit of courage, power, love, and self-control.Di Greg Morse
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David Mathis | “More blessed to give than to receive.” These simple words from Jesus can transform burdensome requests into happy opportunities to get more from God as we give to others.Di David Mathis
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February 9, 2025 Boldly God-dependent for Gospel Boldness and Gospel Power Acts 4:23-31 Jacob Smith preaching, Acts Series: The Acts of the Risen King Jesus Click here to listenDi Taylor Allen
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What has fostered half a century of friendship between John Piper and Wayne Grudem? A common allergy to theological Jell-O and a love for God-given truth.Di John Piper
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Greg Morse | The miserable Christian is a billboard for Satan. If those who know God toil on, sorrowful and never rejoicing, God appears a very poor treasure indeed.Di Greg Morse
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February 2, 2025 The Redeemer Brings Revival and Rejection Acts 3:11-4:22 Jacob Smith preaching, Acts Series: The Acts of the Risen King Jesus Click here to listenDi Taylor Allen
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John Piper | The enemies to our joy in God are many, but so are the weapons he has given for the fight — including his promise to help us prevail.Di John Piper
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David Mathis | God may make believers in a moment, but he makes preachers over a lifetime. If you desire to preach, but doubt your present ability, envision the long arc, and seek to make progress over decades.Di David Mathis
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John Piper | When the people of God gladly sing of his riches together, the saints mature, Satan retreats, and the word of Christ goes forth.Di John Piper
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January 26, 2025 Idolatry or Koinonia 1 John 5:21 Coty Pinckney preaching, Series: The Image of God and the Sanctity of Human Life Click here to listenDi Taylor Allen
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Brothers, if we are going to do good — lasting good — to our churches, then we must preach and lead and counsel and serve in the strength that God supplies.Di John Piper
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Brothers, if we are going to do good — lasting good — to our churches, then we must preach and lead and counsel and serve in the strength that God supplies.Di John Piper
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John Piper | Brothers, if we are going to do good — lasting good — to our churches, then we must preach and lead and counsel and serve in the strength that God supplies.Di John Piper
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Greg Morse | When it comes to getting married, Martin Luther does not mince words: “Stop thinking about it and go to it right merrily.” Young men, God helping you, find a wife.Di Greg Morse
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January 19, 2025 Welcomed and Welcoming: The Church Affirms the Sanctity of Life Romans 15:1-7 Michael Cole preaching, Series: The Image of God and the Sanctity of Human Life Click here to listenDi Taylor Allen
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David Mathis | In this fallen world, expect suffering and sorrows. But also know that, in Christ, they are limited, designed, and rewarded by a kind and gracious God.Di David Mathis
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January 12, 2025 Idolatry and the Great Objectification of Man Acts 3:1-10 Jacob Smith preaching, Series: The Image of God and the Sanctity of Human Life Click here to listenDi Taylor Allen
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David Mathis | Our God is a great King, whom we approach with awe. And he is our Father, whom we run to with confidence. How does Christian prayer balance this paradox?Di David Mathis
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David Mathis | As pastors, our first priority each day is not to serve God, help his people, or engage in other ministry, but to get our soul happy in God.Di David Mathis
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If God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him, then we are not merely permitted to pursue our joy in God. We must.Di John Piper
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Marshall Segal | God is looking for people who pray to him in need and in plenty, in the wilderness and in paradise, in desperate dependence and in adoring delight.Di Marshall Segal
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January 5, 2025 Freedom to Serve the Lord Exodus 34:6–9; Romans 6:12–23 I’John Gatewood preaching, Series: The Image of God and the Sanctity of Human Life Click here to listenDi Taylor Allen
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Scott Hubbard | In a world of urgent needs, urgent demands, and urgent responsibilities, one priority is more urgent than them all: prayer.Di Scott Hubbard
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David Mathis | Do you want God to look good in your life? Then heed his invitation to find your deepest hunger, deepest thirst, and deepest longings satisfied in him.Di David Mathis
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Greg Morse | Our God is not just a hearing God, nor even an answering God, but a God able to do infinitely above the tallest ask. This year, pray to this God.Di Greg Morse
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Scott Hubbard | Unless we keep our hearts with all vigilance, they won’t be kept. So, on the cusp of a new year, how warm is your heart toward Jesus?Di Scott Hubbard
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December 29, 2024 Jesus Came to Establish His Church Acts 2:41-47 Jacob Smith preaching, Acts Series: The Acts of the Risen King Jesus Click here to listenDi Taylor Allen
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Greg Morse | In an age that suppresses God’s design for men and women, what does it mean to act like a man?Di Greg Morse
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