Missed the Sunday message or want to check out our church’s messages? Welcome to the St Andrew’s Geraldine online podcast. We have all our recent messages and series located here for you to subscribe or select from as we dive into the Word of God together. St Andrew’s is a thriving church in the Geraldine community catering for all ages. Check out our webpage for more https://www.standrewsgld.org.nz as we strive to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
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This sermon unpacks the parable of the vineyard workers to reveal the radical nature of grace in God’s kingdom. It challenges cultural understandings of fairness, success, and meaning, contrasting them with God’s unearned generosity and ultimate authority. Through Jesus, we are offered a new vision for life: one under God’s reign where purpose, jus…
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Temptation and superior Joy Mathew 6:9-13Di St Andrews Church Geraldine
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159: 26-01-2025 The Jesus Manifesto (Part 24) From Hard Hearts to Open Hands: Living out the Forgiveness We Receive
From Hard Hearts to Open Hands: Living out the Forgiveness We Receive Luke 15:11-32, Matthew 18:21-35 & Mathew 6:9-13Di Alistair McNaughton
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Grace for the Grind - God meets us in the daily burdens of life. Dependence in the Desert - Daily prayer for daily needs reflects trust in God’s provision in our Journeys through the wilderness of life. Calm in the Chaos - Trusting in God’s care brings freedom from life’s relentless worries. Phil 4:6-7, 2 Cor 4:8-9 & Mat 6:9-13…
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Blessings and Curses.Di St Andrews Church Geraldine
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Mark 8:30-36Di Alistair McNaughton
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All too often we approach church services with this attitude, so this Sunday we’ll consider being church in the light of the Great Commandment to love God and others, and in the light of St Andrew's mission statement to Glorify God, Grow, and Go. Jn 17:20-26, 1 Cor 12:12-28, Col 3:12-17Di Margaret van Ginkel
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When we pray "your kingdom come, your will be done" do we understand the fullness of those words? It is more than just a hope that we see the world become a better place. It is a prayer that Jesus would come soon and that his reign on earth (the Millennium of peace) would begin God's complete reign on earth as it should be, and as it is in heaven. …
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The Lord's Prayer is the centrepiece of the Sermon of the Mount. There are endless tangents of approach and we will always learn more about prayer and God everytime we study these verses. It begins with a focus on God, who he is in relation to us and our praise that he retains the honour that he deserves. The four living creatures around the throne…
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God's story shows a range of individuals who pray with sincerity to God: Moses, Hannah, Elijah, Hezekiah, the Disciples and also recorded, is Jesus' prayer for you and me (John 17). In his sermon on the Mount, Jesus warns about hypocritical prayers - prayers for show rather than spoken with sincerity to God. Prayer had become a cultural thing to ma…
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Chapter 5 of Matthew deals with Jesus explaining God's deeper meaning to the Law. Now as we begin Chapter 6 we hear Jesus explaining how we should practice the Law - and that it requires the right heart attitude. When giving to those in need, in the name of Jesus, it is better to have God's eyes on us, and turn our eyes, not just inwardly to our ow…
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What Does It Mean to Be Spirit-Filled? The Holy Spirit is central to the Christian faith, not only as God's presence but as a transforming force in believers' lives. While every Christian receives the Spirit upon repentance and faith, being Spirit-filled is about actively yielding to God. It happens through living a Bible-based, Christ-focused life…
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This sermon explores what it means to live a Christ-focused life, grounded in Colossians 3:1-17. A Christ-centered focus transforms our lives by helping us recognize what to let go of and what to take on as part of our new nature in Christ. Living a Christ-focused life isn’t about duty or performance but a response to God’s overwhelming love. As we…
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Today, we're exploring the first of our church’s guiding values: being Bible-based. At Bible Based Church, we believe wholeheartedly that the entire Bible is God's inspired Word, guiding us in what is true and showing us when we’re off track. Scripture isn’t just a historical text; it's reliable, divinely authoritative, and as alive today as when i…
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God is in control so we ought to be humble because he is the only thing worth glorifying Romans 11:33-36Di Ash Scott
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Romans 11: 28-32 & Matthew 20:1-16Di Alistair McNaughton
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Di Alistair McNaughton
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In Romans 11:25-27 Paul introduces the concept that "all Israel will be saved," emphasizing God's continued plan for the Jewish people. This passage has been the subject of much debate within Christian circles, particularly about whether it refers to a future turning of ethnic Israel to Christ or if it has already been fulfilled spiritually through…
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As we draw towards the end of Romans 11, we build up to the climatic doxology, praising God for all his wonder and awe. We get a taste of His greater plans by how he has set us apart to be holy for him, how he overturns human logic (and the logic of an arborist) by grafting the gentiles (a wild olive tree) into the covenant he made to Abraham. We a…
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Jealousy, often seen as a negative emotion, is something most of us don’t want to embody. Yet in today’s passage, we see God’s intent for making the Jewish people "jealous" through the salvation of the Gentiles. It’s a strange idea, but one with a divine purpose. Romans 11:11-15 & Matthew 21:33-46Di Alistair McNaughton
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What Race 1 Corinthians 9:24-27Di St Andrews Church Geraldine
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Chris Gore is a New Zealander, married to Liz and has three daughters – Charlotte, Emma and Sophie. Chris teaches clearly and simply on our identity as believers and living in that. Hebrews 1:3Di Chris Gore
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In our ongoing series on Romans we are looking at God hardening hearts, we will look at three things. What is divine hardening? How does God harden a heart? And what should our response be to this text? Romans 11:7-10Di Alistair McNaughton
