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show episodes
Dopo il grande successo della prima edizione, torna la caccia al tesoro via podcast più attesa di sempre. In palio di nuovo, la possibilità di entrare a vita gratis a Lucca Comics and Games. Se l'anno scorso era difficile, quest'anno è praticamente impossibile. Accettate la sfida?
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show series
Ci siamo. È l'ultimo sforzo. Dopo gli ultimi enigmi e quello di puntata, in questo episodio è contenuto anche l'enigma di serie, quello che vi darà la parola finale della caccia al tesoro. Se finora avete lavorato in gruppo, è il momento di andare ognun per se. Siete pronti allo sprint finale per il Golden Pass? See for priv…
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Lucca Comics and Games si avvicina, così come si avvicina anche il momento in cui scopriremo chi avrà vinto il Golden Pass, la possibilità di entrare gratis per tutta la vita al festival del fumetto, dei giochi, dell'animazione più grande d'Europa. Altri cinque enigmi più quello di puntata. Si torna alle parole. Ultimi sforzi. Mollerete proprio ora…
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Siamo a metà della gara e, come da tradizione, si cambia. Questa volta le risposte dei cinque enigmi saranno numeri, ma la soluzione di puntata continuerà ad essere una parola. Riuscirai a trovarla o ti arrenderai come già hanno fatto in tanti prima di te? La scelta è solo tua: golden pass o niente? See for privacy informati…
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La prima puntata ha già tolto dalla competizione molti concorrenti e adesso arriva una nuova puntata, ancora più difficile. Il bottino fa gola a molti, ma sarai tu la persona che ci metterà le mani? Per riuscirci, devi superare questi cinque enigmi e poi l'enigma di puntata. Ce la farai? See for privacy information.…
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La nuova caccia al tesoro ha inizio. Cinque enigmi per cinque parole, che poi diventano una sola attraverso l'enigma di puntata. Questa volta c'è anche un enigma impossibile. Riuscirete a risolverli tutti e a muovere il primo passo verso l'ambitissimo Golden Pass? See for privacy information.…
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This episode of Take As Needed is called "Letting It Slide" cause for much too long, we haven't let certain things slide as a society. And now we do, but there's still much work to be done. Like for example... streaming this here episode. So let's remind ourselves everyday, starting right before you hit play on this, to LET IT SLIDE. Thank you and …
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Jimmy's back and locked in, away from any and all distractions. But we are here to talk about a certain curse. And no, it ain't the New York Knicks. It's something scarier, and apparently hereditary. Let's just say "like father, like son." It's time to play an interesting (and absolutely out of pocket) game of catch up with this return episode of T…
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Featuring Eric Gomes from Reel Hungry, him and Jimmy ask the question: What ever happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. The two also discuss recent UFO sightings, why Elon could be the antichrist, dating on the internet, FB groups being used for background checks and much more.
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Take As Needed make it's return after a long seasonal depression, featuring Jimmy's pals and business partners - Big Frank, Atto Pilot and Don. The FTAF give their updates and talk about cleansing your life of toxicity (and porn), the art of minding your business and more. Also, Jimmy calls in his mom to get her thoughts on women who expect men to …
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Ci siamo! Lucca Comics and Games è ormai alle porte e la nostra lunga caccia al tesoro è giunta alla fine! In questo episodio, gli ultimi cinque enigmi che poi diventano una unica soluzione attraverso l’enigma di puntata. Poi l'enigma finale e le istruzioni per inviare la vostra ipotesi. Infine, una sorpresa finale. Chi sarà a mettere le mani sull'…
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Queridos, volto com um episódio relâmpago, falo do novo nome, do meu espanto quando vi que tenho mais de 3.000 seguidores aqui e de uma compilação de episódios históricos que vou compartilhar nas redes em breve. Os links que menciono no áudio: Newsletter - Casos Reais de Design -…
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Siamo giunti alla penultima tappa della caccia al tesoro. Ancora cinque enigmi che poi, come al solito, diventano una unica soluzione attraverso l’enigma di puntata. Se riuscirete a risolverli tutti, sarete quasi arrivati a mettere le mani sul Golden Pass per Lucca Comics and Games. See for privacy information.…
