The War and Treaty’s Michael and Tanya Trotter grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and Washington, DC, respectively, but both have family roots in the South. They also grew up in the musical traditions of their churches – Tanya in the Black Baptist Church and Michael in the Seventh Day Adventist Church – where they learned the power of song to move people. After becoming a father at a very young age, Michael eventually joined the armed forces and served in Iraq and Germany, where he took up songwriting as a way of dealing with his experiences there. Meanwhile Tanya embarked on a singing and acting career after a breakthrough appearance in Sister Act 2 alongside Whoopi Goldberg and Lauryn Hill. Now, after a long and sometimes traumatic journey, Michael and Tanya are married, touring, winning all sorts of awards, and set to release their fifth album together, and their fourth as The War and Treaty. Sid talks to Michael and Tanya about the new record, Plus One , as well as their collaboration with Miranda Lambert, what it was like to record at FAME studios in Muscle Shoals, and how they’re blending country, soul, gospel, and R&B. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
Yyyhg tutu gt
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Lyt med til vores nye podcast ‘Ny på GHG’, hvor Alberte, Emilie og Thomas fortæller om deres egne erfaringer og giver gode råd videre til de nye 1. g’ere.
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Conversations at the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute: A podcast series with Don Bain, Michael Gillenwater, and their guests. Listen in as they discuss the latest news, policy, and note-worthy events impacting carbon management. Topics touch on sustainability, carbon footprinting, life cycle assessment, and green business. These are the informal but important conversations we’re having inside the Institute.
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Denne sidste episode er til GHG’s 3.g’ere og derfor har podcast-redaktionen et nyt medlem: Jacob fra 3.h der er vært sammen med Alberte og Emilie i denne episode. De tre værter reflekterer over, hvordan det er at være nået til allersidste torsdag inden sidste skoledag. Så venter kun eksamener, studentertid og et definitivt farvel til gymnasietiden.…
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I denne første episode af GHG's podcast 'Ny på GHG' taler de tre værter om den første tid er på gymnasiet. Hør om introperioden og få gode råd til en god gymnasiestart.Di GHG
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I denne sidste episode i podcasten ’Ny på GHG’ sætter de tre værter fokus på overgangen fra grundforløbsklasse til studieretningsklasse. Hør med og få overvejelser og gode råd med på vejen til starten i jeres nye klasserDi GHG
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I denne episode taler vores tre værter om, hvordan de selv oplever den perfekthedskultur, som der tales meget om blandt unge i dag. I podcasten får værter besøg af Anna Bjerre, der er psykolog og formand for foreningen og beskæftiger sig med unge, perfekthedskultur og mistrivsel på daglig basis.…
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I denne episode taler værterne om valg af studieretningpræsentationsdage og valg af studieretning. De har også inviteret gæster i studiet til at tale om emnet og svarer på spørgsmål fra brevkassen i slutningen af podcasten.Di GHG
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Don Bain and Michael Gillenwater are joined by Mr. Philip Gass, International Institute for Sustainable Development. Philip reflects on Carbon Policy in Canada after COP21 in Paris. This conversation was recorded in Seoul, Korea.Di GHG and Carbon Management
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Michael Gillenwater is just back from COP-21 in Paris. Don Bain followed the agreement from afar. Listen in on their discussion of first impressions. Look for more detailed analysis in future episodes.Read the agreement for yourself at Check out the excellent coverage of the event and devel…
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A tax on greenhouse gas emissions, a.k.a. carbon tax, is one policy mechanism for addressing climate change. The Canadian Province of British Columbia implemented a carbon tax in 2008 and reports of experience with it are now in papers and the press. Don Bain and Michael Gillenwater discuss the tax and some of the lessons learned. Michael points ou…
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Don Bain and Michael Gillenwater respond to posted comments and emails from you. We are very grateful to our listeners for taking the time to contact us. We want to hear from you. Please email podcast@ghginstitute.orgDi GHG and Carbon Management
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Get ready! The Greenhouse Gas Accounting Standards Council, GHG-ASC, is coming. Don and Michael go over the features of an exciting new organization dedicated to recognizing leading GHG accounting practice in companies. Recorded 1 April 2015, a formal announcement will come after details are finalized and key positions filled. Email podcast@ghginst…
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Don Bain and Michael Gillenwater discuss a personal carbon dilemma – should I fly or should I drive? A recent trip prompted Don to try 5 different on-line carbon calculators for air travel when trying to compare the carbon intensity of airline travel versus travel by auto. The carbon calculators gave surprisingly different results for the same air …
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