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In our ongoing series of messages in Romans we will look at the question has God rejected the Jewish nation? Romans 11:1-6 and 1 Kings 19 selected versesDi Alistair McNaughton
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Even though the Jewish nation had heard the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ, and they understood what it meant, they refused to have faith in Jesus. Yet, God has not forgotten his promise to Israel and we look forward to a time when the nation of Israel does proclaim Jesus as their Saviour. The parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-9) remi…
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Treasures from Josephs story Genesis 37: 1-11, Genesis 39:2-6, Genesis 40: 1-4, Genesis 41: 16 & Genesis 41: 32Di Kevin Andrews
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Today in our ongoing series on Romans, Alistair is looking at the joyful necessity of sharing the hope of Christ with others. Romans 10:14-15 & Matthew 10:5-20Di Alistair McNaughton
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Romans 10:5-13 Deuteronomy 30:11-20Di Alistair McNaughton
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Today we are looking at how Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic law and provided the way of being made right with God. Romans 10:1-4 & Hebrews 10:1-18Di Alistair McNaughton
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Paul continues to the end of Chapter 9 of Romans, explaining how we are saved by faith alone. This is how the Gentiles were receiving salvation: realising that they could not earn it by anything that we might do, and only through Christ's righteousness could they be saved. Israel was still relying on gaining righteousness by obeying the Law - somet…
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Paul continues to explain how God's masterplan of salvation is for all nations. We see that God planned to draw even the Gentiles right from the beginnings of Israel through the story of Ruth Romans 9:24-29, Romans 10:9-10Di Jason Shaw
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The Raising and lowering of Kings Romans 9:17-23Di Alistair McNaughton
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Today as part of our commissioning of Jason Shaw as Locally Ordained Minister, we are going to have a look at leadership in the church through the lens of selected texts in first Timothy. 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 4:1-2, 4:14-16Di Alistair McNaughton
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Chosen Isaiah 42:1-4, Colossians 3:12-14 & James 2:1-7Di Grant Norsworthy
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In this second look at this challenging passage we are looking at Esau: free-will choices and the implications of God's sovereignty over our lives. Romans 9:10-16 Genesis 25:19-34Di Alistair McNaughton
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Acts 12v1-16Di St Andrews Church Geraldine
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The unsolvable riddle of our choices and faith decisions which are precious and crucial in God's sight AND God's decisive choices that are made before we are born that influence so much of our lives including our eternal destinations. Romans 9:10-16, Genesis 25:19-34Di Alistair McNaughton
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This mornings message on Romans 9:6-8 , we are looking at "Grace not Race" That while God chose people from Abrahams line to carry the promise, the fact that not all descendants of Abraham were children of the promise and that God included people who were not children of Abraham to be children of God means that we are saved by Grace not Race.…
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In this episode in the continuing series on Romans, we are looking at the past Blessings, current status, and future prophecies of the Jewish people. Romans 9:4-5Di Alistair McNaughton
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Today we start our Winter series in Romans by looking at Paul's broken heart for the Jewish people who had rejected the gospel in Romans 9:1-3. 1. Paul's broken heart for the lost Jewish people 2. His willingness to do anything to save his compatriots 3.The reality of the plight of the eternally Lost and the hope of the Gospel.…
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At the end of the segment of Romans chapters 9-11, Paul writes a hymn of praise (a doxology) due to his discussion and enthusiasm of what he understands of God's plans for both Jews and Christians. Today we begin our winter season of studying the book of Romans by exploring this doxology and reflecting on the place of praise in our lives too. Psalm…
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The need to be awake, alert and self-aware when living our Christian life. Genesis 18:16-33 Matthew 13:1-23 Hebrews 4:1-2, 4:14-16, 5:11-14Di Margaret van Ginkel
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In this weeks message we will look at the pursuit of becoming Christ-like. We will Look at: We are saved by God to become Christ-like The differences between Holiness and religiosity We start the journey of Holiness by pursuing intimacy with God as revealed in Jesus. Ephesians 5:1-20Di Alistair McNaughton
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This morning in our message from Duty to Devotion, we will look at the area of giving, both the right way and the wrong way to give, this comes from 2nd Corinthians 9:6-1.Di Alistair McNaughton
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We will be looking at Bitter waters of Marah and how the external circumstances of Israel's suffering revealed internal spiritual truths of their state. Exodus 15:22-27 Hebrews 3:7-19 Psalm 95:7-9 Philippians 2:14-15Di Alistair McNaughton
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Jesus our Substitute. Easter 2024Di Alistair McNaughton
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In this message we will look at the "Intermediate state"; what happens to us between the time we die and the final resurrection of the dead? Hebrews 6:1-3, Philippians 1:18-26, 2 Corinthians 5:1-10Di Alistair McNaughton
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In this mornings last message on the Sermon on the Mount till next Summer we are looking at love your enemy. We will look at the following three things. 1. Who are our enemies today? 2. We show the Love of God, the nature and character of God when we love our enemies because like Gods love there is no self interest in it. 3. We can start the journe…
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In our ongoing series on the Sermon on the Mount, we will be looking at an eye for an eye; what was Jesus getting at when he said do not resist an evil person? Should a Christian never use force to defend themselves? Matthew 5:38-42Di Alistair McNaughton
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Jesus' main point wasn't simply not to make any oaths or vows - he wanted us to strive to meet God's absolute standard or truth and to show integrity and honesty in all areas of our lives. Only Jesus accomplished this and so, again, we recognise it is his righteousness by which we are saved. As God calls you to be 'fishers of people' imitate Him in…
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