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Seconda tappa della caccia al tesoro. Altri cinque enigmi per altre cinque parole, che poi diventano una sola soluzione attraverso l’enigma di puntata. Se riuscirete a risolverli tutti, avrete fatto un altro passo avanti verso il Golden Pass di Lucca Comics and Games. See for privacy information.…
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Fall and winter are coming. And with that cool breeze, as is sad boi szn. But Jimmy's here to help you tell all that BS to f*ck off. Fresh off the procedure (and apparently off meds) ya boy is back on his bully. We're talking being a slut for hibachi, gym girls who dress like JLO in Enough, mass extinction by ground beef or floods and more.…
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We back after the "Very Evil" episode to talk about the fact that sometimes, you really just need to exercise demons. Whether its yours, or others.. y'all know what we mean. ERIC IS BACK. Fresh off a Reel Hungry episode, the boys dive into what this life and all of its craziness really means, which type of apocalypse we'd rather go through, religio…
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It appears Jimmy's testes are being tested, and during prime crackhead hours, he's feeling very evil about it. So we're coming at a few necks this week. Please take it personal. Also discussed: How to respond when your child is worried about the state of our planet, the war on rats in NY and when a spooky b*tch is a little too spooky.…
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We've made an astronomical discovery at the studio this week. An alien by the name of "Strawbz" has been living among us, and Jimmy is on the case with his guest co-host, Matty Biz. Please stream with caution, as parts of this podcast may be disturbing for those who don't believe.
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Jimmy and Nestor are on demon time this week, but what else is new? The fellas break down the worst type of p*ssy that could exist and why sometimes smackin' a MF is the best way to go. And yo, ever wondered what it's like trying to get into heaven as a sinner? Cause we've got a pretty good idea. Also discussed: Bronny suffering cardiac arrest, Car…
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Jimmy dissects the Jonah Hill situation and reacts to KFC Barstool's take. We also discuss how we pick and choose when expressing our boundaries as men and women are ok. And how it's b*llshit. We then wrap up the podcast by phoning in Jimmy's little brother, Sonny, about the Doomsday Clock and how to raise our children in an apocalyptic setting.…
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Whaddaya hear, whaddaya say?! Eric Gomes is on and the boys give Take As Needed a lil Reel Hungry flavor along with an announcement about the coming show. Eric and Jimmy also smoke some hash for this lackluster of a 4th of July and bring you an almost 2 hour extravaganza. The boys dive deep into men's mental health, being "hybrids" in today's socie…
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President of Black Lives Matter Harrison Tuttle is in the building like you've never seen before as Jimmy gets him litty off the wine, and mans is here to dumb down (the already dumb) politics for us this week. Him and Jimmy discuss everything from "the agenda", Brett Smiley, PVD Fest, to police reform, affordable housing, voting local and more!…
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Jimmy has officially returned to the studio, and he's brought back some friends. Dennis and Jenna reunite with their old cohost for the 100th episode and it is exactly what you would've expected. Hash was smoked, Jenna's outfit was roasted (a lot) and the old crew talked everything from worm holes to submarines. Also: The drama behind the trans fla…
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In the midst of everything falling apart, and the world continuing to give us apocalyptic vibes, Jimmy returns with an episode dedicated to his late uncle, Luis Steven Sanchez. In this appetizer before Episode 100, Jimmy opens up about letting old habits die, getting through this grieving process and a recent breakthrough with therapy that other yo…
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Johnny Goods joins the show this week as him and Jimmy give y'all a glimpse into the DILF lifestyle. The boys talk fatherhood, pull out game and what makes it weak, being red flags and why coparenting relationships are better when the parents were never together. Also discussed: movies, food, wrestling, pop culture, east coast vs west coast and mor…
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It's been a while but it's a new year and we back, leaving any drama and toxic sh*t in 2022! For now, anyway. I mean, it's Jimmy and Ness we're talking about. We should probably leave going down rabbit holes about the end of the world in 2022 as well but it's just too damn fun. Seriously, HAVE Y'ALL SEEN THE SIGNS?! These two fine gentlemen also di…
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Jimmy is joined by CEO and Founder of Mammoth Inc, Spencer, who educates us on all things marijuana, the industry and what comes with being a cultivator. The two also talk benefits of hash, smoking with anxiety, weed vs alcohol, what will come with recreational laws and more. JOIN THE PATREON for all bonus and uncut content:…
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Last week, Jimmy almost lost his life in a nasty car accident after leaving the studio. So this week, we bringing the big guns back in. Nestor and Lakinna get tagged back in to remind us of all things to be grateful for in life. The three discuss what makes healthy relationships and friendships, the mental toll we must take on our therapists, how a…
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In questa puntata troverete, un'intervista con il tiktoker giapponese Kenta e una chiacchierata con la giornalista Valentina Ariete a tema Tim Burton. Poi Lucco, Doc Manhattan, Mogu cosplay, un'incursione di Giorgio Vanni e noi che prepariamo la valigia per partire. In più, finalmente, sapremo chi sarà alla cena ufficiale del podcast ufficiale di L…
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It's Amargo day and Jimbo is VERY bitter about the Yankees right now. Nino stops in to talk about his new album, baseball, trips to DR, BBLs whether or not Dominican men cheat and more. The fellas also touch on the current state of Kanye West and why the situation is f*cked up on all different sides. STREAM "AMARGO" ON SPOTIFY NOW: https://open.spo…
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In questa puntata troverete, un'intervista doppia a Valerio Lundini e Roberto Saviano, una chiacchierata sulla self-area col fumettista Frekt e tutto ciò che c'è da sapere sul programma rock e metal di Lucca Comics and Games. Poi Lucco, Mogu Cosplay, Doc Manhattan e un'incursione di Adrian Fartade. See for privacy informatio…
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In questa puntata troverete, un'intervista doppia a Zerocalcare e Giacomo Keison Bevilacqua, due chiacchierate con Lorenzo di RadioAnimati e con Luca di Inntale, poi Lucco, Mogu Cosplay, Doc Manhattan e altra gente col nome buffo. See for privacy information.Di OnePodcast
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In questa puntata del podcast ufficiale di Lucca Comics and games insieme a Federica Cacciola e Francesco Lancia troverete: un'intervista doppia Don Alemanno vs Don Zauker, il DocManhattan che ci spiega chi cacchio è Atsushi Ōkubo, Mogu Cosplay che continua a provare a indovinare "Che cosplay che fa" e un'intervista esclusiva a Maurizio "Capitan Fi…
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Jimmy's trynna participate in Sober October but an old friend is coming back to disturb the peace. Former Take As Needed cohost Jenna is BACK and BETTER. The two talk growth since podcasting together, the correlation between crazy girls and crystals, astrology and more. The two also phone in Dennis on the show and... You guessed it... Take As Neede…
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In questa puntata del podcast ufficiale di Lucca Comics & Games insieme a Federica Cacciola e Francesco Lancia troverete: un'intervista doppia a Sio e Leo Ortolani, il DocManhattan che ci spiega chi cacchio è John Romita JR, Mogu Cosplay che cerca di prevedere "Che cosplay che fa" e dei racconti sconvolgenti che arrivano dal dietro le quinte del fe…
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Ogni anno la provincia di Lucca è invasa da centinaia di migliaia di persone che indossano vestiti buffi, leggono strani albi colorati ed entrano tra le mura della città per lanciare dadi e muovere pedine. Follia collettiva? No, è il "Lucca Comics & Games" la seconda fiera più importante al mondo quando si parla di giochi e fumetti. In ogni puntata…
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Local comic Derrick Fonseca joins the show this week as him and Jimmy dive into some of the trauma that makes these two comedians who they are today. 9/11, 2012, Harold Camping and all the other great doomsday threats we had to survive. The two also discuss politics and why you should be low-key about voting, the difference between "white" and "whi…
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Jimmy, Nestor, Lakinna and an entire bottle of tequila. Let that marinade real quick. These three friends get intoxicated and talk some of most toxic sh*t you've ever heard this week. Some might even label this a free Patreon episode. Coparenting, expectations, body counts, cheating, what straight men would do for a million dollars and more. Procee…
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Jimmy's boy and fellow comedian, Wole aka @wodoesstandup joins the show for its 90th episode and it is exactly what you would expect. The two talk their sh*t about dating, living with women, cooking, the Dominican and Nigerian stereotypes they have to deal with and the Andrew Tate's of the world. Also discussed: top comedians of all time and top pr…
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